GLOSSARY OF ARABIC TERMS Al-Adou Al-Baeed far enemy (the United States and the West) Al-Adou Al-Qareeb near enemy (apostate Muslim rulers) Al-da’wa religious call Al-amn Al-markazi Security Force Al-Da’wa Al-Salafeyya The Salafst Call Al-Salafyya ‘ilmiyya scientifc Salafsm Al-Salafyya Al-Saalah or liquid Salafsm is an expression to non- affliated Salafsts Al-dawla Al-madaniya civil state Al-Faridah Al-Ghaibah Absent (or Forgotten) Duty Al-Gama`a Al-Islamiyya The Islamic Group Al-hakimiya God’s sovereignty Al-Haya Al-Shariyya lil-Haquq wa-l Islah Islamic Legitimate Body of Rights and Reformation al-iktifa’a al-thati seeking self-suffciency Al-jahiliya state of divine ignorance Ajjanad Miser Egypt Soldiers Group al-jihaz al-sirri secret paramilitary unit, the Special Apparatus or Secret Unit Al-sama’ wata’a hear and obey, total obedience Al-Tabri’a The Exoneration Al-Takfr Wal-Hijra Excommunication and Exodus ach 'amal working brother © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2017 261 A.A.-D. Arafat, The Rise of Islamism in Egypt, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-53712-2 262 GLOSSARY OF ARABIC TERMS Afghan Arabs veterans of the Afghan war Ikhwanisiation Arabic for Brotherhoodization, is a process by which the Muslim Brotherhood members enter and perhaps even dominate off- cial institutions Ansar Al-Jihad Supporters of Holy War Asma’ wa al-sifat unity of Allah’s names and attributes Bid’ah religious innovation that has occurred since the time of prophet Mohamed Baraka blessing Caliph pan-Islamic ruler Caliphate centralized Islamic authority that dominated most Islamic state until it was abolished by Turkey in 1924 Dawa Proselytizing Emir prince, leader Fatwa religious edict or ruling Fiqh Islamic jurisprudence Fitna sedition ḥarām forbidden in Islam Hadiths Prophetic traditions Halal permissible to use or engage in according to Shari’a Halaqat study circles Hizb Al-Tayar Al-Masri The Egyptian Current Party Hizb Al-Tahrir Al-Masry Liberation Party Hizb Al-Nahda Al-Misri The Egyptian Renaissance Party hizb Al-kanba the "couch party", mainstream Egyptians Hisbah the right of the government to force citizens to abide by Islamic law Hizbiyya partisanship Hudud Shari’a corporal punishment Imamat Caliphate Jama‘a Islamic group or society Jama’t al-Muslimin Society of Muslims Jihad armed struggle Jihadi radical Muslim fghter Jizya special tax paid by Christians and Jews as a return for not perform- ing military service. It has been abolished in all Islamic states Intifada uprising Ijtihad individual’s effort at interpretation Kefaya Enough GLOSSARY OF ARABIC TERMS 263 Kufar infdels Kufr apostasy or polytheism Ma‘lim f al-Tariq milestones mabahes amn al-dawla State Security Investigations Services Majles Shura Al-Ulamaa Council of Scholars Manhaj ideology or method or a belief system manhaj tarbawî program of education mujahid, mujahedeen Islamic fghters Musharaka one of the Islamic fnance system, where profts or losses are split between both lenders and borrowers riba usury Salaf pious ancestors Salaf a person belonged to Salafsm Shahid martyr Sharia Islamic law Shura consultation Shura Council Consultative Council Sunna all the deeds and words of the Prophet, second in importance to the Qur’an Tafsir Qur’anic exegesis Takfr the practice of excommunication of Muslims Tashih Al-Mafahim Correcting Conceptions Tawhid affrmation of the oneness of God Tawhid ‘ubudiyya unity of worship tawhid rububiyya unity of lordship Tawhid wa-l-Jihad Monotheism and Holy War Taqnin to institutionalization Ulama religious scholars Ummah or Omah Islamic nation or the Muslim community worldwide Usar families Waqf an Islamic personal charity tradition Wahhabiya Wahhabism, it is a puritanical religious doctrine founded by the eighteenth century evangelist Muhammad b. 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