Dave Matthews Band hikes up its The Santana High School UCSD crew competes skirt a little more with their latest shooting proved that it can in two events at Mission Bay album release, 'Everyday.' happen here. over the weekend. Seepage 11 Seepage 4 Seepage 16 , H E u c 5 Circulation Thursday 11,000 March 8, 2001 UC SAN DIEGO www.ucsdguardian.org VOLUME 102,ISSUE 18 Worldwide Dr. Drew and South K_ Praldent Shannon Kawika Phelps, better known as Kawika (Ka­ Adam Corolla Ma, c..... WIth Bush vee-ka) Sensei to his ninjitsu on North Korean Policy students, is someone you can­ not help writing about in the CometoUCSD . WASHINGTON - South first person. His presence Korea's president, Kim Dae-jung, affects you, causes you to look Sold out Loveline event draws arrived here Tuesday night for what back at yourself, which is eerily students for relationship advice could prove to be a clash with the disturbing, to say the least. Bush administration over the right The course of the interview By ALEX J. LEE strategy for dealing with North was a mental Rubix Cube for Associate News Editor Korea as it emerges from self­ me as I tried to decipher and imposed isolation for the first time pinpoint what this man was all Just under 500 people attended a sold-out in nearly 50 years. about. Journalists like to go "Loveline with Adam Corolla & Dr. Drew· Monday Kim, who won the Nobel Peace with their first instincts; a prod­ night at the Price Center Theater. Prize last year for his efforts to end uct of their insight and stub­ Vicky Bender, A.S. commissioner of programming armed standoff that has existed with bornness. The trouble was, and one of the show's main coord inators, said the the North since the end of the there was no initial "feeling: no show was a success due to the hard work of the staff urge to think "car salesman" or as well as the easygoing nature of both guest celebri­ See KOREA, Page 9 "professiortal badass.· Yet there ties. was something there, some- "Adam and Drew were really easy to get along with: Bender said. "They even said how they had a Set IIIIPU, Page 9 good time at UCSD later that night on 91 X." National Bender was referring to how the two went straight from UCSD to San Diego radio station 91 X to record their nationally syndicated show "Loveline." Days before the event, the radio station promoted the event on the air and gave out complimentary tick­ ets. SANTEE, Calif. - Investigators Corolla and Drew stepped on stage at approxi­ said on Tuesday that the shootings mately 7:20 p.m . to the applause of an at-capacity Monday at Santana High School crowd of students, staff members and other members were not a sudden emotional out­ of th e community. Corolla began the night by joking burst, but a planned, calmly execut­ abou t how much he preferred UCSD to SDSU. ed assault by a 15-year-old student "When I think of UCSD, I'll think of great carrying as many as 40 rounds of drainage: said Corolla, rcferring to the ca mpus' high ammunition. elevation and how efficiently the drains redirect rain Lt. Jerry Lewis, who is heading water. the investigation for the San Diego Corolla and Drew went on to answer questions County Sheriffs Department, said from the audience the rest of the night. Topics dis­ the suspect, Charles Andrew cussed ranged from the origins of their current sllccess Williams, had reloaded an Arminius .22 caliber revolver at least four See LOVEUNE, Page 8 See SHOOlWt8, Page 3 Collegiate UCSD Medical School's Revelle Celebrates ___ YIelds to Court, Harold Simon Honored Founder's Birthday ..... to Block PInded 0nIne ....... Anonymous donation creates new position Students enjoy free food and Entertainment while recognizing founding dean at annual event commemorating first dean BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - In a blow to lovers of free music every­ if I have done anything extraordi­ By GEOFF DIETRICH "He would wear the funny little where, Napster has agreed to block Staff Writer nary, but I'm very grateful for the Staff Writer hats." the downloading of files containing honor." Roger Revelle attended the copyrighted music. In a press Dr. Harold). Simon, a found­ The gift and honor are Gloomy skies and thc threat of eve nt regularly until his passing release. Napster said it agreed to ing father of the UCSD School of intended to serve two functions. rain did not deter hundreds of in 1991 . His widow ha~ attended this in an attempt to prevent a Medicine and world leader in Primarily, the chair is to honor hungry students from a barbecue past celebrations but was absent looming injunction from forcing it