Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-69908-2 - A Global History of History Daniel Woolf Index More information INDEX Notes: For reasons of space persons mentioned only in passing are not indexed. Page numbers in bold indicate principal subjects of extracts or boxed sections. ‘Abbas I, Shah 211–14, 217 antiquarianism 190 Abbasid caliphate 92, 98, 123 Arabic historiography, distinguished from Abu’l Fazl ‘Allami, Akbarnama 217–20 Islamic 91 Acosta, José de 244, 245–6, 251, 261, 267, Arabic (language) 98, 448 269, 271 Arai Hakuseki 328 influence 270, 301, 310 Aristotle 3–4, 41, 59, 114, 387 Acton, John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron 12–13, Arnold, Gottfried 203, 333 373 ars historica 197 Adams, Henry 374, 459 Assarino, Luca 200 Adams, John/Abigail 274–5 Assyrian history-writing 26–31 Afghani, Sayyid Jamal al-Din 446 Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal 451 African history and history-writing 7, 16, 23, Attoriolonna Bone 420–1 439–46 Auerbach, Erich 112 African peoples, racial theories regarding 444 Aufklärung 332–9 Africanus, Sex. Julius 77 Augustine of Hippo, St 47, 81–2, 83, 86 Agrippa, Henry Cornelius 202 Aurangzeb, Emperor 217, 220 Ah.mad b. Fartuwa 440 Ayudhya dynasty/chronicles 425–6 Ajjemy, Abdallah bin Hemedi ‘l 444 Aztecs 234, 244–7, 249, 251–7, 261, 262 Akbar, Emperor 219–20, 310 Akdag˘, Mustafa 451 babad chronicles (Java) 417, 418–19 Akkadian people/history 26–7, 31 Babur, Emperor 214–15, 217–19 Alfonso X ‘The Learned’ of Castile 140 Babylonian history-writing 26–8 Almela, Diego Rodríguez de 179 Bacon, Francis 204, 288, 294 Altan Tobcˇi 124 Baelz, Erwin 427–8 Altdorfer, Albrecht, Alexanderschlacht 181–2 Bakhtin, Mikhail 477 Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de 257, 258, Ban Gu 61, 64–5, 100, 102 263, 407 Ban Zhao 64, Alvarado Tezozómoc, Fernando/Hernando de Bancroft, George 364, 374 254, 256 Barani, Z. iya al-Din 169 Ammianus Marcellinus 51, 75–6 ‘barbarian’ histories 49–51, 75, 82–7 An Choˇng-Bok 319–20 Baronio, Cesare, Cardinal 201 analogism, historical 156–7 Barros, João de 236, 440 Anna Comnena, Princess 145 Barros Arana, Diego 407 Annales maximi 43 Basin, Thomas 152–3 Annales School 11, 464–7, 469 Basu, Ramram 402–3 annals 27, 53, 114–16, 256–7 Bayezid II, Sultan 222–3 Annius of Viterbo (Giovanni Nanni) 183–4, Bayhaqi, Abu’l Fazl 122 197, 234, 240 Bayle, Pierre 204–5, 210–11, anthropology 271, 470–1 292, 303 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-69908-2 - A Global History of History Daniel Woolf Index More information 554 Index Beard, Charles 390, 460 Campanella, Tommaso 204 Beard, Mary Ritter 488, 488 Carlyle, Thomas 337, 346, 348–9, 356, 379, Becker, Carl 390, 460 396, 410 Bede 84, 85–7, 88, 110, 114 Carolingian Empire 109, 113–14, 115 Belknap, Jeremy 272, 276 (see also Charlemagne) Bello, Andrés 409 Castiglione, Giuseppe (Lang Shining) 318 Benjamin, Walter 493 Castro, Américo 464 Bernheim, Ernst 376 Catholic Church 201, 244–8 Berosus (or Berossus) 29, 183, 203 Cato, M. Porcius ‘The Censor’ 43–4 pseudo-Berossus 234, 240, 283 censorship 196–9, 477–8, 480–1, 482–3 Berr, Henri 464, 465 Cervantes de Salazar, Francisco 242 Bhabha, Homi K. 496 Chakrabarty, Dipesh 18, 19 Bible see Old Testament; Tanakh Chamberlain, Houston Stewart 17 Biruni, Abu’l Rayh.an Muh.ammad ibn Ah.mad, Chang Qu 100, 101 al- 65, 93, 