AQUA19(2):AQUA 02/05/13 09:50 Pagina 71 aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology Chelidoperca maculicauda, a new species of perchlet (Teleostei: Serranidae) from the Arabian Sea K. K. Bineesh1, K. V. Akhilesh, E. M. Abdussamad and N. G. K. Pillai Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, P. B. No. 1603, Ernakulam North P.O., Cochin – 683 018, Kerala, India. 1Corresponding author: email: [email protected] Received: 28 June 2012 – Accepted: 26 March 2013 Abstract Résumé A new species of serranid fish, Chelidoperca maculicauda Une nouvelle espèce de Serranidé, Chelidoperca maculi- n. sp. is described based on three specimens, (123-129 mm cauda n. sp. est décrite sur base de trois spécimens (123-129 SL), recently collected from the Arabian Sea, off Quilon, mm de LS), collectés récemment dans la mer d’Arabie, au Kerala, India. The combination of caudal fin shape and a large de Quilon, de Kerala, Inde. La nouvelle espèce se unique color pattern of five red bars on a pinkish body and distingue d’autres congénères par la combinaison de la pale yellow fins with a bright red margin on the anal fin, a forme de la caudale et d’un patron de coloration unique de small grey spot distally on the dorsal half and bluish white cinq barres rouges sur un corps rosâtre et de nageoires jaune spots on ventral half of the caudal fin, distinguishes the pâle avec un large liseré rouge sur l’anale, une petite tache new species from other congeners. Other distinguishing grise distalement sur la moitié de la dorsale et de taches characters include: fourth dorsal spine longest 2.8 (3) in d’un blanc bleuâtre sur la moitié ventrale de la caudale. head length; body depth 23.3 (22.8-24.5) % SL (standard Autres traits distinctifs: la quatrième épine dorsale est la length), 4.3 (4.1-4.4) in SL; head length 40.3 (42.3-42.6) plus longue, 2,8 (3) de la longueur de la tête; hauteur du % SL; orbital length 9.3 (8.9-9.1) in SL; 2.5-3 scales above corps 23,3 (22,8-24,5) % de la LS, 4,3 (4,1-4,4) de LS, lateral line to dorsal origin; serrae on margin of preopercle longueur de la tête 40,3 (42,3- 42,6) % de la LS; longueur 40-46. Lateral-line scales 42; dorsal fin continuous, with orbitale 9,3 (8,9-9,1) en LS; 2,5 -3 écailles au-dessus de la ninth dorsal spine shorter than tenth spine; longest dorsal ligne latérale jusqu’à la base de la dorsale; des serrae sur le soft ray (7th or 8th) 2.4 (2.3-2.4) in head length. bord du préopercule 40-46. Ecailles de la ligne latérale 42; une nageoire dorsale continue, avec la neuvième épine dor- Zusammenfassung sale plus courte que la dixième; le plus long rayon mou dor- Beschrieben wird eine neue Art der Sägebarsche: Chelidop- sal (le 7e ou le 8e) 2,4 (2,3-2,4) de la longueur de la tête. erca maculicauda n. sp. auf der Grundlage von drei Exem- plaren (123 - 129 mm SL), die kürzlich im Arabischen Meer Sommario vor Quilon, Kerala, Indien, gefangen wurden. Diese neue Una nuova specie di pesci serranidi, Chelidoperca maculi- Art lässt sich von anderen Angehörigen der Gattung durch cauda n. sp., è descritta sulla base di tre esemplari (123-129 die Kombination folgender Merkmale unterscheiden: mm SL), recentemente raccolti dal Mare Arabico, al largo di Schwanzflossenform, einprägsames Farbmuster mit fünf Quilon, Kerala, India. La combinazione di caratteri, quali la roten Streifen auf leicht rosafarbenem Rumpf, blassgelbe forma della pinna caudale e una livrea originale di cinque Flossen mit hellrotem Rand an der Afterflosse, ein kleiner barre rosse su un corpo rosa pallido e pinne gialle con un grauer Fleck distal auf der dorsalen Hälfte und bläulich margine rosso brillante sulla pinna anale, una macchia grigia weiße Flecken auf der ventralen Hälfte der Schwanzflosse. piccola distalmente nella metà dorsale e bluastre macchie Zu weiteren Unterscheidungsmerkmalen gehören: vierter bianche sulla metà ventrale della pinna caudale, distingue la Rückenflossenstrahl am längsten (2,8-(3-)fache Kopflänge); nuova specie da altri congeneri. Altri caratteri distintivi sono: Körpertiefe 23,3 (22,8-24,5) % der Standardlänge SL, 4,3 spina dorsale più lunga la quarta (2.8 (3) volte nella lun - (4,1-4,4) Anteil an SL; Kopflänge 40,3 (42,3-42,6) % von ghezza della testa), profondità del corpo 23.3 (22.8-24.5)% SL; Augenhöhlenlänge 9,3 (8,9-9,1) Anteil an SL; 2,5 bis 3 SL (lunghezza standard), 4.3 (4.1-4.4), in SL, lun ghezza della Schuppen oberhalb der Seitenlinie bis zum Ansatz der testa 40.3 (42.3-42.6)% SL; lunghezza dell’or bi tale 9.3 (8.9- Rückenflosse; 40 - 46 Sägezähnchen am Rand des Präoper- 9.1) in SL; 2.5-3 scaglie sopra la linea laterale all'origine della culums. Außerdem 42 Seitenlinienschuppen; durchgehende dorsale; margine del preopercolo con 40-46 den telli. Scaglie Rückenflosse, wobei der neunte Flossenstrahl kürzer ist als in linea laterale 42; pinna dorsale continua, con nona spina der zehnte; längster Rückenweichflossenstrahl (der 7. oder dorsale più corta della decima; raggio più lun go della dorsale 8.) 