Yak production in central Asian highlands Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Yak held in Lhasa, P.R. China, 4–9 September 2000 ILRI Proceedings Yak production in central Asian highlands Proceedings of the third international congress on yak held in Lhasa, P.R. China, 4–9 September 2000 Edited by H. Jianlin, C. Richard, O. Hanotte, C. McVeigh and J.E.O. Rege Tibetan Academy of Agriculture and Animal Sciences Lhasa 850000, Tibet, P.R. China International Yak Information Centre Gansu Agricultural University Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, P.R. China International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development GPO 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal Yak and Camel Foundation of Germany P.O. Box 10, D-25359 Krempe, Federal Republic of Germany Yak Congress International Livestock Research Institute P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi, Kenya © 2002 ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute) All rights reserved. Parts of this publication may be reproduced for non-commercial use provided that such reproduction shall be subject to acknowledgment of ILRI as holder of copyright. ISBN 92–9146–102–0 Correct citation: Jianlin H., Richard C., Hanotte O., McVeigh C. and Rege J.E.O. (eds). 2002. Yak production in central Asian highlands. Proceedings of the third international congress on yak held in Lhasa, P.R. China, 4–9 September 2000. ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Nairobi, Kenya. 572 pp. Table of Contents Preface ...............................................................1 Special session Towards a global approach to the study of yak research and development .............5 C. Jest and J. Bonnemaire The potential for rangeland development in yak-rearing areas of the Tibetan Plateau . 11 C. Richard Session I: Rangeland development Climatic and grazing controls on vegetative aboveground biomass: Implications for the rangelands on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau...............21 J. Klein,Zh. Xinquan and J. Harte Yak grazing and forest dynamics in Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal ...............35 B. Brower and A. Dennis Integrated ecological studies of pasture problems in the Tibetan Autonomous Region, P.R. China ...................................52 W. Holzner, M. Kriechbaum, C. Ramble and H. Diemberger Development dynamics of fragile pastoral systems of the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. 60 B. Weikai, W. Ning and L. Zhaoguang The yak population in Mongolia and its relation with snow leopards as a prey species . 69 B. Lhagvasuren and B. Munkhtsog Recent results of yak research in Western High Asia ............................76 H. Kreutzmann The cultural ecology of yak production in Dolpo, West Nepal.....................87 K. Bauer Yak pastoralism in Pakistan...............................................95 G. Rasool, B.A. Khan and A.W. Jasra Grazing resources for yak production systems in Bhutan ........................100 W. Roder Pastoral management and yak rearing in Manang’s Nar–Phu valley................104 G. Gurung and C. McVeigh A probe into the pastoral production system in Hongyuan, eastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau ................................................120 Y. Zhaoli, L. Guangrong and W. Ning Nomadism: A socio-ecological mode of culture .................................128 R. Merkle Economics of yak farming with relation to tourism in Nepal .....................134 B.K.P. Shaha TAAAS/IYIC/Yak Foundation/FAO–ROAP/ICIMOD/ILRI workshop iii Table of Contents The economic comparison on yak production in two types of cold season grassland in Tianzhu, China .............................................141 P. Xiaopen, Zh. Degang, X. Changlin and Ch. Jiangang Yak hybridisation in the central upper slope region of Nepal: A community resource management strategy ................................146 S.L. Pradhan, D.K. Hitchcock and D. Miller Current rangeland management in Zhongdian County, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan, P.R. China ...............................158 X. Hongyan, C. Richard, X. Jianchu and W. Jianhua Sustainable development of rangeland resources on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, P.R. China...................................165 L. Yingchun and Zh. Qingping Production and use of an illustrated handbook for sheep and yak herders in Qinghai . 