Asian Development Bank Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand TA NO.3583-THA Mae Moh Environmental Evaluation Final Report Volume 2 - Appendices April 2002 Checked in accordance with MWHHKL QP22 Project Director SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 MAIN TEXT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION SECTION 2 PROJECT DATA SECTION 3 GENERAL METHODOLOGY AND APPROACH SECTION 4 MINING OPERATION SECTION 5 POWER PLANT OPERATIONS SECTION 6 AIR QUALITY SECTION 7 WATER QUALITY SECTION 8 NOISE AND VIBRATION SECTION 9 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SECTION 10 SOCIAL ISSUES SECTION 11 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS SECTION 12 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS VOLUME 2 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1-1 ADB TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PA.PER APPENDIX 3- 1 PARTICIPATORY RURAL APPRAI SAL (PRA) & APPRECIATION INFLUENCE CONTROL (AIC) APPENDIX 3-2 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMEN'TS APPENDIX 5-1 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ON POWER PLANT AIR POLLUTION CONTROL APPENDIX 5-2 DISCUSSIONS ON CONTINUOUS E,MISSION MONITORING APPENDIX 6-1 EGAT AMBIENT AIR QUALITY DATA - SO2 APPENDIX 6-2 EGAT AMBIENT AIR QUALITY DATA - NO2 APPENDIX 6-3 EGAT AMBIENT AIR QUALITY DATA - PMlO APPENDIX 6-4 EGAT AMBIENT AIR QUALITY DATA - TSP APPENDIX 6-5 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS INTERNATIONAL COMPARISON APPENDIX 7-1 WATER QUALITY TABLES APPENDIX 7-2 SURFACE WATER QUALITY GRAPHS APPENDIX 8-1 NOISE MONITORING RESULTS APPENDIX 8-2 CURRENT PRACTICE AND STANDARDS: VIBRATION CONTROLS IN THE MINING INDUSTRY APPENDIX 8-3 MONTHLY VIBRATION REPORTS APPENDIX 10-1 DOCUMENTARY REVIEW OF PRE:VIOUS STUDIES ON SOCIAL ISSUES APPENDIX 10-2 FINDINGS ON SOCIAL lSSUES FROM IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS AT THE VILLAGE LEVEL APPENDIX 10-3 NOTES OF INTERVIEWS WITH ECiAT ON THE WATER SUPPLY ISSUE APPENDIX 10-4 LIST OF PEOPLE INVITED AND PARTICIPATED IN THE NATIONAL FORUM ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATIO'N AT ROYAL ORCHID SHERATION HOTEL BANGKOK, 18 JANUARY 2002 APPENDIX 11-1 SCREENING ANALYSIS APPENDIX 11-2 STEPS IN BTM @ MWH Final Report Page i MONTGOMERY WATSON WRZA List of Abhreviations ADB Asian Development Bank AIC Appreciation influence control AMSL Above Mean Sea Level ar As received basis BCM Bank cubic metres BMR Bangkok Metropolitan Region bPd Barrels per day BTM Benefit transfer methods CClT Coininunity Consultation & Initiation Taskforce CEM Continuous emission monitoring EGAT Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ElRR Economic internal rate of return EOCC Economic opportunity cost of captial EU European Union FGD Flue gas desulphurisation FHH The Foundation of Hand in Hand GDP Gross Domestic Product GSP Gas Separation Plant Gwh G igawatt-hour Gwhld Gigawatt-hour per day Ktoe Kilotonnes of oil equivalent Kwh Kilowatt-hour LCM Loose cubic metres LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas MMscfd Million standard cubic feet per day MSL Mean Sea Level NDIR Non-dispersive infra-red NESDB National Economic and Social Development Board NFF Northern Farmers’ Federation NG Natural Gas NGO Non-governmental organisations NPV Net present worth NSE Net specific energy ONESDB Office of the National Economic and Social Development of the Thai Government PCD Pollution Control Department PECP The Party of Environmental Conservation People PMlO Particulate matter not greater than 10 microns in diameter PR Public relations PRA Participatory rural appraisal SAO Sub-district adininistration organisations TA Technical assistance TOR Terms of reference TSP Total Suspended Particulate us United States USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency uv Ultra-violet WHO World Health Organisation APPENDIX 1-1 ABD TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PAPER APPENDIX 1-1 ADB TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PAPER @ MWH Final Report Page Al-1-1 MONTOOMEWWATSONH*IV1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. Background I. The Government of the Kingdom of Thailand has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to provide advisory technical assistance (TA) for the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) to address the environmental concerns related to the Mae Moh power plant and mine. EGAT, through the Ministry of Finance, submitted a TA proposal to AD6 for the Mae Moh environmental evaluation. The' TA Fact-Finding Mission visited Thailand from 19 to 28 September 2009 to formulate the TA in consultation with the Government and EGAT. The Mission reached an understanding with the Government and EGAT on the objectives, scope, cost estimates, implementation arrangements, and terms of reference (TOR) for the consultants of the TA.' The TA is included in ADB's country assistance plan for Thailand for the year 2000. 