121 Charlemagne, Emperor 82, 85, 110, 115, 347 Blish, Helen 504 (see also Carolingian Empire) Bloch, Marc 356, 464–5, 466 Chastellain, Georges de 151–2 Blue Annals (Tibet) 171–2 Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra 403, 404, 497 Boahen, Albert Adu 446 Chatterjee, Partha 496 Bock, Gisela 489 Chaunu, Pierre 467 Bodin, Jean 5, 196, 197, 210, 264, 295, 306, Chile 453 314 Chimalpahín (Don Domingo de San Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount 59, Antón Muñón Chimalpahín 307, 311, 308 Quauhtlehuanitzin) 256–7 Boorstin, Daniel J. 17 China/Chinese historical thought and Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne 193–5, 203, 285 writing 2, 23, 51–65, 99–104, 153–9, Bracciolini, Poggio 153, 185, 187 206–11, 318–26, 339, 433–9, Brau, Salvador 400 479–81 Braudel, Fernand 466–7, 469, 506 academic status 99–100, 156–7; Bridenbaugh, Carl 470 fluctuations in 158 Bruni, Leonardo 185–7, 197 authorship 55 Bu Dayou 210 bibliographic proposals 325–6 Buchanan, George 195 bureaucratization 75 (see also Bureau for Buckle, Henry Thomas 379, 380, 382, 386, 436 the Writing of History) Buddhism 70, 154, 161–4, 168, 170–1, 413, chronological method 53 425–6 code of practices 55 Burckhardt, Jacob 372, 388, 391 comparisons with other cultures 99, 141, Bureau for the Writing of History (China) 172, 225, 318–19, 320, 323 101–3, 208 criticisms of ruling dynasty 103–4 Burke, Edmund 310, 347 development of critical attitudes 210–11 Burmese history 411–16, 453 distinction between record-keeping and Burnet, Thomas 205 creation of histories 102–3, 158 Burrow, John 13 driving forces 56 Bustamante, Carlos María de 407 encyclopedias 103 Butterfield, Herbert 13, 16, 72, 462 genres 100, 103, 114 Byzantine Empire 75, 78–81, 85, 133, ideological groupings 436–9 144–5 imperial encouragement/control 52, 54, 99, 100, 103, 321, 324 Caesar, G. Julius 46, 47, 48 influence on other Eastern cultures 165, Cambodia 412–13, 453 422–3 (see also Japanese historical Camden, William 198 thought and writing) © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-69908-2 - A Global History of History Daniel Woolf Index More information Index 555 links/contrasts with Western approaches historical thought and writing; New 52–5, 57, 72 World; settler narratives oracle bones (Shang era) 6, 52 communist regimes, history under 476–3 political situation 99–100, 119, 434–5 Commynes, Philippe de 152–3 practitioners 91 comparative studies 10, 289, 298, 313–17, privately produced 209 335, 461–2 professionalization 321 Comte, Auguste 306, 379–2, 384, 388, 468 reliance on earlier sources 54 Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas revisions of earlier works 325 Caritat, marquis de 297, 306–7, 337 shift to social emphasis 320 conflict, internal/international 119, 133–6, ‘Standard Histories’ 64–5, 163–4 (see also 151–2, 187 dynastic histories) Confucius (Kong Qiu/Kong Zi) 54, 55–6, Western attitudes to 14, 16, 17, 20, 65, 58–9, 61, 63, 99, 327 313–17 ‘conjectural history’ 341 Western imports/translations 435–6 Conquest narratives 240–2, 247–8 Western influences 206–7, 438–9 from indigenous side 260–1 Western visitors’ accounts 206–7 Constantine, Emperor 49, 51, 77, 171 (see Chinese (language) also ‘Donation of Constantine’) block printing 53 Cooper, James Fenimore 363 terms for ‘history’ 7, 19, 52–3, 55, 99 Cornford, F. M. 39 