SILEIR RA A D B E E G D E A O D L E O I G C I A O ARTICLE BJGEO S https://doi.org/10.1590/2317-4889202120190136 Brazilian Journal of Geology D ESDE 1946 Mineral chemistry and genetic implications of garnet from the São João del Rei Pegmatitic Province, Minas Gerais, Brazil Sarah Siqueira da Cruz Guimarães Sousa1,2* , Ciro Alexandre Ávila1,2,3 , Reiner Neumann3,4 , Fabiano Richard Leite Faulstich2,3 , Felipe Emerson André Alves1 , Taís Proença Cidade3,4 , Victor Hugo Riboura Menezes da Silva1 Abstract The pegmatites of the São João del Rei Pegmatitic Province are related to the Siderian protoliths of the Cassiterita and Resende Costa or- thogneisses and to the Ritápolis metagranitoid of Ryacian age. Chemical analysis of garnet from twelve pegmatites reveal two different types of grains, which were found in the same pegmatitic body in six of these samples. One garnet type has almandine-spessartine composition (Sps11.7-58.8Alm36.8-86.5Prp0.1-4.1Grs0.0-1.4Adr0.0-2.6), grains with orange and pink tones, and scarce mineral inclusions. These garnet grains may have been formed at the magmatic stage of pegmatite crystallization. The composition of these grains plot exclusively on the Alm-Sps axis at the Prp+Grs+Adr+Uvr × Alm × Sps diagram, as expected from garnet crystallized in pegmatites, and an expansion of the field associated to pegmatites is proposed. The second type has a distinct chemical composition (Sps26.9-84.8Alm3.6-40.0Prp0.0-10.4Grs9.3-45.6Adr0.1-3.4), displaying en- richment in Ca. This Ca-enriched garnet has irregular shaped colourless grains and abundant mineral inclusions. These grains may have been formed by Ca-metasomatism during the late-stage crystallization of the pegmatites. KEYWORDS: almandine-spessartine; Ca-enriched garnet; pegmatite; Ca-metasomatism. INTRODUCTION Garnet is a common accessory mineral in igneous and The garnet supergroup includes all isostructural minerals metamorphic rocks (Vennum and Meyer 1979, Baldwin and represented by the general chemical formula {X3} [Y2] (Z3) Φ12, von Knorring 1983, Harrison 1988, Whitworth and Feely where X, Y, and Z stand for the 12-fold, 8-fold and 4-fold coor- 1994, Gulbin and Glazov 2013), whose composition may dination sites, respectively, while Φ is filled with anions such as vary according to the pressure and temperature conditions O2-, OH- or F-. This supergroup has been subdivided into five that they underwent (Green 1977, Deer et al. 1992). In peg- groups (henritermierite, bitikleite, schorlomite, berzeliite, and matites, garnet crystals are predominantly spessartine-rich garnet) based on symmetry and total charge at the Z site (Grew with subordinate almandine (London 2008). The relation et al. 2013). The isometric garnet group, with a total charge at between Fe and Mn contents is a useful indicator of frac- Z of 12 (occupied by Si4+), have the X-site occupied preferably tionation trends in pegmatites and varies in relation to the by Fe2+, Mn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+ and the Y site by Fe3+, Al3+, and Cr3+ depth of crystallization and position within individual zoned (Fig. 1). According to these occupancies, the endmembers bodies (Baldwin and von Knorring 1983, Černý et al. 1985, pyrope (Mg2+, Al3+), grossular (Ca2+, Al3+), spessartine (Mn2+, Sokolov and Khlestov 1989). Spessartine-rich garnet is mostly Al3+), almandine (Fe2+, Al3+), uvarovite (Ca2+, Cr3+), and andra- found in evolved pegmatites of the LCT family (Li-Cs-Ta), dite (Ca2+, Fe3+) can be formed (Grew et al. 2013). while almandine-rich component is common in granites and less evolved pegmatites (Baldwin and von Knorring 1983, London 2008). Although being an unusual composi- 1Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de tion for pegmatites, garnet with enrichment in Ca have been Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. E-mails: [email protected], avila@ reported worldwide (Novák et al. 2013, Burival and Novák mn.ufrj.br, [email protected], [email protected] 2018, Tindle et al. 2005, Pieczka et al. 2019), but until now, 2Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. garnet with this composition has not been described in the E-mail: [email protected] São João del Rei Pegmatitic Province. 3Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências, Museu Nacional, Except for the pegmatites exploited at the Volta Grande Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. Mine, which are fresh, all pegmatites mapped are deeply weath- E-mails: [email protected], [email protected] ered, and the resistant accessory minerals are remains of the 4Centro de Tecnologia Mineral – Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil. original mineralogy. The main goal of this work is to report *Corresponding author. the occurrence of garnet grains of typical chemical compo- © 2020 The authors. This is an open access article distributed sition (Alm-Sps) and garnet grains with enrichment of Ca in under the terms of the Creative Commons license. different weathered