San Diego Public Library New Additions October, 2010 Adult Materials 000 - Computer Science and Generalities California Room 100 - Philosophy & Psychology CD-ROMs 200 - Religion Compact Discs 300 - Social Sciences DVD Videos/Videocassettes 400 - Language eAudiobooks & eBooks 500 - Science Fiction 600 - Technology Foreign Languages 700 - Art Genealogy Room 800 - Literature Graphic Novels 900 - Geography & History Large Print Audiocassettes MP3 Audiobooks Audiovisual Materials Music Scores Biographies Newspaper Room Fiction Call # Author Title [MYST] FIC/ARRUDA Arruda, Suzanne Middendorf The crocodile's last embrace [MYST] FIC/AYOOB Ayoob, Michael. In search of mercy [MYST] FIC/BAIN Bain, Donald The queen's jewels [MYST] FIC/BALL Ball, Toby. The vaults [MYST] FIC/BEATON Beaton, M. C. Busy body [MYST] FIC/BENN Benn, James R. Rag and bone [MYST] FIC/BROD Brod, D. C. Getting Sassy [MYST] FIC/BRUCE Bruce, Alison. The siren [MYST] FIC/BRUEN Bruen, Ken. The devil [MYST] FIC/CANNELL Cannell, Stephen J. The prostitutes' ball [MYST] FIC/CARL Carl, JoAnna. The chocolate pirate plot [MYST] FIC/CHILDS Childs, Laura. Fiber & brimstone [MYST] FIC/CLEEVES Cleeves, Ann. Blue lightning [MYST] FIC/CONNOLLY Connolly, John The lovers [MYST] FIC/DE CASTRIQUE De Castrique, Mark. Fatal undertaking [MYST] FIC/DOHERTY Doherty, P. C. The templar [MYST] FIC/DUNLAP Dunlap, Susan. Power slide [MYST] FIC/ELIAS Elias, Gerald. Danse macabre [MYST] FIC/ESTLEMAN Estleman, Loren D. Amos Walker [MYST] FIC/EVANS Evans, Mary Anna. Strangers [MYST] FIC/FLINT Flint, Shamini Inspector Singh investigates [MYST] FIC/FLOWER Flower, Amanda. Maid of murder [MYST] FIC/FLUKE Fluke, Joanne Gingerbread cookie murder [MYST] FIC/FOWLER Fowler, Christopher. Bryant & May off the rails [MYST] FIC/FRANKLIN Franklin, Ariana. A murderous procession [MYST] FIC/GOLDBERG Goldberg, Lee Mr. Monk is cleaned out [MYST] FIC/GREENWOOD Greenwood, Kerry. Forbidden fruit [MYST] FIC/GREENWOOD Greenwood, Kerry. Trick or treat 2 [MYST] FIC/GREGORIO Gregorio, Michael. Unholy awakening [MYST] FIC/GROSSMAN Grossman, Paul. The sleepwalkers [MYST] FIC/GRULEY Gruley, Bryan. The hanging tree [MYST] FIC/HALL Hall, Parnell. Caper [MYST] FIC/HALL Hall, Tarquin. The case of the man who died laughing [MYST] FIC/HANDLER Handler, David The shimmering blond sister [MYST] FIC/HART Hart, Carolyn G. Ghost in trouble [MYST] FIC/HEFFERNAN Heffernan, William The dead detective [MYST] FIC/HEWSON Hewson, David City of fear [MYST] FIC/HILL Hill, Suzette A. Bones in high places [MYST] FIC/JOHNSON Johnson, D. E. (Dan E.) The Detroit electric scheme [MYST] FIC/KIPPS Kipps, Charles. Crystal death [MYST] FIC/KRAMER Kramer, Julie. Silencing Sam [MYST] FIC/LAND Land, Jon. Strong justice [MYST] FIC/LARSEN Larsen, K. J. Liar, liar [MYST] FIC/MARSTON Marston, Edward. Railway to the grave [MYST] FIC/MATTHEWS Matthews, Jeanne. Bones of contention [MYST] FIC/MAYOR Mayor, Archer. Red herring [MYST] FIC/MCCALL SMITH McCall Smith, Alexander The charming quirks of others [MYST] FIC/MCGILLOWAY McGilloway, Brian Bleed a river deep [MYST] FIC/MILOSZEWSKI Miłoszewski, Zygmunt Entanglement [MYST] FIC/NADELSON Nadelson, Reggie. Blood count [MYST] FIC/NEVILLE Neville, Stuart Collusion [MYST] FIC/PARKER Parker, Robert B. Painted ladies [MYST] FIC/PEARCE Pearce, Michael A dead man in Malta [MYST] FIC/PENNY Penny, Louise. Bury your dead [MYST] FIC/PERRY