BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS A.-PURE CHEMISTRY OCTOBER, 1935. General, Physical, and Inorganić Chemistry. Mathematical representation of the energy Polarisation of resonance radiation of calcium levels of the secondary spectrum of hydrogen. and the effect of weak magnetic fields. A. II, III. I. Sand eman (Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin., Steinhauser (Z. Physik, 1935, 95, 669—686).— 1934—1935, 55, 49—61, 72—84).—II. Analyses of Depolarisation of the 4227 A. line gives a mean life of the ls 2s3S and ls2^ xS states and vals. of the structural 2-2 x 10~8 sec. for the excited level. A. B. D. C. consts. calc. on Dunham’s solution of the Schrodingcr eąuation are given (cf. Physical Rev., 1932, [ii], 41, Infra-red arc spectrum of chromium. C. C. 713). There is little evidence of Z-uncoupling for K ie ss (J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand., 1935,15, 79—85).— these states. Potential functions are obtained and The arc spectrum of Cr has been photographed indicate that the Morse function is not applicable to between 7720 and 11,610 A., about 200 lincs being the two states. recorded and classified. J. W. S. III. On the above basis the mol. consts. of the Spectrum of molybdenum v. M. W. T ra w ić k ground state, ls l^ S , of H 2 are determined together (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 223—225).—The with those of the ground state, Is22 , of H2+ for com- spectrum was excited in a vac. spark and photo­ parison. N. M. B. graphed. About 90 lines in the region 2100—400 A. Gross intensities in electronic bands, with are tabulated and classified. N. M. B. special reference to C2 (Swan) and N 2 (second Hyperfine structure in silver. H. H ill (Physi­ positive) systems. N. R. T a w d e (Proc. Indian cal Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 233—237).—Using a hollow Acad. Sci., 1935, 2, A, 67—81).—A generał survey is cathode source and Fabry-Perot interferometers, given. The Swan systems of C2 and N2 are considered 20 lines in the visible region were found to be simple, relative to conditions of excitation. The probabilities X7688 in the infra-red was very broad, and the of transition, the temp., and the “ centres of intensity ” resonance lines XX 3383 and 3281 were each double, are discussed. Explanations are suggested for unusual with the weaker component on the longer-X sidc. intensity features of bands excited in different sources, The average separations were 0-055 in X 3383 and especially in A. N. M. B. 0-056 cm.-1 in X 3281. The doubling is attributed to Theory of 324—32~ transitions in band spectra. a splitting of the 5S level because of nuclear spin, R. D. P resen t (Physical Rey., 1935, [ii], 48, 140— which is.probably 3/2. N. M. B. 148).—Mathematical. The interpretation of certain Spectrum of AgD. P. G. K o o n tz (Physical faint absorption bands in 02, showing Q but not P Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 138—140).—A ąuantum analysis and R branches, is examined. N. M. B. is tabulated for the 0,0 and 1,1 bands photographed Spectrum of aluminium vapour distilled by a at high dispersion from a Ag arc in D2. Be is tungsten coil in vacuum. E . Gaviola and J. 3-2595 for the lower state. From the corresponding . Strono (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 136—137).—A val. for AgH the ratio B//B, for the two isotopic W coil, charged with Al, and brought to incandescence mols. is 0-50511, the ratio of the reduced masses being in vac. of 10~5 mm. Hg, evaporates a cloud of metal 0-50497. N. M. B. which emits a violet-blue light found to be mainly a Spectrum of ionised tellurium, Te i i i . S. G. line spectrum containing Al i, n, W, and impurity lines. K rishnamurty (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1935, A, 1 5 1 ,178— The excitation is produced by collisions with electrons 188).—The 5p, 6p, 5d, and 6s terms in the structure from the filament and accelerated by the potential of the Te i i i spectrum have been identified. The drop across it. X 3443-6 behaves as an Al arc and not spectrum agrees in its generał features -with that of as an Al i i line. N. M. B. Se in, but exhibits marked deviations from the usual Rotational analysis of the S 2 bands. E. W. intervał and intensity rules. The calc. third ionisation potential of Te is approx. 30-5 volts. L. L. B. v an D ijk and A. T. L am eris (Physica, 1935, 2, 785—786).