CONNAH'S QUAY NOMADS NEWTOWN FC v v BANGOR CITY ABERYSTWYTH TOWN 07.04.18 KO 19.35 08.04.18 KO 12.00 CORBETT SPORTS STADIUM, RHYL MAES TEGID, BALA JD WELSH CUP SEMI FINALS JD WELSH CUP SEMI FINALS ROWND GYNDERFYNOL JD CWPAN CYMRU ROWND GYNDERFYNOL JD CWPAN CYMRU DAVID GRIFFITHSPRESIDENT, FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION OF WALES LLYWYDD, CYMDEITHAS BÊL DROED CYMRU WELCOME CROESO FOLLOW I wish you all a warm welcome to the JD Hoffwn ddymuno croeso cynnes iawn i Welsh Cup Semi-Finals as Newtown take on Rowndiau Cynderfynol Cwpan JD Cymru wrth i’r Aberystwyth Town and Connah’s Quay Nomads Drenewydd wynebu Aberystwyth a Nomadiaid JD FOOTBALL meet Bangor City. Cei Connah i wynebu Bangor. FOR EXCLUSIVE CONTENT I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Bala Town Hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i’r Bala and Rhyl for hosting the semi-finals, which I’m ac i Rhyl am gynnal y rowndiau cynderfynol. sure are set to be enthralling encounters as the Dwi’n siwr bydd dwy frwydr ddifyr iawn o’n blaen four teams battle for the two final spots in the wrth i’r pedwar tîm ymladd am ddau le olaf y competition. gystadleuaeth. As always, I’m also incredibly grateful to JD Fel arfer, rydw i’n hynod ddiolchgar i JD Sports Sports for their continued support of the am eu cefnogaeth barhaus i’r gêm ddomestig domestic game here in Wales and their yma yng Nghymru a’u nawdd o Gwpan Cymru. sponsorship of the Welsh Cup. Mae cystadleuaeth Cwpan JD Cymru’r tymor This season’s JD Welsh Cup competition has hwn wedi bod yn un o’r goreuon ers sawl been one of the best in recent times, with the blwyddyn, gyda rhediad anhygoel Penydarren incredible run of South Wales Alliance League BGC o Gynghrair Alliance De Cymru yn atgof outfit Penydarren BGC being the stand-out fydd yn aros yn y cof ac yn siwr o ysbrydoli clybiau memory that is sure to inspire other clubs at the o lefelau is y pyramid i ymgeisio’r tymor nesaf. lower levels of the pyramid to enter next season. Hoffwn ddymuno’r gorau i’r pedwar clwb sy’n I’d like to wish all four clubs involved in this cymryd rhan yn Rowndiau Cynderfynol Cwpan weekend’s JD Welsh Cup Semi-Finals the very JD Cymru’r penwythnos hwn. @JDFootball /JDFootballOfficial /JDFootball JDFootballSnaps /JDFootball JDFootball best of luck. Pob hwyl. All the best. EXCLUSIVE RETAIL PARTNER JDFOOTBALL.CO.UK www.faw.cymru 3 JD_FBALL_WELSH_FA_PROG_AD_A4_SEPT.indd 1 23/09/2015 11:07 SHOULD BE APPLAUDED FOR RECOGNISING THE NEED FOR PROGRESSION WRITES ANDREW HOWARD, FAW HEAD OF COMPETITIONS As we approach the business end of the meet the criteria, will play in the four regional meeting and since Council adopted the new following the restructure and sponsorship season, it’s satisfying to see the progress leagues at Tier 3 of the FAW pyramid. FAW Pyramid Regulations 2020-21 at its of the League and for clubs has increased that the FAW has again made over the last December Council meeting. annually since. The viewing figures for both Clubs playing at Tier 4 and below will be 12 months. There is no doubt that the television and social media are also on an managed by Leagues affiliated to the Area The Competitions Department staff have key moments in 2016 and 2017 were the increasing plateau and the FAW is hoping to Associations from that season onwards. been working closely with our lawyers on the European Championships and hosting the renegotiate its television rights deal for a Rules and Regulations, the FAW Commercial UEFA Champions League Final respectively. This will mean that the FAW League further four years soon. team has been working hard on a new brand But in my view, it’s the domestic game that structure will contain 108 clubs, playing at 3 for the Tier 2 Leagues and the Media team Performances in Europe have improved, takes centre stage in the 2018 school report, Tiers of the Pyramid. are designing the new media channels that and the technical experts will confirm that following the FAW Council’s vision of the new Compared to our neighbours; Republic will engage supporters of the new League the standard of the players and managers Pyramid structure, which kicks in, in little of Ireland (22), Northern Ireland (36) and from 2019. improves year on year too. more than 14 months’ time. Scotland (42); this is still a very large number, This restructure marks the most significant It is of course my hope, that the pyramid The Pyramid restructure will be implemented but the FAW sub-committee who have development to the pyramid since the restructure will see similar success stories in two phases; The start of the 2019/20 worked tirelessly