-- -- - Recent changes in the names of New Zealand tree and shrub species - Since the publication of 'Flora of New Zealand' Volume 1 (A- iii) Podocarpus dacydioides Dacrycarpus ducydioides lan 1961),covering indigenous ferns, conifers and dicots, there (iii)Podocarpus ferrugzneus Prumnopitys ferruginea have been major advances in taxonomic research and the clas- Podocarpus spicatus Prumnopitys taxijolia sification of many plant groups revised accordingly. Most of (iv1 Dacrydium cupressinum (unchanged) these changes have been summarised in the Nomina Nova (v)Dacrydium bidwillii Halocarpus bidwillii series published in the New Zealand Journal of Botany (Edgar Dacrydium bijorme Halocarpus bijormis 1971, Edgar and Connor 1978, 1983) and are included in re- Dacrydium kirkii Halocarpus kirkii cent books on New Zealand plants ie.g. Eagle 1982, Wilson (vi)Dacydium colensoi Lagarostrobos colensoi 1982). A number of these name changes affect important (vii)Dacrydium intermediurn Lepidothamnus intermedius forest plants and as several of these new names are now start- Dacrydium laxijolium Lepidotbamnus laxijolius ing to appear in the scientific literature, a list of changes af- (viii)Phyllocladus trichomanoidi~(unchanged) fecting tree and shrub taxa are given here. As a large number Phyllocladus glaucus (unchanged) of the readers of New Zealand Forestry are likely to use Poole Phyllocladus alpinus Phyllocladus aspleniijolius and Adams' "Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand" as their var. alpinus* * main reference for New Zealand forest plants, all the name changes are related to the fourth impression of this book. * It has been suggested that the Colenso name P, cunnin- it is important to realise that not all botanists necessarily ghamii (1884)should take precedence over the later (18891 ark agree with one particular name and you are not obliged to use name (P. hallii). This question has not yet been resolved. this name. However, these names are based on detailed tax- * * Ken (1978)has reduced l'hyllocladus alpinus to a variety onomical, and in some cases ecological, studies and the refer- of the ?asmanian species P. aspleniijolius 0'. arpleniijolius var. ences to these studies should be consulted if you wish to alpinus). Several New Zealand taxonomists and ecologists follow up more fully the justifications for the name change. have disputed this move, and the status of these two taxa are A full review of all taxonomic revisions affecting New Zealand presently being investigated. However, Keng's revision has plants has been prepared by Drs Connor and Edgar and will not been formally disputed in the literature. be published in the New Zealand Journal of Botany in 1987. This publication will include detailed discussion on the rea- 3. LAURACEAE ipp 46-48] sons for these revisions and a full reference list. A new species of Beilschmiedia has recently been described For each plant species subject to a recent name change, I in New Zealand Wright 1984).B. tawaroa is found on the east have given the current name (that appearing in Poole and coast of the North Island between 35"s and 37"42'S (East Adams 1980) and then the suggested new name. The ap- Cape) and on adjacent off-shore islands. However, some propriate page number in Poole and Adams 11980) is also botanists have expressed doubts about its status, although given. no formal objections have been published. 1. CYATHEACEAE Ipp 21-25) 4. RANUNCULACEAE (pp 50-54) Gardner (1981) 4lthough Poole and Adams (19801 now place the New Clematis parvijlora Clematis cunninghamii Lealand members of Cyathea in Alsophila and Sphaeropteris, Brownsey et a1 11985) refer a more cautious approach and 5, VIOLACEAE (pp 56-60) Green 11970) include the six Alsophi !?a and one in Sphaeropteris species un- Most botanists would accept that Melzcytus and Hymenanthera der Cyathea. Dicksonia remains unchanged. should be merged under one genus (Melicytus),but the neces- sary combinations have not yet been published. CURRENT NAME SUGGESTED NEW NAME Hymenanthera novae- Sphaeropteris medullaris Cyathea medullaris zelandiae Melicytus novae-zelandiae Alsophila tricolor Cyathea dealbata Alsophila colensoi Cyathea colensoi 6. NYCTAGINACEAE (p 68) Green (1986) Alsophila smithii Cyathea smithii Heimerliodendron Alsophila cunninghamii Cyathea cunninghamii brunonianum Pisonia brunoniana Alsophila milnei Cyathea milnei Alsophila kermadecensis Cyathea kermadecensis 7. MYRTACEAE ipp 84-90) Sykes and Gamock-Jones (19791, Thompson (l983),Dawson (1985) 2. PODOCARPACEAE (pp 28-36) Leptospermum ericoides Kunzea ericoides After extensive revision, the 17 New Zealand members of the Eugenia maire Syzygium maire Podocarpaceae are now placed in eight genera instead of three. (previously undescribed) Metrosideros bartletti The podocarps are an ancient group and our taxa are clearly more diverse than