Volume 8 Part 1 January 1978 British Journal of Political Cambridge University Press British Journal of Political Science Editor: IVOR CREWE, University of Essex Review Articles Editor: JOHN GRAY, Jesus College, Oxford Editorial Board BRIAN BARRY, University of Chicago HUGH BERRINGTON, University of Newcastle upon Tyne IVOR CREWE, University of Essex ROBERT DOWSE, University of Exeter JACK HAYWARD, University of Hull ANTHONY KING, University of Essex MAURICE KOGAN, Brunei University ARBND LIJPHART, University of Leiden KENNETH MINOOUE, London School of Economics and Political Science SAMUEL C. PATTBRSON, University of Iowa ROBERT D. PUTNAM, University of Michigan AUSTIN RANNEY, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research EDITORIAL POLICY The British Journal of Political Science is an independent journal, whose policy is set by its editorial board. It is committed to no methodological orthodoxy over and above the normal canons of scholarship: clear and consistent use of words, logical and mathematical validity, and the use of appropriate evidence to substantiate empirical statements. Contributions are invited in all fields of political science, including political philosophy and political sociology. Work addressed to problems of general significance to students of politics will be published whatever the period(s) or place(s) drawn upon for evidence. © Cambridge University Press 1978 PERMISSIONS For permission to reproduce material from British Journal of Political Science, please apply to the London or New York office of Cambridge University Press. ISI Tear Service, 325 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106, U.S.A. is authorized to supply single copies of separate articles for private use only. SUBSCRIPTIONS British Journal of Political Science is published quarterly in January, April, July and October. 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The aim of this book is to examine both ways of accounting for the inequality of pay, and to use the insights thus gained to assess the possibilities of achieving a more equal society. £7.95 Br. Jnl. of Political Science, 8, 1 (i) New From The Institute for the Study of Human Issues ESSAYS IN UNDERSTANDING LATIN AMERICA by Kalman H. Silvert "... these scholarly essays contain so many insights into Latin America that they •are truly timeless/' Library Joumal Essays in Understanding Latin America is Kalman Silvert's last book on the area to which he made such outstanding scholarly contributions. After discussing the role that the social sciences themselves must play in the complex web of research, politics, and policy, he goes on to criticize U.S. actions towards Latin America and to predict the future alternatives for the region. 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Hardbound, 160 pp. $10.95 (ii) FORTHCOMING January '78 RED YEARS/BLACK YEARS: A Political History of Spanish Anarchism by Robert W. Kern "It seems unlikely that this study will have any serious rival as a broad overall account of Spanish anarchism for some time." Stanley G. Payne In Red Years/Black Years Robert Kern has written a compelling yet balanced account that begins with the emergence of the Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo (CNT) in 1911 and ends with the collapse of the movement in 1937. It traces the early attempts to organize the working classes; the strikes, lockouts, and assassinations; the exile of the anarchists during the Primo de Rivera dictatorship; and finally the victory and the tragedy of the 1930's — a decade that saw the anarchists begin a social revolution in Catalonia, take positions of power in both the regional and national governments, and then lose it all almost overnight, in a bloody conflict with the communists and Catalan regionalists. The research for the book included interviews with surviving participants as well as a detailed examination of anarchist archives. Hardbound, 360 pp. $17.50 Paperbound, 360 pp. $ 7.95 February '78 ORIGINS OF THE STATE: The Anthropology of Political Evolution edited by Ronald Cohen & Elman R. Service The authors present distinct theoretical positions and as a result the book fully repre- sents the "state of the art" in state origins. The volume includes considerations of such variables as population size, social stratification, irrigation systems, center-periphery relations, and long-distance trade. Hardbound, 208 pp. $14.95 March '78 "WHITEFELLA BUSINESS": Aborigines in Australian Politics edited by Michael C. Howard "Whitefella Business" analyzes the position of Aborigines in Australian society and the government's attempts to promote political integration. This is a major work about the evolution of a people whose life until now has always been "open to the vagaries of consent by others." Hardbound, 192 pp. $14.95 U.K./European orders to: ISHI DEPARTMENT EUROPEAN BOOKSERVICE Hogoweyselaan 119 P.O.B. 124 Weesp, Netherlands Elsewhere: ISHI, P.O.B. 2367, Phila. Pa. 19103 U.S.A. (iii) THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT YEARBOOK 1978 Editors - Dr Henry M. Drucker and Michael G. Clarke The first of what is to be a series of annual volumes surveying the state and development of politics in Scotland over the previous year. Prepared by the University of Edinburgh Unit for the Study of Government in Scotland, it is an essential reference tool for anyone researching into British Govern- ment at this crucial time in the devolution debate. All academic and institutional libraries should have a copy on their shelves. Contents of the book include papers on the role of the Secretary of State for Scotland, the Scottish Development Agency, Opposition in Local Government, analysis of the May 1977 Local Election Results, Bibliography of more than 1200 publications on Scottish Government and appendices dealing with the structure of the Scottish Office and Scottish Local Government.
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