HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE – AGENDA ITEM 6: LIST OF PLANS. DATE: 31 March 2015 PLAN: 02 CASE NUMBER: 12/03934/EIAMAJ GRID REF: EAST 425087 NORTH 455635 APPLICATION NO. 6.500.271.EIAMAJ DATE MADE VALID: 05.10.2012 TARGET DATE: 04.01.2013 REVISED TARGET: 02.04.2015 CASE OFFICER: Mr Gerard Walsh WARD: Falls Within 2 Or More VIEW PLANS AT: http://uniformonline.harrogate.gov.uk/online- applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=MBXJCLHY05P00 APPLICANT: Tapar (PF) Ltd AGENT: WYG Planning And Environment PROPOSAL: Erection of 4 wind turbines (maximum height 110m high) and associated infrastructure including control building with substation and formation of vehicle access, access tracks and areas of hard standing, underground cabling and temporary construction compound. LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 425087 455635 Penny Pot Lane Hampsthwaite North Yorkshire REPORT SITE AND PROPOSAL Full planning permission is sought for the erection of four wind turbines with a maximum overall height (to blade tip) of 110 metres and hub height up to 70 metres, together with a new access and access tracks, temporary construction compound, hard standing areas and control building with substation. The site covers 11.98ha and is located south of Penny Pot Lane approximately 5km west of Harrogate town centre. The site is in agricultural use involving grassland for dairy farming. The boundaries of the site are largely defined by field hedgerows and walls. The surrounding area is predominantly agricultural with farm houses and farm buildings and isolated dwelling houses. The Army Foundation College is situated approximately 1.1km to the east, the villages of Kettlesing and Hampsthwaite approximately 3km to the north and Fewston and Swinsty Reservoirs approximately 4.5km to the southwest. The Knabs Ridge wind farm is located approximately 1.8km northwest of the site on the opposite side of Penny Pot lane. The nearest residential properties are at Whinhill Farm (250 metres to the south), Prospect Farm (390 metres to the south), and Central House Farm approximately 400 metres to the south. High Moor Caravan Park is approximately 600 metres to the northwest on the opposite side of Penny Pot Lane. The boundary to the Nidderdale AONB is approximately 800 metres to the north. There are no public rights of way within the site and no overhead electricity lines crossing the site. The scheme has the potential to provide up to 12 Megawatts of energy, which is equivalent to the amount of electricity used by approximately 5,800 average households. As a result this could save the equivalent of 11,300 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. The applicant selected the site on the basis of a number of criteria including the predicted wind resource, the availability of electrical connection, access (particularly for long load items), military and aviation constraints, separation from dwellings, landscape and visual impact, historic environment matters and nature conservation. The applicant has advised that, based on these criteria, the proposed site was identified as a potential location for a wind farm. The applicant has advised that the electricity generated will be used to satisfy local demand and to that end a dedicated electrical cable is proposed which will transfer energy from the development to the local distribution network. Each turbine will be coloured pale grey with a semi-matt finish. The control building will be constructed in stone with pitched tiled roof. The proposal is designed to have a 25 year operational life after which it will be decommissioned with the turbines removed and buildings and foundations broken out to below ground level. The access track will either be left for use by the landowner or covered with topsoil. The application is supported by the following documents: * Environmental Impact Statement and Non-Technical Summary * Design and Access Statement * Planning Statement * Statement of Community Involvement MAIN ISSUES 1. Principle/Benefits of the Proposal 2. Landscape Impacts 3. Residential Amenity 4. Aviation Matters 5. Heritage Assets 6. Highways 7. Ecology 8. Planning Balance RELEVANT SITE HISTORY 11/05184/SCOPE - Scoping opinion for proposed wind farm. CONSULTATIONS/NOTIFICATIONS Leeds/Bradford Airport The proposed wind farm is unlikely to conflict with LBIA aviation interests. Business And Environmental Services No comments received HAVERAH PARK PARISH COUNCIL (119,120) FELLISCLIFFE PARISH COUNCIL (99) Countryside Agency No comments received Environment Agency - Dales Area Office No objection subject to conditions to control surface water run-off. Natural England Natural England objects to this proposal, as they consider that the scale, nature and impact of the proposal are likely to adversely affect the