—An analysis of the S2 bands is given, Spectrtim of trebly-ionised cerium. R. J. which disagrees with those of Naude and Christy L ang (Canad. J. Res., 1935, 13, A, 1—4).—The (A., 1931, 540) and Badger (Physical Rev., 1934, [ii], principal multiplets of the Ce iv spark spectrum are 46, 1025). The wave functions of the S2 mol. are reported. The ionisation potential is 33-3 volts. symmetrical in the nuclei; the nuclear distance in Further data relating to the ultra-violet spectrum of the finał state is 1-73 A. T. G. P. La i i i are given. R. S. 4 K 1183 1184 BRITISH CHEMICAL ABSTBACTS.— A. Hyperfme structure of the mercury triplet Gas discharges with an electrolyte as cathode. 63P0i2—73S, in optical excitation. (Miss) E. E. W. B raunbek (Z. Physik, 1935, 95, 800).—A reply B oggs and H. W. W ebb (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], to the above. A. B . D. C. 48, 226—232).—The relative intensities of the hyper- Discharge processes in gases before break- fino structure components of XX 54G1, 4358, and 4047 were cale. and ehecked experimentally. Since the down. E. F legler and H . R a eth er (Naturwiss., excitation in optically excited Hg vapour is in two 1935, 23, 591).—Cloud chamber experiments show steps, the ratio of the intensities of the components that the discharge in gases before breakdown takes due to the less abundant isotopes is < in the normal place along canals whether the field be homogeneous low-pressure arc. N. M. B. or inhomogeneous. A. J. M. Faraday dark space. K. G. E m eleus (Proc. Roy. High-frequency spectrum of mercury vapour. Irish AcacL, 1935, 42, A, 31—36; cf. this vol., 556).— N. B. B hatt (Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 1935, 1, Qual. evidence is given that the Faraday dark space A, 891—904).—-Simple circuits are given, and the need not be traversod by fast electrons, and that spectrum is mapped. A. B. D. C. diffusion jn a combined electric field and concn. Hyperfme structure in bands of mercury gradient can account for part of the conductivity, hydride. S. Mrozow ski (Z. Physik, 1935, 95, 524— but that, in some cases, efFects due to short-X re- 538). ‘ A. B. D. C. sonanco radiation reaching the dark space from the negativo glow, and propagated rectilinearly and not Relation between the electron field emission by diffusion, may be of importance electrically and and the work function of liquid mercury. L. R. optically. N. M. B. Quarles (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 260—264).— The variation in the field necessary to initiate a Intensities of satellites of Ka. (Miss) A. W. vac. discharge between a Hg cathode and a Mo P earsall (Physical Rev., 1935, [ii], 48, 133—135).— anodę and the accompanying variation in the work Intensities of K ax satellites were measured and plotted function of the cathode were measured. Results for elements of the at. no. rangę 16—29; they are, show a more pronounced variation of the field with in generał, < for L£2 satellites. N. M. B. work function than is reąuired by the Fowler-Nord- K Series A-ray emission lines of manganese in heim theory. For a change of work function of several compounds. S. Tanaka and G. Oktjno 1 volt the field reąuired to initiate the discharge (Japan. J. Physics, 1935, 10, 45—48).—The effeet of varied from 375 to 575 kv. per cm. N. M. B. chemical combination on the Kax, a2, Px, (3' lines of Mn Anomalous dispersion in thallium vapour. was studied with MnO,, MnC03, KMn04, Mn(OAc)2, and MnSO,,. Appreciable shifts were found for the G. S. K vater (Physikal. Z. Soyietunion, 1935, 7, 226—244).—The Tl lines 5350, 3775, 3529, and Kę, 1 and Kfi’ lines, but scarcely any effeetfor the K<x doublet. N. M. B. 3519 A. have been investigated. The doublet 3519, 3529 A. obevs Dorgelo’s rule and h/k =4-67 x Absorption and scattering of X-rays. D. 10-“ . R. S. B lochinzev and F . H a lperin (Physikal. Z. Soyiet­ union, 1935, 7, 175—188).—The absorption coeff. Interferometer measurements of the hyperfme calc. for the K electron level in metals is in agreement structure of some lines of singly ionised bis- with experimental data. The scattering coeffs. muth. S. Smith and J. S. Beggs (Canad. J. Res., of Ca, Ni, and Al in the region of shorter XX have been 1935, 12, 690—698).—The hyperfine structures derived and inerease with the at. no. R. S. of th e 6808, 6600, 5719, 5270, 5209, 5144, 4392, 4272, and 4259 A. lines of Bi ii and the 4561 A. line Excitation potential of the X-ray satellites in of Bi ni have been examined using ąuartz and glass the L series.
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