Vol. 46(3) July 1995 ISSN 0541-4938 Newsletter of the Mycological Society of America About this lssue The abstracts of papers for the MSA Annual Meeting are included in this issue of Inoculum so there are only a few pages of news. The deadline for the next issue is August 1 and I need copy. Think ahead to the upcoming school term, the fall col- lecting season, important meetings and workshops and send me the news! See the masthead on page 7 for details. Ellen Farr In This lssue Contributions of Mycological Research MSA Official Business .......... 2 Addition to Abstracts .......... 2 to Plant Pathology Mycology Online ................... 2 by Margaret Tuttle McGrath, Nina Shishkoff, Mycological News ................. 3 Thomas Harrington, Bryce Kendrick, Suha Hare, News of Herbaria ................. 3 and Charles Mims News of Mycologists ........... 3 Deaths ..................................3 This statement was prepared because of our concern that the value of research in Calendar of Events ................. 4 the field of Mycology can easily be taken for granted by plant pathologists. It is Letters and Commentary ......... 5 important that we address this now while departments are feeling the need to Mycological Classifieds ......... 6 downsize. Many important mycological contributions were described during a re- Change of Address Form ........ 6 cent symposium, Advances in Mycology and Their Impact on Plant Pathology, at Abstracts the annual meeting of the Northeastern Division of the American Phytopathologi- cal Society. These are summarized below. Without an understanding of fungi, how can the diseases they cause be managed? 1. Correct identification of fungi. For example, results from years of research on Armillaria and on the biocontrol agent Trichoderma viride are ambiguous because Important Dates proper identifications were not made. The name of a fungus is the key to its entire literature: everything we know about it. Therefore, correct identification is of August 1 - Deadline for next Inoculum. paramount importance. August 6-10 - MSA Meeting 2. Identification of the causal agents of new or newly introduced diseases. with AIBS in San Diego, CA 3. Taxonomy allows prediction of the ecology of fungi, such as host range and life cycle. 4. Knowledge of taxonomy narrows the search for medicinal drugs and fungitoxic compounds. 5. Taxonomists are needed to convert raw data from molecular biologists to a form more usehl for plant pathologists (e.g., from bands on gels to comprehensive genetic trees indicating relationships among fungal groups). 6. Understanding of life cycles, in particular anamorph-teleomorph connections. Knowledge of life cycles enables control measures to be directed at the most vulnerable phase of the cycle. Estab- including the nature of resistance, has source for both research and diagno- lishing a connection between resulted from mycological research. sis. anarnorph and teleomorph may clarify 8. Understanding of pathogenesis. Comments and additions are welcome. the role of each in the etiology of a Send them to Margaret Tuttle disease-vulnerable phase of the cycle. 9. Knowledge of the roles of fungi in McGrath, Long Island Horticultural Establishing a connection between the biosphere has resulted in the reali- Research Laboratory, Cornell Uni- anamorph and teleomorph may clarify zation that fungi can be used as bio- versity, 3059 Sound Avenue, River- the role of each in the etiology of a control agents. head, NY, 11901-1098. disease. 10. Mycologists within a Department 7. Understanding of host-pathogen of Plant Pathology are a valuable re- interactions (physical and molecular), MSA Official Business Addition to Abstracts Several species of Dendroctonus morphologically and genetically with (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) have struc- Leptographium pyrinum and Ophios- The following abstract was received tures developed in the integument toma adjuncti, two species of fungi too late to be included in the Abstracts called mycangia that are specialized known to be present in D. adjunctus Supplement. for canying specific symbiotic fungi. colonized trees. Fungi isolated from LEPTOGRAPHIUM PYRINUM IS A The mycangium of Dendroctonus ad- D. adjunctus mycangia were morpho- MYCANGIAL FUNGUS OF DEN- junctus is located under a callus that logically and genetically identical to L. DROCTONUS AD.lUNCTUS surrounds the thorax. The mycangial pyrinum. fungus carried by D. adjunctus has not Diana L. Six and T. D. Paine been identified prior to this time. In Department of Entomology, Univer- this study, fungi from mycangia of D. sity of California, Riverside, CA adjunctus were isolated and compared 92521 USA Mycology Online in ding Mycological nologists, fungaVlichenologica1her- <[email protected]> or to the co- Information baria and/or culture collections, edi- editor Erast Parmasto at tors of periodicals, oficials of national <[email protected]>. Remember to check the Smithsonian and international organizations, and Natural History Gopher Server contact persons of amateur societies URLs Briefly Noted (nmnhgoph.si.edu) for copies of ln- accessible by e-mail. An updated