
t-: I,IARGI ( Regd No. 94/71 - Act xII of 1955l AnnuaIRep0rt and Accoun t s 1989 r-l ANNUAL RBPORT The ManaFiDI Commlttee takes pleasure in presentin8 the Ninete€nth year p,nntrar nJpoit and the Audlt€d stateDent of Accounts for the ended 31.i2.1989 before the Genersl Body of M€r8i' Annual General BodY Meetlng 1988 x'as The Annual General Body meeting for the year 1988 -held on 30,3.1989 €t the Margl Kathakali vidhyalaya( Fort( Trivandrum' MeetitlSs of the ManaginS Cobtrltttee The ManatinE Co[rmittee net 4 times during the year and at- these were r""tins" i;Ji"ions regardlne the various activities of MarSi i"t"n io"t." of neeti;g 30.3.89r 27.9.89 and 29'12'89)' (oodiyattom{ Instruction Prograhme in Katbakali" Chakiyarkoothu and NanSiarktthu for The Marqi Kathakall Vtdyalayar which was Etarted in 1974 the iro".tine- rlgorous traininS in 6ll branches of Kathakali in ;ir'Rniui"A sivpannnva, functioned witb Padnashree Kalanandalan x"i"ttn"n ll"i" 9s the visitlng Professor' The Professors 6re rncha- Pillat (-veshom) KalarnandalaDHaridas (Pattu) i.i.ia" i"r""n".O"an (alanilayaor i"fat"na"l"t Rsnan Nanboodirl (cheDda) Babu R.L.v.sonadas (chutty) etc. shrt Mar8i vijayakumar ir'1"-oo"r"rt 19 }nJ--o-; natnlesan $,e.e the ;ther teachers' The'e were in all underSoinStrainlne in the various disciPlines oi"iuo"ni" f"tft"t"fi-'i,i.v. vlz. veshoDr Pattu' chendai Maddalsmand chutty' irt"i somad€s functioned a5 mana8er for co-ordinating pro- the firnctlons of the departments as well ss for arranSinS pramsies. fne KoodlyattotrlVtdy6l6ya' t^'hich was stsrted iI1 llay tunctionPd i66o-i* teecrrhe-Ao K;odtyattom in the Gurukula systenr *litt i"at""it""" mannurModhsva chsklyar s6 visiting Professor Moozhlkulstrt Kochukuttan Chakiyar and trlalanandalem "nOunnikrisbnsn-"iuoent" ss Profes6ors for Veshon 8nd Mizhavu' There were I underSoln8tralninS ln Koodlysttom( chakiyar Koothu' NanSiyarKoothu and Mlzh8vu. The trainee6 in both the schools were pro8ressing satisfactorlly; those at the senior fello$ship levels. ln particular' hsve consi- i".ulrv'itp"o""o their 6tand;rds of performance;vastly benefiit- lD8 fron the lnteDslve trsinlDs whlch they recelv€ fron Shrl IdaDandalaD Krishlan 'lalr etc. and the lDproved perforlrance opportuftie8 whlch they get tn Margl. Perfornance6 Stsged at MarSl The perfoanancea Eta8ed at ltargi 8re lD r€alitya extensions of l}re training whlch tbe artlateE recelve at the Vidyalays6. Th€ rrFhaai8 in the training aDd perfortDance6 i6 on DaiDtalnitlg tb€ hlShest tradltionol values ao that these art6 are nurtur€d and are presented to the discerninS public in €11 thelr tiDe honoured besuty €nd cl6s6lclsD. Thls approach is fast gainlllg Sround ond rlll be of gr€at beneflt lD the lar8er prespective of the future ot these artsr wbich constitute the unique and essentlal tbeatr€ of Kerala. The list of ttreoe6 staSed at the MarSi ArkansD and NatyaSrihaD. duriDg the year i6 Biven below. 16.1.89 17.1.89 Frabhandhakuthu 18.1.89 NaDsiyarkoothu la l aa 1.(.2.89 Prabhandakoothu 15-2.89 Nsngly6rkoothu 16.2.89 77.2.89 13.3.89 Kathakali-subhadraharanat) ::':':: Pr€bhandEkoothu 16.3.89 Prabhandekoothu 17.3.89 NanglyarkoothU 26.6.89 27.6.89 Prabhardskoothu 16.7.89 1?.7.89 Kathakall - BanayudhoD 18.7.89 21.7.89 25.7.89 Prabhandakoothu 21.8.89 22.8.a9 Prabh6ndakoothu 23.10.89 24.10.89 KoodlyattoD 25.10.89 6.12.89 9.12.89 Koodiyattom (A6okavanikankon) 12.12 . 