urne ~,;: - . - --..,IE~l[JI - _..._ ~ ~ ~ ~' · IEIL_;.- ()f lr\ennesaw. D Page 3 Anti-Prayer? tJ Page 6 Teaching PhD's D Page I ~ Owls Seek Revenge Uol.21, Issue no. 8 February 17, 1987 Students H Grant Wishes By Brian Rutherford . On Thursday, February 5, members from Wish Foundation group could not thank the two actiue groups on campus and a few will­ volunteers enough for their efforts. They were ing uolunteers came together to extend a help­ pleased with the turn out, the enthusiasm, and ing hand to Children's Wish Foundation the hard work and excellent job that came Brian Rutherford, secretary of Theta Chi and. about Both organizations and the uolunteers acting chairman of community. setuice com­ that helped out were inuited to the grand mittee, organized a ·group of brothers from ·opening of the offices on March 12. Children's Theta Chi, sisters from Delta Chi Gamma Wish Foundation is an organization whose sorority, and indiuiduals willing to go along to purpose is to grant the fauorite wish of a , ter~ help members of the Children's Wish Founda­ minally ill child. It also hopes to give families · tion paint and remodel their office building. A special memories, not just last images of hos­ total of 18 people turned out for the euent pitals, medical equipment, and suffering. which eueryone agreed, was an excellent Wishes are granted to .terminally ill children effort on each group's part. Euery member up to the age of 18. No wish, regardless of cost, trauel, etc. if at all possible is turned down - -~ worked uerg hard for seueral hours painting seueral office buildings. Eu~ ryone was rewar­ Volunteers are always needed to help out. If ded well, as they were prouided with about 50 anyone is interested, write to Children's Foun­ · ~ - ::. pizzas and s~veral cases of cokes for their dation at 32 ·Perimeter East, N.E. Suite 100, · ·efforts taken care of by the people _at the Atlanta, Ga. 30346 or call 393-WISH. Children's Wish Foundation. The Children's Theta Chi and Delta Chi Gamma help the Children's Wish Foundation by painting their ; office. Students Party to the MA.XX Space Crunch By Kelly Dunn Changes are taking place in the libratjJ: where there is room at the ends of the other Children's books are being taken off of their corrals on the third floor. One of the new shelues and being reorganized to form a counter high shelves for the children's books, separate children's library urhich will be which will arrive in six weeks. will divide the located in the southwest comer of the third floor in half, and other shelves will be placed The Maxx, an Atlanta-based group was a big success at the Student Union Romance Dance. _ floor. New books are being purchased for the on the walls, so that they will not take ·floor By Jerry Davison collection with money from the Dr. John space. In the fall Bob Williams wants to add Love often rears its head in the most from top 40 and M.O.R such as 'In Control', Difazio Memorial Fund, and additional more lounge furniture for the students, unlikely places. This year it was in the Student 'Word-Up', and 'Talk to Me.' The Maxx has per­ donations received for this purpose. possibly some small chairs for the children Center as the Kennesaw Student Union hosted formed with Kool & the Gang, the Bar-Keys, With the closing of the student center, · who visit the library, and a large bulletin a free Valentine's Day dance Feb. 13. 'Romance the' Fixx, and the S.O. S. band. Their pro­ and the rapid growth in the student popula­ board for the teacher education students. Dance,' as it was called by the Entertainment fe ssionalism was evidenced by their large, tion, there is a rising concern among students Dr. Mitchell, chair for the Department of Committee . featured live music from the intricate lighting and sound system. about space. The basic questions are "How is Curriculum and Instruction, said. "Space Iylaxx Band. The Romance Dance was open to all the· children's library going to affect the crunch is a very real on (problem), and a hard The Atlanta-based group was given high · students, howeuer only around 50 attended. student's room for quiet studying, and is it place for everyone." She feels that in seruing recommendations from schools such as the Funding for the dance was prouided · important enough to take this room?" the student both the need for the children's lib­ Uniuersity of Virginia, the University of entirely by money allotted to the Student Bob Williams, library director, is con­ rary and the need for space are equally impor:_ Charlotte in North Carolina, and MaconJunior Uriion from actiuity fees