purpose/s for which Nidderdale AONB has been designated. They suggest further mitigation is provided to enhance habitat for lapwing and golden plover outside of the area affected by displacement - This could be controlled by condition. Health and Safety Executive No comments received Ilkley Parish Council Northern Gas Networks (Joint Radio) No objection. BBC R And D No comments received Leeds/Bradford Airport The proposal is unlikely to conflict with the aviation interests in regard to Leeds Bradford International Airport. Environmental Health An independent noise consultant was employed to assess the impact on surrounding properties and on the basis of their report there is an objection to the proposal because of potential noise disturbance to surrounding residential properties - See assessment. Landscape Officer Objection. See assessment. Planning Policy No objection to the principle of the proposal. Home Office No comments received Cable & Wireless Worldwide No objection. Policy Dev Unit NYCC No comments received Principal Ecologist No objection subject to conditions. NYCC Highways And Transportation No objection subject to conditions. See assessment. MOD Safeguarding Objection. See Assessment. Heritage Unit of NYCC Trial trenching should be carried out to establish if there are any unrecorded archaeological remains on the site. This could be controlled by condition if necessary. AONB - Joint Advisory Committee Objection: The AONB's Joint Advisory Committee believes that the AONB's landscapes are highly sensitive to the type of large scale development proposed for the High Boar site. The LVIA conceded that the proposal will result in an impact on the AONB that is 'Considerable/Moderate Adverse in places'. The committee believe that the impact will be more wide spread, and more severe. This is unacceptable in a nationally designated landscape and contrary to the NPPF. National Air Traffic Services Ltd Objection - see assessment. Arqiva (formerly NTL) No objection. Arqiva is responsible for providing the BBC and ITV's transmission network. 02 UK Ltd No comments received Office Of Communications - Spectrum No objections raised. British Telecom (Radio Network Protection) No objection. Yorkshire Dales National Park They have advised that they have no comments to make on the application. Historic England The proposal will have an impact on heritage assets but the harm will be 'less than significant' and therefore the harm must be weighed against the public benefits of the proposal. Conditions proposed if the council are minded to approve. DCS Arboricultural Officer No objection. Yorkshire Water No objection subject to condition to protect existing watermain which runs across the site frontage. Conservation and Design Section Concerns about the impact on heritage assets. Vodafone (Telent) No comments received HAMPSTHWAITE PARISH COUNCIL (92) Leeds City Council No comments received Craven District Council No comments received City of Bradford Metropolitan Council No comments received The National Trust Accept that the application by itself may not have a significant impact but concern about cumulative visual impact. Serious concerns about the impact on Brimham Rocks. Inadequate consideration of impact on Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal. Ramblers Association Group - Mr B Ellis Unacceptable visual impact. The proposed turbines are sufficiently close to the public right of way to the south of the site to result in them being extremely intimidating both visually and in relation to noise emissions for walkers. As a consequence the local peace and tranquillity of the countryside will be disturbed. The British Horse Society No comments received RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY NPPF National Planning Policy Framework CSSG3 Core Strategy Policy SG3 Settlement Growth: Conservation of the countryside, including Green Belt CSSG4 Core Strategy Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact CSEQ1 Core Strategy Policy EQ1: Reducing risks to the environment CSEQ2 Core Strategy Policy EQ2: The natural and built environment and green belt LPC02 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy C2, Landscape Character LPR11 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy R11, Rights of Way LPHD20 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD20, Design of New Development and Redevelopment LPHD03 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD3, Control of development in Conservation Areas LPHD07 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD7, World Heritage Site LPHD7A Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2004) Policy HD7A, Parks & Gardens of Historic Interest SPDHRM Supplementary Planning Document: Heritage Management SPGLAP Supplementary
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