the customary treatment suggests. Follow- 8. MALVACEAE (pp 94-1001 Melville (1967) ing detailed investigations of all the species in this family by Plagzanthus betulinus Plagianthus regius de Laubenfels (1969,19781,Quinn (19821,and others, the fol- lowing system seems soundly based and is likely to become 9. CUNONIACEAE (pp 100-102) Hoogland (1979),God- widely adopted. ley (1983) (i1 Podocarpus (unchanged) Ackuma rosaefolia Achama rosijolia P, acutijolius P. hallii * 10. MORACEAE (pp 124-126)Comer (1962) P, nivalis The New Zealand species of Paratrophis have been placed in P. totara the genus Streblus by Comer (1962)but not all of the new com- P. totara var. waihoensis binations have been formally published. N.Z. FORESTRY ATOVEMBER 1986 39 11. LORANTHACEAE (pp 132-134) Barlow (1966) Senecio stewarfiae Brachyglottis stewartiae Elytranthe flavida Alepis flavida * Wilson (1982) has suggested that Brachyglottis buchananii Elytranthe colensoi Peraxilla colensoi and B. elaeagnijolia are best regarded as varieties of B. rotun- Elytranthe tetrapetala Peraxilla tetrapetala dijolia. Elytranthe adamsii Peraxilla adumsii Loranthus micranthus Ileostylus micranthus 19. AVICENNIACEAE (p 240) Lynch (19731 Avicennia resinijera Avicennia marina var. 12. ARALIACEAE (pp 142-151) Sykes (1977) resinijera Pseudopanax kermadecensis Pseudopanax arboreus 19. Several name changes have occurred amonst fern taxa in var. kermadecensis New Zealand. The most recent classification of New Zealand ferns is presented by Brownsey et a1 (1985)and should be con- 13. EPACRIDACEAE ipp 158-172) McGlone (1978) sulted for the currently accepted taxonomy. Cyathodes fasciculata Leucopogon fasciculatus Cyathodes colensoi kucopogon colensoi * REFERENCES Ailan, H.H.,1961. Flora of Kew Zealand, Volume 1.Government Pnnter, Cyathodes fraseri Leucopogon fraseri \Vellington. Cyathodes pumila (unchanged)* Barlow, B.A., 1966.A revision of the Loranthaceae of Australia and New Cyathodes pawijlora Leucopogon parvijlorus Zealand. Australian Journal of Botany 14: 421-499. * The relationships between the New Zealand species Leu- Brownsey, P.J.;Given, D.R.;Lovis, J.D.,1985. Arevised classificationof New Zealand pteridophytes with a synonymic classification of spe- copogon colensoi and Cyathodes pumila and their close Aus- cies. New Zealand Journal of Botan 23 431-489. tralian relatives, L. suuveolens and C. dealbata, have not been Connor, H.E.,Edgar, E.,1987. Nomina dovabantarum Novae-Zelandiae fully resolved (Connor and Edgar in press). IV et Colletanea 1960-1986. New Zealand Journal of Botany 25: (in press). Comer, E.J.H.,1962. Classificationof Moraceae. Singapore Gardens Bulle- 14. SAPOTACEAE (p 172) Green (19861 tin 19: 187-252. Planchonella novo-zelandicaPlanchonella costata Dawson, J.W., 1985. Metrosideros bartlettii (Myrtaceae),a new speciesfrom North Cape, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 23: 607-610. 15. LOGANIACEAE ip 178) Eagle, A,.1982. Eagle's Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand, Second Ser- ies. Collins, Auckland. The status of Geniostoma ligustrifolium is presently under Edgar, E., 1971. Nomina Nova Plantarum Novae-Zelandiae, 1960-1969. review (Connor and Edgar in press). G rmnospermae, Angiospermae. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9: 322-330. 16. ALSEUOSMIACEAE (pp 180-181)Gardner (1978) Edgar, E.] Connor, H.E., 1978 NominaNova 11,1970-1976.New Zealand The six species in the endemic genus AIsemsmia have recently Journal of Botany 16: 103-118. Edgar,- E., Connor, HE,1983. Nomina Nova 111.1977-1982.New Zealand been reduced to four. Journal of Botany 21: 421-441. A. banksii A, banksii Gardner, R.O., 1978. The species of Alseuosmia (Alseuosmiaceae).New var. banksii Zealand Journal of Botany 16: 271-277. Gardner, R.O., 1981. Clematis cunninghamii Turcz. the correct name for A. ligustrifolia and A, banksii C, pamiflora A. Cunn. New Zealand Journal of Botany 19: 327. A. linariijolia var linariijolia Godley, E.J., 1983. The fruit of Ackama, Caldcluvia, and Weinmannia A. pusilla and A. pusilla (Cunoniaceae). New Zealand Journal of Botany 21 : 455-456. A. quercijolia Green, P.S., 1970. Notes relating to the floras of Norfolkand Lord Howe Islands. I. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 51: 204-220. A. macrophylla A. macrophylla Green, P.S., 1986. Notes relating to the floras of Norfolk and Lord Howe (previously undescribed) A. turneri Islands. 11. Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 67: 109-122. 17. RUBIACEAE (pp 181-194) Hoogland, R.D., 1979. Studies in the Cunoniaceae 11. The genera Cald- From extensive field work, A.P. Druce has recognised a num- cluvia, Pullea, Acsmitbia, and Spiraeanthemum. Blumea 25: 481-505. Keng, H.1978. The genus Phyllocladus (Phyllocladaceae).Journal of the ber of entities in Coprosma
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