INDEX OF NAMES Adickes, Erich 25 Descartes, Rene 50, 65, 96, 105, 177, Alembert, Jean Ie Rond d' 161 246, 250, 278, 285, 291, 293f, 296f, Ambrose, A. 295 299, 304f Apel, Karl Otto 103, 188f Dewey,John 78,81,84, 100f,118f Aristotle 7, 69, 91, 111, 137, 143, 177, Dingier, Hugo 175 229 Drieschner, M. 144, 158 Ayer, Alfred J. 57,63,80 Ebbinghaus, Julius 25f Baum, Manfred 27f, 32, 37f, 40, 42 Ehrenfest, Paul and T. 157 Bennett, Jonathan 30f, 34, 41, 52, 56, Einstein, Albert 3f, 123f, 132f, 214, 217, 65f, 68f, 71, 73-75, 82, 120, 211 224,229,232 Berkeley, George 7, 253, 279, 303 Elgin, Catherine Z. 223 Bittner, Riidiger 37 Euclid 80, 147~ 150, 155, 175, 187, Bohr, Niels 123, 133, 139, 152, 156, 164, 203-205,213,259,267 166-168 Boole, George 144f, 162f, 169f Feyerabend, Paul 92,100,180,187,192, Bouwsma, O. K. 306 202,216,219,222,231 Boyd, Richard 241 Field, Hartry 214, 224 Brentano, Franz 65 Finkelstein, D. 158 Bubner, Riidiger 77, 80-83, 85,93,99, Fisk, Milton 91 101,106,188 Frege, Gottlob 3, 118, 135 Burian, Richard M. 223, 227f, 230-232, 235,24lf Glitschenberger, R. 188 Gibbs, Josiah W. 157 Carnap, Rudolf 180,281-286,293, 295f, Glansdorff, P. 158 300-302. Godel, Kurt 213 Castell, L. 150 Goldman Alan H. 58,63 Chomsky, Noam 187,189 Gombrich, Ernst H. 86-89 Oarke, Noam 187,189 Goodman, Nelson 187 Clarke, Thompson 295,297 Gram, Moltke S. 51,63 Cohen, Hermann 32,34 Griffiths, Phillips A. 51, 63 Collingwood, Robin G. 4 Cornman, James W. 306 Habermas, Jiirgen 188 Cowan, C. L. 233 Hacker, Peter 59f,64 Crawford, Patricia A. 25 Hacking, Ian 103 Hanson, Norwood R. 231,297 Darwin, Charles R. 84, 130f, 142, 154, 168 Harrison, Ross 55,64 Davidson, Donald 78, 83, 90f, 95-103, Hegel, Gottfried W. F. 84,86,91,95,100, 105, 108-112, 114, 119, 242, 262, 248,253 306 Heidegger, Martin 78,81,101, 118, 154 309 310 INDEX OF NAMES Heisenberg, Werner 123f, 131, 133,157, Lorenz, Kuno 189,191-193 261 Lorenzen,Paul 175, 188f, 191, 195 Hempel, Carl G. 189, 208f, 257f Lovejoy, Arthur O. 84 Hermes, Hans 187 Lukasiewicz, Jan 157 Hilbert, David 144f, 149, 156, 174f Hintikka, Jaakko 50,64, 106f Mach, Ernst 124 Hobbes, Thomas 177 Macb:ltosh, J. J. 51,64 Hooker, C. A. 164, 170 Malcolm, Norman 64,295 Horstmann, Rolf P. 269 Maupertuis, Pierre Louis M. de 161 Hume, David 45,49,62,72,80,85,91, Mead, George H. 188 99, 116, 125, 127, 129f, 141-143, Mendel, Gregor 209 168,192,249,251 Minkowski, Hermann 260 Husserl, Edmund 100 Mittelstaedt, Peter 145, 158 Mittelstrass, J iirgen 188f, 191 James, William 187f Moore, George E. 45, 105f, 279-285, Janich, Peter 175, 189, 191, 195 287,289,291,295,300-302 Jauch, J. M. 158 Morgenbesser, Sidney 242 Johnson, Samuel 279 Nagel, Ernest 208 Kant, Immanuel 3-8, 10-13, 23-32, Neurath, Otto 231 37-43, 49f, 52, 55, 62f, 65-67, 69, Newton, Isaac 3f, 6, 124, 161,214-217, 71-75, 78-80, 84, 87, 89, 92, 95, 219-221,229,232,259,267 97-101, 105-108, 114-118, 124- 129, 135-140, 152, 155, 159, 171- Pappus 7 173, 175, 177, 180, 186-188, 191- Parsons, Charles 197,224 195, 228, 230, 245, 248-253, 258- Pierce, Charles S. 83-86, 179, 188, 197, 261, 263-267, 269, 285, 295f, 