Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books Select manuscript acquisitions January 1970 to June 1973. This covers the more important acquisitions since the last list published in the British Museum Quarterly, xxxvi (1972), pp. 59-60 AMHARIC Muhammad ibn Sakir al-Kutubi, 'Uyun at- ta warih. Part 9 of a genoral history. Nashi; ETHIOPIC 14th century. Autograph copy; original bind- ing. Or. 13319. ARABIC ad-Durr al-mandud fi 'aga*ib al-wugud, a 105 manuscripts woro acquirod, tho following cosmographical treatiso. Nashi; probably i6th boing tho most important: contury. Or. 13321. Muhtasar 'Aga'ib al-mahluqat, an abridge- Nagm ad-Din Mahmud as-Sirazi, al-Hawi fi ment of al-Qazwini's cosmographical treatiso. t-tadawi, a modical compendium. Nashi; Nashi; 1397. Or. 13230. 1331. MamBk illuminations. Or. 13383. Pur- Yusuf ibn Ishaq al-Isra'ili, Kitab al-Musta'ini, chased with funds from the Mew Bequest. on simplodrugs. Magribi; i9th-20th century; The Qur'an. Exquisite Nashi, with headings Morocco. Illuminations. Or. 13248. in Tulut; c. 15th century. MamlUk illumina- The Qur'an. Fine Nashi; 17th century; Persia tions. Or. 13386. or India. Rich illuminations in Ottoman- The Qur'an, vol. 16 of 30 vols. Nashi, with Safavid-Mughal style; original binding. Or. headings in Xulut; 1566. Illuminations. Or. 13279- 13390- Mahmud ibn 'Umar az-Zamahsari, al-Kassaf Muhammad Rasid al-Muhasib, Mulham al- 'an haqa'iq at-tanzil, commentary on the Qur'an, a comprehonsivo analytical index to Qur'an. Fine small Nashi, with headings in tho Qur'an. Ottoman Nashi; 1874; Turkey. Xulut; 1428; Egypt (copied for Sultan Or. 13448. Barsbay). MamlUk illuminations; original Mahmud ibn Sadr as-§ari*ah al-Awwal, binding. Or. 13286. Wiqayat ar-riwayah fi masa'il al-Hidayah, al-(^zwini, Atar al-bilad wa-ahbar al-'ibad, legal manual of the Hanafi school, with a geographical treatiso. Nashi; i6th century. marginal comments. Nashi; 1491. Or. 13450. Or. 13314. Abu l-'Abbas Ahmad at-Jabari, 'Aga'ib as- samawat wa-l-ard, on astronomy, cosmology, and topography. Nashi; 1705. Diagrams. BATAK Or. 13325. Sarang timah, two war amulets. Bone; Muhyi d-Din al-Gudami ar-Rawhi, ar- Karo-Batak script; 19th contury; Sumatra. Rawdah az-zahirah fi hitat al-Qahirah, on Drawings. Or. i333o(A-B). the topography of Cairo. Nashi; 1607. Or. Kamal ad-Din Ga'far al-Udfuwi, at-Tali' as- saMd al-gami' asma* al-Fudala' wa-r-ruwah BALINESE bi-aMa s-Sa*id, biographical dictionary of Pitrloka, on the sufferings ofthe dead in hell. eminent men of Uppor Egypt. Nashi; 15th Paim-loavos; 19th century. Miniatures. Or. century. Or. 13318. 13380. 99 BliRMESE JAPANESE Mandalay court on country circuit, six paint- Ezo-shi and Ezo Dochuki, two accounts ofthe ings in a folding-book [parabaik). Mid-i9th island of Hokkaido, tho lattor by Tatono century; Mandalay. Or. 13291. Zuigon. Mid-i9th contury. Illustrations. Or. Shwoibo myo gyi pum, map of Shwoibo town. 13285- Mid-i9th century. Or. 13307. Matsutake monogatari, a Muromachi-period Silavarnsa, Parami khan: prui. lahka, on the novel. Nara-emaki scroll; mid-17th century. perfections of tho Buddha, with somo Pali 5 miniatures. Or. 13385. Presented by Mr. gdthds. Palm-lea vos; 1805. Or. 13374. Shigeo Sorimachi. See also SHAN KANNADA CHINESE Kaditam, an account book of the type used Yonglo da dian, chlian 13201-3, previously only by tho merchants of Mysore. Black paper unrecorded volume of the encyclopedia of folding-book; 18th-19th century; Mysore. 