international medicine, has been Simon's work. It will also allow yesterday afternoon honOring the yesterday. to shut down entirely. honored with the recent estab­ the Medical School to recruit founder of UCSD, the late Roger The UCSD community has Many believe this still is not lishment of an endowed chair in new talent to the UCSD School Revelle, on what would have been Revelle to thank for establishing enough 10 allay the record indus­ his name. of Medicine. his nnd birthday. the campus. He persisted throug~ try's concems. Court of Appeals An anonymous donor gave a "Simon has been an interna­ The annual event, fittingly many controversies to realize his Judge Marilyn Hall Patel said she large sum of money to see the tional leader in Europe and most held at Revelle Plaza, lured stu­ dream of the opening of a world­ sti:l1 plans to issue an injunction creation of a new position in the of the Western world: said dents, staff and faculty from all class institution here in 1960. that win severely handicap Napster. medical school and ensure that Robert M. Kaplan, chairman of over campus with a free barbecue The event was sponsored by - huJianIJ lJai9I Student the name of that position will the Department of Family and lunch complete with cake and an the Reve lle Programming Board honor the lifetime achievements Preventative Care. "He has been entertainment. in conjunction with the of Simon. The chair is in recogni­ an important shaper in the "This is cool: said Revelle stu­ Commuter Activity Board. Lance tion of Simon's role in the design UCSD School of Medicine and it dent Celine Sanchez regarding Feller, co-chair of the RPB, was of health care systems serving is very nice that someone wants the event. pleased with the turnout. Spoken developing nations and his lead­ to honor him in this way." Although people came for the "We will have people until we ership in developing cultural Kaplan also saw the open food, the true meaning of the run out of food: Feller said. "When I think awareness among UCSD medical position as a chance for the med­ event was not lost on those in Aside from pleasing the mass­ students. ical school to do something dif­ attendance. es who came for the free barbe­ of UCSD, I'll think of Simon said he was gracious to ferent. Simon has been at the "Happy birthday Roger cue, Feller sees the celebration as have the chair position named in school of medicine since before Revelle; Jessica Slocomb said. a way for students to "remain great drainage. " his honor. any students had arrived. He Revelle Provost Thomas Bond aware of the history of Revelle." "A lot of people who don't came to UCSD in 1966, after remembered Revelle fondly. Although celebrating the - ... CoNIIII deserve thin.r. like this get it: being recruited from Stanford "This is fitting for a Roger Co-host of loYelJne invaluable contributions Revelle Simon said. A lot of people who Revelle birthday celebration; he See story at rtght do deserve it get it. I don't know , See~Page8 loved things like this: Bond said. See IIEVD.LE, Page 2 The UCSD Guardian NEWS 3 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Thursday, March 8, 2001 Thursday, March 8, 2001 signs of being distraught. disturbed Williams might be imprisoned for SIJoot1nc: . or under Ft emotional StresS. "He the rest of his life if he is convicted or was as articulate as you'd expect any pleads guilty. EVENTS ETCETERA Some knew that student IS-year-old to be." Paul Pfingst. the There is concern here about the planned to bring gun San Diego County district attorney, number of students. and at least one adult. who heard Williams make 11l/Tll said of Williams' demeanor while in Thurscla March 8 ContIMed freNa ..... 1 custody. threats that he was prepared to VlNCE(fI' QItAINAM times and fired about 30 rounds The officer who arrested shoot people at the school. Granger ~~:a""B BUt"Y! TH E ~ ~ S &ETHANy o~n. AlE '104 " 'P~ l tJC. /"I ii' SHr IS 'TM 5' 1'101, Editor in Chief altogether. killing two students and Williams said that amid the chaos on Ward. superintendent of the school Gol<, GI l.L. To H",V,", ~"r" 'ET FOO'f ALIION ..... TI1ER.E oN Tlte: S "(/NC; ~! Do You T~I N k. eo", .u. __ • wounding 13 other people. Lewis Monday moming. Williams was the district. said that three students who Performing Arts: UCSD 1M1\\ \1 S ' l-iOo~! \oI~~i MAl<.ES ~ Cl4 1IilwIc. TH~T Managing Editors I S~OI.4 LD IiE lP GIVE' I1Ii Il A PUSH ? said the victims appeared to have sole source of calm. "Everyone was h'ave acknowledged they were aware S ~ f 'D EVE" Go foR.
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