US 20140.107070A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0107070 A1 Fefer et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 17, 2014 (54) PARAFFINCOIL-IN-WATEREMULSIONS Publication Classification FOR CONTROLLING INFECTION OF CROP PLANTS BY FUNGAL PATHOGENS (51) Int. C. AOIN 27/00 (2006.01) (75) Inventors: Michael Fefer, Whitby (CA); Jun Liu, AOIN 43/56 (2006.01) Oakville (CA) AOIN 55/00 (2006.01) AOIN 43/653 (2006.01) (73) Assignee: SUNCOR ENERGY INC., Calgary, AB (52) U.S. C. (CA) CPC .............. A0IN 27/00 (2013.01); A0IN 43/653 (2013.01); A0IN 43/56 (2013.01); A0IN 55/00 (21) Appl. No.: 14/123,716 (2013.01) USPC .............. 514/63; 514/762: 514/383: 514/.407 (22) PCT Fled: Jun. 4, 2012 (57) ABSTRACT (86) PCT NO.: PCT/CA2O12/OSO376 This disclosure features fungicidal combinations that include S371 (c)(1), a paraffinic oil and an emulsifier. The combinations can fur (2), (4) Date: Dec. 3, 2013 ther include one or more of the following: pigments, silicone Surfactants, anti-settling agents, conventional fungicides Related U.S. Application Data such as demethylation inhibitors (DMI) and quinone outside (60) Provisional application No. 61/493,118, filed on Jun. inhibitors (Qol) and water. The fungicidal combinations are 3, 2011, provisional application No. 61/496,500, filed used for controlling infection of a crop plant by a fungal on Jun. 13, 2011. pathogen. Patent Application Publication Apr. 17, 2014 Sheet 1 of 6 US 2014/O107070 A1 FIGURE 1 Patent Application Publication Apr. 17, 2014 Sheet 2 of 6 US 2014/O107070 A1 FIGURE 2 Patent Application Publication Apr. 17, 2014 Sheet 3 of 6 US 2014/010707 FIGURE 3 Patent Application Publication Apr. 17, 2014 Sheet 4 of 6 US 2014/O107070 A1 FIGURE 4 Patent Application Publication Apr. 17, 2014 Sheet 5 of 6 US 2014/O107070 A1 FIGURE 5 Patent Application Publication Apr. 17, 2014 Sheet 6 of 6 US 2014/O107070 A1 FIGURE 6 US 2014/01 07070 A1 Apr. 17, 2014 PARAFFINCOIL-IN-WATEREMULSIONS Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, and threatening large num FOR CONTROLLING INFECTION OF CROP bers of people who are dependent on wheat for Sustenance. PLANTS BY FUNGAL PATHOGENS The rust fungus attacks the parts of the plant which are above ground. Spores that land on green wheat plants form a pustule CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED that invades the outer layers of the stalk. Where infection has APPLICATIONS occurred on the stem or leaf, elliptical blisters or pustules 0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi called uredia develop. Infected plants produce fewer tillers sional Application No. U.S. 61/493,118, filed Jun. 3, 2011, and set fewer seed. and U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/496,500, filed Jun. 0005 Soybean rust is a disease that primarily affects soy 13, 2011, each of which is incorporated by reference in its beans and other legumes. It is caused by two species of fungi, entirety. Phakopsora pachyrhizi and Phakopsora meibomiae. Soy bean rust has been reported in Asia, Australia, Africa, South TECHNICAL FIELD America and North America. Soybean rust is spread by wind borne spores, which are released in cycles of seven days to 0002. This disclosure features combinations that include a two weeks. Yield losses can be severe with this disease and paraffinic oil. The combinations can further include (but are losses of 10-80% have been reported. not limited to) one or more of the following: one or more 0006 Multi-pronged approaches are desirable to address emulsifiers, one or more pigments, one or more silicone Sur the spread of fungal infection. A variety of preventative meth factants, one or more anti-settling agents, one or more con ods may be employed. For example, rust diseases are corre ventional chemical fungicides (e.g., a DMI or a QoI), and lated to relatively high moisture. Accordingly, avoidance of water. In some implementations, the combinations can be in overhead watering at night, using drip irrigation, reducing the form of a single composition (e.g., which is contained crop density, and the use of fans to circulate airflow may serve within a storage pack or a vessel (e.g., a tank) Suitable for to lower the relative moisture and decrease the severity of rust applying the composition to a plant, e.g., crop plant). Typi infection. cally, the composition is applied to a plant after dilution with 0007. Other strategies may include reducing the area of water. In other implementations, the combinations can the plant that the pathogen destroys, or slowing down the include two or more separately contained (e.g., packaged) spread of the fungus. Fungus-resistant plants may be used to compositions, each containing one or more of the above interrupt the disease cycle because many rusts are host-spe mentioned components. Said compositions can be combined cific. This approach has proven very successful in the past for and applied to a plant typically after dilution with water; or control of wheat stem rust; however, Ug.99 is currently viru each composition can be applied separately to the same plant lent