St. Bernadette Catholic Church February 28, 2016 350 NW California Boulevard, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Page 2 Dear Friends, Here we are, celebrating the Third Sunday of Lent, which happens to be the final Sunday in the MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2016 month of February. How incredible it is that 8:00 am †Ignazio Battaglia, requested by Easter is a mere month away—four weeks to be Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Savo exact. TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 2016 How is our Lenten observance, so far? If we 8:00 am †John Regan, requested by can answer by saying "Great… I am praying more, wife & family offering God acts of penance, oftentimes known WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2016 only to Him and me, and trying to perform more 8:00 am †Edward Watters, requested by acts of love and stewardship towards others," Elaine & Bill Mehl then praise God for that! THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 But if we answer, somewhat sheepishly, that 8:00 am †Rudy Arcalas, requested by Lent seemingly is getting away from us, and that, Lenardo & Teresa Velandria FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2016 hard as I try, I just haven't done much yet, despite 8:00 am †Raymond Zielinski, requested by great desires, then maybe, just maybe, that is Lenardo & Teresa Velandria what Lent is all about. An awareness that without SATURDAY, MARCH 5, 2016 God in our lives, despite great desire to do good, 8:00 am †Angelo Mollica, nothing will happen. But if God is invited to take requested by Julia & Tom Mollica center stage in our lives, quite literally, then there (& members of the Purgatorial Society) is nothing we can't do. 4:00 pm †Manuel & Jessie Benedict, So, how is Lent going thus far? Let us turn to requested by Suresh & Angeline Desai God… always! SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2016 Have a wonderful week! 7:30 am For the People of the Parish Father Victor Ulto 9:00 am †Jimmy Bruno, requested by Augeri Family 10:45 am †Donald Hibbard, requested by Faculty & Staff of Southern Oaks Middle School 12:15 pm †Martin & Mary Ellen Healy, requested by, Kathy Cole & granddaughter Year of Mercy Capsule from Pope Francis We need to be strong every day of our lives, to carry forward our life, our family, our faith. The apostle Paul said something that will benefit us to hear: I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13). When we face daily life, when difficulties arise, let us remember this: I can do all things in Him who strengthens me. The Lord always strengthens us; He never lets strength lack. The Lord does not try us beyond our possibilities. He is always with us. ...Pope Francis Reflection: How much have I thought about strengthening a weak person or family who actually needs my mercy? Are we not the images of the living presence of God here on earth? Third Sunday of Lent Page 3 Stewardship....Live It! STEWARDSHIP & SAINT OSWALD... Stewardship: a way of life for our St. Bernadette Parish Family… “Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing secure should take care not to fall.” 1 Corinthians 10:12 STEWARDSHIP & THE BURNING BUSH... Our Old Testament Reading, the First Reading, on this Third Sunday of Lent, relates the narrative of Moses and the Burning Bush. Like many readings which we hear throughout our lives, this is an image and a story with which most of us are familiar. Also, through Moses’ Oswald of Worcester experience there is a stewardship message for each of us. As Moses approaches the bush, God calls out “Moses, Poor St. Oswald of Worcester (England, that is)!The Moses!” The fact that the Lord repeats Moses’ name origin of Feast Days: most saints have specially gives the situation a sense of urgency. Perhaps God feels designated feast days and are associated with a specific the same sense of urgency in relation to each of us. God day of the year and these are referred to as the saint's feast calls us, and He calls us by name, but too often we do not day. The feast days first arose from the very early hear, or we do not pay attention. Probably most often we Christian custom of the annual commemoration of are not even listening. martyrs on the dates of their deaths at the same time The second aspect of stewardship indicated in this celebrating their birth into heaven. Although St. Oswald’s passage from Holy Scripture is found in God’s next life was exemplary, he died on February 29, 992. That statement, “Remove the sandals from your feet, for the means that his Feast Day is February 29, and that, of place where you stand is holy