Perry, Anne. A Christmas odyssey [MYST] FIC/PYNE Pyne, Daniel. Twentynine Palms [MYST] FIC/READ Read, Cornelia. Invisible boy [MYST] FIC/RIMINGTON Rimington, Stella. Dead line [MYST] FIC/RITTER Ritter, Todd. Death notice [MYST] FIC/ROBINSON Robinson, Cynthia The Dog Park Club [MYST] FIC/ROCK Rock, Judith. The rhetoric of death 3 [MYST] FIC/ROMAN Roman, A. E. (Alex Echevarria) The superman project [MYST] FIC/ROZAN Rozan, S. J. On the line [MYST] FIC/RYAN Ryan, William The holy thief [MYST] FIC/SCOTT Scott, A. D. A small death in the great glen [MYST] FIC/SHEPHERD Shepherd, Lynn Murder at Mansfield Park [MYST] FIC/SIEGEL Siegel, Sheldon (Sheldon M.) Perfect alibi [MYST] FIC/SPILLANE Spillane, Mickey The big bang [MYST] FIC/STOKOE Stokoe, Matthew. Empty mile [MYST] FIC/TAFOYA Tafoya, Dennis. The wolves of Fairmount Park [MYST] FIC/TALLEY Talley, Marcia Dutton All things undying [MYST] FIC/THOMPSON Thompson, Victoria (Victoria E.) Murder on Lexington Avenue [MYST] FIC/THORNTON Thornton, Betsy. Dream queen [MYST] FIC/THURLO Thurlo, Aimée. Bad samaritan [MYST] FIC/THURLO Thurlo, Aimée. Never-ending-snake [MYST] FIC/TOPE Tope, Rebecca. A grave in the Cotswolds [MYST] FIC/WALKER Walker, Martin The dark vineyard [MYST] FIC/WESTERSON Westerson, Jeri. The demon's parchment [MYST] FIC/WIPRUD Wiprud, Brian M. Buy back [SCI-FI] FIC/FALLON Fallon, Jennifer. The gods of Amyrantha [SCI-FI] FIC/FLINT Flint, Eric. 1635 the Eastern Front [SCI-FI] FIC/HARRISON Harrison, Harry The Stainless Steel Rat returns [SCI-FI] FIC/HOLT Holt, Tom Blonde bombshell [SCI-FI] FIC/JABLONSKY Jablonsky, William. The clockwork man [SCI-FI] FIC/MCCAFFREY McCaffrey, Anne. The chronicles of Pern [SCI-FI] FIC/NIVEN Niven, Larry. Betrayer of worlds [SCI-FI] FIC/REYNOLDS Reynolds, Alastair Terminal world [SCI-FI] FIC/WEBER Weber, David Mission of honor [SCI-FI] FIC/WEBER Weber, David Out of the dark [SCI-FI] FIC/WILLIAMS Williams, Sean Star Wars. The force unleashed II [SCI-FI] FIC/WILLIS Willis, Connie. All clear FIC/AJVIDE Ajvide Lindqvist, John Handling the undead FIC/BALDACCI Baldacci, David. First family FIC/BALDWIN Baldwin, Rosecrans. You lost me there 4 FIC/BALL Bail, Murray The pages FIC/BECKER Becker, Geoffrey Hot springs FIC/BELL Bell, Alden. The reapers are the angels FIC/BELL Bell, Ted. Warlord FIC/BELLOW Bellow, Saul. Novels, 1970-1982 FIC/BI Bi, Feiyu. Three sisters FIC/BOGNANNI Bognanni, Peter. The house of tomorrow FIC/BOOTH Booth, Martin. The American FIC/BRADFORD Bradford, Barbara Taylor Playing the game FIC/BROWN Brown, Janelle. This is where we live FIC/BRUNDAGE Brundage, Elizabeth. A stranger like you FIC/BURGESS Burgess, Matt Dogfight, a love story FIC/BUSFIELD Busfield, Andrea. Born under a million shadows FIC/CAMERON Cameron, W. Bruce. A dog's purpose FIC/CHILD Child, Lee. Worth dying for FIC/CLARKE Clarke, Brock. Exley FIC/CLINCH Clinch, Jon. Kings of the earth FIC/COES Coes, Ben. Power down FIC/COULTER Coulter, Catherine. The Valcourt heiress FIC/CROUCH Crouch, Blake. Snowbound FIC/CRUSIE Crusie, Jennifer. Maybe this time FIC/CUNNINGHAM Cunningham, Michael By nightfall FIC/DONOGHUE Donoghue, Emma Room FIC/DUCHARME Ducharme, Diann. The Outer Banks house FIC/DUIGAN Duigan, Virginia. The biographer FIC/ELLIS Ellis, Bret Easton. Imperial bedrooms FIC/ENGEL Engel, Patricia. Vida FIC/EPSTEIN Epstein, Joseph The love song of A. Jerome Minkoff