2. EGAT has constructed 13 power generating units with a total installed capacity of about 2,600 megawatt (MW) at Mae Moh, about 600 kilometers north of Bangkok. The Mae Moh power plant was 'built in four phases from 1978 to 1996. Units 1 to 3 with a total installed capacity of 225 MW (75 MW each) were completed in 1978, 1979, and 198 1,2'while units 4 to 7 with an installed capacity of 600 MW (150 MW each) were completed between 1984 and 1985.3 In the third phase, from 1989 to 1991, EGAT built units 8 to 11 with an installed capacity of 1,200 MW (300 MW each). These units were partly financed by ADB4 fogether with the transmission system formits 10 and 11. Unit$ 12 and 13, with an installed capacity of 600 MW (300 MW each) were completed in 1995 and 1996. In connection with this last phase, AD6 helped to finance the power transmission sector projects with EGAT.' "Together with the construction of the power plants, €GAT developed the Mae Moh mine to provide the power plants with lignite, which is the main fuel used in the Mae Moh power plant. 3; Thus,' AD6 has been involved in the Mae Moh power projects directly and indirectly since 1972. The Swiss Government was among the other cofinanciers of the power projects. Since the completion of the first unit in 1978, the Mae Moh power station has been one of EGATs most impoftant-power plants, meeting average about 18 percent of the whole country's demand. 4. Even though environmental protection and mitigation measures were taken during the construction of each phase and in owrations thereafter, the Mae Moh power station, induding the Mae Moh mine, has caused environmental and social problems. Therefore several studies to comct or improve the situation were carried out, and some remedial measures were taken. From 1992 to 1994, the Mae Moh Clean Air Study, sponsored by the Swiss Government, was carried out, addressing environmental issues regarding air emissions and establishing an emission mitigation program for the Mae Moh power station. In 1994, EGAT funded an analysis of sulfur dioxide (SO,) air quality standards for the Mae Moh power plant. From late' 1992 to , 1994, a study of Mae Moh valley's air pollution, sponsored by the United States Agency for ' The TA first appeared in A08 Business Opportunities (internet eddition) on 13 September 2000. Financed by ADB, Loan 113-THA: MeMoh Power, for $23 millkn. approved on 12 December 1972 and Loan 219-THA: Me8 AM Power (Suppbmenteryl for $15 ml#kn,approved on 17 April 1975. Unit 4 was also financed by &2B under Loan 44O-THA: Mas Moh (Unit 4) Power, for $81.8 mlllkn, approved on 14 December 1979. ' Loan 717-THA Mae Moh (Unit 8) Power, for $122.6 million, approved on 11 December 1984; Loan 828-TM Mee Moh (Unit 9) Power, for $38.4 million, approved on 23 December 1986; and Loan 1022-THA: Mae Moh (transmission system lar Units 10 and 11) Powr, for $48.8 rnlNkn, approved 5 June 1990. Loan 1170-THA: 7?tid Power Transmissitm Expension (Sectw),for $94.25 million, approved on 16 July 1992; and Loan 1245THA: Fourth Power Transrnisdm (Sector), for $115.6 million, approved on 19 August 1993. 2 International Development (USAID) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was also carried out with the support of the Pollution Control Department, the Ministry of science, Technology and Environment. As a consequence of the above studies, units 12 and 13 were designed and constructed with the flue gas desulfurisation (FGD) system. Units 8 to 11 were retrofitted with FGD systems from 1995 to 1998. FGD systems have been installed and recently commissioned for units 4 to 7. Ongoing performance tests of the FGD systems for units 4 to 7 will be completed by October 2001. Units 1 to 3 have been temporarily shut down for the last one year because of a high fuel consumption and the economic unviability of FGD retrofitting. 5. After the FGD systems were installed and units 1 to 3 temporarily shut down, the SO2 emission levels decreased substantially. Nevertheless, the environmental and social concerns Over the power plant and mine operations have remained. Local and international newspapers have reported on .the adverse impacts, and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and villagers living nearby have expressed their concerns about the environmental and social problems from time to time. The concerns center on the huge amount and low quality of the lignite burned, the open-cast mining of the lignite, the huge amount of water resources used and wastewater treated, matters relating to ash disposal, and several air pollution episodes that had occurred in the past. The environmental and social concerns will continue unless remedial measures are taken based on a thorough study of the problems. Therefore, it is imperative for the Government and EGAT to have such a comprehensive study carried out by a team of experts to determine how to resolve the problems. AD6 and the other cofinanciers of the Mae Moh projects are keen to help solve the environmental and social problems caused by the projects. 6. The primary causes of concern for air quality are the SOz, nitrogen oxide (NOx), and total suspended particulate (TSP) matter produced from lignite combustion and mine operation. In October 1992 and August 1998, levels from the Mae Moh power plant exceeded the national standard of 1,3 s per cubic meter (m3) over a one- hour period.
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