.r<i \ m m ce copy m v t south pacific QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION / SECOND QUARTER 1978 - NEW COINAGE NEW COINAOE 35c / ^ & •KIM H O N S TUVALU TUVA VALU Tuvalu uniiivrfjurt A H § PA( !FK: ■■ -NEW COINAGE COMMISSION H 1 5 ° ^ ^ * TuvaluWhh unnivcrwAryA JTuvalu si m rit M 30th Annivcoutry A PACIFIC M M T ™ I TUV COMMISSION VL COMMISSION | J NEW COINAGE yVALU CUP-WATERING AND AUTOMATIC FEEDING OF CAGED BIRDS Sure, you can put all your eggs Egg graders to suit your farm­ profitably in one basket • if it's grading, 3,000 or 1,600 eggs from Harrison Jamesway. per hour. Propeller Fans with higher Harrison Jamesway - Australia's volume air outputs than normal biggest manufacturer and for similar diameters. supplier of poultry equipment, •M' TYPE CAGE now selling in the Pacific - offers farmers much more than For peak productivity on the baskets for eggs or chicks. farm, for a thriving, viable self­ supporting industry, check with Harrison Jamesway profit­ Harrison Jamesway. Their building poultry equipment man-in-the-Pacific, will includes: call anywhere to consult Jamesway Big J. incubators, modular on any poultry equipment units available problem. Write or cable him Feeding systems for cage and now at HARmaoN ground birds, low cost, space-saving, easy to instal, more eggs per pound HARRISON- of feed. JAJV1ESWW Watering systems for all birds: HIPTY.LXD. stable, sensitive, dependable, hygienic, labour-saving. 9 Malta Street, Villawood, 2163 N.S.W. Australia. 'M'-type laying cages: stronger, Cables: Perfectchick Sydney less maintenance than other types, Phone: 728-6144 non drip nipples allow plenty of Telex : AA24315 water yet keep litter dry. South Pacific Bulletin Subscription Form 1 wish to subscribe to theSouth Pacific Bulletin by surface mail: name ................................................................................................. address.............................................................................................. print m m PI PACIFIC ISLANDS AUST. NZ UK USA One Year: SA3.80 $4.00 $4.80 £2.40 $US5.00 Three Years: $A 10.50 $11.00 $13.50 £6.75 $US14.00 My remittance fo r.........................is attached. New d J Renewal D (please tick appropriate box) \ South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau • P.O. Box N324 Grosvenor Street, N.S.W. 2000, G Australia. A ir mail postal rates supplied on application Handicrafts of the South Seas Order Form Please send m e ................... copy/copies ofHandicrafts of the South Seas. PI print name address Price per copy: SPC area ■ SA3.50; elsewhere - SA4.00. Post free My remittance f o r.....................is attached. South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau P.0. Bo* N324 Grosvenor Street, N.S.W. 2000, Australia. Fish Poisoning in the South Pacific Order Form Please send m e ...................... copy/copies ofFish Poisoning in the South Pacific. Please print name address Price per copy: SA3.50 or $US5.25, post free. My remittance f o r................... is attached South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau P.O. Bo* N324 Grosvenor Street, N.S.W. 2000, Australia. Exotic Plant Pests and Diseases Order Form Please send m e.....................copy/copies ofExotic Plant Pests and Diseases. Phan print name address Price per copy: SPC area - SA7.50; elsewhere - SA15.00; plus SA3.00 postage/ packing all areas. My remittance f o r .....................is attached. South Pacific Commission Publications Bureau P.0. Box N324 Grosvenor Street, N.S.W. 2000, Australia. $A0.95c within SPC area south pacific $A1 Australia BULLETIN SNZ1.20 New Zealand OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION Vol. 28 No.2: Gelima: a community learning centre in New Caledonia 5 Caroline Nalo SPC Secretary-General attends 34th session of ESCAP 8 South Pacific fisheries move beyond the reefs 9 W.A. Wilkinson Environmental aspects of project planning 12 Arthur L. Dahl Food for tomorrow’s children 17 Nancy Rody The stamps of Tuvalu 23 Frank O’Connell SPC month at the University of the South Pacific 30 South Pacific Economies 32 T e’o Ian Fairbairn & Alan Bollard The Emerging Pacific: an Australian seminar on its Pacific neighbours 33 Pacific fund not recommended by feasibility meeting 40 Pacific Reading 43 Theses and dissertations: French Polynesia, 346 Dr W. Coppell (The original text of all articles is English unless otherwise indicated.) Philately, the world’s most popular hobby, is an important foreign exchange earner and a useful local employer. Look at Tuvalu (formerly the Ellice Islands), which has been issuing its own C O V e r stamPs for two and a half years : stamp sales this year will bring Tuvalu more than $750,000 revenue. Among the stamps on our cover is the set Tuvalu issued (May 4, 1977) to com­ memorate the 30th anniversary of the SPC. The story of Tuvalu’s stamps begins on Page 23. (Registered at the Post Office, Suva for transmission by Post asa Newspaper). The South Pacific Bulletin, first published in January responsibility for statements made in contributed ar­ 1951, is the South Pacific Commission's official quar­ ticles. terly publication. Articles are written