$ t •ADV'. Westfield Sale Days - Todfyy — Tomorrow -Saturday SHOP IN THE WESTFIELD LEADER WESTFIELD THE LEADINO AND MOST WtDllY CIRCULATED WBKIY NEWSMPH IN UNION COUNTY $8conii Clans Postage Paid WESTFIEUD, NEW JERSEY, THUpSDAY, AUGUST 1, 19«fl I'Ubllnht'll SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 50 at Weatfleld, N. J. visiry Thu rti&ny 36 Pages—10 Cenls Fund Names Five For Round-Up Approve Bids Wednesday The appo^imeht\of>.ftve captains . On Wednesday, Aug. 7, Mindowas- far the advanced gifts division of kln Park will be the site for the On Library thDiSBBUifeU'undtnsfettdeBpsfe w to "Summer Bound-Up" toi which all U announced today . b>-- Samuel A. playgrounds wiU participate. Activ- Bids totaling a little more than $59,000 were awarded contractors for McOauHey, general cMknum. ities will begin at 2 p.m. with the renovations to the Wratljeld Memorial Library by the Town Council Tues- The <**•*», vluthir1 B> Martin, Legal Services second annual playground art ex- day night. Kernietti E. flM, ftwd A. Shorser, hibit. Children wiM exhibit the art • Alterations ore expected to begin within tlie moniii, according to Dr. Oav« E. Orttoi,^ WJliiati B. In Union County work which they have worked on Stacy N. Ewan Jr., president or the library's bonnl or trustees. Howe. brta« y«w of United Fund throughout the summer, under the " The project mot delay earlier this experience-to rtfcikiviJr^ aspect s mmcr w !ll>n for James D. Coffee of 201 Park St. "Art for Fun" program. Charcoal " ' sU-uctural of the eonpntial^Vlttiua! fuod- skteches, pastels, oils, and ikmaem Town Council Receives 'as named today to succeed Ar- wiH be a few of the median Pool Recommendations and air conditioning; and elcotpl-eal work were rejected by the council • Recommendations favoring t h e The second special event for the' as too bitjh. / construction of a community swim- Tuesday nieht's bids fell well with-; day will be the olayground twftrttog ming pool o» the North Scotch recital. .It wiH begin at 3:39 o» in Hie $7U,0«0 allReated to 'tlie. pro- Plans Ave. park site were pre- gram, which will provide additional the bandstand. Twtrlers from each sented to the Town Council at a playground will demonstrate tbtfr space by Use construction of a> met- conference session fottowtw the zanino m the current library and' special routines to music. council's public meeting Tuesday w*U extend its roading room facilities by It is expected that Mayor Robert including the Hopkins Room of the H. -Mulreany and members of theMunicipal Building as part of toe 9 pm. "Storybook Land" will be council witl study the proposal of the Memorial Library. theme and the setting for flie Recreation Commission and citi- Alterations to tire library are-ex- :J» ntMfrni Stand- Wmiiute entertainment which each zens' pool committee before an- pected to lie completed in approx- ot^awwd will prepaS* Songs, nouncizig its decision on the project, Jmately four months, hut during this : Citizens who wish to be contacted time the Watcunk Uooin, located i er olrZkmi-ta wjMrpMtt ol and dances wilrhea fewof tbe cr»- for prospective membership in the beneath the children's section of the il tive activities performed. facility when final costs are known library, will 'be used for storage and £ Ail pteygroundsj wiB.close at 12 later this month may send rhe op- will not be available to com- on * Bnglwd. i , 'SZ^fZJE ££*»!?£« «<w> Wednesday so that the Ml WE8TFIEU) SALE DAYS: WcMfleU li* Dajn. tts tarnUn kmtera pwMUt, Uek-«fl f«r Ikree *iyc plication found on page 8 of thbj sec- rminKy organizations and quasi- of- *er o. Echo L*e •*P^/^^',fiS5SCld j2 !?S- <™> *** «*« up ftytte aicttvi.lw(i»li( (Mbir. Jwtr Cram *f 71t BaiifW Pt., WetUteH. » ul««lrt *t Mknil VfUitit U ptctaral tkn of the Leader to the pool com- flcial groups accustomed to meeting S y<«,. Mr. JUrtin.h- ^JtfnZZZ^'JZ^JZl - itai «!**£,%*« Wen* prttta« iv • irlMiw ritu wim'i *iW+t ***• »r»m Mutte H. Alter, ti Wt. Jack Cakek, ot-ckalnuB •( mittee at the Municipal Building. there. ^ nwrted cbndNB. Ht •*» baa«K JfK Neighbwiwod Center, 7W the WcftffeM Ana C*«alw •> CMWUTI Betatt Dlvlttoii, ipwwan of HK M(e, M*» e«. Awarded the library renovation been meLkn kt VtHed tmi aotivi- Senator McDertnott contracts following an evaluation by •torn tor-* motor <i--i*mm; ' both the council anil library board A n*J*MV*iMM for rfx : ' 71 Merchants Participating in Sales To Host Brunch of trustees, were:- Orange Forge, yean, Mr.-O»«Bi Uvw ««-»S7 flha- to open, today. The Inc., structural steel andmisceHane- (Continued'on page 3) (Continued on page 8> At Convention donteM Dr A i, •...-•*, .. v, , v ous stee'« ^2,650; Clarke Engineer. • .