BHARATHIDASAN UNIVERSITY Tiruchirappalli- 620 024, India DEPARTMENT OF LIFLONG LEARNING PROFILE National Recognitions NATIONAL RECOGNITION \The Department (DLL) has been conferred with most prestigious International level NLM-UNESCO AWARD-2004 with cash prize of Rs.50,000/ for its outstanding contributions in the field Adult and Continuing Education. The Department of Lifelong Learning (DLL) has been conferred with Dr.Malcolm S.Adiseshiah Award-1995 by Tamil Nadu Board of Continuing Education, Chennai for its yeoman service in the field of Education for all. The Department of Lifelong Learning (DLL) has been identified by UGC as Nodal Agency for Coordinating the Adult, Continuing Education and Extension Activities of the 8 Universities in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry state for 5 years during Xth plan period. 5 Scholars of the Department cleared UGC-JRF and National Rajiv Gandhi Fellowship. Department is one of three Centres in Indian Universities to have facilities for M.Phil in HRM and Ph.D in Human Resource Management and Adult, Continuing Education and Extension. Faculty Members FACULTY MEMBERS Dr. S. Karuppaiyan - Professor and Head Dr. S. Anbazhagan - Professor Mrs. T. Kumuthavalli - Assistant Professor Administration Mrs. A. Punithavalli - Assistant Section Officer Preface PREFACE Socio-Economic changes taking place within and outside the country is influenced by the global discourse on Lifelong Learning. Lifelong Learning is the continuous up-gradation of skills so as to produce manpower resource of the kind and number required by the society. The Department of Lifelong Learning (DLL) as an academic department was established in the year 1985-86 under the sponsorship of UGC. The Department has been undertaking a number of notable programmes under its four dimensions of Extension, Capacity Building/Training, Research and Teaching. The Department has been a full-fledged statutory department and obtained the concurrence of the State Government for the liability of the Department in April 1997. The Department previously was named asCentre for Adult, Continuing Education and Extension (CACE & E) and later it was changed as Department of Adult, Continuing Education and Extension (DACE & E). As per the UGC guidelines, the nomenclature has been changed as Department of Lifelong Learning duringXIth Five year plan period. The Department functions as one of the major Departments in the School of Education. The major extension activities /scheme of university such as Cultural/Youth Welfare Programmes, National Service Scheme, Youth Red Cross, Part-IV Extensionetc., had also been carried out under a single umbrella. The Department under Extension has executed Adult, Continuing Education, Population Education, Total Literacy and Area Development Programmes, Extension and Field Outreach, Skill Development activities to the tune of several lakhs funded by UGC. The Department established Adult Education and Extension Units at 45 affiliated colleges and 20 Population Education Clubs. Since 1989, programmes covered 15000 illiterates. Through organizing Total Literacy Campaigns inAnthanallurPanchayat Union of Tiruchirappalli District 7500 illiterates were made literates. As part of youthdevelopment activities thousands and thousands of youths were trained in performing arts/dance/ music/drama and literary events up to 1998. Extension was made as part of curriculum and it was compulsory for all UG students from the academic year 1994-95 to 2007-2008 and nearly 40,000 students were benefited under Part-IV Extension every year. Under Cultural /Youth festival (BARDFEST) an intercollegiate convergence was conceived and introduced to explore the talents of youth in arts/dance/ music/drama, literary events etc. to form university cultural team. In this regard a separate cultural unit was established in all the affiliated colleges from 1989 to 1998. The cultural Team of Bharathidasan University won All India Overall Championship Trophy one time and overall Championship Trophies in south India level for five times. The Department is the pioneer in establishing Youth Red cross Units in all the affiliated colleges and inter-collegiate training camps were organized every year since its inception 1992-1993. The Department also conducted Voluntary Blood Donation programmes by establishing Blood Donors Clubs in most of the affiliated colleges with the financial support from Tamil Nadu AIDs Control Society(TANSAC) thereby mobilized blood for the Government Blood Bank to save the life of the downtrodden people. The Department of Lifelong Learning (DLL) under Teaching introduced M.A. Rural Technology Programme with concurrent field placement, first of its kind in Indian Universities in the year 1995-1996 and it was offered till 2005-2006. Then the Department started