ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING Ehi tu! Sì, stiamo parlando con te, giocatore! Hey you! Yes, we’re talking to you, player! Capisci? Credi davvero di aver affrontato Capisc? You really think you have dealt with tutte le sfide che l’incredibile mondo del all the challenges that the incredible world wrestling ti potrebbe offrire? Ti senti all’al- of wrestling could offer you? Do you feel up tezza di competere con la tecnica e l’intrat- to compete with technique and entertain- tenimento portati a un nuovo livello? Il nos- ment brought to a new level? ...Our level? If tro livello? Se sei così sicuro di te allora non you’re so sure of yourself then you will not avrai certo problemi a misurarti con le stelle hesitate to measure up with the stars of the della ICW – Italian Championship Wrestling, ICW - Italian Championship Wrestling. Wres- lottatori che dal 2001 hanno conquistato il tlers who since 2001 have been winning the rispetto dei tifosi di tutta Europa grazie a respect of fans across Europe thanks to the incontri epici e manovre altamente spettac- epic battles they wage and highly spectac- olari. Avrai a disposizione un roster unico, ular maneuvers they are capable of. You will completo e ricco di talento, costruito su uo- have a unique roster, full and rich in talent, mini e donne astuti, indomiti, potenti, sprez- built on men and women smart, fearless, zanti, tecnici, divertenti e creativi, formati powerful, gritty, technical, fun and creative, nelle scuole di wrestling più rinomate del graduated from the most famous wrestling mondo, dal Nord America al Giappone. Loro schools in the world, from North America ti stanno chiamando, vogliono l’opportunità to Japan. They’re calling for you, they want di sbaragliare gli avversari con te. Sarai così to climb in the ring at your side and wipe coraggioso da solcare la linea tra la massa e out the opposition.. Italian style! Will you be chi si distingue? Scarica gratuitamente il set brave enough to cross the line between the completo ufficiale degli Eroi del Ring ICW mass and those who dare stand out? Then e mettili subito alla prova! E scoprirai che.. download the free complete official set of Italians wrestle it better! ICW stars and put them to the test! And you’ll find out why.. Italians wrestle it better! --The Opossum --The Opossum http://www.icwwrestling.it/ All photos, images, names, moves, and other information used with permission of Italian Championship Wrestling, 2016. Game terminology ©2016 PLAAY Games. Thanks to Davide Brambillia for securing permission for this special free card set for use with FACE TO THE MAT Pro Wrestling Game. Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling charlie kid red devil lupo alessandro corleone 6-1 • 216 • Lecco, Italy 6-1 • 203 • Genoa, Italy 6-3 • 220 • Milan, Italy 6-5 • 223 • Palermo, Italy H AGILE H AGILE H CHEAT H CHEAT H FAVORITE H QUICK H HEAVY H HEAVY H POWERFUL H FAVORITE H MEAN H MEAN H SMART H SMART H QUICK H POWERFUL H STRONG l POWERFUL H SMART l STRONG TV TV TV TV l QUICK l STRONG l POWERFUL n SMART H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY “Assalto alla Diligenza” “Devil Fly” (Spanish fly “Animal Lariat” “Baciamo le Mani” Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge (spear), 3 points. Grade! from top rope), 4 points. Grade! Clothesline, 4 points. Grade! (powerslam), 3 points. Grade! ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games “Caduta dal Gran Canyon” High “Devilsault” Top Rope Moonsault, “Silverkick” Superkick, 11-44. “La Cupola” Chokeslam, 11-46. Angle Senton Bomb, 11-42. 11-52. 1 2 3 4 Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling queen maya mr. excellent maestro manuel majoli doblone 6-3 • 170 • Lodi, Italy 5-10 • 176 • Lodi, Italy 5-8 • 190 • Rimini, Italy 5-7 • 165 • “The Caribbean Sea” H AGILE H AGILE H CHEAT H HEAVY H AGILE H FAVORITE H H H HELPED [G] FAVORITE CHEAT H SMART n MEAN l POWERFUL H SMART l POWERFUL l H SMART H STRONG l QUICK QUICK TV H TV n TV l SMART TV QUICK MEAN n STRONG H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY “La Ruota della Tortura” “Calcio Eccellente” (round- “Lame Rotanti” (sling- “Rum Mist,” Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge (torture rack), 2 points. Grade! house kick), 4 points. Grade! blade leg lariat), 3 points. Grade! 4 points. Grade! ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games “La Caduta dal Trono” Power- “Tecnica Pura” Flying Cross “Sensei Splash” 450° Splash, “Jolly Roger” Hammerlock DDT, bomb, 11-56. Armbreaker, 11-55. 11-51. 11-52. 