297, 199f, 208, 210-213, 216, 218, 222, 299 224, 227f, 235-240, 253f, 258, 261 Kekes, John 51,64 Penrose, R. 158 Klein, Felix 147 Piaget, Jean 188 Komer, Stephan 4, 6f, 25, 37,42,51,64 Picht, Georg 158 Kolmogorov, A. N. 144 Planck, Max 261 Kripke, Saul 90f Plato 7,34,118, 136f, 261 Kuhn, Thomas S. 92-97, 131, 157, 180, Poincare, Jules H. 147f,150 192, 216, 219, 221, 228f, 231-233, Polanyi, Michael 297 297 Popper, Karl 100, 13 Of, 134, 137, 157, 180,192,231 Lakatos,Imre 180 Prigogine, J. 158 Lambert, Johann H. 195 Prior, A. N. 158, 173 Lange, Friedrich A. 25 Putnam, Hilary 77, 84f, 87-91, 95f, 98f, Laplace, Pierre S. de 261 102, 114, 118f, 170, 187,197[, 20lf, Lehrer, Keith 95f, 102 211,222,238,241[,262 Leibniz, Gottfried W. 50, 178 Lewis, Clarence I. 80,92 Quine, W. V. 80, 9lf, 95, 102£, 118[,189, Lewis, David 242 197, 20lf, 213, 215,217,219,224, Locke, John 45f, 56,91, 95f, 99,253 227-229, 230-233, 235f, 240, 242, Lorenz, Konrad 134, 137f, 157, 187 262,286-292,296f,300-304,306 INDEX OF NAMES 311 Ravetz, J. 222 Sneed, Joseph 132, 157,189 Reich, Klaus 25f Spinoza, Benedict 50, 79, 81 Reichenbach, Hans 178,187 Stegmilller, Wolfgang 132, 157, 180, 189 Reines, F. 233 Stine, William 58f, 64 Rescher, Nicholas 173 Strawson, Peter F. 3-6, 25, 30, 32, 34, Riemann, Bernhard 80,147, 203f 42, 50, 52, 56, 60, 64, 71, 82f, 99, Rorty, Richard 50, 55f, 58, 61-64, 86, 102f, 115, 118, 183, 188f, 260, 262, 105-111, 113-115, 118f, 189,197, 297,306 242,262 Stroud, Barry 31, 34, 58, 64, 231, 233, Rosenberg, Jay 50, 64, 77f, 85-88, 90- 299-306 95,9~ 102, 197,21~216,219,221~ 224,227,263f,266-269,272,274 Tarski, Alfred 97f, 198, 200, 223 Russell, Bertrand 3,100,135,187 Thomson, Judith J. 58,64 Tlumak, Jeffrey 57,64 Schaper, Eva 25 Tugendhat, Ernst 157 Scheibe, Erhard 158 Scheler, Max 4,25 Urquhart, A. 173 Schlick, Moritz 295 Schrodinger, Erwin 164,166,261 Weizsacker, C. F. von 159-163, 165-168, Schwemmer,Oskar 188f 170-174, 187f, 237 Searle, John R. 189 Whitehead, A. N. 189 Sellars, Wilfrid 77, 85-88, 90-92, 99, Whorf, Benjamin L. 97 102f, 115, 197, 199, 200-206, 208, Wigner, E. P. 166 210, 212-214, 216-219, 221, 223f, Wilkerson, T. E. 42, 55f, 62, 64 227,235,241,261 Williams, Bernard 57,64 Shannon,C.E.134 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 50,53, 55, 78, 80, Shoemaker, Sidney 50,64,119,297 86,88,101,105,119,192,261 Smith, G. W. 56f,64 Wohlrapp, Harald 180-182,188 Smyth, Richard 262 Wolff, Christian 3 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Analogies of experience 14-24, 40-42, Historicism 91, 100f, 140 260f Analytical method, Kant's 6-8, 16f, 32, Idealism 3, 84, 253f 37 Indeterminacy of translation/reference Assertibility, semantic/warranted 201- 212-221,224,227-232,235-251 212 Information 134f Inner states 45f, 50, 52-62, 66f Categories (Kant) 6-24, 38-42, 66, 74, Instrumentalism 47f,229 128 Internal-external questions (Carnap) 281- Causality 9-19,40f 284,30lf Certainty 246,271 Intuition (Kant) 9-24,27-29, 38f Change of concept (meaning) - change of belief 202-205 Judgements about the past 52-56,66f Change of theories 69, 160f, 179, 