Dorset-2Dorset-2 BackBack Cover-Q9_-Cover-Q9_- 6/12/176/12/17 11:1511:15 amam PagePage 11 TRAILBLAZERTRAILBLAZERTRAILBLAZER Dorset &Dorset South Dorset&Devon South & DevonSouth Devon SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH Part 3 – PLYMOUTH TO POOLE HARBOUR Part 3 – PLYMOUTH TO POOLE HARBOUR Part 3 – PLYMOUTH SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH TO POOLE HARBOUR Part 3 – PLYMOUTH SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH 22 DorsetDorset && EDNEDN DorsetDorset && ‘...the‘...the‘...the TrailblazerTrailblazerTrailblazer seriesseriesseries standsstandsstands head,head,head, sshoulders,houlders, waistwaist andand anklesankles aboveabove thethe rest.rest. TheyThey areare particularlyparticularly strongstrong onon mapping...’mapping...’ SouthSouthSouth DevonDevonDevon THETHE SUNDAYSUNDAY TIMESTIMES SWSW COASTCOAST PATHPATH Part-3Part-3 –– PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH TOTO POOLEPOOLE CardiffCardiff SWCPSWCPSWCP 1 11 COASTCOAST PATHPATH LondonLondonLondon COASTCOAST PATHPATH includesincludesincludes accommodation,accommodation,accommodation, pubspubspubs MineheadMinehead BudeBudeBude ExeterExeterExeter andand restaurantsrestaurants inin detaileddetailed PlymouthPlymouthPlymouth SWCPSWCPSWCP 2 22 PoolePoolePoole Harbour HarbourHarbour SWSW COASTCOAST PATHPATH PartPart 33 –– PLYMOUTHPLYMOUTH TOTO POOLEPOOLE HARBOURHARBOUR guidesguides toto 4848 townstowns andand villagesvillages SWSW COASTCOAST PATHPATH PartPart 33 –– PLYMOUTHPLYMOUTH TOTO POOLEPOOLE HARBOURHARBOUR 000 100km100km100km DORSETDORSET && SS DEVONDEVON IncludesIncludesIncludes THE THE THE JURASSICJURASSICJURASSIC COASTCOASTCOAST 000 505050 miles milesmiles COASTCOAST PAPAPATHTHTH (((SWCPSWCPSWCP 333))) 9797 large-scalelarge-scale mapsmaps && guidesguides toto 4848 townstowns && villagesvillages JJIncludesIncludesIncludes 979797 detaileddetaileddetailed walkingwalkingwalking maps:maps:maps: thethethe ThisThis guideguide toto thethe coastcoast pathpath PLANNINGPLANNING –– PLACESPLACES TOTO STAYSTAY –– PLACESPLACES TOTO EATEAT largest-scalelargest-scalelargest-scale mapsmapsmaps availableavailableavailable –– At At justjust fromfromfrom PlymouthPlymouth toto PoolePoole HarbourHarbour (217(217(217111/4/4/4 miles,miles, 350350 underunder 1:20,0001:20,000 (8cm(8cm oror 33111///888inchesinchesinches tototo 111 mile)mile)mile) km)km) coverscovers thethe thirdthird section,section, thesethesethese areareare biggerbiggerbigger thanthanthan eveneveneven thethethe mostmostmost detaileddetaileddetailed DorsetDorset && SouthSouth Devon,Devon, ofof thethe HENRYHENRY STEDMAN,STEDMAN, JOELJOEL NEWTONNEWTON walkingwalking mapsmaps currentlycurrently availableavailable inin thethe shops.shops. 630-mile630-mile (1014km)(1014km) South-South- && DANIELDANIEL McCROHANMcCROHAN JJ UniqueUnique mappingmapping featuresfeatures –– walkingwalking WestWest CoastCoast PathPath... ThisThis beautifulbeautiful routeroute includesincludes times,times,times, directions,directions,directions, trickytrickytricky junctions,junctions,junctions, placesplacesplaces tototo 9595 milesmiles withinwithin England’sEngland’s stay,stay, placesplaces toto eat,eat, pointspoints ofof interest.interest. TheseThese onlyonly NaturalNatural WorldWorld