
InternationalCriminal Tribunal for Rwanda TribunalPdnal Internationalpour le Rwanda Arushainternational Conference Centre UNITEDNATIONS NATIONSUN1ES P,O.Box6016, Arusha, Tanzania - B.P. 6016, Arusha, Tanzanie Tel:255 27 2504207-112504367-72 or 1 212963 2850 Fax: 255 27 2504000/2504373or 1 212963 2848/49 TRIAL CHAMBER II Before:JudgeLaity Kama, Presiding JudgeWilliamH Sekule JudgeMehmet Gttney Registrar:Adama Dieng Date: 14thMarch 2001 THE PROSECUTOR V ]~li6zerNIYITEGEKA Case No. ICTR-96-14-T / MODIFIED AMENDED INDICTMENT FILED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE TRIAL CHAMBER II ORDERS OF 20 TM NOVEMBER 2000 & 27th FEBRUARY 2001 TheOffice of the Prosecutor: Ken Fleming MelindaPollard IfeomaOjemni JayanthaJayasuriya Counselfor the Accused: SylviaGeraghty PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/23e1a9/ INTFRNATIONAL(;I,IIS, IINA1, TRIIJI.INAI,FOR I~,WANI)A "I’Ril]IINAI.PENAl. 1NI’ERNATI()NAI. I’()I!R LE RWANDA C’ascNo.: IC"I’R-%-14-1 No.dc do:,sicr: l("l!Z.t;{~_ 14-1 THE PROSECUTOR LE PI~,OC’UI~,EI.;R1)I.’ I’RIBI.’NAI. AGAINST CONTI~F. EI.IEZER NtYITE(;EKA ELIEZER NIYITE(;EKA AMENDED INDICTMENT ACTE D’ACCUSATION AMENDI .--- The Prosecutoro? the International CriminalTribunal fbr Rwanda,pursuant to Le Procureur du Tribunal P6na] Internationalpour Ie Rwanda.en vertudes theauthority stipulated in Article17 of the pouvoirsque tui conE@eI’article 17 du Statute of the InternationalCriminal Statutdu TribunalPdnal International pour Tribunalfor Rwanda(the Statuteof the Tribunal)chargesi le Rwandafie Statutdu Tribunal)accuse: ELIEZER NIYITEGEKA I£LIEZER NIYITEGEKA With CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT GENOCIDE; GENOCIDE, or alternatively D’ENTENTE EN VUE DE. C OMMETTRE LE COMPLICITY IN GENOCIDE; DIRECT GI~NOCIDE; GENOCIDE ou alternativement, AND PUBLIC INCITENIENT TO COMi’VlIT CO~’IPLICITE DE GENOCIDE; CRINIES GENOCIDE; D’INCITATION DIRECTE AGAINST H U.IVIANITY and VIOLATIONS OF ET PUBLIQUE A COMMETTRE LE GENOCIDE; ARTICLE 3 COMi~ION TO THE GENEVA CRI,’VlES CONTRE CONVENTIONS AND ADDITIONAL L’HUMANITI~, et de VIOLATIONS DE PROTOCOLIf, offencesstipulated in Articles L’ARTICLE 3 COblMLIN AUX 2,3, and 4 ofthe Statute ofthe Tribunal. CONVENTIONS DE GENEVE ET DL PROTOCOLE ADDITIONEL II. crimes pre.vusaux articles2. 3 e~ 4 d~ S~a~utdu TriDtl Ila[. © PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/23e1a9/ I. I",I()RI,Itl1,’i,%11 I, I I I,";TOR 1 (’,,.,i.(’ONTEXT I. (’ONTI,]XTI.",rlt.qTORIQI .t.: 1.1 l’hurevolution of IC)59 marked the beginningof a periodof ’-’thniccla,shcs 1.I [.ardvolu/ion dc betweenlhc I lutuand the "l’utsi inP,’.’.anda, ddhut d’unc pdriodc I959rnae,4uc .c causinghundrcds of l’utsilo dic and cthn/qucsentre los th.l/u daffmmcmcn:, lhousandsmore to llccthe country in tl~<, l~,x\;.lllda.Provoquam autours cz Itsdes [a’si anne;.-, a_ v¢:.i"s hnmc.’dialcly ll.)lh)wing. lhcrc’,’olution quioat immddiaccmcnt stij\i. des cc.:cainv-, rcsuhedin the aholiliono1" the Tuc.,d dc mortschcz/us lutsi ct l’cx~>dc demill/:, monarchyarid tll~ proclamul.ion o1"the t"irsl d’cnh’ccux. (’otto rdvolution enerai~.. Republicin,.."arly 1961. Ct)ll/lr111,cd ili a l’aholi/iondc la nlonarchiclucsi cc + r’..’lbrundun.