by specialists in All enquiries concerning the South Pacific Bulletin their fields. The Bulletin has a selective, world should be directed either to the Secretary-General, distribution among people and institutions sharing a South Pacific Commission, B.P.D5. Noumea Cedex, common interest in the purposes and work of the New Caledonia; or the Editor, SPC Publications SPC. Bureau, P.O. Box N324 Grosvenor Street, NSW 2000, Unless otherwise stated, all material appearing in the Australia. South Pacific Bulletin may be reproduced without prior Editor of Commission Publications: C.E. BIRCHMEIER. reference provided acknowledgement is made to both Advertising Manager: FRANK O’CONNELL (Phone: source and author. The Commission does not accept 27 2415). SOUTH PACIFIC BULLETIN. SECOND QUARTER. 1978 Page 1 LIBRARY SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION THE SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION The South Pacific Commission is a consultative data analysis. The Commission’s headquarters are and advisory body which was set up in 1947 by the in Noumea, New Caledonia. six Governments then responsible for the adminis­ tration of island territories in the South Pacific Until 1974, Commissioners from the participating region. These were Australia, France, the Nether­ Governments met in annual Session. The South lands, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the Pacific Conference first met in 1950, and became an United States of America. Participation by the annua! event in 1967. It was attended by delegates Netherlands Government ceased at the end of 1962. from countries and territories within the Com­ The Independent State of Western Samoa was mission’s area of action, and met immediately before admitted as a participating Government in October the Session. 1964, the Republic of Nauru was admitted in July In October 1974, in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 1969, the Dominion of Fiji in May 1971 and Papua representatives of the participating Governments New Guinea in September 1975. signed a Memorandum of Understanding which pro­ The Commission’s purpose is to advise the par­ vides for the Commission and the Conference to ticipating Governments on ways of improving the meet annually in a joint session known as the South well-being of the people of the Pacific island terri­ Pacific Conference. tories. The Commission’s work programme provides The Principal Officers of the Commission are: the for activities in the fields of food and materials, Secretary-General, Dr E Macu Salato; the Director marine resources, rural management and technology, of Programmes, Mr W. Brown; and the Director of community services and information services and Administration, Mr D. W. J. Stewart. PO' _________________ ______________________HO* ___________________ Rtf___________________ n tf__________________ *0 '__________ W _________ BO' BO' 140' DO' M(owAr. 1 l 1 ’ MAP SHOW4NQ A R E A O F .VOLCANO IS NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN' SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION TERRITORIES WIT HIN THE SOUTH PACIF C STA ’E O F H A W A II <7 ✓ " COMN ISSION AREA PHI UP USE ✓ . f ' . * WAKC HAWAII MARIANA '. y ISLANDS ; •JOHNSTON s ✓ ✓ /SAIPAN \ ✓ ✓ \ ✓ 'G U A M \ . \ 8 , MARSHALL \ TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC IS LAN D S “ \ n - i i 'i SWAJALi"* s \ . — TRU« IS PONAI yPAULU IS * ISLANDS ’ CAR DUNE ' ISLANDS . ■* \ 1 . \ \ ‘ 1 0 V A J CHRST-ASA ( l TARAWA- G IL B E R T \ s .. N A U R U K „ . IS LAN D S 1 • ' MANUS ‘ * \ • PHOENIX * IS LANDS fc- W EST IRCLAHO \ IR IA N h PAfUA NEW GUtf ' SOUOAINWLLI S CW IRITAIN '. \ •• , SA T. SO LO M O N ISLANDS . \ " , , -n MARQUESAS - \ / • _ > - T “ V ! ? T U V A L U p NATUTI . TC KELAU \ ISLANDS \ LST . OUAOALCAHAI _ SANTA CAU . is WA LLIS ' \ U \ --------------- ' ROTUMA Al t o J ’ FUT UNA WESTERN \ M ER IC AN FRENCH POLYNESIA \ ' IS LA N D S ’ i r * fa. SAMOA P> T«*o \ (SPIRITU SANTO^ ,1 NEW . _ TUAF 40TU ^ ■ 'l / SAMOA MAIISULA^>* 1 EBRIDES vanua UVU.J COOK * X > > . ' a r c h i ELAGO V .. CORAL a LA ST ATI - ( CC NOOMINIUM) . SOCIETY ' . j _ j - > KINGDOM .AITUTASI ISLANDS TAHITI V \ NOMTHSMI j NIUE ISLANDS NEW CALEDONIA , F U l" . - p ^ --------- tiaaitoay t i t j AND T'- , A q LOY ALTY ,N-.“ ’ TONGATAPU zzi DEPENDENCIES ,|S L* NOS t TONGA % 'AUSTRAL ISLANOS ' ■ » SAUtllR It ~ a \ u s t ! a A L .1 A • . i PITCAIRN ! i SN ___________ i . v I ,, / / . j 4 SOUTH V i i i__. /■ NORFOLK. | / TIRMAO sc " AUSTRALIA ’ S' ISLANOS y / >10NO HOWS SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN . * NfW SOUTH WAl s — a C T(Jt c = > t \ ' TASMAN SEA VICTORIA NEW ZEALAND^ ■r__ ______ *•' __________ bo' Bo- nr_____________«r_____________w_____________■»' or ____________mt______ w Page 2 SOUTH PACIFIC BULLETIN, SECOND QUARTER. 1978 Gelima: a community learning centre in New Caledonia By CAROLINE NALO, SPC Publications Officer. A highlight of the Conference on Adult Education in National Development held at SPC Headquarters in February this year was a visit to a Rural Community Learning Centre at Gelima (Canala) on the east coast of New Caledonia.
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