March 3, 2019 Pastor: Rev. Scott S Herrera Associate Pastor: Rev. Fr. Manuel Gutierrez del Toro Palomar Hospital Chaplain: Rev. Gabriel Afeti Deacons: James Kostick Mitch Rennix Andres Sanchez Amador Durán (on Sabbatical) Parish Office Address: 1170 South Broadway Escondido CA, 92025 Phone: (760) 745-1611 Fax: (442) 248-8600 www.stmaryp.org Office Hours/Horario: Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 9:00 am-12:45 pm Closed for lunch/ Cerrado durante el almuerzo 2:00 pm-5:45 pm St. Mary School: (760) 743-3431 Ash Wednesday - March 6th - Mass Schedule www.stmesc.org 8:00 am English Liturgical Services with Ash Distribution St Mary Preschool: 6:00 pm Spanish will begin at 6pm in the Small Hall, (760) 745-1611 Ext. 301 7:30 pm English Pavilion and Large Hall. www.stmaryp.org/st-mary-preschool LITURGY & SACRAMENTS LITURGIA Y SACRAMENTOS Refer to page 3 for Mass Schedule Consulte la página 3 para el Horario de Misas Morning Prayer: Mon - Sat 7:40am Rosario: Lunes-Viernes 5:00pm Rosary: Mon - Sat after 8:00am Mass Confesiones: Martes & Jueves antes de la Misa a las Mother of Perpetual Help: Tue after 8am Mass 7:15am y 5:15pm. Sábado 4:00pm-5:15pm y con cita Penance: Tues & Thurs 7:15am & 5:15pm Sat 4-5:15pm previa a tráves de la oficina parroquial. PAGE 2 ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH March 3, 2019 Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus. This month, the preschool is learning about This week, we have been discussing Our Lady “occupations”. What do people do at their of Lourdes. Students know how to use holy jobs? What tools do they use? Who is a water and understand that the Lord answers community helper? our prayers. Many people have been healed this way, so we pray for the sick members of Students learn through role-play and share our families and friends. what they know on circle. Here is a picture of some of our students, the “Future Doctor We are celebrating St. Valentine’s Day, both in Society” . the traditional way as well as learning who this great saint was. For math, students are learning about Students also had the chance to “fractions”. They practice by tracing explore Chinese food samples for their circles and labeling their work. How New Year and learned how to write many people will “share” this “pizza”? Chinese words as “characters”. One-half means “one slice per 2 friends”. March 3, 2019 ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH PAGE 3 Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus. OUR LITURGICAL WEEK: MASS INTENTIONS & WEEKLY SCRIPTURE READINGS Fr. Scott Herrera (SH) | Fr. Manuel Guiterrez (MG) | Fr. Gabriel Afeti (GA) | Fr. Lucas Thumma (LT) | Visiting Priest (VP) PRAY FOR THE SICK Dcn Mitch Rennix (MR) | Dcn James Kostick (JK) | Dcn Andres Sanchez (AS) | Latin (L) | English (E) | Spanish (S) Steven Bonica Paula Cruz Galuan Day Date: Priest Lang: Daily Readings: Michael Ford Mass Feasts: / Dcn: Mass Times: Zakaria El Fatihi Pamela Monday / Lunes 3/4 Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27 Ariana Marquez Susan Schroeder St. Casimir LT E 8:00 AM Yolanda Pantoja Catalina Campos VP S 6:00 PM †Donaciano Sanchez Jesus Bernon David Ocallaghan Tuesday / Martes 3/5 Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31 Irene Palmer Donna Jauregui St. John Joseph of the SH E 8:00 AM John and Maria Douglas - Wedding Anniversary Judy Smith Cross Cookie Comer MG S 6:00 PM Almas de Purgatorio Luis A. Gomez 3/6 Monica Piña Wednesday / Miercoles JL 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 -- 6:2; Barbara Robbins Ash Wednesday; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Elvira Abat Mischelle Hoang Fasting and Abstinence; SH E 8:00 AM Souls of Purgatory Almsgiving VP S 6:00 PM Conversion de Pecadores LOVING FATHER GRANT UNTO THEM SH E 7:30 PM Purification and holiness of the Church HEALING AND FULL RECOVERY Thursday / Juevenes 3/7 Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 FROM THEIR AILMENTS Ss. Perpetua and Felicity SH E 8:00 AM St. Martin de Porres- Special Intention MG S 6:00 PM Intenciones, salud y santidad del Pastor PRAY FOR THE Scott Herrera y Sacerdotes DECEASED Friday / Viernes 3/8 Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 † Kevin Pottinger † Kathy Auten St. John of God; MG E 8:00 AM Beals Durke- Special Intention Abstinence † Bob Lemester VP S 6:00 PM Axel Bautista- Presentación de 3 años. † Barbara Caster † Armando Rodriguez Saturday / Sabado 3/9 Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 † Steven Wheeler † Irma Ekno St. Frances of Rome