for over four years on implementation of the Tier 1 Club Licence for Leagues and Clubs participating in Tiers season will see the new Tier 2 Championship this project have devised the structure, (formerly the FAW Domestic Licence) and the 2 and 3 in the future. structure, which will see the FAW be which aims to provide a framework of restructure of the National League to 12 clubs. directly responsible for the ownership, competitive men’s football appropriate to The FAW Council should be applauded for management, finance and administration of their playing standards, ground facilities and The JD Welsh Premier League should not recognising the need for progression and to the Championship North and Championship economic means and permits the seasonal be judged on stadium attendances alone raise standards within our domestic game. South Leagues, which will replace the Huws movements of clubs between the leagues in and although we would have hoped for larger This is in line with the key FAW strategic Gray Alliance and the Welsh Football League an orderly manner – the very essence of the increases since the change, the commercial objective of stronger and more sustainable Division 1. FAW Pyramid Regulations. and broadcast success of the League is clubs and I am sure that this significant and evident. excellent piece of work will be the catalyst The following season, 2020/21 marks the The FAW staff have worked very diligently for just that. implementation of the new, mandatory Tier following the FAW Council approved of The FAW signed its first monetary television 3 Ground Criteria and the top 64 clubs who the pyramid re-structure in its October rights deal for the Welsh Premier League 4 www.faw.cymru www.faw.cymru 5 CYNGOR CBDC YN HAEDDU CLOD AM GYDNABOD YR ANGEN AM SYMUD YMLAEN ANDREW HOWARD, PENNAETH CYSTADLAETHAU CBDC Wrth i’r tymor hwn brysur ddirwyn i ben, chwarae yn y 4 cynghreiriau rhanbarthol yn Ers hynny mae’r cyngor wedi cadarnhau Cymru yn dilyn yr ailstrwythuro ac mae mae’n braf gweld y gwelliannau mae CBDC Haen 3 o Byramid CBDC. Rheoliadau Pyramid 2020/21 yn eu cyfarfod nawdd ar gyfer y Gynghrair wedi cynyddu’n wedi’i wneud dros y 12 mis diwethaf. Heb ym mis Rhagfyr. flynyddol ers hynny. Bydd clybiau sy’n chwarae’n Haen 4 ac is yn os roedd digwyddiadau arwyddocaol yn cael eu rheoli gan y Cynghreiriau sydd yn Mae’r Adran Cystadlaethau wedi bod yn Mae’r ffigyrau gwylio ar gyfer teledu a 2016 a 2017 megis Pencampwriaeth yr gysylltiedig â’r Cymdeithasau Rhanbarthol gweithio’n agos gydag ein cyfreithwyr chyfryngau cymdeithasol bellach yn cynyddu Ewros a chynnal Rownd Derfynol Cynghrair o’r tymor hwnnw ymlaen. ar y Rheolau a’r Rheoliadau tra bod tîm hefyd ac mae CBDC yn gobeithio ail-drafod Pencampwyr UEFA. Ond yn fy marn i, y Masnachol CBDC wedi bod yn gweithio’n yr hawliau teledu am bedair blynedd arall. gêm ddomestig sy’n hoelio’r sylw yn 2018, Mae hyn yn golygu y bydd strwythur galed ar frand newydd ar gyfer y yn dilyn gweledigaeth Cyngor CBDC o Cynghrair CBDC yn cynnwys 108 o glybiau, Mae perfformiadau’n Ewrop wedi gwella a Cynghreiriau Haen 2 ac adran y Cyfryngau’n strwythur y Pyramid newydd fydd yn dod i yn chwarae mewn 3 Haen o’r Pyramid. bydd arbenigwyr technegol yn cadarnhau fod brysur ddylunio ein sianeli cyfryngau newydd rym mewn ychydig dros 14 mis. safon y chwaraewyr a’r rheolwyr yn gwella’n O’i gymharu â’n cymdogion; Gweriniaeth i ymgysylltu â chefnogwyr o’r Gynghrair flynyddol hefyd. Bydd ailstrwythuro’r Pyramid yn cael ei Iwerddon (22), Gogledd Iwerddon (36) a’r newydd yn 2019. weithredu mewn dau gymal; Bydd strwythur Alban (42); mae’r nifer hyn yn parhau’n Fy ngobaith i, wrth gwrs, yw y bydd Mae’r ailstrwythuro’n nodi’r datblygiad newydd Haen 2 y Bencampwriaeth yn uchel. Dros y bedair blynedd diwethaf mae ailstrwythuro’r pyramid yn gweld cystal mwyaf arwyddocaol i’r pyramid ers dod i rym ddechrau tymor 2019/20, fydd is-bwyllgor CBDC wedi gweithio’n ddiflino llwyddiant ar gyfer y Cynghreiriau a’r Clybiau gweithredu’r Drwydded Clwb Haen 1 (cyn yn golygu mai CBDC fydd yn gyfrifol ar y prosiect i ddyfeisio’r strwythur yma, yn Haen 2 a 3 yn y dyfodol. hynny’r Drwydded Ddomestig CBDC) ac am berchnogaeth, rheolaeth, ariannu a strwythur fydd yn rhoi fframwaith i bêl- ailstrwythuro’r Cynghrair Cenedlaethol i Mae Cyngor CBDC yn haeddu clod am gweinyddu Cynghreiriau Pencampwriaeth y droed cystadleuol dynion sydd yn addas i’w ddeuddeg o glybiau. gydnabod yr angen i ddatblygu ac i godi’r Gogledd a Phencampwriaeth y De. Dyma’r safonau chwarae, adnoddau’r caeau a’r gallu safonau o fewn ein gêm ddomestig.
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