--ft Days Here Today Through Saturday Senate Majority Leader. Frank X. ing ^ j^^ ventaating and air, •••-• • : j4wr- McDermott (R-Union) of Westfield, J Bn*ji^**ii^irjp**wl. (ram ' $12,219; and Georgge B. .rty Ft A neon) 71 men*wto1«iH be PM-- dhM«a: Ivory Lauo*y. and Dry. Cleaning, i- • T>•••!>,m; m electrical iwrk.,»r,3lti *** flie •mi-aomal W«t- {ftj Aileni; «* bi1d for ir ItoMtl M cf Comnw* Mtait At»ter'« OewtOe* OM Shap, MMMer Ud., candidate is ^ ^ fffi Baron, Era, «or« Tte Leader »oc«. M«HJrh.. Uxk 6l,AlnrtB,| MaittB Jwetart. Meek- penwa are expects to : HW, <rk# bM »«Wd p»¥te». board ofJrustees of (be new group. drvWoo. - ' : «ai Fiwdal Docora«c», gatsr and'^tarSiterand RepubS- approved by the renovation pro. iymctukmmvt the idvwed «ktj One of the Hrst project* of tbe UfWin* ia '«M lA^Vi - <Wriiittrt;:^Hr«. -<3iW« Mk Abo, Reinhwdfi Speciality Shop, drvMM. J* «-*wident of 1« GMT orgaotwUon,' which. »im« to pro- promotion wiH be Menti- and Ooltod Shop, "Hair We Are," fiotchford Pentfec, Schae fer Drug &&, H« It R pviner 4h EaMniM root* Increased civfc interest among and sold banners Herbert* Fashions, Hickory Farms, SJore, Scott's of WestfleU, Shoes by I WBoi Unioq B(euriUe»i !>' .Co. kj toc*l restdents to theorderljr growth, Taxes Due Today HewYoit^*fli»*fdmwr.v*c«- of tbe town, will he « «tudy of park- •rnidnt of CM» «*ohatt«•&&(.•- tag need* to the business district. ANavyifaiMitorto.WqrM'• '"• , ' iRobert J. Lee, an official of the aU Uirtf teal (Mate Mr. rHD i» « hiember of the Ameri- WestOeld Area Chamber of Com- taxn ate ft* tax Sponsor YFCS Campaign can fimtritMim a* Petroleum Geolo- merce, said that the group is sep- •»!<• will be «•«• Dermott saM. ance at a public meeting the pre- arate and.distinct from the cham- tkk ««»!•» from 7 a.ai, <• • W^ieW reridente have John M. MacKenzie, Senator *Y*nk vious week. Humble had planned t» fi»t»,AmerfcaB JtMtiftte of Mining demolish a current station at the •n) Mi(ii<l>lkil Engineers, Ana ber, but there are problems in which >.m. tm BMUIM !• the (been aacned %»»rs rf «* »45,0OO X. McDermott, Mayor Bobert H. J of die two group* may benefit 'each •ifke IMMO, C^tai DeveMiment Fund Cam- .MuJrewy, *togr. Charles Murphy, ^1*1* site and erect a new one, which U ty*u dub, N«r York SoctoJy armi westftew Motor Sirens to Blast contrary to the zoning cede' adopted (Ccottawd OP yag« 3) other. psjgn «urreoHy being conducted,by Dr. R. P, Nhmo, Everson F. Pears- <™ *y. the Youta and Finrffy CouMebaJ *H. MIM Naacy Reynolds, Dr. A. J. WesUieM Sewing Center, lbs West- recently by the cauocti. Service. Sladeck and H, Emerson Thomas, wood MartJajzing, waUatns Termite M ike Civlt Oefeaie ilrem c*m- At a meeting May 20 the Board American In Munich Arthur C, Fried, chairman ol the. Mr*. Marion C. Heed of Mountain- control, F. W. Woofcvorth and Wyatt ai ami «B SaCat^v. of Adjustment had recommended tpectaj gifta ccnunittee, reJeaetd the side is chairman of the campaign (Continued on page 3) Hit of names «f (ponwn d thfa for this non-profit organitation Tourists Worst, " Says Student campaign «o raj»* fund* for the whkh 4s m^ported by United Fund* •ervtee to continue to In the eitfrt^wmmunWeiti * iitt serves. A Quartet of Trebles ' TheEur**! k*k toward the time, beer is nothing special. Ger- European to smile*. JFK meet counseling requests which are The $43,080 will be lisedjtopay off tbdr rtowknit mans may drink in public at agethe faith of the Berliner and of every Sponsors of the campaign are R. Berkshire Choir Selects St. Paul's : to a b 1 play Bruce Turner Dunman Jr., Paul B. Barreett Jr.. J. Kenneth floytes, ** ^">^ '^S,*?* * ] Barrett fUmmell, Richard Craig law to break and no one to imjws.," escalation of Vietnam, *e avenge Dr. Frederick E. Christian, the Rev. SLf *"! Ta ^aS otaetTand Percy and Thomas Beall Richey III, Mm thU month foUMng a year in Txeut continues. , Gennaa feeb ft* the U.S. j. » mmam c^, c,^ „. ^^ JJ^Sf JS ^g !yt choristers with the St. Paul's Epis- copal Church Choir, have been ac- MIMM^ Trent, *bo *« be a «*nior "The name Kennedy will turn any (Continued on page 5) bach ^ ,B E-. Jefierson, Judge tern and some air conditioning, aext ytar jrt Duto (rofcefeity where cepted as members of tbe Berkshire he is « German major, haa spent his Boy Choir at Lenox, Mass., BOW in junior year te Muitk*, • program its second season, Richard Percy Himifiiit by Wayne State Univer- West Africans on Five-Day and Thomas Rkhey II were also sity. •• ! members of last year's choir. The •Vyear^old son of Mr. and Visit to Westfield Area Tire 1966 choir consists of 46 treble Mrs.
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