1408; incomplete. 1567. Or. 13292. Or. 13343. Presented hy Dr. Albertine Gaur. Qun fang and Du cao, two volumes of flower paintings, with descriptive texts. 19th contury. LAO Or. i3347(A-B). ETHIOPIC MALAY Magical, Biblical, and liturgical texts. Taj al-Salatin, a book of instruction for princes. i6th-2Oth contury. Or. 13262-75 and Or. Jawi script; 1824; Penang. Illuminations. 13308-9. Presented by The Wellcome Institute Or. 13295. ofthe History of Medicine. Mashaf sor'at. Anaphora ofthe Blessed Virgin NEPALI Mary, in Ethiopic and Amharic. Parchment; Petition of Rajendra Vikrama Sah, Maharaja 20th century. 3 miniatures. Or. 13278. of Nopal, to tho Emporor of China, in Nopali and Persian. Illuminated yellow scroll; HEBREW Dovanagari and Nasta'liq; 1828; Kathmandu. Siddur, Daily and Festival Prayer Book accord- Or. 13288. ing to the Italian rite. Vollum; 15th contury; Italy. Or. 13260. ORIYA Monahom ben Me'ir SiyyonI, Sepher Siyyuni, Acyutananda-dasa, Harivarnsa-janmakhanda, a kabbalistic commentary on the Pentateuch. life of KrsnaK . Palm-loavesPll ; 19th i5th-i6th century. Or. 13261. contury; Orissa. Or. 13373. Sedhor tikkun k^ri'ath sh^ma' she-'al ham- mittah, night prayors. 1736. Miniatures. Or. PALI 13296. Bhikkhu-patimokkha, I-III, and Pavarana, See also URDU two Buddhist ritual texts. Gilded and lacquered palm-leavos; Burmeso square- HINDI script; oarly 19th contury. In an ornamented ^akunavali, a book of divination. Dovanagari; box. Or. 13299. Bequeathed by Mrs. I. C. 19th contury; Kashmir. Miniatures. Or. 13254. Hemsley. 100 Tatiya padumaip Buddha-phu thuan, on tho century; Nepal. 48 miniatures; illustrated lifo ofthe Buddha, in Pali and Lao. Folding- binding-boards. Or. 13219. book; Tham script; 19th century; Laos. Jambudvipacanaksya, a Jain cosmologica! map. Or. 13360. Cloth painting {pata); Jain Nagari; early 16th See also BURMESE contury; western India. Or. 13294. Alladanatha, Nirnayamrta, on times suitable PANJABI for certain coremonios, and other ritual tracts. A miscellany, including tracts on modicines Birchbark; Sarada script; 16th-17th contury; and orotics, mado for Maharani Jhindan, Kashmir. Contemporary leather binding. Or. mothor of Dulip Singh of Lahore. Gurmukhi 13300. script; first half of 19th century. Or. 13231. Madanapala, Madanavinodanighantu, on tho modicinal properties of plants and foods, in PERSIAN a unique recension. Nowari script; 18th contury; Nepal. Or. 13333A. Filnama, on elephant-lore. Nasta'liq; i8th- See also PRAKRIT 19th century; Kashmir. 21 miniatures. Or. 13255- SHAN Nizami, Khamsa, five lyric poems. Early Scones from the life of a Burmeso princo, three Nasta'liq; 1386-8; Baghdad. 23 miniatures in paintings in a folding-book [parabaik), with the style of the Jalayirid court; illuminations. Shan and Burmoso descriptions. Mid-i9th Or. 13297. [See British Museum Quarterly, century; Shan States. Or. 13293. XXXVI. 8-II, pis. II-IIL] Tra: tau caw phuin nai cain hik cuiw lik caw Hafiz, Divan, collected poems. NastaMiq; ki hi caritta:, on Buddhist doctrine and 1538; Turkey. 5 miniatures; contemporary religious law. Folding-book {pap); mid-19th binding. Or. 13324. century; north-oast Burma. Or. 13440. Gulam Qadir Girami (d. 1927), Ruba'iyyat-i Girami, poems in Persian and Urdu. Auto- SINHALESE graph baydz. Ta^iq; 20th century; India. Riri-yaka yantra, an illustrated amulet, i8th- Or. 13384. • 19th century; and an illustrated horoscope See also NEPALI for a girl born in 1885. Palm-lcavos. Or. 1331 i(A-B). Transferred from the Department PRAKRIT of Ethnography. Kalpasutra, from tho Jain Canon, with a Sanskrit gloss; incomplete. Jain Nagari; late TAMIL 15th century; western India. 