pegmatitic bodies of the São João del Rei 1 Braz. J. Geol. (2021), 51(1): e20190136 Pegmatitic Province. The chemical composition of these gar- volcanic-subvolcanic components, and is delimited to the north net types is used here to understand the conditions of forma- by the Lenheiro shear zone, to the east by the rocks associated tion of these grains and, subsequently, to establish a relation with the Mantiqueira Complex, and to the South it is covered with the petrogenesis of the pegmatites. by the meso- to neoproterozoic successions (Ávila et al. 2014). The pegmatites from the São João del Rei Pegmatitic Province are limited to the North block, occur spatially associated with GEOLOGICAL CONTEXT OF THE SÃO the Cassiterita, Resende Costa and Ritápolis arcs, and were JOÃO DEL REI PEGMATITIC PROVINCE genetically related to the plutons of these arcs (Tab. 1). The São João del Rei Pegmatitic Province is a swarm of The Cassiterita Arc was formed during the Siderian and is pegmatitic bodies with variable thicknesses and diverse min- represented by the Cassiterita Orthogneiss and coeval rocks, eralogy, where part is mineralized in Sn-Nb-Ta (Pereira et al. which present high Na2O and low K2O contents (Barbosa 2004). This province occupies an area of approximately 2,700 et al. 2019). The pegmatites associated to the Cassiterita km2, located at the southern border of the São Francisco Craton, Orthogneiss are 2,489 ± 10 Ma old (Tab. 1), and miner- within the Mineiro Belt in Southeastern Brazil (Fig. 2). alized in xenotime, monazite, and microlite while cassiter- The Mineiro Belt corresponds to the junction of four mag- ite, gahnite, and columbite group minerals have not been matic arcs, designated as Cassiterita, Resende Costa, Serrinha, reported (Faulstich 2016). and Ritápolis (Araújo et al. 2019). The Cassiterita, Resende The Resende Costa Arc evolved during the Siderian and Costa, and Serrinha arcs are mantle-derived, with restricted includes the Restinga de Baixo and Congonhas-Itaverava presence of crustal material and assembled by collisional pro- metavolcano-sedimentary sequences, as well as the Resende cesses (Ávila et al. 2010, Ávila et al. 2014, Barbosa et al. 2015, Costa and Lagoa Dourada suites. The rocks of these suites vary Teixeira et al. 2015, Cardoso et al. 2019). These arcs are delim- from tonalitic to granodioritic in composition and exhibit high ited by extensive structural magnetic lineaments and the final Na2O content (Teixeira et al. 2015). The pegmatites associated assembly, including the predominantly crustal Ritápolis Arc, with the Resende Costa Orthogneiss have been dated by U-Pb was added to the Archean paleocontinent during the interval LA-ICPMS in zircon between 2,367 ± 64 and 2,291 ± 23 Ma between the end of the Rhyacian and the beginning of the (Tab. 1), and are mineralized in cassiterite, microlite, gahnite, Orosirian (Araújo et al. 2019). and columbite group minerals (Tab. 2), as well as a diagnostic Nb-Ta-Ti phases intergrowth (Cidade 2019). The Serrinha Arc, evolved during the Rhyacian, has sub- MINEIRO BELT ARCS AND ITS PEGMATITES volcanic-volcanic components, and includes the São Sebastião The Mineiro Belt was subdivided into North and South da Vitória metagabbro, Serrinha and Tiradentes suites and the blocks (Ávila 2000, Ávila et al. 2014), which are separated by Estação de Tiradentes metasedimentary sequence (Ávila et al. a large crustal structure, designated as Lenheiro shear zone 2014). The Nazareno metavolcano-sedimentary sequence (Fig. 2). The North block includes the Cassiterita, Resende occurs associated to these units, represented by amphibolites, Costa, and Ritápolis arcs. It is delimited by the Congonhas- metaultramafic, and metasedimentary rocks (Ávilaet al . 2012). Itaverava shear zone to the east, the Lenheiro shear zone to the Intrusive pegmatites are very scarce in these rocks. south, and Jeceaba-Bom Sucesso lineament to the north (Ávila The Ritápolis Arc is the youngest one, it evolved during et al. 2010, Seixas et al. 2012, Teixeira et al. 2015, Araújo et al. the Rhyacian and is represented by orthogneisses with dioritic 2019). The South block bears only the Serrinha Arc with its to granitic compositions, metadiorites, and metagranitoids. Figure 1. Garnet structure projected along (001) with the element’s occupancy for each atomic site (Grew et al. 2013). 2 Braz. J. Geol. (2021), 51(1): e20190136 These bodies are calc-alkaline and range from metalumi- MATERIALS AND METHODS nous to peraluminous (Ávila 2000, Barbosa et al. 2015, Cardoso et al. 2019). The pegmatitic bodies are mineralized Sampling and preparation in cassiterite, columbite group minerals, pyrochlore super- Approximately 20 kg of saprolitic material was sampled group minerals, xenotime, gahnite, and monazite (Tab. 2) from each pegmatite intrusive into different host rocks (Fig. 3) with U-Pb LA-ICPMS age in zircon between 2,129 ± 33 and manually preprocessed in local streams.
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