■S - Thlel un , t F A „ Mz ycai; No. 35555 _____________ Friday, DcIcccmbcr 20 ,1 9 % 50 ccn:cncs G o o d MG:ORNING — ay^JYONREESOTE — -— — G ] u s p e c W e w h e r ) r u g s i Zt T tif c y nW iTii^ iMirfV<fft'TT ^ r j f h u - I] ^i^ii £ t S c ^^1^6205 CO Boks3t3 ^ J U n3 s a 0 e s r 2 Q L p a i r - R « c < 2 i e d t o ] I Locsl f m u n d e r s ByJennlfenIferBuncli “Neither feels that therel e r e is a Tlin«»H«wilawswittw_______________ conflict in my contimrineg in this capadty,” said. : ^ 2 ILEY - Pending coun tes- Maas hasn’t given testin y will implicate a promi- in o p e n c o u rt th a t: lilin k s Irug suspect in two local Rodriguez to the Krieger;er <case, Si, including the unsolved althou^ Haley said wbata t iMaas lg of teen-ager Regina has to say implicates Rodriodriguez er, a lawyer said in coun in Krieger*s m urder. On theth e wit- iay. _ s ta ^ in August, Maas'las'testi- i id'Haley, court^ppolnted' ■ mony implicated Rodrigueignez i n ----------- aey for Gilberto Flores the m urdtf cf Morgan. HadeaatdcOiEsc piez, Thursday said anoth- Krieger, 14. of Buriey,ey, was ; of his clients, Todd Maas, found dead near the SnS n ak e eff tis y q d 6 b !^cS b£c im plicate Rodriguez in the R iver April IS. sflatiii'im jpTrfc’ irm unier. Rhonda Krieger, RefR eg in a R 9 C 1 H ey m ade the comment dur- Krieger*s m other was contaiwiranpH an arraignment for by T & Times^ass Thursday,day, but guez in Sth Disnrict Court declined to commeoL 77kte7ono- 71 rflgmiTg^iint^Fii— Ijjj Bm d Isoflic: OtiQs day. News also has requested totointer- ii C d^Eifff S 1 I court hearing in August, view with Rodriguez, bbut u t has said Rodriguez ordered recei%~ed no response. ,pril 10 slaying of Blake M aas testified a t th e pre! I m jr. nary hearings of Kody^ *St ^ a n e n ^ c i ■ Irig u c z h a s n ’t b een Butdier and Jesus Diaz, ciacharged >ed in c o n n e c tio n w ith with first-degree murderrincoQ in - • murder case. nection with Morgan’s deatheath-On : Slpoinrs Iriguez, 34, pleaded inno- ^'e-witness stand Maaslas :said :o drug charges during an Butcher told him Rodri{d ri guez CjHyHH gftltftP ^^ gnment in Sth District AMjsBd ilorgan’s death..M Ma aas is rrrflTrt»rr^wiian^i*>t . Rodriguez faces trial on -fe e in g a two- to six-yeare a r sen- I ^1^ ilklj^mr<71PMKlb»riw n ] ounts of delivery of a con-<. tm c e for aggnn-ated assaulL■nilL d substance, meihampheta- --.yH e and Butdier boih hadtad 1been failure to Hx a tax stamp cd lm ates in T^vin Falls; CCounty o R e s B l ontrolled substance; deliv- JaiL [ a controlled substance in Rodriguez testified thurhursday Biff fflnwrTnh^J^gg'mruuMitl iiifHi •esoice of a mmor, and aid- he did not Im ’c a pn>blem.era with r Tfti*^i5?l>iiiiiTli^r jd abetting in the deli%T!iy Haley representing bothI himhie sdf TPliLiiHiflf^im^fl- jntrolled substance. an d M aas as long a s he: aruand hts ; subject of the murders attomc)' were honest withith ieach F ^ B L ! up during Thursday’s other. punent because Haley said Michad Oths, bar counsem s d for wted the coun record to ) th c Idaho State Bar in Boise,sse,said , i W eekEn u & clients know he is rcp- two rules are followed^d w hen iting both of them. Haley E f c W c n d .' H nddiffihcae:! epresentsMaas. Ptease see MURDERS.5.PagfiA2 Pa ?jr(rRwr;»?l^ftA^ fTrft>BLiiii!Mp«ErpI- iwKtSffwfl‘*^Mt»QggftL”f c r II respon?Lse to fatalII P ^ E L BURLEre draws ccriticismL ; OWNKK tstDtnapartttoNmdBriin a ODooadl B a M n p ta «ilm tim ony w j BEBfBigadEadbn! ■ fte M « c » M a S M h t C « y »I TaItaidiT-B do^ OrtooDel Is Olh r M to tte M cefte te K a n e n t dm.ntMcCleary c niR»*tt i « il'rin*TTT murders,News witter______________ Family copes-A2A2 idlS pC^S3DiC$ T l sla y in g K rieger,HL - A neighbor of P S f f M B Buhl man[1 critical Thursdaynesday’s house fire that D avid'1I two children says response F b e v l d i i n s a" ACTION gi a tto rn;e fire y seemed ddayed. I SECTBONj OT Rodriguele only complaints Tve got after cany(>ronfall e r o o ethe o f 911.1 told one of thc fTtmrirc; <?