8S 13.12.89 Prabhandakoothu 71.12.49 Other Periortrances Promotion of Tourism: During the year, MARGI arran8ed 49 per- formances for outside Egencies. A good nunber oi these were for the benefit of overseEs tourists from other parts of India I staped at the Asoka Beach Resortt Xovalam under the ausplces of the Tourism Departhent of Keralar l,lhich in recent yearsl is impleDentlng several cultural pro8ratnmes for acqualnting tourists $itb the ricb cultural heritaSe of our state. I\:ARGIalso participated in the Tourisrr ueek Celebrations oi the GovemrDent under the classical arts section (Kathakalir Koodilatton and koothu) . Proiect "Nalacharitharn" The project, coDsistins of a very detailed presentation of the copular Nalacharitha attakatba. by dratring extensi\-ely fron ancient and rare llterary sources on the subjectr has been sanc- tioned by the Department of Cultural Affairs* Governirent of India. iiork on the project is almost conplete. Ford Foundation Crant The Ford Foundation has sanctioned a project for support ot certain areaE in Koodiyattomr linked wlth the Sanskrit theatre; the object bein8 revival of acts {'hicb have long ceased to be performed and also for nen perfornances text6: a1l ln relation to 'Ascharyachoodamanl' of Sakthibhadra. The project covers 3 -vears and work on the first yearts progranrDe ls rvell ad\'anced. ACCOUnTA A brief Dote on the Accounts for 1989 i6 appended. a-t 4 Acknowledgepent6 fb UsnaginS Cotrroittee hereby conveys lts deep serse of g.att- @ to the Govemnent of Kerala (Depsrtnent of Cultural Affalr6. T(lrlsD DepartDent and Public R6lation6 Dep6.tDeDt) GovemEent d Indt6r DepartDent of Culture; Kendra San8eet Nataka Acadenyi trlrala S6n8eet Nataka AcadeDy: Travancore Devoswon Boardi ldtan Comcil for Cultural Rel€tlona and the Ford Foundation t6 the valued asEistance and co-operdtton exterded to---lrtdigr. ,n carrying out 1t6 progr€fiDe6. The connlttee el6o wi6he6 to tbank all the DeDb€rst for the actlve lnterest evinced by then |! the propaSstion of classl.cal art form6. lrlvanalrro PTRAXA ITER 20.3.90 Secr€tary ACCOUNTS Tbe Audited AccouDts for lg8g consisting of Incone and Expendi- ture Account\ Balance Sheet and other schedule are appended to tbis report. The accounts for the year show an ovetall excess of Income over exlenditure of Rs.1043/- A conparisoD (ith the previous years ani a general appreisal is furnislred belor.r. Deiicit unoer Surpils undea overall 6urplus(+) School accts: General accts: Deficit (-l 198i 17.6t3 (-l 25t 918 19t; 31,310 33,518 (+ 2r2O8 19BB (r 24 1713 1989 28,9 A2 2S,915 (+ 1i043 The deficit in the school 6ccount arise siDce the Governnent qrant for runninp tbe (athakali and Koodiyatton scbools cover onl] the salaries end stipends ( Ilainly I . It does not cover evet) essential items of other expenditure for running the 6chool6l sucb as rnaintenanceof buildin8. renti electrlcity chareesr nain- tenance of costunes aDd equipII)ents etc. Stipends are also limited bJ GovemnreDt to a flat Rs.175l- P.M. for instructions at all levels( r!hlle rve pay