2,4-(2,3 bis 2,4-)fache Kopflänge. molle (7° o 8°) 2.4 (2.3-2.4) nella lunghezza della testa. 71 aqua vol. 19 no. 2 - 26 April 2013 AQUA19(2):AQUA 02/05/13 09:50 Pagina 72 Chelidoperca maculicauda, a new species of perchlet (Teleostei: Serranidae) from the Arabian Sea species of Chelidoperca, namely C. investigatoris and INTRODUCTION C. occipitalis are known from the Arabian Sea (Kot- The family Serranidae (Perciformes) is one of the thaus 1973; Manilo & Bogorodsky, 2003; largest perciform families with 5 subfamilies, 64 Jayaprakash et al., 2006; Bineesh et al., 2012). Re - genera and 529 valid species (Eschmeyer & Fong, cently C. occipitalis was discovered in the southeast- 2012). The serranid fish genus Chelidoperca, ern Arabian Sea (unpubl. data). Chelidoperca mac- Boulenger (1895) includes 6 species: Chelidoperca ulicauda n. sp. represents the third known species in hirundinacea (Valenciennes 1831), C. investigatoris the genus Chelidoperca from the Arabian Sea. (Alcock 1890), C. lecromi Fourmanoir 1982, C. margaritifera Weber 1913, C. occipitalis Kotthaus, MATERIAL AND METHODS 1973 and C. pleurospilus (Günther 1880) Specimens of Chelidoperca were collected from (Eschmeyer & Fong, 2012). the bycatch of a commercial deep-sea shrimp Chelidoperca are usually found on the continental trawler operated in the continental shelf of Ara- shelf and slope muddy bottoms in the Indo-Pacific bian Sea, off Kollam (Quilon) (Fig. 1) at depths (Nelson, 2006; Eschmeyer & Fong, 2012). Two 180-320 m, and landed at Sakthikulangara Fish- Fig. 1. Map showing the collection location for the type specimens of Chelidoperca maculicauda n. sp. aqua vol. 19 no. 2 - 26 April 2013 72 AQUA19(2):AQUA 02/05/13 09:50 Pagina 73 K. K. Bineesh, K. V. Akhilesh, E. M. Abdussamad and N. G. K. Pillai Table I. Proportional measurements of the holotype (CMFRI GB 31. 139. 14. 5) and two paratypes of Chelidoperca macu - licauda n. sp. as percentage of standard length. Holotype Paratype Paratype Measurements GB 31. 139.14. 5 GB 31. 139.14. 5. 1 GB 31. 139.14. 5. 2 Total length (mm) 156.6 160.7 153.4 Standard length (mm) 127.2 128.9 122.9 Body depth 23.3 24.3 22.8 Body width 18.5 18.8 18.8 Head length 40.3 42.6 42.3 Post orbital length 23.7 24.7 24.0 Snout length 8.6 8.7 8.8 Eye diameter 10.8 11.0 11.3 Upper jaw length 17.8 18.0 18.3 Interorbital width 4.6 4.8 4.7 Predorsal length 37.5 38.8 38.6 Prepectoral length 37.9 39.9 38.6 Prepelvic length 35.2 35.2 35.9 Preanal length 61.6 64.2 63.6 Pectoral fin length 24.5 24.7 25.5 Pelvic fin length 24.9 21.7 23.0 Caudal fin length 23.9 22.5 24.8 Caudal peduncle depth 10.7 10.3 10.8 Anal fin length 35.3 33.9 36.9 Anal fin base length 17.3 16.2 17.8 Dorsal fin length 60.1 60.9 62.3 Dorsal fin base length 46.5 47.6 47.9 Caudal peduncle length 17.9 20.9 20.3 First dorsal spine length 4.4 4.0 3.8 Second dorsal spine length 8.4 7.9 7.9 Third dorsal spine length 13.1 12.7 12.9 Fourth dorsal fin spine length 14.6 14.3 14.2 Ninth dorsal fin spine 7.9 8.2 7.4 Tenth dorsal fin spine length 10.3 9.1 10.4 Eighth dorsal fin spine length 8.1 7.5 8.4 First anal spine length 4.6 5.2 4.3 Second anal spine length 6.7 7.7 6.4 Third anal spine length 9.3 12.6 8.8 First anal ray length 13.3 12.0 12.1 Longest anal ray length 18.8 20.0 22.0 eries Harbour, Kerala, during April 2012. Mea- India (CMFRI); Zoological Survey of India, Cal- surements of formalin (5%) preserved specimens cutta, India (ZSI); The Zoological Museum, Ham- were taken following Hubbs and Lagler (1964). burg, Germany (ZMH); and National Bureau of The morphometric characters of the specimens Fish Genetic Resources, Cochin Unit, Cochin, were measured with a digital vernier caliper with India (NBFGR CHN).
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