187, Justification, prospective-retrospective 197, 208-210, 213-221, 224, 228- 221L 246-248, 252, 258, 267~ 271 230,246-262,267,271-273 Concepts: Ontological relativity 212-221,227-232, - a priori 38-42, 67 241 - objectivity- 52-63, 65-69, 74 Ontology 3, 8f, 162-166,256 Conceptual change 197-210,219,224 Conceptual scheme (framework) 4-6, Philosophy of mathematics 6f, 118f, 128f, 78-85, 95-101, 108-111,115-117, 154f 201-205, 219f Positivism 124, 154, 281 Conditions of possible experience 4-25, Pragmatism 83-88, 91, 101, 245, 253- 37L 139f, 154, 160,171,237-239 256 Constructive philosophy of science Presentation-research (Darstellung-Fors­ (Erlanger Schule) 177-187, 191, chung) 178-187, 192f 193-195 Probability 141-145 Descriptive metaphysics 4-6,8,38 Quantum theory 123f, 132f, 138f, 142- 156,162-166,172 Epistemology naturalized 78, 90-92, 237f, 245, 256, 277,285-293,302- Rationalism 177, 179f 304 Realism: Evolution 92, 94, 133f, 137, 154,177- - in general 130f, 153f 179, 247f, 254-256, 273 - explanatory 85-89, 90-95, 22lf, Explanation 185, 208f, 257f 255-261, 263f, 267f - internal 88-90, 197, 216, 230, 238, Foundationalist theories of knowledge 45, 241 277,300 - metaphysical 77,83-90,95,114,118, 313 314 INDEX OF SUBJECTS 130, 153, 161, 197-200, 211, 230, - in Strawson's sense 4-6, 25, 32, 37, 252f 50,52 - Peircean 83-85, 197, 199f, 210-212, Transcendental deduction 5f, 14-16, 224,236-241 19-24, 26, 67, 114, 116, 118, 128, - Sellarsian 85-90,92,197-221 193,249,258,263 - transcendental 48f, 57, 74 Transcendental philosophy: - in general 27, 77f, 99f, 113, 124f, 154, Scepticism: 177-179 - in general 45, 48, 50-62, 77f, 82f, - Kant's 5-9, 71f, 114-118, 124f, 19lf, 90, 116f, 246, 250, 271, 274f, 277- 245, 248f, 252, 261 306 Transcendental principles/propositions 6, - Cartesian 45, 50f, 56f, 59, 78, 246, 9-24,37-42 278, 293f, 299f, 304f Transcendental proofs 8-24,37 Scientific revolutions 69, 124, 159-162, Transcendental synthesis 5, 2lf, 27-31, 223,228-231,246f 39, 66f, 114, 127f, 245, 250-53, Self-consciousness (self-knowledge) 21- 257-259,264 23,27-31,50-61,65-67,73 Truth: Space-time continuum 147-152,175f - as coherence 81,85-90,95 Systems of representations 245-251, - as correctness 254-256, 263, 265- 254-260 267,273 - as correspondence 84-90, 95-99, Temporal1ogic 140,142-146,173-175 109f, 130, 198-219, 236-241 Theory of measurement 132f,164f - Peirce's theory of 85-87, 93, 197, Time 14-24,140-143, 152f, 156, 168f 199f, 210-212, 224, 236-241 Transcendental apperception 22-24,66 - Sellars' theory of 85-88,92, 200-219 Transcendental arguments: - Tarski's theory of 97f, 109f, 198-200 - in general 77-83, 89f, 93, 95, 99f, 105-107,152,155,277,293~302 Verificationism 48-50, 57f, 60, 74, 211, - analytical 30-34,37,45,50-63, 65f, 283,302,306 68f - Kant's 3-24,71-73 World 250-254 SYNTHESE LIBRARY Studies in Epistemology, Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science Managing Editor: JAAKKO HINTIKKA, (Academy of Finland, Stanford University and Florida State University) Editors: ROBERT S.
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