HeritageHeritage areare notnot general-purposegeneral-purpose mapsmaps butbut fullyfully Site,Site, thethe JurassicJurassicJurassic CoastCoastCoast,,, andandand editededited mapsmaps drawndrawn byby walkerswalkers forfor walkerswalkers passespasses dramaticdramatic cliffscliffs andand Coast Path Coast Path Coast Path headlands,headlands, ChesilChesil Bank’sBank’s JJ ItinerariesItinerariesItineraries forforfor allallall walkerswalkerswalkers –– whetherwhether impressiveimpressiveimpressive spitspitspit andandand LulworthLulworthLulworth hikinghiking thethe entireentire routeroute oror samplingsampling high-high- Cove,Cove, windingwinding throughthrough idyllicidyllic lightslightslights ononon dayday walkswalks oror shortshortshort breaksbreaksbreaks seasideseasideseaside vivivi llagesllages llages sssuchuchuch asasas BeerBeerBeer andand LymeLyme Regis.Regis. JJDetailedDetailed publicpublic transporttransport informationinformation forforfor allallall accessaccessaccess pointspointspoints SWSW COASTCOAST PATHPATH SERIESSERIES PartPart 1:1: ExmoorExmoor && NorthNorth DevonDevon JJPracticalPractical informationinformation forfor allall budgetsbudgets PartPart 2:2: CornwallCornwall WhatWhat toto see;see; wherewhere toto eateat (cafés,(cafés, pubspubs andand PartPart 3:3: DorsetDorset && SouthSouth DevonDevon restaurants);restaurants);restaurants); wherewherewhere tototo staystaystay (B&Bs,(B&Bs,(B&Bs, hotels,hotels,hotels, bunkhouses,bunkhouses, hostelshostels andand campsites)campsites) INCLUDESINCLUDESINCLUDES DOWNLOADABLEDOWNLOADABLEDOWNLOADABLE www.trailblazer-guides.comwww.trailblazer-guides.com GPSGPS waypointswaypoints 5199551995 > > DISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTED ININ UKUK && IRELANDIRELAND BYBY THETHETHE TRAVELTRAVELTRAVEL ALLIANCE ALLIANCEALLIANCE ¤¤ 012250122501225 406440406440406440 PricePrice inin UKUK UK£11.99UK£11.99 DISTRIBUTEDDISTRIBUTED ININ USAUSA BYBY NBNNBN ¤¤ 1-800-462-64201-800-462-64201-800-462-6420 www.nbnbooks.comwww.nbnbooks.comwww.nbnbooks.com 22 EDNEDN PricePrice inin USAUSA US$19.95US$19.95 7819059 7819059 864942864942 ISBNISBNISBN 978-1-905864-94-2978-1-905864-94-2978-1-905864-94-2 22ndnd DTP:edition editionFF Page: cvr Job: 700883 Title: Dorset & South Devon Coast Path 1712039_cover_cc2018.indd 1 Job:Job:Job: 700883700883700883 Title:Title:Title: DorsetDorsetDorset &&& SouthSouthSouth DevonDevonDevon17/12/15 CoastCoastCoast PathPath Path 08:50 DTP:DTP:edition FFFF Page:Page: cvrcvr 2 nd ISBN 978-1-905864-94-2 7819059 864942 Price in USA US$19.95 EDN 1-800-462-6420 www.nbnbooks.com 2 ¤ DISTRIBUTED IN USA BY NBN Price in UK UK£11.99 THE TRAVEL ALLIANCE 01225 406440 ¤ DISTRIBUTED IN UK & IRELAND BY 51995 > www.trailblazer-guides.com GPS waypoints bunkhouses, hostels and campsites) INCLUDES DOWNLOADABLE restaurants); where to stay (B&Bs, hotels, Part 3: Dorset & South Devon What to see; where to eat (cafés, pubs and Part 2: Cornwall Practical information for all budgets J Part 1: Exmoor & North Devon for all access points SW COAST PATH SERIES Detailed public transport information J and Lyme Regis. uch as Beer llages s seaside vi day walks short breaks lights on or Cove, winding through idyllic hiking the entire route or sampling high- impressive spit and Lulworth Itineraries