~heldin the ,’v : : proclamationdcla Prcmid’rcP’-dpubliquc L: l.egislativeelections held same>’ear. in September &5butde l’ann,,Se196I. confirmde pa.- t 961confirmed thedominant position ot’tl~e MDR-PARMEttUTU rdt~rendumau tours de la m&~cannee, l.es (,l’D:,u~’c’,,,,,unz electionslegislatives de septembre 196] IJUmucru/ique&;Pul~/iccUn. Pcu’/[ ctu conlirme la domination du ,ih~m’u:nen:UEzn~:ncipa:io~ klu/zO, led by 31DR- PARivlEHUTU(-\Iouvement . Or~goireKayibanda. who was subseauencly R epublicain-Parti l)emocnuquc, electedPresident of the,Republic by the du Mouvemen- dEmancipation Hutu) de Grd~oire LegislativeAssembly on 26 October196 I. Ka.vibanda,qui est 6IuPr6sident ~ I.’, Republiquepar lassemblde l~gislative le 26 octobre1961. 1.2The early years of theFirst Republic, whichwas under the domination of theHutu 1.2Les premi,kresanndes d’existence de of centraland southern Rwanda, were again cetterepubIique, dominde par les Humdu markedby ethnicviolence. The victims centre et du sud du Rwand& sont de werepredominantly Tutsi, the former ruling nouvea.~marqudespar i.v:,:) eliteand those related to them,who Were Les¯ Vies- ,. furent principa/ememla violenceethnique. des killed,driven to otherregions of" Rwanda or Tutsi,l’anctenne dike dirigeante, et teurs tbrcedto fleethe cotintry.The gradual allids;ceux-ci furent tu~s.-chass,~s vers diminationof"the opposition parties in those d’autresrdgions du Rwandaou tbrcdsde early years confirmed the MDR- senfuirdu pays.L’~limination progressive PARMEHUTUas the singleparty, the only despartis d’opposition durant ces premieres partyto presentcandidates in the elections anndes confirmeIe ’MDR-PAR.\[EHUTL o1"1965. COmmeparti unique, qui est le seul prdsenterdes candidats aux d’lections de 1065. 1.3 The earlypart of 1 7a 9 " % Rwanda wasagain marked by ethnicconfrontations 1.3 Le de3butde l’annde1973 au R~vanda betweenthe Hutu and Tutsi,prompting est de nouveau marqud par des anotherexodus of theTutsi minority l?om afli’ontelncntse/hniqucs entre f lutucc lu/si quiProvoqucnt. apr0s cuux de 1959fi 1963. O PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/23e1a9/ lhc country,as had occurredbciwccn i959 und IY63.This nw, v oulburstol’clhn[c und ullilOtlVCl cxodc dc lu minorild Tulsi. (’<-’tic politicalk:n.si~m be,,.vccn the N~rthand recrudescencedes tc~lsiollscthnicluc s cl .’%uthrc.suhcd in a mililaryc~ui.~ by (icncr,d p<flitiqucsh-’ntrc IvX’ord cll<.’ ,";c,dl uN>u~ik .luvdn,flI Iabyarim,n’m" ~i~ 5 .luI,,1973. ic5 .iuillcl1973. A uncot!in d’l{nlt mihl,iirc shiI’tingpw.v,.,r litml civiliun t~ milimrv rncnd par lc (]dndral.luxdnal f t:.lb~urimana. handsund li’omI Iutu~I’central Rwanda ~£~ [.c coil, cl’l])a[cntrah;c tin rcnvcr]cmcmdu I Iuluof" lhc norihem pr@’c/m’,.,.v of"(iisenyi pouvoir, qui passedes muinsdes cixilsu /I lubyarimanasnutivc cellosdos milita/rcs <.,, de ct.’lI<..s dcsffum du rc~iun) and Ruhcngcri. centre du l?,xtanda 21 cellosdes flumde:, prdl’ccturcsdc (;isen~i ct Ruhcngcriuu n,~rd du puys(i’dgioll i’u.i{aIC rill Prd:-idcnl f[aby;.irllllai-ia). 1.4 In 1975. Presidentltahvurilnana 1.4 I{n1975. le prdsidcntt lab.