Hazard Communication Chemical Inventory Form ESTIM. CAS STATE QTY. USAGE ROOM SDS DATE OF CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME MANUFACTURER NUMBER S,L,G ON HAND PER YEAR CAMPUS NO. DEPARTMENT ? INV. 1-Part Epoxy acrylic Concrete and Garage FloorBehr Paint Process white Corp. base no.900 7727-43-7 L 1-Gal 5 Gal SMC P Bld Maintenance MSDS 3/25/2021 26MA Power Bead Red RTV Silicone Permatex 7727-37-9 L 1 CS 2 CS SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 301 701 801 822 Toner Lexmark International, Inc. 1 1 SMC B100 Academics Y 2/25/2021 3095 Carpet Adhesive Roberts 64742-52-5 L 2-Qts 8 Qts SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 4091 Aerosol Wall Texture Water Based - OrangePPG Industriespeel Inc. 1317-65-3 L 3-20oz 12 - 20 oz SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 4592 Pro Grade - Aerosol Wall Texture WaterPPG Based Industries - Orange Inc. Peel 1317-65-3 G 1 - 25oz 15- 25 oz SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 A100 Exterior Acrylic Paint Latex Satin The Sherwin Williams Company 13463-67-7 L 1-Gal 2 Gal SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 A456 Disinfectant Cleaner ECOLAB Inc. 32426-11-2 L 24-1.3L btls 72-1.3L btls SMC C. 111 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 A456 disinfectant Cleaner ECOLAB Inc. 32426-11-2 L 24-1.3L btls 72-1.3L btls SMC F. 117A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 A-456 Disinfectant Cleaner ECOLAB Inc. 32426-11-2 L 24-1.3L btls 72-1.3L btls SMC A.105 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 A-456 Disinfectant Cleaner ECOLAB Inc. 32426-11-2 L 24-1.3L btls 72-1.3L btls SMC A.125 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 A-456 Disinfectant Cleaner ECOLAB Inc. 32426-11-2 L 24-1.3L btls 72-1.3L btls SMC D. 115A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 A-456 II disinfectant cleaner Ecolab N/A L 16 10 oz SMC F102 Police Y 2/17/2021 Ace Rust Stop Enamel Saftey Colors Ace Hardware Corp. 67-64-1 L 2-15oz 4 - 15 oz SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Acetone Sunnyside Corp 67-64-1 L 1-Gal 3 Gal SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Acrylpro Ceramic Tile Adhesive Custom Building Products 1317-65-3 L 1-Qrt 4 Qrt SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Alex Plus Acrylic Caulk plus silicone Dap 1317-65-3 L 1 CS 3 CS SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Alligare Diquat Herbicide Alligare, LLC 85-00-7 L 1.2.5Gal 4- 2.5Gal SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Amazing Goop Marine F/E Eclectic Products 127-18-4 L 2 - 10.2oz 6 - 20.4 oz SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Arm & Hammer Laundry Detergent Colgate-Palmolive Company 9004-82-4 L 2- 255oz blts 4-255oz blts SMC F. 117A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Arm & Hammer Liquid Laundry Detergent Colgate-Palmolive Company 9004-82-4 L 2- 255oz blts 4-255oz blts SMC A.105 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Arm & Hammer Liquid Laundry Detergent Colgate-Palmolive Company 9004-82-4 L 2- 255oz blts 4-255oz blts SMC A.125 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Arm & Hammer Liquid Laundry Detergent Colgate-Palmolive Company 9004-82-4 L 2- 255oz blts 4-255oz blts SMC C. 111 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Arm & Hammer Liquid Laundry Detergent Colgate-Palmolive Company 9004-82-4 L 2- 255oz blts 4-255oz blts SMC D. 115A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 AutoF +sspr 6pk H.P Wheel Matte Black Rust-Oleum Corp. 67-64-1 L 1 - Gal 3 Gal SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Behr Marquee Interior Semi-Gloss Enamel PaintBehr & ProcessPrimer - Corp.Ultra Pure White 5444-75-7 L 1- 29oz 5 - 29 oz SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Behr Premium Interior/Exterior Concrete & GarageBehr Process Self-priming Corp. 1-part Epoxy - Slate Gray 13463-67-7 L 1-Gal 5 gal SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Berryman B-12 Chemtool Carburetor, Choke Berryman& Throttle Products,Body Cleaner Inc 108-88-3 L 1-10z 4- 30 oz SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Big Shot Sulfuric Acid Drain Opener Maintenance Solutions Inc. 7664-93-9 L 23-Pints 46 pints SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Bombers Industrial Strength Stripper Waxie Sanitary Supply 1310-58=3 L 3-gals 9-gals SMC A.105 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Bombers Industrial Strength Stripper Waxie Sanitary Supply 1310-58=3 L 3-gals 9-gals SMC A.125 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Bombers Industrial Strength Stripper Waxie Sanitary Supply 1310-58=3 L 3-gals 9-gals SMC C. 111 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Bombers