use in Japanese/Korean histories 105, 106, Corrêa, Gaspar 236 168, 327 Cortés, Hernán 82, 240–1, 248, 257 Christian history 137 ‘counterfactual’ history 336, 469–70, chronology 77–8 513 dating 86 court diaries, in Eastern cultures 100, 102–3, domination of Dark Ages 50–1 165–6 influences 75–7 Cousin, Victor 383 Middle Eastern presence 92 Creation, dating of 193 twentieth-century 462 Creighton, Mandell 352, 375 unifying element of religion 81 Cremutius Cordus, A. 43, 197 Christianity, advent of 49, 75–87 critical history 392 Chronicle of Novgorod 146 Croce, Benedetto 12, 463–4 Chronicle of the Kings of Pate 444–5 cross-cultural influences 8, 119–20, 172, chronicles 27, 184–5 178–9, 235, 281 chronography 26, 34, 76–7, 78, 94 Crusades 125–6, 133–5 Chunqiu 56, 57, 63 cultural history 491 Cicero, M. Tullius 45 Cuzco (Inca capital) 243 Cieza de Léon, Pedro 237, 239, 263 cyclical view of history 31–2, 41, 57–61, 63, Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of 188, 128–9, 163, 296, 461–2 307 Czech (language) 120 Clari, Robert de 134 Clark, Alice 487 Dai Nihon hennenshi 428 Clavijero, Francisco Xavier de 284 Dai Nihon Shi 327 climatology see geography d’Alembert, Jean le Rond 288, 468 Clio (mythical figure) 8–9, 13, 23, 399 Dalin, Olof 342, 346 cliometrics see ‘counterfactual’ history Damrong Rajanubhab, Prince 427 Cobo, Bernabé 243 Daniel, Samuel 301 Colden, Cadwallader 272 Daoist philosophy 59, 63 Collingwood, R. G. 10, 12, 30, 39, 464 Dark Ages 82–7, 110, 109 colonialism see African history and history- dating methods 15, 53, 193 writing; decolonization; Indian Daukantas, Simonas 360 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-69908-2 - A Global History of History Daniel Woolf Index More information 556 Index Davis, Natalie Zemon 483, 489 Elphinstone, Mountstuart 402 de Guignes, Joseph 300, 315–17, 318 Elton, Sir Geoffrey 470, 494 de Pauw, Cornelius 271, 284 England 3, 139, 188, 271–4, 307, 311–13 decolonization 445 Enlightenment 271, 276–7, 285–93, 400 (see Dening, Greg 282, 512 also Aufklärung) dependency theory 497 academic developments 290–3 Derrida, Jacques 493 historical output 285–9 Descartes, René 204, 295–6, 297, 303 modern views of 282 Díaz del Castillo, Bernal 237 ‘three traditions’ of history 290 dictatorships see totalitarian regimes Ephorus 40, 41–2, 44 Dike, Kenneth Onwuka 446 epic genre, relationship with history 26, Dilthey, Wilhelm 386–7, 390, 463 34, 43 Diodorus Siculus 44, 185 epigraphy 4 Dionysius of Halicarnassus 35, 39, 44–5, 59 Erikson, Erik H. 492 ‘discipline’, history as 2, 11–14, 378, 385–8, Ethiopian history 440–2 399, 458 ethnography 34, 36, 62 divine favour/punishment, as theme of Eunapius of Sardus 50 histories 31, 32, 76, 85 Eurocentrism 8–10, 13–19, 196, 452, 457–8 in Eastern imperial ideology 53, 159–60, (see also ‘Eurosolipsism’) 164–5 difficulty of avoidance 18 Mongol view 123 problems of 9–10, 13–18 reconciliation with military power 163 reactions against 445–6 Długosz, Jan 144 European history see comparative studies; do Couto, Diogo 236 Dark Ages; early modern period; Dognon, Suzanne 487 Enlightenment; Eurocentrism; Donation of Constantine 131, 183 medieval history-writing; nineteenth Douglass, William 273 century; Western history Droysen, Johann Gustav 372, 376, 385–7 ‘Eurosolipsism’ 15–17 Du Bois, W.
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