MG E 8:00 AM †Michael Burk Ginabark - 1 year anniversary † Jose Lucas Gomez † Maria Longoria MG E 5:30 PM Growth of St. Mary Parish † Matias Sebilla VP S 7:00 PM Artemio y Esmeralda Soria- Salud † Edson Sebilla † Margarita Garcia Sunday / Domingo 3/10 Dt 26:4-10; Ps 91:1-2, 10-15; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13 ETERNAL REST GRANT First Sunday of Lent; SH E 7:30 AM †AnnMary Robbins- 1st year Anniversary. UNTO THEM O LORD, Rite of Election; Rite of Calling the LT E 9:00 AM Vocations to Priesthood and Religious Life AND LET YOUR PERPETUAL LIGHT Candidates to SH Continuing Conversion; E 10:30 AM †Geronimo and †Maria Gungon SHINE UPON THEM Rite of Sending; MG S 12:00 PM Crispini y Florencia - 17 años de casados Daylight Saving Time begins VP S 1:30 PM †Paula Velasquez BANNS / AMONESTACIONES VP L 3:30 PM †Thomas Mount MG E 5:30 PM End to Abortion and Culture of Death 5/4 Santos/Salou 5/18 Mueller/Santos MG S 7:00 PM P. Scott Herrera- Salud 6/1 Antonio/Maya 6/1 Smith/Novoa 6/15 Hernandez/Santiago PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS 6/22 Linares/Aguilar Sun / Dom 3 Bishop John Dolan Thu / Jue 7 Rev. Michael Ratajczak 6/29 Guerrero/Mendez 7/6 Mendez/Reyes Mon / Lun 4 Bishop Robert Brom Fri / Vie 8 Rev. Michael Ravenkamp, SJ 7/6 Rojas/Soto 7/20 Cristobal/Gabriela Tue / Mar 5 Bishop Gilbert Chavez Sat / Sab 9 Rev. Dickens Remy 7/20 Brush/Sheehy 7/27 Guzman/Ortiz Wed / Mie 6 Rev. Bernard Rapp Sun / Dom 10 Rev. Jovencio Ricafort PAGE 4 ST. MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH March 3, 2019 Ave María sine labe Concepta. Ora pro nobis quia Te confugimus. Located beside the Parish Center. Ubicado a un lado del Centro Hours of Operation: Parroquial. Saturday 5:30pm-8:30pm Horario: Sunday 8:30am-3:30pm Sábado 5:30pm-8:30pm ....please stop by! Domingo 8:30 am-3:30pm Thank you, St Mary Altar & ...por favor visitenos! Rosary. Gracias, Sta. Maria Altar y Rosario. Phone Number: (760) 975-9839 Phone Number: (760) 975-9839 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ANNOUNCEMENTS EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA AVISOS Altar & Rosary Society Clases de Educación Religiosa The Altar & Rosary Society is meeting on Monday, March 4th, Inscripciones para primera comunión $80.00 comienzan en at 10:30 am in the Parish Hall. Ladies of the Parish are invited Febrero y terminan en Julio. Lunes a Viernes excepto días to attend. Lunch will be provided after the meeting. Contact festivos: Salón #215, 4:00-8:00 pm Las clases comienzan el Tillie King at 760-975-5369 if you have questions. 04 de septiembre para el ciclo 2018/19. Religious Education Class Registrations Clases de Biblia para Adultos Registrations for first communion ($80.00 per child) begins Martes en la Noche February and ends July for the 2019/20 cycle. Classes begin 7:00 – 8:30 pm en el Salón Parroquial, salón 223 Tuesday, September 4th and are Monday through Friday Venga y acompáñenos a estudiar el evangelio de Lucas. Nun- except Holidays: rm #215 4:00-8:00 pm. ca es tarde para aprender la palabra de El Señor. Recuerden Adult Bible Study lo que decía San Gerónimo, 'La ignorancia de la escritura es Tuesday Evenings ignorancia de Cristo" Por favor contactarse con Katherine Masters al (760-580-8156) 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Parish Hall, Rm. #223. Please join us for our study on the Gospel of Luke. It is never Información para Padres y Familiares too late to study the Word of God! Remember what St. La Diócesis de San Diego está promoviendo un evento Jerome wrote, “Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ”! (platica) para ayudar a los padres, familiares y jóvenes a Please contact Kathryn Masters (760-580-8156) for more info. romper el estigma y epidemia de ‘suicidio juvenil’ y la Women’s Bible Study depresión que están plagando nuestro país, especialmente entre la juventud Católica. En estas pláticas el Joven Luke Monday Nights - 6:45 pm Maxwell comparte su historia y da información acerca de una Please join the Monday night bible study as we are continuing fundación de no lucro que el creo con el propósito de em- the "Highlights of the Old Testament" study in the Catechumen poderar, reconocer y no avergonzarse de sus condiciones de Room in the Church. For further info call Mary at 760-798- salud mental. La plática será en el Centro Pastoral el Jueves 7 4323. de Marzo de 7 pm a las 8:30pm. La plática no tiene consto, Treasures of Our Catholic Faith se agradecerá cualquier donación.
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