ground.” Removing sandals course, means we celebrate St. Oswald not every year, was an act of respect, a sign of humility. To fully live but only every fourth year. lives of stewardship requires these traits from each of us Born in Denmark of noble parents, Oswald’s uncle — to be alert and aware that God is speaking to us, but just happened to be the Archbishop of Canterbury (note we must listen; and to live our lives, especially our that Canterbury was a Catholic archdiocese at that time, stewardship lives, with a sense of humility. That is, after not to be confused with the Church of England, which did all, how we really show love for our God and for one not exist.). Oswald went to Canterbury for training and another. Ω education, and he went from there to France where he professed vows with the Benedictines. The Benedictine priest Oswald returned to England and became eventually the Bishop of Worcester. Something unique occurred shortly after that, as Oswald was elevated to be the Archbishop of York, while remaining the Bishop of Worcester. There was no precedent for that, but it had to do with what a good and holy Bishop he was. We often point to the saints as examples of stewardship, and Oswald is no exception. Indicative of his holiness and his desire to serve the people, every day during Lent he would wash the feet of the poor. It was on Februart 29, during Lent, while washing the feet of the poor, that he died. Ω Financial stewardship for the month of February will be reported in the bulletin of Sunday, March 6, 2016. St. Bernadette Catholic Church February 28, 2016 350 NW California Boulevard, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Page 4 Readings for the Week As we enjoy our church building that has Sunday: Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Rom 5:1- come to life… Memorials, which come to 2, 5-8/Jn 4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, the parish from the kindness and generosity 39a, 40-42 of others, are placed in our Parish Debt Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab/Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4/ Relief Fund. This week: Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43/Ps 25:4-9/ In Memory of Mt 18:21-35 Ronald Suriano Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9/Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, by Dick & Joanne Banville by Joe & Roe Beraducci 19-20/Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/ In Memory of Lk 11:14-23 John (Jack) O’Connor Friday: Hos 14:2-10/Ps 81:6-11, 14, 17/ by Dick & Joanne Banville Mk 12:28-34 by Stephanie Cassidy Saturday: Hos 6:1-6/Ps 51:3-4, 18-21/ by Ray & Millie Battaglia Lk 18:9-14 In Memory of Next Sunday: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a/Ps 23:1-6/ Selvi Saran Eph 5:8-14/Jn 9:1-41 or by Jim & Joanne Price 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38 Observances for the Week of February 28, 2016 PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR THE SICK: Sunday: 3rd Sunday of Lent; 1st Scrutiny Alice Levin Kristin Kirk Monday: Leap Day Tuesday: ————— PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR THE DECEASED: Wednesday: ————— Patricia Anger Luis Fabre Tom Sims Thursday: Katharine Drexel, Virgin Geraldine Guerin Ann Beresik Friday: Casimir; Day of Abstinence Paul Gollier Dr. Francis Golier Saturday: ————— The Sanctuary Lamp for the week of February 28 - March 5, 2016 Friday evenings during Lent continue to be a special is offered time for us at St. Bernadette Parish. Consider spending these evenings with us: In Memory of Jiri Shinohara 6:00 pm: Come and enjoy a meatless soup and bread supper on Friday evenings. No cost at all. All will be by Judy & Fred Stoll asked to consider placing a free will offering, (perhaps to cover the cost of a meal), in an empty soup pot that will The God-given gift of time is a very be by the food. The gift of treasure gathered will be precious thing. Have you considered shared with the poor through the parish St Vincent de sharing your gift of time with the Paul Society. Lord Jesus in Perpetual Adoration? 7:00 pm: Stations of the Cross (in church) What a wonderful Lenten prayer! Here is the schedule of the ministries who will be hosting the Where: Monsignor Cosmo bread and soup suppers: Saporito Chapel March 4: Social Ministry When: Each day, beginning March 11: Project Mother Teresa Monday, 8:30 am, March 18: Council of Catholic Women until Saturday, 7:00 am Please contact Julia Mollica at 344-2084 if you have any questions. Oh come, let us adore Him! Third Sunday of Lent Page 5 THIS WEEK & COMING UP SOON ..
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