■ I I S e c f i o o A could impighters I would n ^ e r call BiUrhm taBodtet Kriegeragain,” n said (taylard- M i l - : ^ fe a ttst--------- 2 tkift*. SecSnD ^ H ^sto i n , next-door neighbor to Q«aM Oml,7ai^likc«k c « - IW3liDia&7^ 5 in g Seeleyan house that burned, te VBtS!-----------. H ECHL - A Bold mail« ia; crirririral friraTTfinn U n iisd ^ Rodriguethe first person to call for U M ty of tt* talMCMeM e a . (Elpmiijii_______8 y n afiH" snBcmig mzssne beadead injuiies when be £eU ^ I IBnsiiiiBS’--------- 2 3 Thursday BnlMtkSAUtoCI^. t e a UiJIUlL In awever, CO firefighters defend- leQ Edi at 2:30 p jn . while te’^^M aiSlnrSr*** S e c & D D B ^ Baxsh worixr Doa ODocneD M aos hesai work of dispatchers, oddngbdow the canyon edgep csCD the Joe GdEngs ranch, th e Aing pri to dispatch times from a apintS— M sSecOnE ^ tro»rr 10 o o r i i o f B a b[need n n Rock on th e Salmon ruil dispatching centcr. ^mSio^SSS»f M organ J oUMMaCnCSIidieHtf m^BssUw ___ 1-3 ^ aUsCnsk. R odrifdiink the 911 centcr did an & 23tM icm .a«;ai« nflaoB _______ 5 ............aS n tin g . Caim an's w alls a re asteep and nrrgaMf. and c h a rglen e d t job. They goc us there, Cml.37;«dlAMSMl« ’ ' S e t S o B C Wis FaDs C o D ^ s tn ilF s depQQpoor Art Johnson said pcilke eith erJiey mi got our quick response b - IliDidl...........IM t ^ — s Ssi d i r t k n o w i r i ^ O T h atn ell[ h:h ^ gone down into tbe Rodrigthere,” said Buhl Assistant BJItZl. cen t toChief d Earl Tyree. llaiM , d S b tiiais____ 2 B b c x b s B o m l O D o n ad l mto :a Oat area in the canjron arra ig•efighters n s have not deter- itMm;wtet_4e SSscSnF I wait & r a firrBT^trr; wfaicfa1 hbnfW aboct ro t o from Court.d Rthe cause of Wednesday’s le s u b w I b e tu fafnrjScT w b c : e fire. Investigators will look . iw iii___ ^O^fet-Trtfl ti»: two coun cSjS^opiy Rease see a n . Page A2 trolled st Please see RRE. PagcA2 m ine; fai to a cont / T M s ei t i f i T A ^ Q ery of a th e prese iiusiL n:sa.|: 5ome airlineles’- l u m s m f fs UJ F ing and, : boos grreet TV/ [ \ p a s m x 5 m • Ot>«iwnMfinB o fa c o n o T h e Sl prices unfairu; ■loripartipRSTwni. ' c a m e u; ai I .'iTgnniiew ratinlg syster;m SSS^'SSff h e w ant' g^ u p chargcyes sh o v r& SSfJ2S-Sa !!!!< resen rin teJhwriwinwi_____________ MWiuttbiBfer u; also repr A n a l^ -E l --------------- f e g B q g Sat>wi7M<*lar. i TV industi^ _________ WAfflnSGIOS— Same ODD-DDOXOtiy U A rate most every. chHdrenI 7 an d older. E adi ratings> caicategtfy ir tzzreias may 51,000 nnredianJDO BBH.ZSsas“ *- S img cartoons to cairiesac1 contcnt desaiptiorL t e p x x s e n £ c rm lh c n e x t sseat, e a eren . » d , hild-advocacy groups, pareniren t and both asfced fix the ^bwwest-£aie, e mis sludd their organizations„ and some lawnsw m akss S a a a m f t violence. ecific^ w arnings for Tidence,e, sesex and m f f l i c aSS i i iA lo t depends oo bow h ardrdatrard s • ^ ge — a o d th e in ten sity ofif exeach in sea t seatdKS fiir die best £br^andthat^ a cwoiEguS5«S5om? grot — fin lOW. a s= i a n d l « 0(k»r,«lio and cable tcIcvi- S rip, ozn n depend on bow bard tfaeeenstomer a . “****■«wWn«ybe prefer a ratings system like£ ttth e one Ksfaes tb en . said Janice 9 oi ^ o f t b e ■ppRVrittlercMcfcwi sion(ma. ByKentr HBO. Showtime and otber cablecab net* t^TWirTiiTwp^B^^wjiitiftr gl4.pwqtwga«y _ U esident Clinton, g™ -* — l e r o n "Too bate to k t tbem knowryooreaDy 50 0MnS5£.^SSmge the ost February to cc movies, which are rated:ed by an m e m lowest £nc;* dte s aa ^ .
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