Bibliography Concerning the Mru, very little has been published; publi­ Bernot, L. I967. Les Cak, contribution a l'etude ethnolo­ cations containing interesting primary data are marked by gique d'une population de Iangue loi. Paris. an asteric. Due to the political situation, reports on the Bernot, L. I967. Les Paysans Arakanais du Pakistan Grien­ Chittagong Hill Tracts in general were multiplying during tal. L'histoire, le monde vegetal et l' organisation sociale the last years; here the bibliography is far from exhaustive; des refugies Marma (Mog). Paris/La Haye. but all important older sources (in European languages) on *Bessaignet, P. I95 8. Tribesmen of the Chittagong Hili the ethnography of the hill tribes have been listed. Tracts. (Asiatic Society ofPakistan Publications I). Dac­ ca. Abdus Sattar. I97L In the Sylvan Shadows. Dhaka. *Brauns, C.-D. I973· 'The Mrus, peaceful hillfolk of Bang­ Aggavamsa Mahathera. I98r. Stop Genocide in Chittagong ladesh'. 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