UNITED AS NATIONS General Assembly Security Gouncil Distr. GENERAL A/43/LLA s/L9464 29 January 1988 ENGLISH ORIGINAL: ARABIC,/FRENCH GENERAL ASSEI4BLY SECURITY COUNCIL Forty-third session Forty-third year CO-OPERATION BETTiEEN THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE ORGANIZATION OF THE ISLAMIC CONFERENCE QUESTION OF PATESTINE THE SITUATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST REPORT OF THE SPECIAL @MMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUI.{AIiI RIGHTS OF THE POPUI"ATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES Letter dated 29 January 1988 from the Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations addressed to the Secretarv-General On instructions from my Governnent, I have the honour to forward herewith the official final cornrnuniqu6 and resolution adopted at the emergency meeting of the Al-Quds conrmittee held in rfrane, Morocco, on 15 Jumada r A.H. 1408 (5 January 1988). I should be grateful if you would arrange for the text of this Letter and the annex thereto to be distributed as a docunent of the General Assembly, under the items entitled trCo-operation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference", "Question of Palestine", trThe situation in the !4iddle East", and "Report of the Speciat Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories', and of the Security Council. (siqned) Driss STAOUI Ambassador Permanent Representative 88-02109 3s84R (E) Digitized by Dag Hammarskjöld Library A/43/LLA s/L9464 English Page 2 Al,INEX Final, communiq\r6 and reconmendations adopted at the enerqencv meetinq of the al-euds Comnittae on 15 .rumada I a.g. I408l5 ganuary l9g8 In the wake of the massive national uprising currently sweeping Al-euds a1-Sharif (ilerusalen the holy) and the occupied t{est Bank and Gaza stripr which has spread to all the Palestinian Arab territories under occupation, and foltowing the escalation by the zionist enemy of its repression of the uprising, described by its media as the nost violent since L967, the Al-euds Comrnittee held an emergency neeting in the city of rfrane, Morocco, on 15 Jumada I, A.H. 1408 (5 January tggg) r at the invitation of, His Majesty King Hassan Ir of Morocco, the Chairnan of the Al-Quds Cornmittee, to consider all aspects of the savage means of repression being employed against the palestinian people. The meeting was attended by Brother Mujahid yasser Arafat, chairman of the Executive Connittee of the Palestine Liberation organization, and by representatives of all the member states of the Committee with the exception of the fslamic Republic of Iran and the Syrian Arab Repubtic. The meeting was also attended by Mr. syed sharifuddin pirzada, Secretary-General of the Organization of the fslanic Conference (OIC). His Majesty King Hassan II, the Chairman of the Al-euds Committee, opened the meeting with an address in which he stated that resistance was the acknowledged right of people whose dignity had been tranrpled. Following the events in Al-euds, the l{est Bank, the Gaza Strip and the other occupied terriiories, he could only express astonishment at seeing the United States, a super-porder and a friend, renounce the principles "which in the past it has fought to defend, and for which we have fought by its side." I{is Majesty recalled the Arab Peace PIan, approved by the Arab Summit Conference at Fez. He expressed his apprehension that there night have been confusion between the issue of Al-Quds al-Sharif and the Arab-Israeli problem, which would delay the solution of the former. He suggested that the el-quds Committee, or the Foreign Ministers of oIC member States at their forthcoming meeting in Amman, should draft pract,ical guidelines on winning the slmpathie! of adherents of religions other than Islam, and rallying the rnaximun number of sympathizers for Muslims and the cause of Al"-euds. His Majesty added that such action was essential, for "if we close ranks on the question of Al-Quds, we will compel the enerry to enter into a dialogue. If the enemy should refuse a dialogue, it would help to convince the world that it seeks neither a dialogue nor a peaceful solution, and is not ready for either.', Digitized by Dag Hammarskjöld Library A/43/LL4 s/L9454 English Page 3 His Majesty conrnended the efforts of the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islarnic Conference in the service of the Organization and of the Al-Quds Committee. He asked the Chairman of the PIO Executive Committee to convey to the fighters outside the occupied territories and the resistance forces within them the word of AIIah the Almighty: 'Lord, fill our hearts vtith steadfastness. Make us firm of foot and help us against the unbelievers. By Allahrs WilI, they routed them. t' !,1r. Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada, Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islanic Conference, expressed his thanks and appreciation to His Majesty King Hassan II for having called the inportant meeting at a time when the Palestinian cause and Al-euds al-Sharif were undergoing such difficulties. He expressed the grave concern of the Muslim world at the continuing vicious Zionist onslaught against the Palestinian people, the nurdering of unarrned childrenr women and elderly people in the occupied territories, the violation of hoLy places, and the firing at worshippers in mosques. His Excellency expressed his admiration for and pride in the outstanding heroism denpnstrated by the steadfast Palestinian people in the face of the occupation. The young Palestinians had been confronting the occupation forces, which were armea Lo the teeth with the rost sophisticated neaponry, with nothing more than the stones of their blessed land and their magnificent courager which had shaken the Zionist entity and sown panic in its ranks. Speaking nextl Mr. Yasser Arafat expressed his thanks to His Majesty King Hassan II for his fraternalr faithful and sincere stand towards the Palestinians at that critical juncture. He then reviewed the phases in the current upsurge of the palestinian people, stating that the upsurge would, with the help of God, continue unabated. He informed the committee t,hat the Palestine Liberation organization had asked for a meeting of the Security Council to consider the attenPts by the Zionist entity to deport Palestinian citizens from their homeland, and called for international protection for the Palestinian peopl.e in the occupied territories. The Conrnittee heard a message sent to His laajesty King Hassan II of Morocco, the Chairman of the AI-Quds Committee, by his brother, His Highness Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber AI-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait and Chairman of the Fifth Islamic Sunmit, in which His Highness hailed the meeting of the Al-Quds Conmittee and expressed appreciation to His Majesty King Hassan II for his initiative in convening it, thus revealing his awareness of the importance of united Islamic action to help the Palestinian people in the occupied Arab territories- The Committee also listened to statements by the heads of the delegations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Senegal, in which they expressed pride in the steadfastness of the Palestinian peopLe in the occupied territories and their worthy resistance, which had culminated in the Present uprising. They also thanked His lrlajesty King tlassan II for his initiative in convening the neeting Digitized by Dag Hammarskjöld Library A/43/LL4 s/L9464 English Page 4 of the committee to consider the situation in the occupied parestinian territories' They emphasized the need to support patestinian resistance' the peopre in their their rejection of occupation and help thern to counter the designs of the zionist entity and its policies and practices ained at uprooting the palestine people from their land. The Ar-Quds conmittee, following closely and with grave development concern the of the serious situation in the itty of Al-euds al-sharif and occupied Palestinian territories; the other f:_ palestinian - Salutes the Arab peopler €xpE€Sses pride in their uprising, and calls upon all orc member states to intensify their porttic"r support and naterial for the Arab Palestinian people inside their occupiea homerand so as to strengthen their capacity for steadfastness and for resistance to occupation, terrorist and racist practices; ?' .Feiteratgs its condemnation of rsrael's occupation of the palestinian and Arab territories, including Al-Quds, and considers occupation that the continuation of the constitutes a grave vioration of the human rights and fundamental freedons of the palestinian people; 3' strongflg@lg the inhuman zionist Arabpoput@iedPa1estinianterritories,asexenp1ifiedbypolicies and practices against the evictionsz expursions, deportations, killings, mass detentions, expropriations, and the violation and desecration of holy placei, and calls upon the international community to hord an investigation, under the auspices of the united Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross, with a view magnitude to deterrnining the of the heinous crimes comnritted by rsrael against the Arab people of Palestiner aDd bringing such crimes to an enal carls upon all nember states of orc to use relations- 1' with their infruence and friendry the international comnunity and to r.r" .ii i.""""utv efforts and poritical and diplomatic contacts nirh stites, iit.iiiti;;.i-;;; organizations resionat to persuade them to bling pressure to bear tn"-zionist occupation authorities to comply with international treaties and conventions,"i in particular the 1949 Geneva convention relative to the Protection of civirian persons in Time of war, in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and respect international resolutions; the relevant Calls for - the setting uPr throughout the Muslim world of committees on solidarity with the Palestinian people, in order to provid"-..i.ti"r assistance and moral to the revolution until the Palestinian peopre can liberate their tand and determine their olrn destiny; 6' .
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