against most wheat varieties. Currently, there are no either simultaneously or sequentially, and typically after dilu commercial Soybean varieties with resistance to soybean rust. tion with water. This disclosure also features methods of Accordingly, soybean rust is managed with fungicides. using the combinations for controlling infection of a crop 0008. In large agricultural operations, conventional syn plant by a fungal pathogen as well as methods of formulating thetic fungicides can be used to control fungal pathogens. combinations that include both oil and water as oil-in-water De-methylation inibitors (DMI) such tebuconazole (Foli (O/W) emulsions. curTM Bayer) and propioconazole (TiltTM) may be effective for the control of wheat stem rust, while tetraconazole BACKGROUND (DomarkTM, Valent) be effective for the control of soybean 0003 Rusts are plant diseases caused by fungal pathogens rust. Quinone Outside Inhibitors (QoI), Such as pyraclos of the order Pucciniales. Rusts can affect a variety of plants, trobin (HeadlineTM, BASF), may be effective for the control including monocotyledons and dicotyledons, as well as vari of soybean rust, while azoxystrobin (QuadrisTM) may be ous plant organs, including leaves, stems, fruits and seeds. effective for the control of wheat stem rust. Rust is typically observed as colored powdery pustules com 0009 Conventional fungicides are generally applied by posed off tiny spores that form on the lower plant organ air to the foliage as contact between the pathogen with the Surfaces. Common rust-causing fungal species include Gym fungicide is required for efficacy. This process can expensive nosporangium juniperi-virginianae (Cedar-apple rust) which and fungicide application is often reserved for seasons when attacks apple and pear and hawthorn; Cronartium ribicola foliar diseases are severe. Second, conventional fungicides (White pine blister rust); which attacks white pines and cur typically target specific sites of important pathogen proteins. rants; Hemileia vastatrix (Coffee rust) which attacks coffee Accordingly, strains may develop resistance to the fungicide plant; Puccinia graminis (wheat stem rust) which attacks after repeat applications. Third, the efficacy of conventional Kentucky bluegrass, barley, and wheat; Puccinia coronata chemical fungicides is not always satisfactory for some of the (Crown Rust of Oats and Ryegrass) which attacks oats; Pha diseases, such as Fusarium Head Blight (Scab). Finally, con kopsora meibomiae and P pachyrhizi (soybean rust) which ventional fungicides are generally not acceptable for use in attacks soybean and various legumes; Uromyces phaseoli organic farming. (Bean rust) which attacks bean; Puccinia hemerocallidis 0010. As an alternative approach to conventional chemical (Daylily rust) which attacks Daylily; Puccinia persistens fungicides, oil-in-water emulsions comprising paraffinic oils Subsp. triticina causes (wheat rust in grains, also known as (paraffinic oil-in-water emulsions) and paraffinic spray oils brown or red rust); P Sriiformis (yellow or stripe rust); have been used in turfgrass management practices for con Uromyces appendeculatus which attacks bean. trolling turfgrass pests (see, for example, Canadian Patent 0004. Wheat stem rust is caused by the fungus Puccinia Application 2.472,806 and Canadian Patent Application graminis and is a significant disease affecting cereal crops, 2,507,482). In addition, oil-in-water formulations compris particularly wheat (Triticum spp.) An epidemic of stem rust ing paraffinic oils and a pigment for controlling turfgrass on wheat caused by race Ug.99 is currently spreading across pests have been reported (see, for example, WO 2009/ US 2014/01 07070 A1 Apr. 17, 2014 155693). For example, Petro-Canada produces CIVITASTM, mended label rates, as well provide significant reduction in is a paraffinic oil-in-water emulsion that functions as a broad the dosage of the combinations described herein. spectrum fungicide and insecticide for use ongolf course turf 0013 In one aspect, combinations (e.g., fungicidal com and landscape ornamentals, used for example to control pow positions) are featured that include various combinations of a dery mildew, adelgids and webworms on landscape ornamen paraffinic oil-in-water emulsion with a pigment and/or a con tals (US EPA REG. NO. 69526-13). Product labeling indi ventional chemical fungicide, such as a DMI or a QoI, for cates that CIVITASTM may be applied as part of an alternating controlling infection of a crop plant (e.g., vascular crop) plant spray program or in tank mixes with other turfand ornamental by a fungal pathogen. In some implementations, two (or protection products; and that CIVITASTM may be used as a more) components of the combination (e.g., the paraffinic oil preventative treatment with curative properties for the control and one or more conventional chemical fungicides, such as a of many important diseases on turf, including fairways and DeMethylation Inhibitor (DMI) or a Quinone outside Inhibi roughs.
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