5 6 7 8 Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling psycho mike andy manero tempesta rafael 5-7 • 172 • “Singapore” 6-1 • 187 • Pavia, Italy 5-11 • 187 • Pisa, Italy 5-11 • 183 • “South America” H CHEAT H AGILE H AGILE H HELPED [G] H CHEAT H FAVORITE H FAVORITE H MEAN H HELPED [V] H POWERFUL H SMART H OBJECT* H QUICK H QUICK n MEAN l H STRONG n MEAN SMART l QUICK TV TV n TV TV n SMART l SMART STRONG l STRONG H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY Green or Red Mist, “Dancing Body- “Fulmine a Ciel Sereno” “Rosebreaker” (neck- Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge 3 points. Grade! slam,” 3 points. Grade! (Clothesline), 3 points. Grade! breaker) 4 points. Grade! ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games “Wonderland” Vader Splash, 11-32. “Stayin’ Alive” Rolling Cutter, “Rombo di Tuono” Vertical “Ultimo Tango” Suplex Lift into *Kendo Stick 11-52. Suplex Powerslam, 11-51. Fisherman Neckbreaker, 11-45. 9 10 11 12 Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling incubo goran corvo bianco mark fit 6-1 • 207 • Townsville, Australia 6-0 • 231 • Bergamo, Italy 6-1 • 172 • Turin, Italy 5-7 • 165 • Brescia, Italy H HELPED [G] H HEAVY H POWERFUL H POWERFUL H AGILE H AGILE H MEAN l MEAN H CHEAT H FAVORITE H STRONG l SMART H MEAN H QUICK H l l AGILE l STRONG SMART SMART TV TV H TV l TV l CHEAT n CHEAT QUICK STRONG H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY “Paura del Buio” “Tamburi di Guerra” “S. T. Crow” (STO), “FK” (reverse sleeper), Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge (senton), 3 points. Grade! (rope trap), 3 points. Grade! 2 points. Grade! 5 points. Grade! ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games “Incubomb” Sitdown Double “Odino Slam” Sideways Samoan “Stairway to Heaven” TKO, “Fit Spiral” Swinging Fisher- Chokebomb, 11-32. Roll, 11-43. 11-33. man’s Neckbreaker, 11-36. 13 14 15 16 Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling jester taurus tenacious dalla bon giovanni 6-1 • 190 • Milan, Italy 6-3 • 331 • Bergamo, Italy 5-10 • 161 • Bergamo, Italy 5-10 • 172 • Cecina, Italy H H FAVORITE H HELPED [G] AGILE H FAVORITE H H SMART H QUICK FAVORITE H POWERFUL H l QUICK n CHEAT QUICK H HEAVY l l POWERFUL l AGILE SMART TV H STRONG TV l TV n AGILE TV l POWERFUL STRONG H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY “Spezzasorriso” (spin- “Toro Slam”(chokeslam), “Dallaminator” (flipping “Conquistador” (Super- Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge ning big boot), 3 points. Grade! 4 points. Grade! piledriver) 3 points. Grade! kick), 3 points. Grade! ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games “#KLSH” Double Underhook “Rodeo Slam” Black Hole Slam, “L’Assolo” Satellite DDT, 11-35. “Due di Picche” Jumping knee DDT, 11-43. 11-36. curb stomp, 11-51. 17 18 19 20 Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling alex flash nick lenders jari syberia simon silas 5-6 • 132 • Pisa, Italy 5-11 • 176 • Brescia, Italy 6-3 • 220 • “Siberia, Russia” 5-10 • 165 • “United States of America” H CHEAT H H STRONG H FAVORITE AGILE H MEAN H H POWERFUL H AGILE MEAN H SMART H H HEAVY H QUICK SMART n QUICK H l QUICK n SMART TV QUICK TV TV l STRONG TV H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY “Final Flash” (satel- “Calcio della Tigre” “Syberian Press” (gorilla “Down the Street” (full nel- Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge lite DDT), 3 points. Grade! (superkick), 4 points. Grade! press slam), 3 points. Grade! son facebuster), 2 points. Grade! ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 ©2016 FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games FINISHER PLAAY Games “Flash Back” Spinning Senton “Colpo di Testa” Snap Double “Freddo Siberiano” Chokeslam, “Star Cutter,” 11-31. Bomb, 11-41. Underhok DDT, 11-34. 11-44. 21 22 23 24 Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling Italian Championship Wrestling dinamite jo stelvio l’alpino max peach killer mask 5-11 • 183 • “Parts Unknown” 5-11 • 194 • “The Italian Alps” 6-0 • 250 • “Campionati di Matematica” 5-10 • 170 • “Dusseldorf, Germany” H AGILE H MEAN H AGILE H MEAN H MEAN H POWERFUL H SMART H HELPED [M] H SMART l SMART l POWERFUL H SMART H TV TV TV TV POWERFUL l STRONG l QUICK l QUICK H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY H SPECIALTY “Boom Swanton” “Alpine Spinebuster,” “#73” (abdominal cruci- “Killer Headbutt” (Diving Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge (Senton), 3 points. Grade! 3 points. Grade! fix driver), 3 points.
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