STATION LOCATIONS CONNECTING SERVICES* SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and MAJOR HOLIDAYS WEST TRENTON NJT Rt 608 )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU 3 Railroad Ave =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 YARDLEY REGIONAL RAIL WEST TRENTON 1- D :HVW7UHQWRQ1- 13 Reading Ave DD<DUGOH\ WOODBOURNE :RRGERXUQH D 903 Woodbourne Rd LINE D /DQJKRUQH LANGHORNE 215-580-6941 14 ,130 DD 1HVKDPLQ\)DOOV 137 Comly Ave To/From Center City Philadelphia DD 7UHYRVH NESHAMINY FALLS 58 DD 6RPHUWRQ 4255 E. Bristol Rd DD )RUHVW+LOOV TREVOSE Effective September 5, 2021 DD 3KLOPRQW 1100 Boundbrook Ave DD %HWKD\UHV SOMERTON 215-580-6940 58, 84 D 0HDGRZEURRN 13623 Philmont Ave • West Trenton D 5\GDO FOREST HILLS • Yardley 84 D 1REOH 299 Byberry Rd -HQNLQWRZQ:\QFRWH • Woodbourne DD PHILMONT 215-580-6939 72&(17(5&,7< D (ONLQV3DUN 106 Tomlinson Rd • Langhorne 0HOURVH3DUN DD BETHAYRES 215-580-6938 24, 88 • Neshaminy Falls DD)HUQ5RFN7& 500 Station Ave & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ MEADOWBROOK • Trevose & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ 1430 Old Valley Rd • Somerton & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ RYDAL & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ 1470 Susquehanna Rd • Forest Hills & D3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ NOBLE 55 7UDLQFRQWLQXHVWR $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5 801 Old York Rd • Philmont VHH'HVWLQDWLRQ&RGHV $0$0$0303030303030 JENKINTOWN-WYNCOTE • Bethayres 215-580-6838 77 2 Greenwood Ave • Meadowbrook )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU ELKINS PARK 215-580-6887 28 =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 7876 Spring Ave • Rydal & D 3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ MELROSE PARK 215-580-6891 • Noble & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ 900 Valley Rd & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ FERN ROCK TRANS. CENTER • Jenkintown-Wyncote 4, 28, 57, 70, BSL & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ 900 Nedro Ave • Elkins Park &D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ TEMPLE UNIVERSITY DD)HUQ5RFN7& 215-580-5440 • Melrose Park DD0HOURVH3DUN 927 W. Berks St • Fern Rock Transportation Center D (ONLQV3DUN JEFFERSON STATION MFL, BRS,17, 23, 33, 38, 44, 45, 47, DD -HQNLQWRZQ:\QFRWH Market St between 10th & 12th Sts 47m, 48, 61, 62, 78, NJT Bus • Temple University D 1REOH' ''' '' '' ' SUBURBAN STATION MFL, BSL, 2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, • Jefferson Station D 5\GDO' ''' '' '' ' 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 44, 48, 62, 16th St & JFK Blvd 78, 124, 125 D 0HDGRZEURRN' ''' '' '' ' • Suburban Station DD %HWKD\UHV' ''' '' '' ' 30th STREET STATION MFL, 9, 10, 11, 13, 30, 31, 34, 36, 44, 49, 62, 78, 124, 125, LUCY, Amtrak, • 30th Street Station DD 3KLOPRQW '' ' '' '' '' 30th & Market Sts NJT Atlantic City Rail Line 72:(6775(1721 )RUHVW+LOOV '' ' '' '' '' DD PENN MEDICINE STATION 40, LUCY • Penn Medicine Station DD 6RPHUWRQ '' ' '' '' '' 3149 Convention Blvd Customer Service: 215-580-7800 215-580-6565 DD 7UHYRVH' ''' '' '' ' TDD/TTY: 215-580-7853 DD1HVKDPLQ\)DOOV' ''' '' '' ' * All Connecting Services are SEPTA Bus, Trolley or High Speed Rail unless