for all walkers – whether J headlands, Chesil Bank’s passes dramatic cliffs and edited maps drawn by walkers for walkers Coast Path Site, the , and Jurassic Coast are not general-purpose maps but fully only Natural World Heritage stay, places to eat, points of interest. These 95 miles within England’s times, directions, tricky junctions, places to This beautiful route includes Unique mapping features – walking J . West Coast Path & DANIEL McCROHAN 630-mile (1014km) South- walking maps currently available in the shops. Dorset & South Devon, of the HENRY STEDMAN, JOEL NEWTON these are bigger than even the most detailed km) covers the third section, under 1:20,000 (8cm or 3 inches to 1 mile) / 8 1 miles, 350 (217 Harbour /4 1 largest-scale maps available – At just from Plymouth to Poole PLANNING – PLACES TO STAY – PLACES TO EAT PLANNING – PLACES TO STAY – PLACES TO EAT Includes 97 detailed walking maps: the J This guide to the coast path 97 large-scale maps & guides to 48 towns & villages 97 large-scale maps & guides to 48 towns & villages 50 miles 0 COAST PATH (SWCP 3) Includes THE JURASSIC COAST DORSET & S DEVON 100km 0 48 towns and villages guides to SW COAST PATH Part 3 – PLYMOUTH TO POOLE HARBOUR SW COAST PATH Part 3 – PLYMOUTH TO POOLE HARBOUR SWCP 2 Poole Harbour Plymouth and restaurants in detailed Exeter Exeter Bude includes accommodation, pubs Minehead Minehead London COAST PATH SWCP 1 COAST PATH Cardiff Cardiff SW COAST PATH Part-3 – PLYMOUTH TO POOLE THE SUNDAY TIMES South Devon South Devon They are particularly strong on mapping...’ shoulders, waist and ankles above the rest. ‘...the Trailblazer series stands head, EDN Dorset & Dorset & 2 SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH Part 3 – PLYMOUTH TO POOLE HARBOUR Part 3 – PLYMOUTH SOUTH-WEST COAST PATH Dorset & South Devon TRAILBLAZER Dorset-2 Back Cover-Q9_- 6/12/17 11:15 am Page 1 Dorset-2 00 colour-Q9_Prelims Template 6/12/17 11:09 am Page 1 This guide to the coast path from Plymouth to Poole (217¼ miles) covers the third part, the South Devon and Dorset section, of the 630-mile South-West Coast Path (SWCP) and is the final book in this series. The first edition was walked, researched and written by HENRY STEDMAN (far left) and JOEL NEWTON (left) accompanied by Henry’s dog, DAISY. They also researched and wrote the two other books in this SWCP series, plus numerous other Trailblazer guides. This second edition of Dorset & South Devon Coast Path was rewalked and updated by DANIEL MCCROHAN. Daniel is a hardened hiker and widely-pub- lished travel writer who has now worked on eight Trailblazer guides, and authored more than 30 Lonely Planet books to destinations as far flung as Tibet and Mongolia. He specialises in China, where he lived for more than a decade, but he is from the UK and relishes any opportunity he gets to explore the British countryside. Daniel hiked and camped his way along the whole coast path for this latest trip, accom- panied for much of the Jurassic s Coast section by his fossil-loving r seven-year-old daughter Yoyo, who has now walked all, or part of, no o fewer than five national trails. h Catch up with their adventures t at : danielmccrohan.com, or track u down Daniel
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