P.G. Diploma in Human Resource Management and P.G. Diploma in NGO Management during the year 2007-2008. The UGC’s XIth plan Guidelines insist that the Department of Lifelong Learning in the University has to develop, the human resources specially by providing professional man power to meet the challenges of the present globalized economy. Accordingly the Department of Lifelong Learning (DLL) introduced job oriented M.A Human Resource Management (HRM) with concurrent In-Plant Training, first of its kind in the Universities in Tamil Nadu in the year 2009-2010 and at present 10th Batch M.A. Human Resource Management Course has been offered. Besides, the Department under “Research” has been offering M.Phil and Ph.D. programme in Human Resource Management from 2012-2013 onwards and also Ph.D. programme in Adult, Continuing Education and Extension from 1992. The UGC recognized HRM Subject offered by Department of Lifelong Learning. The Directorate of Industrial safety and welfare, Govt. of Tamil Nadu in its Letter No.(M2) 27827/2015 dt.09.05.2016 stated that M.A. HRM Course is qualifying degree for the post of Labour Welfare officer in Industries. It is worthy to mention that, the Department is the only Department in Indian Universities to have facilities for M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D in Human Resource Management and Ph.D in Adult, Continuing Education and Extension under multidisciplinary programmes. The well trained dedicated resourceful faculties of the Department bring laurels to the Department. The Department has so far produced 23 Ph.Ds including 2 awaiting viva and 20 M.Phil. All the Graduated Alumni of the Department are well placed in Government, Public and Voluntary sectors and MNCs at Regional, National and International level. Now there are 19 scholars pursuing Ph.Ds and three scholars pursuing M.Phil besides M.A Human Resource Management students in the department. Lifelong Learning/Education The National Policy on Education in India(modified in 1992) considered Lifelong Learning/ Education as the cherished goal of Educational process which implies Universal literacy, provision of opportunities for youth, housewives, agricultural and industrial workers and professionals to continue the education of their choice at the pace suited to them. Professor and Head Objectives: To develop human resources by providing professional manpower for promoting knowledge based society to meet the needs and challenges of the public and private sectors in the globalised economy. To improve the quality and conduct the programmes in human resource management at Post graduate level with concurrent field exposure/In-Plant training and M.Phil and Ph.D level besides need based Certificate and Diploma Courses to produce Manpower resources of kind and number required by the society. To execute Grass root level Extension programmes and conduct Advanced Researches not only human resources management but in Adult Continuing Education and Extension and other resources management. To collaborate with Government department, Public Sectors, MNCs, and NGOs to link theory to practice of human resource management and vice-versa for up gradation of skills. To extend consultancy,counselling and placement services to the students, alumni, youth, housewives, agricultural and industrial workers and professionals in all walks of life. Vision Focusing on critical development issue for the continuous up-gradation of potential human resources towards promotion of skillful and knowledgeable society in tune with global scenario. Mission Promoting the Human Resource Management professionals under the philosophy of Lifelong Learning. Making concerted efforts towards integration between formal and non-formal education and out of school learning process. Acting as a focal agency (catalyst role) in the University system with Teaching, Training and Research by providing professional manpower, academic and technical resource support through innovative programmes/courses including community based activities of the University departments and colleges. Offering need based Lifelong Learning innovative Vocational Education and Skill based training programmes for all walks of Life. Research Interest Faculty I Dr. S.Karuppayan, M.A., M.Phil.,DAEd., PGDHET., B.G.L., MBA., Ph.D. Professor and Head Area of Research/Specialization: Human Resource Management Adult Education& Continuing Education, Extension Education Rural and Economic Development Retention of Literacy Resources Management, Evaluation and Development Achievements made in Teaching/Research/Extension No. of Research Publications : 71 No. of papers presented in Conferences : 20 h-index : 71 Projects Completed/Ongoing : 10 Consultancies Completed/Ongoing : - Awards and Recognitions
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