POSTAL HIMAL QUARTERLY OF THE NEPAL AND TIBET PHILATELIC STUDY CIRCLE • / SRI PASHUPAT I POST AL CARO PROOF No. 86 2nd Quarter 1996 Pos tal Hi ma l is a quarter l y ~u ~lica t ion of t~e Nepal & Tioet P~ : lat el:: Study Circle. Membe r ship s ub scr iptions r un f r om January t n r DU ;~ DecerrOer of eac~ year. D..J es s r"lou l d be oaid i n local currenc y a : :ne prevailing exchange rate to t ~e soc i etr represent.a t ive in you :- area. MEMBER SHI P DUE S ~ S Ot JAN UARY 1993 2nd auarter/ 1996 T~ ree Years l i f e (I1 embe r No. 86 l33 l 25D American Philatelic So~ iety Affi l iate #1 22 Br itish Philatelic Feoerat i on Affiliate j Q35 Sec retary : Mr. Co lin Hepper Editor: Mr. l eo Mart yn C/ 72 Ca lle Miguel Ange l P. O. Box 49263 El Sueno-Fase J Los An ge l es , CA 9 0 0 ~ 9 - 0 25 3 El Chapa rral U. S. A. 031BO Torrevieja Fa x: 31 0 476- 2608 Alicante Spain Phone/Fax 346-5703701 The Board Of The Nepal And Tibe t Ph il a le lic 5 tu:ty Ci I"C le: Presi dent: Dr. Wolfgang C. Hellrig1 Past P,esident : Or . Pie,re Couvreu, Vice President : ~. C01in T. Hepper Sec,etary: fI1r. Co E n T, Heppet" Treasurer: JI\r . Colin T. Hepper Auct ioneers: Leo !'\artyn '" j,oger Sk i nner I"Ierrt>e r.s : f'tr. Christopher Kinch, nr . Alan wa rren, fI'l,. rrancis A. Wes tbrook Jr. Editor: I'\r. Leo I"Iartyn Regresenta t 1ves : Europe ~ . C01in Hepper. sce ~ddrc s ~ ~bovc. India 50han Lal Ohawan '" Sons. p.a. Box 95, Patlala-147001 , India . Nepal I'\r. Surendra Lal SI'Ire.slha. Kattwnanoo District. P.O. Ball 72 , Ka t:.h'rIardJ • Nepal. U.S.A. ~. ROQer Sk inner, 1020 Covlngton Road, Los Altos, CA 94024, U.S.A, Patron: ~. Mac Linscotl Ricketts. Hcnorary lire "aibeTS: Colin Hepper. Jit Bahaclur !'\anandhar. Lifa ~r5: ~rio C. Barbiere, Jeremy Brewer. p, Gupta, Richard HanChett . Wolfgang Hellrigl. Will i am Jans on , G. Lenser, Leo ~artyn. R. Murray. Peter Planken . Barbara Pray tor , S.l, Sh,estha, Roger Skinner, Oick van der Wa t eren , Robe r t Wightman. I' Alfonso G, Zu l ueta Jr. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Hima l ayan Views . • . Leo Ma rtyn . 19 "The Two Paisa Postal Car d Proof of the Sri Pashupa t i De s i gn Stamps , 11 issue of 1934/ 1935-19 37 ••••• Or. Frank E. Vignola . 20 "I-\rmand Si nger Speaks at the Co llectors Club of New York " . , . • Alan Warren 21 "Some Int er esti ng Ti bet Postal Markingsll Nick Rhodes 22 "Ne pal 1881 -1 885 Issue : More on the 2 An nas T~t e - ~che " ,. Wolfgang C. Hellrigl 26 "Nepal and Ti bet Philatelic Study Circle Meeting at Cape)\, 96 tI • Alan Warren . 28 "Nepal Postal Card Wa .S. Further Inf ormation" .. , Dick van del' Wateren 29 Classified Ads, Back Issues . , . 32 Printed in the U.S.A . We had a very fine meeting at Capex ' 96 . Canada ' 5 World Philatelic Exhibition . Mr . Ramesh Sh restha , the Na tional Commi ssioner from Nepal. gave everyone present a very colorful 1997 calendar . They were printed in Nepal using local paper and are designed t o hang on the wal l. Please see Alan Warren's report in this i ssue for more details r egarding Capex '96 . o 0 000 Our meeting at Westpex (San Franc i sco - April 28) wa s attended by about 10 members . Geoff Flack gave a talk regarding the present "market conditi ons" of Tibetan philately. As usua L. our meeting and the show we r e very fine . Westpex will not take place in 1997 due to the World Philatelic Exhibition in San Franc isco (Pacific '97 - May 29 through June 8) . Th is promises to be a super show and I know that many members will be present at the two s cheduled Study Ci rcle meetings (June 1 and 7 - both at 10: 30) . D D 11 0 0 The following awards were received by members for their exhibits : Paul Hager : "Nepal : The Dashu;Jati Issuesll (4 frames) . Louipex ' 96 (Louisville, Kentucky . June 28 -30) Gold Award and the Reserve Grand Award. Cinpex ' 96 (Crea teI' Cincinnati Philatelic Society) - Gold Award . "Postal Markings of the PH of Nepal" ( !l One Frame Exhibit" ~. [inpex ' 96 - Gold Award. Leo Martyn: "The Development of Nepal's Postal System. 1775- 1911 " (8 frames) . Capex: '96 - Gold. Award . Ramesh Sh r estha: II Ne palese Classics" (5 frames) . Capex ' 96 - Gold. Award . Dick van del' Wateren : "Nepal Postal Stationery, 1887-1959" (6 frames). ALPHILA ' 96 (Netherlands National Stamp Exhibition) Gold Award, Special Pri ze and Felicitations of the Jury for "Best Exhibit" . Capex ' 96 - Gold. Award. Frank Edward Vignola : "Nepal: The Sri Pashupati Local Printings. 