172 N.M. van Wageningen and S. Wenjun Session II: Genetic diversity Genetic variation of mitochondrial DNA within domestic yak populations .........181 J.F. Bailey, B. Healy, H. Jianlin, L. Sherchand, S.L. Pradhan, T. Tsendsuren, J.M. Foggin, C. Gaillard, D. Steane, I. Zakharov and D.G. Bradley Low level of cattle introgression in yak populations from Bhutan and China: Evidences from Y-specific microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA markers .........190 H. Jianlin, J.W. Ochieng, J.E.O. Rege and O. Hanotte Genetic diversity in Bhutanese yak (Bos grunniens) populations using microsatellite markers..................................................197 T. Dorji, M. Goddard, J. Perkins, N. Robinson and W. Roder Introgression makes yak populations genetically different: Evidence from Beta-lactoglobulin variations .................................202 Q. Xuebin and H. Jianlin Milk protein genetic polymorphisms: A comparison between Maiwa yak and Jiulong yak...............................................209 Zh. Yucai, Zh. Guanghui, M. Yongjiang, P. Xianwen, J. Mingfeng, W. Yong, Z. Sixiang and Ch. Jie Population genetic variations of haemoglobin in yak, cattle and their hybrids ........213 T. Shixin and H. Jianlin Genetic variants at the H subunit of the lactate dehydrogenase protein in milk of Maiwa and Jiulong yak............................................216 M. Yongjiang, Zh. Yucai, Zh. Guanghui, P. Xianwen, J. Mingfeng Cloning and sequencing of 5’-flanking region of kappa-casein gene in yak...........220 F. Boaliong, L. Ning, Zh. Xinbo, and W. Changxin iv TAAAS/IYIC/Yak Foundation/FAO–ROAP/ICIMOD/ILRI workshop Table of Contents Opportunities for the improvement of yak production with particular reference to genetic options .............................................225 G. Wiener and S.C. Bishop Session III: Nutrition and feeds Advances in yak nutrition research ........................................237 H. Linghao, L. Shujie and Ch. Shatuo Urea enriched finger millet (Elensine coracana) straw: Effect of feeding on yak ........251 R.N. Pal, S. Pattanaik and T.K. Mohanty Peptide and amino acid metabolism in the gastro-intestinal tract of yak.............259 H. Xingtai, X. Bai, D. Jizeng and H. Linghao Grass and legume variety trials in eastern Tibet ...............................265 W.E. Limbach, L. Yingchun and M. Yushou Availability and utilisation of shrubs as protein sources for yak grazing on alpine meadow on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, P.R. China............273 D. Shikui, L. Ruijun, P. Xiaopeng and H. Zizhi Seasonal changes in forage nutrients and mineral contents in water resources, forage and yak blood ...................................................280 Y. Ping, Zh. Dejuan, X. Xishan, P. Heping and Ch. Shengli Utilisation of alpine shrubs in yak farming in Qilian mountain regions.............283 G. Yanjun, L. Ruijun, Zh. Degang and Ch. Jiangang Session IV: Reproduction and breeding Monitoring of traits for yak and yak hybrids..................................291 M.R. Goe and G. Stranzinger Resources of yak production in Tibet and reasons for the degeneration of productive performances .............................................300 J. Qiumei, B. Chong, D. Yongla, T. Degyi, D. Chyegi, Zh. Yongqing and L. Sang Analyses of breeding traits in Maiwa yak ....................................308 Zh. Jincheng, Ch. Zhihua, Z. Xiangdong and W. Yongli Some genetic parameters of body weight in yak of the Buryat ecotype ..............313 E. Katzina Preliminary results of selection and breeding for improved yak production in Linzhou County, Tibetan Autonomous Region, P.R. China...........316 Y. Den Possibility of increasing yak number and productive efficiency in Kyrgyzstan ........318 B. Chertkov and M. Kasmaliev Review of the research and development of Bayingolin yak in Xinjiang, P.R. China . 320 T. Abudula, L. Hongyun, Zh. Changrui and Ch. Jingbo A study on the improvement of yak reproductive performance by introducing wild yak blood ............................................324 Y. Shoudong TAAAS/IYIC/Yak Foundation/FAO–ROAP/ICIMOD/ILRI workshop v Table of Contents Present situation and suggestions of yak improvement in Sichuan Province, P.R. China ..........................................................328 F. Changxiu, W. Jianwen and P. Jiabi Heifer Project International’s yak project and some proposals for the improvement of the yak industry in Sichuan Province .......................331 P. Jiabi, Sh. Yongjie and G. Jiyun Yak production and strategy for its further development in Naqu Prefecture of Tibet, P.R. China ...........................................335 Y. Xuqing Efficient production of transgenic bovine/cat by microinjection and cloning technology of early embryos .......................................338 T. Suzuki Report on experiment of artificial insemination by frozen yak semen in an area with altitude of 4500 masl..................................345 T. Dorji Experimental results of oestrus synchronisation in yak .........................346 M. Davaa, D. Badamdorj, B. Erdenebaatar, A. Magash, Y. Zagdsuren and N. Altankhuag Experiment on oestrous synchronisation for artificial insemination with frozen semen in yak....................................................349 Zh. Yun Preliminary experiment to induce superovulation in yak .......................353
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