www.septa.org D /DQJKRUQH' ''' '' '' ' otherwise noted D :RRGERXUQH '' ' '' '' '' MFL = Market-Frankford Line DD<DUGOH\' ''' '' '' ' BSL = Broad Street Line 1- D :HVW7UHQWRQ1- BRS = Broad-Ridge Spur $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 $0 D - Stops to pick up or discharge passengers but may depart ahead of schedule G - Jenkintown-Wyncote ticket office open Saturday only © SEPTA 9/21 T.T.6 WTR-16 TRAVEL TIPS MONDAYS through FRIDAYS (Except MAJOR HOLIDAYS) Schedule Times: Indicate when trains depart the station )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU Fare payment options: cash, tickets, passes. Please check the SEPTA Fare =RQH Ê*Ë6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Guide or the website for complete fare information 1- D :HVW7UHQWRQ1- QuietRide Car: Available on all weekday trains (Monday - Friday 4:00 a.m. - <DUGOH\ 7:00 p.m.) with 3 or more cars open for passenger service. The first car will DD be designated as your QuietRide Car D :RRGERXUQH Regional Rail Major Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, DD /DQJKRUQH Ĺ(YHQLQJ)DUHV Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day (Special Schedule) DD1HVKDPLQ\)DOOV Disclaimer: SEPTA does not assume responsibility for inconvenience, DD7UHYRVH experience or damage resulting from errors in timetables, delayed trains, DDD6RPHUWRQ failure to make connections or for shortage of equipment. The schedules < shown here are subject to change without notice DD)RUHVW+LOOV Severe Weather Schedule: During extreme weather conditions, Trains may DDD3KLOPRQW operate on a special schedule. Please check the SEPTA website for updated DDD%HWKD\UHV service information D 0HDGRZEURRN D 5\GDO D 1REOH DESTINATION CODES DD -HQNLQWRZQ:\QFRWH $SSO\Ĺ AIR Airport ELW Elwyn PAO Paoli Malvern DD (ONLQV3DUN² ² BMR Bryn Mawr MAL THO Thorndale CHW Chestnut Hill West MED Media TTC Trenton TC 72&(17(5&,7 DDD0HOURVH3DUN ²² CLM Claymont MHK Marcus Hook WIL Wilmington DD)HUQ5RFN7& '² CYN Cynwyd NWK Newark DE & DD7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\' '' ' ' ' '' '' & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ' '' ' ' ' '' '' & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ '' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' STATION AMENITIES & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ ' è SEPTA Parking available & DD3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ² ² ²²²²²²²²²²²²² ²²²² é Accessible Station 7UDLQFRQWLQXHVWR 0$/0$/ ³³³0$/ ³³³³³³³0$/0$/ 0$/7+2 0$/7+2 0$/ G Ticket Office (hours vary, please check the SEPTA website for details) Ticket Offices at 30th St, Suburban & Jefferson Stations open 7 days a week VHH'HVWLQDWLRQ&RGHV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU =RQH Ê*Ë6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 SAFETY TIPS & DD3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ² ²²²²²²²²²² ²²² ²²² & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ • NEVER pass between cars when a train is & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ moving & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ Ĺ(YHQLQJ)DUHV & DD7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ • NEVER attempt to board a moving train DD)HUQ5RFN7& ²² • ALWAYS wait for the train to come to a DDD0HOURVH3DUN ²² DD (ONLQV3DUN ² ² complete stop BEFORE exiting DD -HQNLQWRZQ:\QFRWH '' • NEVER ride in the vestibule or on the steps of a D 1REOH' '' D 5\GDO' '' moving train D 0HDGRZEURRN' '' • NEVER lean against the train doors DDD%HWKD\UHV' '' $SSO\Ĺ DDD3KLOPRQW' ' ' www.septa.org/safety DD)RUHVW+LOOV ' ' ' 72:(6775(1721 DDD6RPHUWRQ ' ' ' DD7UHYRVH' '' DD1HVKDPLQ\)DOOV '' '' ' ' '' ' '' '' '' '' '' ' DD /DQJKRUQH' '' ' ' ' '' '' ' '' '' '' '' ' D :RRGERXUQH '' '' ' ' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' ' DD<DUGOH\' '' ' ' ' '' '' ' '' '' '' '' ' 1- D :HVW7UHQWRQ1- $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 $0 D - Stops to discharge or pick up passengers but may depart ahead of schedule STATION LOCATIONS CONNECTING SERVICES* SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS and MAJOR HOLIDAYS WEST TRENTON NJT Rt 608 )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU 3 Railroad Ave =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 YARDLEY REGIONAL RAIL WEST TRENTON 1- D :HVW7UHQWRQ1- 13 Reading Ave DD<DUGOH\ WOODBOURNE :RRGERXUQH D 903 Woodbourne Rd LINE D /DQJKRUQH LANGHORNE 215-580-6941 14 ,130 DD 1HVKDPLQ\)DOOV 137 Comly Ave To/From Center City Philadelphia DD 7UHYRVH NESHAMINY FALLS 58 DD 6RPHUWRQ 4255 E. Bristol Rd DD )RUHVW+LOOV TREVOSE Effective September 5, 2021 DD 3KLOPRQW 1100 Boundbrook Ave DD %HWKD\UHV SOMERTON 215-580-6940 58, 84 D 0HDGRZEURRN 13623 Philmont Ave • West Trenton D 5\GDO FOREST HILLS • Yardley 84 D 1REOH 299 Byberry Rd -HQNLQWRZQ:\QFRWH • Woodbourne DD PHILMONT 215-580-6939 72&(17(5&,7< D (ONLQV3DUN 106 Tomlinson Rd • Langhorne 0HOURVH3DUN DD BETHAYRES 215-580-6938 24, 88 • Neshaminy Falls DD)HUQ5RFN7& 500 Station Ave & D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ MEADOWBROOK • Trevose & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ 1430 Old Valley Rd • Somerton & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ RYDAL & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ 1470 Susquehanna Rd • Forest Hills & D3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ NOBLE 55 7UDLQFRQWLQXHVWR $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5$,5 $,5 801 Old York Rd • Philmont VHH'HVWLQDWLRQ&RGHV $0$0$0303030303030 JENKINTOWN-WYNCOTE • Bethayres 215-580-6838 77 2 Greenwood Ave • Meadowbrook )DUH 6HUYLFHV 7UDLQ1XPEHU ELKINS PARK 215-580-6887 28 =RQH Ê*Ë 6WDWLRQV $0 $0 $0 30 30 30 30 30 30 7876 Spring Ave • Rydal & D 3HQQ0HGLFLQH6WDWLRQ MELROSE PARK 215-580-6891 • Noble & DDWK6WUHHW6WDWLRQ 900 Valley Rd & DD6XEXUEDQ6WDWLRQ FERN ROCK TRANS. CENTER • Jenkintown-Wyncote 4, 28, 57, 70, BSL & DD-HIIHUVRQ6WDWLRQ 900 Nedro Ave • Elkins Park &D 7HPSOH8QLYHUVLW\ TEMPLE UNIVERSITY DD)HUQ5RFN7& 215-580-5440 • Melrose Park DD0HOURVH3DUN 927 W. Berks St • Fern Rock Transportation Center D (ONLQV3DUN JEFFERSON STATION MFL, BRS,17, 23, 33, 38, 44, 45, 47, DD -HQNLQWRZQ:\QFRWH Market St between 10th & 12th Sts 47m, 48, 61, 62, 78, NJT Bus • Temple University D 1REOH' ''' '' '' ' SUBURBAN STATION MFL, BSL, 2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, • Jefferson Station D 5\GDO' ''' '' '' ' 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 44, 48, 62, 16th St & JFK Blvd 78, 124, 125 D 0HDGRZEURRN' ''' '' '' ' • Suburban Station
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