13 miniatures. Auvaiyar, a pootical work of tho Sangham Or. 13341. period. Palm-leaves; r. 1880; south India. Kalpasutra; incomploto. Jain Nagari; c. 1600; Or. 13258. western India. 4 miniatures. Or. 13342. Work on grammar and languages, probably Uttaradhyayanasutra, from tho Jain Canon, written for a mission school, on Tamil, with a Sanskrit avacurni. Jain Nagari; late Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Marathi. 15th century; wostorn India. 3y miniatures. Palm-leaves; c. 1800; south India. Or. 13259. Or. 13362. THAI SANSKRIT Astrological and legal treatiso. Folding-book Tantric text, on tho worship of Mahakala and [samut-khoi); i8th-i9th contury. Drawings. serpents. Folding-book; Nowari script; i8th Or. 13365. lOI Rachathirat (Rajadhiraj), Thai version of the Nosta'Hk; 18th century. Original binding. history of the Mons, an oarly unique rocon- Or. 13352. sion. 1847. Or. 13389. *A§ik Govhorl, Divan-i Gevheri, collected poems, in a uniquo recension. Noshi; socond half of i8th century. Or. 13381. TURKISH URDU NevMzade 'Ata'i, Hamse, four of tho five pooms. NostaMIk; lato 17th-18th century. Amanat, Indor sabha, a fairy talo. Urdu in Illuminations. Or. 13348. Hebrew charactors; 1887; Calcutta. Minia- Yusuf Nabi, Zeyl-i Siyor-i nebovi, a continua- tures. Or. 13287. tion of Voysi's work on the lifo of tho Prophet. See also PERSIAN Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books Manuscript acquisitions July to December 1973 This is a complete list of acquisitions since the formation of the British Library Items of exceptional textual interest are marked with an asterisk; those of exceptional artistic interest with a dagger ARABIC Nakula, ^alihotra-tika or Asva-cikitsa, on farriery. Devanagari; i8th contury; western Qur*an soloctions, followed by traditional India. 131 miniatures. Or. 13461. prayers. Nashi; 1555; Turkey. Illuminations. Jain mandala, illustrating the twenty-four Or. 13453. Tirtharikaras. Dovanagari captions; 19th See also PERSIAN; TURKISH contury; Jaipur. Or. 13472. Presented by Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Prokofiev. BALINESE 40 Rites of magical character for warriors. Palm- MON leavos; late 19th century; Bali. Or. 13490(1-2). Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, in a Mon ver- sion, with fragments of another Buddhist ENGLISH text. 19th contury; Lower Burma. Or. Throe Tamil Hindu pooms translated by tho i35oi(A-B). Rovd. Thomas Foulkes botween i860 and PALI 1863. Or. 13462-4. Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, with Sinhalese GUJARATI sannaya; incomploto. Sinhalese script; 19th See PRAKRIT; SANSKRIT century. Or. 13469. HINDI PERSIAN Madhumalati, a mystical love poem in tho Hidayat Allah Sirazi, Hidayat ar-raml^ or Avadhi dialoct. Devanagari; late i8th con- Qava'id al-hidayat, on goomancy. NastaMiq; tury; Rajasthan. 136 miniatures. Or. 13460. 1817; India. Diagrams. Or. 13491. 102 Sah 'Abd al-'Aziz Dihlavi, Fath al-'Aziz or Bookofdivinations, with Sanskrit and Gujarati Tafsir-i *Azizi, a commontary on tho Qur'an; explanations. Devanagari;early 19thcontury; incomplete. NastaMiq and Nashi; 19th cen- wostorn India.
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