~arimuna lbundedthe ,Ikmremus~,/ /~d:’rd#tlion,,lc~iru :VaNonulpourle Dd~’~:lol)pc, n#c,nl ( M [,?,N t_)). /bndc Iv l~-louvcmcnt Rdvolu[ionnairc sh~gleparty, and assumedthe positionot Nationalpour le Odveloppemen,(MRND;. party Chairman.The administrativeand partiunique, dent il assumela pr&idencc. partyhierarchies were indistinguishable in ka structureadministrative et la hierarchic this."single party state fi’om the level of" the du MRND st con/’ondenton un vdritablc Pr,,;/i.,~to thehowNme.v,,re.~." anddown to parti-(Z.ta, fi ,ous los niveaux de thator" the con.~’eiUeew&, secteurand l’administrationterritoriate, du PrEtk-t aux re.sNonzahle,s"de"cellule. Bourgmestres,jusqu’aux conseitlers de secteurset responsab/esde cellule. 1.5 From 1973 to 1994. the government of PresidentHabyarimana used a systemo£ 1.5 De 1973.4 1994.le gouvernementdu ethnic and regional quotas which was President Habyarimana applique un supposed to provide educational and syst~}mede quotasbas~. sur I’ori~ine employmentopportunities for all but which ethniqueet r~gionalequi ~tait cens~ o~’frir- was used "tl,",’easinglyto discriminate des chances ~gales A tous en mati&e againstboth l’iltiand Hutufrom regions d’~ducationet d’emploi, mais qui fur utilisd outsidethe northwest. progressivementde maniEre discriminatoire A t’encontt:edes Tutsi et desHuta originaires In fact,by the late1980’s, persons d’autresr~gions que Ie nord-ouest. from Gisenyiand Ruhengerioccupied many De fair,.4 la fin des anndes1980. of the most importantpositions in the plusieursdes postesles plus importants military, political, economic and dansIts secteursmilitaires, politiques. ¯ administrativesectors of Rwandansociety. 7conomiqueset administratifsde ta soci~td Amongthe privilegedelite, an innercircle rwandaiseEtaient occup~s pat" des personnes oi"relatives and close associates ofPresident originairesde Gisenyiet Ruhengeri.Parmi Habyarimanaarid his wife,Agathe Kanziga. I’Eliteprivildgiee, un novau,connu sOus known as the Akazu,enjoyed great power. l’appellationAkazu. comjosd de membres Thisselect group, almost exclusively Hutu. de la /5.milleet d’intimesdu Prdsldcn~ was supplemented by individuals who Habyarimanaet de son dpouse.A<.z’athe Kanziga,jouit d’un grand pouvoir.’Aux PURL: https://www.legal-tools.org/doc/23e1a9/ 1.6 In 1990, the lq’csidcn((fl the Rcrmhlic.Ju’cdnal tklhyarin~ana, and his 1.6 Au tours tic l’unn&., 199(L Ix singleparty, the MP, NI), wcrc lhcing Prdsidcnl de la Rcpuhiquc. ,lu~dnal n~)unfingopr, ositio n includingf?om olhcr l lahyarirnana,el son parliunh.ltk.," Ic l lutu. MRNI), Ibm face :i unc oppositi~m grandissantc,notLIll’ln’lCIl{ dc ILl partd’au[rc:, t lutu. 1.7 ()n I October199(), the Rwandan PatrioticFront (RPF),made up mainly 1.7 l,e I er octobre1990. Ic Front rutsi rcrugees,attacked Rwanda. Within Pau’iotiqueRwandais (I:PR), composd days the government began qrresting rn@)rhairernerade rdfugids "l’utsi. attaquc Ic thousands of people, prestimed to be Rwanda.Dans les jours qt’i suivcnt,lc opponentsoi" Habyarimanaand suspectedo{ gouvernementproc~de a l’arrcstationdc beingRPF accomplices.Although the Tutsi milliersde personnesprdsumdcs dtrc des were the main target,,,Hutu political adversairesd’Habyarimana et soup~onn6es opponentswere also arrested. de complicit~avec le FPR, personnes arr~tdes, Parmi les majoritairement d’origineYutsi, il y a egalementdes °pposants potitiquesHtitu.
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