1941-19ll6" {5 frames} . Pipex ' 96 (Salem, Oregon, National Philatelic Exhibition . May 17-1 9) - Gold award. Alfonso G. Zulueta Jr . : "Nepal : The Classi c Period . 1881 -1 930". Sandical ' 96 (San Diego . California. Jan 19-21) - Go ld Award. ASOA Mega -Event (New York City , N.V .• Feb . 22- 25) - Gold Awar d . Fila telic Fiesta (San Jose . California, Mar . 16-17) - Gold Aj,lJard , The "Grand Award" , American Philat elic Society 111 900-1 940 Medal ". It shou ld be noted that Rishav Shrestha (not a member) r eceived a "Certificate of Participation" for his 3 f n.nle ~xh ibi t . " The Him~laya:: ". shot~n in thE" II Youth- UD to 15 ve~r-~ (.1':1 11 "'JU!UP 'It [;:.l[J"'" t c)F.. Chungthang , , , , , " - '\1 ,-, M , ,.' _',0, ....., . ~" _" M I A printing problem occur red with the map on .. ' ,.. \ ~ . ,. '''~' , page 11 o f Postal Himal No . 85 . The post offices ) ~.. ~. , referred t o in the text we r e highlighted by an . ' MANGAfJ orange marker but could be easily read on the , original . Upon being printed , the post office , towns we r e blacked out. "1 have retyped the names '\ , , on this map . I suggest that thi s map be ,, photocopied and the names cut out anc' glued on -, the original illustration (page 11) sorry for , the inconvenience . , D ' ·' · J / . " .. - GANGTDK , ," . ' ~ " . .. II I J.. I H .- .~o .. ~ I Nathanc CEZlN, G 50sing (Keoling) ,._ .' ~ .r " '". , -" Rinchingpong Singtam .... Pakyong .. ' .. Rangl i ", /" , Rangpo ,I" NAMCH! , Rhenok , ./ '\ . .. H O ' ~ '\ Manjhitar -+- /1/"''' -,'-' ":/' THE ThJO PAISA POSTAL CARD PROOF OF THE SRI PASHUPATI DESIGN STAMPS, ISSUE DF 1934/1 935-1 937. Dr . Frank E. Vigno l a Pr inted by the Gurkha Patra Press in Kathmandu. the locally designed rectangular Sri Pashupati 2 paisa imprinted stamp design is very similar to the 1935 issue of the Sri Dashupati stamps printed by Perk ins - Bacon and Co ., LoMdon{illus trated on the front cover} . The 2 paisa proof was printed in light brown ink on thick , heavy . buff "fIIative paper , whereas the imprinted stamp on the 2 paisa postal card was printed in blue ink on stiff native paper o f poor quality in shades o f buff to gray. The t ex.t . ornaments and "Hors e Type " design also were printed in hlue on the post al cards o f this i ssue . Apparently the 2 paisa postal card proof was printed in broilln so that it would be a match of the cal or of t he new 1935 issue of the paisa stamps . It wa s a good , logical idee , but those in charge decided to keep this new issue of 2 paisa postal cards the same color as the previous lI Horse Typesll and "Kukris tl imprinted stamp design and text in blue ink . All that can be recalle d regarding the s ource o f t he pr oo f i s t hat it was purchased f rom a deal e r i n Ne pa l a r ound 197n by my father, frank J . Vi gno la. and pr~~~"t;;!d l e) m1': by hin t o !ldd to t he ~epale='2 po-:. r.a l s t a U onl?r v collec tion I was s t.:lrting 3t tint. ti.me. ,.. :' ~, l! ~, ". " !! Postal Hima l 20 £nd Quarte r /1996 Armand Singer Speaks at the Collectors Club of New York by Alan Warren On May I, Arm and Singer was the featured speaker at the twice-a-month meetings of the Collectors Club of New York. His topic was specialized Nepill. Members MId guests gathered for il socia l hour beginning at 5 PM. Shortly after, viewers could in spect some of Annand's nicer items which he had on displily in the club frames. About 6:30 PM the Progrr'IIll Chai rman Robert L. Markovits introduced Armaml and his Wife who ilccompanicd him from West Virginia. Armand apologiz.ed for inadvertently leaving some slid es at hOllle th,'\1 he intended to show. However, with his spry humor and wonderful anecdotal reminiscences, his tillk ,ve nt very well, supported by the wonderful matcnal in the frames. He began with a 1772 document with the seal of the first he le<lit,uy kmg of Nepal. followed by a cove I from the British residency post office which served from 1816 until 1920. His example was the earliest slltviving cover dated December 7,1816.
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