So& Wloirkdersa’ Lirbeirtty y No 279 20 March 2013 30p/80p www.workersliberty.org For a workers’ government SWP: time to The threat from The origins of the rethink Golden Dawn ‘united front’ page 5 pages 6-7 pages 9-10 SECTION 75: TORIES TRY TO Se e PRIVATISE BY BACK DOOR page 3 Public health, not private profit! LOBBY : HOUSE OF LORDS, TUESDAY 26TH MARCH 2 NEWS What is the Alliance for Anti-cuts councillors meet Workers’ Liberty? By Tom Vickers The role of the unions has on the council are clearly so far been contradictory. agitated. It was agreed that Today one class, the working class, lives by selling its labour power to Around 60 activists and another, the capitalist class, which owns the means of On the one hand unions are the councillors should con - production. Society is shaped by the capitalists’ councillors met in Birm - helping to run local cam - tinue to share their experi - relentless drive to increase their wealth. Capitalism ingham on 16 March to paigns, but nationally their ences and work with local causes poverty, unemployment, the blighting of lives discuss the Councillors leaderships are advising campaigns. The conference by overwork, imperialism, the destruction of the Against Cuts campaign. union-backed counillors to also agreed on the impor - environment and much else. The event had four ses - vote for the cuts or failing to tance of not splitting local Against the accumulated wealth and power of the sions: defend them, other then for - anti-cuts campaigns by in - capitalists, the working class has one weapon: solidarity. • Supporting unions and mally, when they face disci - sisting they stand candi - The Alliance for Workers’ Liberty aims to build solidarity through campaigns fighting against plinary procedures for dates against Labour. struggle so that the working class can overthrow capitalism. We want the cuts this year voting against them. speak to meetings in their socialist revolution: collective ownership of industry and services, EXCLUDE • Defending Labour community, to local govern - workers’ control and a democracy much fuller than the present system, PRESSURE ment union branches, and These discussions imme - with elected representatives recallable at any time and an end to councillors fighting against It was agreed that we diately split campaigns the cuts from victimisation local Labour Parties. bureaucrats’ and managers’ privileges. should continue to put Some activists thought it and exclude not only We fight for the labour movement to break with “social partnership” • Winning the arguments pressure on unions, espe - was highly likely council - Labour Party activists but and assert working-class interests militantly against the bosses. over the coming years, cially those affiliated to lors could be expelled, in anyone not persuaded of Our priority is to work in the workplaces and trade unions, building a united labour Labour, to defend the the case for running in supporting workers’ struggles, producing workplace bulletins, helping movement campaign to which case they should just councillors who have continue to act as Labour elections. organise rank-and-file groups. stop further cuts and to re - voted against cuts and to councillors regardless. Gary Our campaigns should be We are also active among students and in many campaigns and verse those already enacted. raise their opposition to stressed that he would do built on organising direct alliances. Each of these was accom - councils voting through this and he felt that, with action against the cuts and - panied by short statements cuts budgets. We stand for: for voting, which all passed. enough support and a real defending councillors who ● Independent working-class representation in politics. The level of the debate was Josh Jones, a councillor fight being waged inside have voted against the ● A workers’ government, based on and accountable to the labour good and focused on the from Birmingham (who ab - the Labour Party, it was whip. Within Labour Party movement. role of the Labour Party, the stained on his council’s cuts possible to avoid expulsion selection contests, we ● A workers’ charter of trade union rights — to organise, to strike, to affiliated unions, and where budget) also highlighted the from either the Labour should back candidates picket effectively, and to take solidarity action. the campaign can go next. need for a strong campaign Party and also, hopefully, who pledge to vote against ● Taxation of the rich to fund decent public services, homes, education to push councillors into de - the Labour group on the cuts. Various speakers ob - We need to politicise and jobs for all. fying the whip and educat - council. served that the cuts haven’t both our local Labour ● A workers’ movement that fights all forms of oppression. Full ing them politically on the The poisonous atmos - hit everyone yet. The ques - Parties and anti-cuts equality for women and social provision to free women from the burden importance of the fight phere facing many council - of housework. Free abortion on request. Full equality for lesbian, gay, tion was asked: despite the campaigns to think about overwhelming majority of against cuts. lors was discussed. In Hull, bisexual and transgender people. Black and white workers’ unity portfolio holders flooded what we need from against racism. councils passing on the Gary Wareing from Hull one CLP meeting to argue elected representatives. ● Open borders. cuts, where do we go from spoke about the importance ● Global solidarity against global capital — workers everywhere have here as even tougher cuts of getting councillors who against the “Defend the more in common with each other than with their capitalist or Stalinist come through? have defied the whip to Hull Three” motion. The • councillorsagainstcuts.org rulers. leaders of the Labour group ● Democracy at every level of society, from the smallest workplace or community to global social organisation. ● Working-class solidarity in international politics: equal rights for all “One Barnet” on trial Defend Don MacDonald nations, against imperialists and predators big and small. ● Maximum left unity in action, and openness in debate. By Ed Whitby and kept him in custody ● If you agree with us, please take some copies of Solidarity to sell — on will be cut even more se - for four hours; a friend and join us! verely than at present. On Saturday 16 Febru - had to be contacted to Her fears have received ary Michael (Don) Mac - look after Don’s son. vindication in the last Donald took part in the The charge was reduced month as the Council has Contact us: 1,500-strong anti-cuts to Section 5 of public had to step in to bail out ● 020 7394 8923 ● [email protected] march in Newcastle. order act (causing alarm “Your Choice Barnet”, the The editor (Cathy Nugent), 20e Tower Workshops, Riley Don has been a key ac - or distress). Don agreed to Road, London, SE1 3DG. arms-length organisation set up to provide care and tivist in organising this pay a fixed penalty fine as ● Printed by Trinity Mirror support services for dis - and other protests oppos - he wanted to get home to abled adults. YCB was sup - ing the £100 million his young son. posed to make a surplus, a budget cut to services. He Don as a youth worker repugnant idea in itself! In is a local resident and a doesn’t believe he should Get Solidarity every week! fact, it has operated at a loss youth worker, facing have such a “crime” on his record, and has de - ● Trial sub, 6 issues £5 p By Vicki Morris and now needs £1 million 100% cut to youth and from the Council. play services. cided contest the charge. ● 22 issues (six months). £18 waged p A campaign has been “One Barnet”, Barnet To - The management are try - At the end of the launched to demand the £9 unwaged p ries’ plan to privatise ing to impose drastic cuts demonstration at the rally charge is dropped and ● 44 issues (year). £35 waged p most of Barnet Council on the pay and conditions point in the city centre, of the workers, and reduce the Council Leader Nick that activists, residents £17 unwaged p services (probably in two contracts worth up to £1 service levels, in order to Forbes walked past and and workers are not vic - ● European rate: 28 euros (22 issues) p billion to Capita), is being balance the books. YCB was Don approached him to timised for fighting the or 50 euros (44 issues) p scrutinised in the High set up under the auspices of challenge him on what he cuts or publicly criticising One Barnet. local councillors. Tick as appropriate above and send your money to: Court this week. thought about the cuts. An open letter in sup - On Saturday 23 March we Nick Forbes and his part - port of Don has already 20e Tower Workshops, Riley Road, London, SE1 3DG Disabled resident Maria are holding our “Barnet ner threatened to call the been signed by many Cheques (£) to “AWL”. Nash has made an applica - Spring” march to protest police saying they knew trade unionists and tion for a Judicial Review. against One Barnet and the who Don was and where Or make £ and euro payments at workersliberty.org/sub. labour movement ac - Day one on Tuesday 19 cuts. Assemble: 11am, he worked. The incident tivists including John March involved her barris - Finchley Central tube; lasted less than a minute, Name . McDonnell MP, and RMT ter, Nigel Giffin, outlining march sets off at noon to and Don was not angry or the lack of consultation of general secretary Bob Friern Barnet Community threatening. Address . residents over the plan. Crow. Library. Six hours later as Don Maria is also bringing her There is a bus available was at home with his six .
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