Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-24-1970 The BG News April 24, 1970 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 24, 1970" (1970). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2451. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2451 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. An Bowling Green, Ohio Independent Student April 24, 1970 Voice THe BG news Volume 54 Number 92 President to end draft deferments WASHINGTON (API-President which need not call exactly the same create extreme hardship. Nixon ordered yesterday an end to future numbers at any one time. At present some 1.8 million men hold deferments for occupational or At the same time, Nixon endorsed the student deferments and 431,000 hold agricultural activities and for goal of ending the draft entirely and occupational deferments. fatherhood. replacing it with an all-volunteer Army. Another 23,000 hold agricultural He also asked Congress for authority To achieve this goal he said he will deferments. to end future student deferments. propose additional pay raises and More than four million men are Yesterday's order and the order he benefits for members of the armed deferred in category 3A because of pledged to issue if he is granted authority- forces, and will seek to encourage dependents, but there was no immediate would not affect the deferments now held enlistment and re-enlistment. indication how many of these are by students, fathers, and workers or such He also is ordering a review of deferred for fatherhood. deferments granted under applications military policies to recognize the per- Nixon stror.gly endorsed the con- now pending. sonal needs, aspirations and capabilities clusion of his Commission on an All- Nixon asked Congress to permit the of military personnel. Volunteer Force, headed by former draft to be run on a nationwide basis with Provisions for student deferments at Secretary of Defense Thomas S. Gates, a single national call by lottery numbers. present are written into the draft law. To which reported unanimously on Feb. 21 This would replace the present system of change them Nixon must obtain action by that an all-volunteer Army could serve local calls by individual draft boards Congress giving him discretionary the national interest better than a mixed authority. force of volunteers and draftees. He said that if this authority is Nixon said the draft could not be granted he will immediately issue a stopped short but would have to be Fees increase second executive order ending student phased out, and he said it would probably deferments in the future. be necessary for Congress to extend The White House explained in a fact existing draft authority when it expires for extra hours sheet accompanying the President's on July 1,1971. A stand-by draft system Nawiphoto by Mik« Arloikl message to Congress that as of today would also have to be established for students already attending college, or emergency use, he said. HOW LONG WILL so-nos like this last? With in- the Teach-in Is over. It doesn't mean we can forget junior or community college, or an ap- Nixon said the first step toward an all- creasing air and water pollution, this small but- about our environment like we have before. as of summer proved technical school, continue to be volunteer Army was taken this month terfly may not be living for very long. Just because eligible for student deferment. when military pay was increased by $1.2 By Damon Beck Those planning to enroll in the future, billion a year along with a 6 per cent pay Staff Reporter however, will not be eligible for student raise for civilian government workers. deferment. If called for service after he Nixon said he will propose an ad- Students will pay an extra SIS dollars enters school, a student would be per- ditional 20 per cent pay raise for enlisted for each credit hour taken in a quarter mitted to finish his current semester or men with less than two years of service, Senator raps post office plan over 18 hours starting summer quarter term before starting service. to take effect next Jan. 1. 1970, according to the University's 1970- But college men enrolled in ROTC or He said this would cost an additional 71 schedule of payments. other military programs could postpone $500 million a year. WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Gale active duty until completion of their negotiated between government officials also backed a postal corporation plan. The Excess Credit Fee was In the fiscal 1972 budget, Nixon said, McGee, (D-Wyo.) challenged yesterday and postal unions following the first study programs. Rep. Thaddeus J. Dulski, iD-N.Y.I. unanimously approved by the University he will recommend next January ad- key elements of the Nixon ad- postal strike in history. chairman of the House panel, said it will Board of Trustees at their January Nixon's order barring future oc- ditional pay and benefits totaling $2 ministration's plan to revamp the post He declined to say how long that begin next week marking up the plan in cupational and paternity deferments, meeting. billion "especially for those serving their office, saying it would be unwise to give might take. He said he expects a key hopes of putting it on the floor quickly. At one time an excess credit fee was however, takes effect immediately. first two years." policy power to what he called a moon- Those now holding such deferments feature of the Senate bill will be a strong, The legislation is a result of an charged by the University but it was lighting board of directors. presidentially appointed postmaster agreement between government and dropped. can keep them as long as they are Nixon said he has directed the secretary of defense to step up programs He predicted the Senate Post Office general. union negotiators reached after the Akron State University, Cleveland eligible. Open hearings nation's first postal strike spread to large State University, Ohio University, In the case of fatherhood the order to increase enlistments and re- Committee he heads will insist on enlistments in the armed services and to drawing up its own postal reorganization He spoke out of the Senate committee sections of the country last month. Youngstown University and Toledo permits deferments where a local draft opened hearings on the administration board determines that induction would report on progress every three months. plan rather than accepting the one University are the other Ohio state plan with Postmaster General Winton M. supported schools in Ohio which have the Mount defending it. extra fee at this time. Blount contended the negotiated OU official says One of the reasons an excess credit fee package should be followed as it was is needed, according to administrative State court orders release written and said it would make the postal officials, is the action by students of service "an independent establishment drug program registering for more classes than they within the executive branch, granted a intend to take and then dropping course broad measure of authority over all hours. postal operations." "We have a problem of students of Kopechne inquest papers Blound contended that part-time is working well registering for additional hours and then boards of directors with over-all dropping hours after the quarter is under responsibility are the common method of ATHENS, Ohio (API-Ohio Univer- way," said Glenn Van Wormer, assistant sity's drug education and counseling BOSTON (AP)-The Massachusetts professional court stenographer that he running most American business dean of faculty and registration. judge's report "at the earliest possible organizations. program for students has proved suc- "I'm sure it was intended to help in Supreme Court yesterday issued an alone has the right to reproduce and moment." cessful, according to Dr. Richard C. order giving the Suffolk Superior Court distribute the inquest transcript. McGee criticizes Agnew some of the registration problems," a The peition filed yesterday on behalf In advance of the hearing, McGee Dorf, vice president for educational University official said. authority to decide how to release the There were no Supreme Court justices of Kennedy, also noted that the U.S. services. Mary Jo Kopechne inquest papers, which on hand when the petition was filed, but a criticized remarks of Vice President The proposal was suggested by Glen Court of Appeals' ruling on the suit by Spiro T. Agnew in connection with the Instituted last fall with the support of Van Wormer and was presented to the it said "are now public records and date for a hearing was expected to be set stenographer Sidney R. I.ipman, refused civil authorities, the program has in- should promptly be opened to public later today. bill. Board of Trustees by Dr. Stanley Coff- to stay the public release "of the original Agnew last week told a Republican cluded educational sessions on drugs at man, vice president of academic affairs. scrutiny when not impounded." Miss Kopechne was found dead in Sen. transcript." all residence halls and a number of The high court order came less than Kennedy's car last July 19 after it toppled audience congressional Democrats had "A student can still carry 18 hours at Hanify attacked three pages of a stalled final action on the Nixon ad- campus-wide educational projects.
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