Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER 1958 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 586 Assent to Bills. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. AUDITOR-GENERAL'S REPORT. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. Mr. SPEAKER announced the receipt from the Auditor-General of his report on the public accounts for the year 1957-1958. Ordered to be printed. QUESTIONS. KIANGA OPEN-CUT COAL MINE. lUr. HOOPER (Buranda) asked the Minister for Development, Mines, and Main Roads- " Will he confirm that the projected development of Kianga Open Cut by Thiess Brothers will be for export trade only and that no local trade will be granted by the transfer of quota from an existing mine or mines or otherwise~" Hon. E. EV ANS (Mirani) replied- " The grant of Coal Mining Lease No. 105, Mount Morgan, on which the Kianga Open Cut is situated as well as the Coal Prospecting permission and the authority of the Queensland Coal Board to comrp.ence operations were all given subject to the condition that no coal from the area should be sold or offered for sale for use within Queensland without the prior written approval of the Coal Board. Existing Queensland Collieries are meeting all local present requirements and policy is not to permit a new mine to be opened for the purpose of sale of coal to Queensland con­ sumers except where the new mine replaces another mine in the same ownership and in the same district and supplying coal to the same consumer or consumers. Policy also has precluded transfer of allocation of out­ put for local trade from one ownership to another and from underground mines to open cuts where the original owners and mines are meeting or are capable of meet­ ing local demands with coal of required TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER, 1958. specifications and qualities.'' Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. A. R. _Fletcher, EXPENDITURE ON SCHOOL BUILDINGS AND Cunningham) took the chair at 11 a.m. GROUNDS. Mr. HOUSTON (Bulimba) asked the ASSENT TO BILLS. Minister for Education- Assent to the following Bills reported by '' What amount of money was expended Mr. Speaker- in the year ended June 30, 1958, showing separately the cost of buildings and ground Brisbane Gas Company Limited Acts improvements, on (a) Primary education Amendment Bill. both Oral and Correspondence; (b) Second­ South Brisbane Gas and Light Company ary Education both Oral and Corresp·ond­ (Limited) Act Amendment Bill. ence; (c) Technical (Apprenticeship) Oral Colonial Gas Association Limited Act and Correspondence; (d) Technical other Amendment Bill. than Apprenticeship, Oral and Corres­ pondence; (e) Adult Education; and Wynnum and Manly Gas and Lighting (f) Other Educational Branches~" Company, Limited, Act Amendment Bill. Mines Regulations Acts Amendment Bill Hon. J. C. A. PIZZEY (Isis) replied­ (No. 2). '' The expenditure on Education for the year 1957-58 is as follows :-Primary Edu­ Petroleum Acts Amendment Bill. cation-£7,226,993, which is approximately Questions. [14 OcTOBER.] Death of Hon. H. A. Bruce. 587 £500,000 more than the previous year and facts of an alleged or suspected offence or approximately £1,000,000 less than the the facts associated with a road incident appropriation for the present year. Second­ such as a collision. Such records are con­ ary Education-£1,314,274, which is fidential documents accessible only to mem­ approximately £150,000 more than the pre­ bers of the Police Force. The information vious year and £250,000 less than the is available to Police Prosecuting Officers appropriation for the present year. Techni­ when traffic offences are being dealt with cal Education-£1,061,016, which is approxi­ in a Court, and will be available for mately £69,000 more than the previous reference by Police Officers who have the year and £146,000 less than the appropria­ responsibility of determining the :fitness of tion for the current year. Adult Educa­ persons to hold licenses under the Traffic tion-£50,900. Other Educational Branches, Acts.'' including University Endowment, T€achers' College, Queensland Agricultural High PAPERS. School and College-£2,674,722. Total expenditure from consolidated revenue­ The following papers were laid on the table, £12,327,905, which is approximately and ordered to be printed:- £1,000,000 more than the previous year and Report of the Public Service Superannua­ £1,500,000 less than the appropnatior, for the current year. Expenditure on buildings tion Board for the year 1957-1958. from revenue and Loan funds-£2,442,762, Report of the Queensland Government which is approximately just over £500,000 Tourist Bureau for the year 1957-1958. less than the appropriation for the present Report of the Commissioner of Land Tax year." for the year 1957-1958. DOSSIERS ON HOLDERS OF DRIVERS' LICENCES. The