paid by all students cerned about the student's needs. He wants to tant. In most major colleges with quality College. They performed a uariety of music each quarter. enhance the library without taking anything teacher education there is almost always a away from it, namely comfortable space in separate children's library. It is needed for the Correction. ... which the students study. He says," As long as credibility of the Educational Departmerit In tpe Feb. 2 issue ofThe Sentinel a rep9r­ In the Feb. 2 issue, it was reported only I am the library director we will not take seat­ Accreditation companies will look at. the ter incorrectly identified a Life Science Club seniors were eligible for internships in the co­ ing out of the library;" The lounge furniture children's section because this is a weak point adu1sor as Don Jordan. The name should haue op program. A student is eligible for the on the third floor will not moue. Students will at Kennesaw College. It will help teacher been Dawn Jordan. internship program based on hauing 45 or still be free to take naps and to study there as eduacation students gain certification in * * * more credit hours accumulated. Dr. Stathas' they always haue. Bob Williams is hoping that other states. Speaking for the School of Educa­ In the Feb. 2 issue of The Sentinel a repor­ title was also giuen as Director of Placement. the addition of the children's library will make tion, she says that they are very excited about ter stated that the new communications pro­ His actual title is Assistant Dean of Student that' part of the library more comfortable for hauing the new books. She feels that it is an gram is focused toward the print medium. Development and Director of CAPS. I the students. Some . of the study corrqls, important addition to the college. Actually, the print focus is yet to come. The - It is the policy of this newspaper to coffect approximately four, will be moued and stacked current program is business focused. errors offact that appear in its news columns. I ... ,.. \ _. ...... Page 2/The Sentinel Februaru l 7. 198.7 Dear Editor, Is Kennesaw College a real college? As because at their" real school" these classes are Mallory's school is so often maligned by Alex considered too hard. on "Family Ties," I too haue heard this : Euen : our- large. per.cemag~'l}f--§018_ _~ ~-"'11 insinuated about our school. students seems to blemish our noble halls of 4 Let's face it, we're all aware of this situa­ higher education. They'renot"real students." tion When a·sked where you attend school, They're disgruntled housewiues just taking aren't you amazed at the unenthusiastk mari­ up space hoping to fill a need to "find them- ... ! ner in which yotir reply, "Kennesaw College" selues." Or, they're those who haue already · is receiued by the inquirer? Usuaily the res­ entered the workforce only to find that their ponse is, "Oh, that's nice," or they make a piti~ lack of a degree is holding them .back. So, ' -..-._"'f" ... ful attempt to assure you that "Kennesaw is a they're here to earn a degree, any degree, the good school too." easiest degree, the quickest and cheapest way Unfortunately, too many people see our possible in order to climb that corporate school as a nest of under-achieuers who ladder. couldn't make it at other institutions or as a Is there a way we can squash these little dumping ground for those students who haue minds with proof, statistics and facts to shut. tried and failed els.ewhere and settled for Ken­ their mouths? I would love to see the Sentinel nesaw. Why I 'personally know a case of a print a comparative study of our school's U.G.A. freshman who is being threatened by scholastic reputation to those of the "real her parents that unless she maintains a cer­ colleges" in our state. Then, I u.:ouhJ _rnJJ ~f'Jike tain GPA, "it'll be Kennesaw College for you to be able to take a copy and rub it in the noses Dear Students, girl." We're euen considered an "easy A" by of evey "Alex" · that under-estimates our Although my answer to the letter to the · These statistics proue that, yes, we are an some transient students who choose to take school's reputation. editor was to prouide some of · the statistics up and coming college and that there is no this or that subject at Kennesaw College Signed, requested, I'd like to make a few comments on doubt about the difficulty of the classes (I Concerned Junior them First of all, part of the lack of enthu­ mean, what do you expect out of all thos.e pro­ siasm from people who are not students at KC.
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