Rs.300/- Rs.250l- etc. for trainees 6t senior fellowship levels. The deficit is also kept doiln to the barest Dinimum as nay be seen from the fact that there are no adDinistrative overheads (No Office stafii no sitting fee for nembers or expenses like TAr telephone charSes etc; the reguirements in th16 behalf beinC net by voluntarar] effort on the part of the office bearers and conmittee members). Lo!r Salaries to Staff The current rate of salary for the senior te€chers of the Margi Schools is of the order of Rs.700/- permensum and ior junior teachers Rs.l00l- per rrrensum- perhaps the ]o$est salary level anyNbere. It is indeed unfortunate that GoverDment have not enhanced tbese very lo$ salary to reasonable levels, Varying degrees of relief have been Sranted to all salaried sections - but the salaries of teachers of Margi remains unchanSed; not ililhstanding the fact tbat there is specific plan provision for thi6 object and tbe same has not been utili6ed for the just and proper object for $hich it was oade. The posltt@ ba8 be€D brouSht to t}le notlc€ of th€ Goverrnent Geveral thes and had alao been explained fur detall to a speclal ooDDltte€ whlch Uaa s€t up by th€ GovemDent to €Dqui.€ lnto the r€qulfed€nt6 of varlou6 cultural organl6atlon6 r€celviDg Srant &oo Governnerlt. It 16 earnestly hoped tt!8t Gov€trnent wlll r€D€dy this 16|g atandhg sDd fi.lrdaD€lrtal grievance of the very lov pald eEployeea of Dar8l. P.N. KRISHNA MANI 6 Co. CHARTEFEDACCOUNTANTS R.f I ws/92 /9O/t\re lhe Members of Muql, FO!t, TRI],/A\DRW. AUDIT REPORT 1999 ,. h.ve exanlned the accounts of B\n.rr, ron?, TRr'TA rDl1sti, !o! the year 6nded Decenbe! 11, 19e9, and the attached BaLance shee! as o. Decehber 11, 1969 and the hcon€ ..d EiPeodlture lccourt ior thc fenr ehd.d on thrt datc in,l anne)€d thereto and lepolt that! h our oplnlon and to the best ol ou. knowledge, $d dccordlnq to the e*plaDatlons qlven to us' the said accounts qive a true end fair In the case of tbe Balance shect of the stat. of trf:e1.3 o! the soctety as a9the end of thc year and ID the.ase of the Incohe and Exlcndlture account cf ihe excEss of Incohe ove! Expenditule lor the yeA! 'r{e have obt.lneC all the infornatloh ad explanations dhlch to the bort of ou! knouledr. anat beliet *ere necessaly for the purpose of our.udlt. ,FLr-,'--. \ .- al-ARTET:!D ACCDLnrrnrT5 i1 Ailc I "o*'.liGii* INCIUE AIID E PENDITURE ACCOI'IIT FOR TII' III ENDED DECEIIEER 31, ] EEPENDITURE Rs. Ps. INClI TO GENERAL AC@U}II Kathakali .nd Kooallyatton By Gf,ANTS Pelformance D(penses ?9,584.50 Crant f!or! Expenses in connectlon lrith Ford For Kath Foundatlon Grant for Kooallyattom 21.5€9.01 For Kood E<penses of covernment of Indla Grant for Nalacharlthan Attakatha 15,O22.OO stlpend to Govennent of Indla Grant from Scholat 3,600.00 Vacatlon Pay and ALlowances 2.150.00 P.l,ntlng and stationery Postage Chargeg 549.0O Eg unutL Telephone Cbarges Lrnds tEan Typlng Chalges 1,80O.OO to Balance Meetlng expenses Refresbnent :o! Vldeo Recording Group 1,690.30 Gaarlt flom 950.0O AccountLng Charges Nalacharltl Audlt aee for 1989 2,000.oo Offlce E.Denses 250.00 fcr Koodlyr ulscellaneous ExDenses 92.OO 1,31,340.80 RICEIPTST B.
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