following papers were laid on the table:- 1\'Ir. DUGGAN (North Toowoomba­ Leader of the Opposition) asked the Minister Report of the State Stores Board for the for Labour and IRdustry- year 1957-1958. ' 'In view of a Press statement attributed Financial Statements in connection with the to the District Superintendent of Traffic, Parliamentary Contributory Superannua­ Inspector C. E. Risch, that the aim of tion Fund for the year ended June 30, police headquarters is to have a dossier on 19EL. every holder of a driving licence, will he Order in Council under the Bureau of inform the House of the nature of such Industry Acts, 1932 to 1943. dossiers, giving precise details of the items of information to be sought, by what Proclamation under the Public Works Land procedure the information is to be obtained, Resumption Acts, 1906 to 1955 and the to whom such dossiers will be accessible, State Development and Public Works and to what purposes they will be Organisation Acts, 1938 to 1954. applied~'' Orders in Council under the Southern Elec­ tric Authority of Queensland Acts, 1952 Hon. J. C. A. PIZZEY (Isis-Minister to 1954. for Education), for Hon. K. J. lU:ORRIS Report of the All-Party Committee (Mt. Coot-tha), replied- appointed for the purpose of conducting '' I can assure the Honourable Member an investigation into the social, economic that the Government has no intention of and cultural conditions of Torres Strait permitting a dossier to be kept on every Islanders. licensed driver in the State. The reference Orders in Council under the Medical Acts, to dossiers of traffic offenders was an 1939 to 1955. unfortunate choice of a word to describe Poisons Regulations of 1958 under the the ordinary :file of records kept by all Health Acts, 1937 to 1955. Police Departments of persons reported for a traffic offence or involved in a road inci­ dent which had been reported to the Police. DEATH or HON. H. A. BRUCE. The Police records which have been MOTION OF CONDOLENCE. described as 'dossiers' are the ordinary records containing the information set out Hon. J. C. A. PIZZEY (Isis-Minister in reports furnished by members of the for Education) (11.19 a.m.), by leave, with­ Police Force of the evidence available to out notice: I move- sustain proceedings in cases where traffic offences have been detected, the decisions '' 1. 'l'hat this House desires to place on made upon such cases and the reports record its appreciation of the services ordinarily made by members of the Police rendered to this State by the late Hon. Force as to the facts of a road incident Henry Adam Bruce, a former member of such as a collision which has been reported the Parliament of Queensland and Minister to a member of the Police Force. The in­ of the Crown. formation is obtained by members of the '' 2. That Mr. Speaker be requested to Police Force in -the ordinary course of their convey to the widow and family of the duties when endeavouring to ascertain the deceased gentleman the above resolution, 588 Death of Hon. H. A. Bruce. [ASSEMBLY.] Death of Hon. H. A. Bruce. together with an expression of the sympathy He was a ''Prince of Good Fellows'' who and sorrow of the members of the Parlia­ by his cheerful disposition endeared himself ment of Queensland, in the loss they have to all. Few men in public life have for so sustained. ' ' long held the affection of political friends It is my sad duty to pay a tribute to a and political foes alike. His deep humility man who rendered long and sterling service and his unfailing humour endeared him to all to the people of Queensland in both the Com­ who came into contact with him. Every monwealth and State Parliaments, the late member of Parliament, irrespective of the Hon. Henry Adam Bruce, who died after a party to which he belonged, regarded him short illness last Saturday. as a real friend; that, perhaps, was one of his greatest attributes-his immense capacity The late Mr. Bruce, better known to his for making friends. He was also a great colleagues and his constituents as Harry friend of children and it was fitting indeed Bruce, represented North Queensland elec­ that he should have occupied the position of torates in this House for 27 years. He retired Minister for Public Instruction for such a in 1950 because of ill-health, but recovered long period. Wherever a school cricket or and the following year entered the Federal football match of any importance was being Parliament as member for Leichhardt. played, there you were sure to find Harry Mr. Bruce had announced his intention to Bruce. He will long be remembered by retire from active politics at the end of the thousands of school boys for t~e encomage­ current session of the Federal Parliament. ment and support he gave them m the field of He was to have made his farewell speech in sport.
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