Industrial Strength Stripper Waxie Sanitary Supply 1310-58=3 L 3-gals 9-gals SMC D. 115A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Bombers Industrial Strength Stripper Waxie Sanitary Supply 1310-58=3 L 3-gals 9-gals SMC F. 117A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Buzzsaw Wasp & Hornet Killer Total Solutions 7696-12-0 G 18 fl oz 36 fl oz SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Castrol GTX 20W-50 BP Lubricants Inc. 64742-54-7 L 2-qts 4 Qrts SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 CBC Plus ECOLAB inc. 7664-38-2 L 1 - 1.3L btl 20-1.3L blts SMC A.105 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 CBC Plus ECOLAB inc. 7664-38-2 L 1 - 1.3L btl 20-1.3L blts SMC A.125 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 CBC Plus ECOLAB inc. 7664-38-2 L 1 - 1.3L btl 20-1.3L blts SMC C. 111 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 CBC Plus ECOLAB inc. 7664-38-2 L 1 - 1.3L btl 20-1.3L blts SMC D. 115A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 CBC Plus ECOLAB inc. 7664-38-2 L 1 - 1.3L btl 20-1.3L blts SMC F. 117A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Cheetah Pro Nufarm Americas Inc 77182-82-2 L 2-2.5Gal 6- 2.5 Gal SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Citristrip Safer Paint and Varnish Stripper AerosolW.M Barr Customer Service 1119-40-0 L 3-17oz 6- 17oz SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Clean Air Odor Neutralizer Waxie Sanitary Supply 64-17-5 L 2 - 10oz cans 10-10oz cans SMC A.105 Custodial N 8/17/2021 Central Arizona College 1 of 17 Pages Hazard Communication Chemical Inventory Form ESTIM. CAS STATE QTY. USAGE ROOM SDS DATE OF CHEMICAL NAME COMMON NAME MANUFACTURER NUMBER S,L,G ON HAND PER YEAR CAMPUS NO. DEPARTMENT ? INV. Clean Air Odor Neutralizer Waxie Sanitary Supply 64-17-5 L 2 - 10oz cans 10-10oz cans SMC A.125 Custodial N 8/17/2021 Clean Air Odor Neutralizer Waxie Sanitary Supply 64-17-5 L 2 - 10oz cans 10-10oz cans SMC C. 111 Custodial N 8/17/2021 Clean Air Odor Neutralizer Waxie Sanitary Supply 64-17-5 L 2 - 10oz cans 10-10oz cans SMC D. 115A Custodial N 8/17/2021 Clinging Lime Away ECOLAB inc. 77-92-9 L 2 - 32oz blts 5-32oz blts SMC A.105 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Clinging Lime Away ECOLAB inc. 77-92-9 L 2 - 32oz blts 5-32oz blts SMC A.125 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Clinging Lime Away ECOLAB inc. 77-92-9 L 2 - 32oz blts 5-32oz blts SMC C. 111 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Clinging Lime Away ECOLAB inc. 77-92-9 L 2 - 32oz blts 5-32oz blts SMC D. 115A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Clinging Lime Away ECOLAB inc. 77-92-9 L 2 - 32oz blts 5-32oz blts SMC F. 117A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Cloralen Regular Bleach Alen Del Norte S.A. DE C.V. 7681-52-9 L 2 261 SMC A101 ELC Y 2/9/2021 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes The Clorox Company S 1 canister 3 canisters SMC F112 Learning Support Y 1/19/2021 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Clorox N/A L 1 2% SMC B116 Police Y 2/16/2021 Clorox Germicidal Wipes Clorox 676-12 L 4 261 SMC A101 ELC Y 2/9/2021 Clorox Healthcare Hydrogen Peroxide CleanerThe Disinfectant Clorox Compay Wipes N/A L 1 Cs 3 cs SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Clorox Splash-less Regular bleach The Clorox Company 7681-52-9 L 2 - 81oz btl 6-81oz btls SMC A.105 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Clorox Splash-less Regular bleach The Clorox Company 7681-52-9 L 2 - 81oz btl 6-81oz btls SMC A.125 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Clorox Splash-less Regular bleach The Clorox Company 7681-52-9 L 2 - 81oz btl 6-81oz btls SMC C. 111 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Clorox Splash-less Regular bleach The Clorox Company 7681-52-9 L 2 - 81oz btl 6-81oz btls SMC D. 115A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Clorox Splash-less Regular bleach The Clorox Company 7681-52-9 L 2 - 81oz btl 6-81oz btls SMC F. 117A Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner Clorox 67619-16 L 2 261 SMC A101 ELC Y 2/9/2021 Concrete Crack Seal The Quikrete Co 1317-65-3 L 1-qt 2 Qrts SMC P Bld Maintenance Y 3/25/2021 Country Day Deodorizer & Odor CounteractantWaxie Sanitary Supply 67-64-1 L 4 - 10oz cans 12-10oz Cans SMC A.105 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Country Day Deodorizer & Odor CounteractantWaxie Sanitary Supply 67-64-1 L 4 - 10oz cans 12-10oz Cans SMC A.125 Custodial Y 8/17/2021 Country Day Deodorizer & Odor CounteractantWaxie Sanitary Supply 67-64-1 L 4 - 10oz cans 12-10oz Cans SMC C.
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