edi- oculum, an up-to-date directory of tion is posted every 34months. The <http:l/www.igc.apc.org/mushroom/ MSA members and a link to the MSA last edition listed over 650 entries and welco.html> Bulletin Board. Look on the Botany included addresses of mycologists and <http:l/www.inf.unitn.it/-mflorianl menu for the "Mycological and Liche- lichenologists from 34 countries. mycopage.html> nological Information" submenu. Two mycological pages. One from the Links to the directory are found on Colorado Rocky Mountains. One from Send news for immediate distribu- the Biodiversity and Biological Col- Italy. tion to the MSA Bulletin Board. lections Gopher <muse.bio. Submit news as an e-mail message to cornell.edu> and the World Wide Web ~http:lllycos.cs.cmu.edu~ <[email protected]>. Mycology Virtual Library <http:I/ "The Catalog of the Internet." A site to muse.bio.cornell.edu/bio/fungi.html>. search for Internet Resources. Mycologists Online Check the directory and correct or Mycologists Online is a world-wide update your address, and/or send new directory of mycologists and liche- entries to the editor Pave1 Lizon at Mycological News News of Herbaria through local universities, including Diego, CA 92128. Ph.: 619-486-9657. the University of Chicago. <[email protected]>. His e- University of Missouri Fungi trans- mail address at Universidade Federal ferred to Field Museum. Adauto Ivo Milanez has been ap- de Mato Grosso, Cuiaba is: The mycological herbarium of the pointed General Director of the Insti- <[email protected]>. Dr. Upadhyay Department of Plant Pathology, Uni- tute de Botdnica de SBo Paulo. Among reminds us that Mato Grosso and versity of Missouri has been trans- its 84 botanists, 10 are full time my- neighboring states probably possess ferred to the Field Museum of Natural cologists staffed in the Mycology and the greatest diversity of fungi, but are History to provide this collection with Lichenology Section, with the follow- understudied. better curation and increased access by ing research lines: taxonomy and the mycological community. This ecology of the Mastigomycotina, Zy- Deaths nearly 28,000-specimen herbarium gomycotina (including VAM), contains a number of important sets of Prof. Nils Fries Basidiomycotina and lichenized fungi exsiccati including Sydow's My- 1912-1994. in different Brazilian ecosystems, in- cotheca Germanica, Ellis & Everhart's Nils Thorsten Elias Fries was born 17 cluding polluted areas; fungal succes- Fungi Columbiani, Bartholomew's July 19 12 in Uppsala, Sweden. He sion; degradation of chenobiotic com- Fungi Columbiani, Seymour & Earle's received his Ph.D. from the University pounds by fungi; and edible fungi. Economic fungi, Rehm's Ascomy- of Uppsala in 1939 and was a Docent The Herbarium (over 300,000 exsic- ceten, Roumeguere's Fungi selecti at that university from 1939-1956. He catae) has over 30,000 exsiccatae of Gallici exsiccati, Rabenhorst' Fungi served as Professor of Physiological fungi. The culture collection has 730 europaei et extraeuropaei, Petrak's Botany at the University of Uppsala specimens, 270 of zoosporic fungi. Mycotheca generalis, Bartholomew's from 1956- 1978 and then Professor Partnership in research, scientific and North American Uredinales, and Emeritus until his death on 11 No- technical exchange are desired. Krieger's Fungi Saxonici & Schadli- vember 1994. Some of his many hon- Adauto Ivo Milanez, Caixa Postal che Pilze. The collection also contains ors include serving on the Swedish 4005, Silo Paulo, SP. Brazil, 0 106 1- a large number of Missouri smuts, Natural Science Research Council 970. rusts, Agaricales, and other fungi. from 1959- 1964, being- elected into Collections are available for loan by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sci- John Murphy has accepted a postdoc- writing either Greg Mueller or Qiuxin ences in 1964, being named an Honor- toral research position at the Field wu. ary Member of the British Mycologi- Museum of Natural History in Chi- cal Society in 1980, and being named cago. He will be working with Greg an Honorary Member of the MSA. News of Mycologists Mueller on the biodiversity and con- Nils published over 150 books and Francois Lutzoni has been appointed servation of macrofungi of the Mid- articles on plant physiology and my- Assistant Curator in the Department of west, emphasizing Illinois and north- cology. He probably is best known for Botany at The Field Museum, Chi- ern Indiana. Starting in late June, his his work on mycorrhizae and for his cago, IL. Following the completion of new address will be Dept. of Botany, pioneering work on developing proto- his Ph.D. from Duke University this The Field Museum, Chicago, IL cols and elucidating mechanisms for summer, Francois will take up a one 60605-2496. Phone: 3 12-922-94 10 germinating basidiospores of basidio- year postdoctoral position at Indiana ext. 3 19, Fax: 3 12-427-7269. mycetes, especially those that form University with Miriam Zolan. He will <[email protected]>. ectomycorrhizae. Nils is survived by Start at The Field Museum in the Fall his wife Lisbeth, three children, and of 1996.
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