and other stories FIC/EUGENIDES Eugenides, Jeffrey. Middlesex FIC/EVANS Evans, Richard Paul. Promise me FIC/EVANS Evans, Nicholas The brave FIC/FARNDALE Farndale, Nigel. The blasphemer FIC/FEEHAN Feehan, Christine. Dark peril 5 FIC/FLYNN Flynn, Vince. American assassin FIC/FODEN Foden, Giles Turbulence FIC/FORD Ford, Mackenzie. The clouds beneath the sun FIC/FORTIER Fortier, Anne Juliet FIC/FOULDS Foulds, Adam The quickening maze FIC/FRANKLIN Franklin, Tom. Crooked letter, crooked letter FIC/FREY Frey, Stephen W. Heaven's fury FIC/FURNIVALL Furnivall, Kate. The jewel of St. Petersburg FIC/FURST Furst, Alan. Spies of the Balkans FIC/GARCIA García, Cristina The lady matador's hotel FIC/GARDAM Gardam, Jane. God on the rocks FIC/GILL Gill, David Macinnis Black hole sun FIC/GLASS Glass, Julia The widower's tale FIC/GOMBROWICZ Gombrowicz, Witold. Pornografia FIC/GRISHAM Grisham, John. The confession FIC/GROSSMAN Grossman, David. To the end of the land FIC/GUDENKAUF Gudenkauf, Heather. The weight of silence FIC/GUILFOILE Guilfoile, Kevin. The Thousand FIC/HAMANN Hamann, H. T. (Hilary Thayer) Anthropology of an American girl FIC/HANDELAND Handeland, Lori. Shakespeare undead FIC/HARBISON Harbison, Elizabeth M. Thin, rich, pretty FIC/HARVELL Harvell, Richard. The bells FIC/HELLENGA Hellenga, Robert Snakewoman of Little Egypt FIC/HENDERSON Henderson, Susan. Up from the blue FIC/HODGEN Hodgen, Christie Elegies for the brokenhearted FIC/HOLLAND Holland, Cecelia Kings of the north FIC/IRWIN Irwin, Stephen M. The dead path FIC/JAMISON Jamison, Leslie The gin closet FIC/JEN Jen, Gish. World and town FIC/JENSEN Jensen, Beverly The sisters from Hardscrabble Bay FIC/JOHANSEN Johansen, Iris. Chasing the night FIC/JONES Jones, Edward P. The known world FIC/KAFKA Kafka, Franz The trial 6 FIC/KEHLMANN Kehlmann, Daniel Fame FIC/KEILSON Keilson, Hans Comedy in a minor key FIC/KEILSON Keilson, Hans The death of the adversary FIC/KENNEDY Kennedy, Thomas E. In the company of angels FIC/KENYON Kenyon, Sherrilyn No mercy FIC/KHOURY Khoury, Raymond. The Templar salvation FIC/KING King, Lily. Father of the rain FIC/KRAUSS Krauss, Nicole. Great house FIC/KUZNESKI Kuzneski, Chris. The prophecy FIC/LACKBERG Läckberg, Camilla The ice princess FIC/LAWTON Lawton, John A lily of the field FIC/LE Lê, Thi Diem Thúy The gangster we are all looking for FIC/LE CARRE Le Carré, John Our kind of traitor FIC/LEIGH Leigh, Lora. Nauti and wild FIC/LENZ Lenz, Siegfried Stella FIC/LEONARD Leonard, Elmore Djibouti FIC/LEUNG Leung, Brian. Take me home FIC/LYON Lyon, Annabel The golden mean FIC/MACHART Machart, Bruce. The wake of forgiveness FIC/MAGUIRE Maguire, Gregory. What-the-Dickens FIC/MAYNARD Maynard, Joyce The good daughters FIC/MCCARTHY McCarthy, Tom C FIC/MCGUANE McGuane, Thomas. Driving on the rim FIC/MCGUANE McGuane, Thomas. Driving on the rim FIC/MICHAELS Michaels, Fern. Déjà vu FIC/MITCHELL Mitchell, Margaret Gone with the wind FIC/MOHR Mohr, Joshua. Termite parade FIC/MORAIS Morais, Richard C. The hundred-foot journey FIC/MORALES Morales, Aaron Michael. Drowning Tucson FIC/MULLER Müller, Herta. Traveling on one leg FIC/MURRAY Murray, Paul Skippy dies FIC/MUSTIAN Mustian, Mark The gendarme FIC/NICHOLLS Nicholls, David One day 7 FIC/NORMAN Norman, Howard A. What is left the daughter FIC/NOTHOMB Nothomb, Amélie.
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