BREWARRINA SHIRE COUNCIL MEETING OF COUNCIL Agenda October Brewarrina Shire Council 57 Bathurst Street Brewarrina NSW 2839 Friday 23rd October 2020 Commencing at 10.00am 1 2 The Council of the SHIRE OF BREWARRINA All communications to be addressed to the General Manager SHIRE OFFICE 57 Bathurst Street BREWARRINA NSW 2839 PO Box 125 BREWARRINA NSW 2839 Telephone: (02 6830 5100 Fax: (02) 6839 2100 Email: [email protected] __________________________________________________________________ NOTICE OF ORDINARY MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that an ORDINARY MEETING of the Council of Brewarrina will be held on Friday 23rd October 2020 at the Brewarrina Shire Council Chambers commencing at 10.00 am for the transaction of the following business. 1. Opening Prayer & Acknowledgement of Country 2. Apologies / Leave of Absence 3. Declaration of Interest Page 5 4. Confirmation of Minutes Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Friday 25th September 2020 Page 9 5. Mayoral Minute NIL 6. Reports of Committees – September Plant Committee Minutes Page 25 7. Reports to Council For Action 1. Christmas Closure Page 29 2. Monthly Financial Report Page 31 3. Road Construction Queries Page 33 4. Cross Border Tourism Initiative Page 37 5. Brewarrina-Wilson Street Re-Zoning Page 83 6. 2019/20 Annual Report Page 87 8. Reports for Information • Reports For Information Covering Report Page 90 • Status Report, Page 92 a. General Manager / Mayor Diary Page 105 b. Roads Page 107 c. Plant Page 125 d. Utilities Page 127 e. MEHB Page 129 f. CSM Page 133 g. Library Page 137 h. Brewarrina Services Australia Page 139 i. Tourism Page 141 j. CDC Page 147 k. Brewarrina Youth Centre Page 153 l. Service NSW Update Page 159 m. Human Resources Page 161 • Items for Correspondence a. Office of Local Government Circular to Councils Page 165 9. Notice of Motion / Questions with Notice NIL 10. Confidential Matters • Staff Accommodation Needs Page 167 • Child Care Operations – Update Page 173 11. Conclusion of Meeting Delegations: Nil Jeff Sowiak General Manager The Council of the SHIRE OF BREWARRINA All communications to be addressed to the General Manager SHIRE OFFICE 57 Bathurst Street BREWARRINA NSW 2839 PO Box 125 BREWARRINA NSW 2839 Telephone: (02 6830 5100 Fax: (02) 6839 2100 Email: [email protected] DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST AT ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING Meeting Date: ............................................ Item Number: ............................................ Subject: ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... I, ............................................................... declare the following interest: Pecuniary: Must leave Chamber; take no part in the discussion and voting. nNo -Pecuniary - Significant Conflict: Recommended that affected person leaves Chamber, takes no part in discussion and voting. nNo -Pecuniary - Insignificant Conflict: Affected person may choose to remain in Chamber and participate in discussion and voting. For the reason that: ................................................................................................................................................... ……………………………………................................................................................................. Signed: .......................................................... Date: ............................. (Definitions are provided on the next page) 5 Definitions (Local Government Act and Code of Conduct) Pecuniary - An interest that a person has in a matter because of a reasonable likelihood or expectation or appreciable financial gain or loss to the person or another person with whom the person is associated. (Local Government Act, 1993 Sections 442 and 443). A Councillor or other member of a Council Committee who is present at a meeting and has a pecuniary interest in any matter which is being considered must disclose the nature of that interest to the meeting as soon as practicable. The Councillor or other member must not take part in the consideration or discussion on the matter and must not vote on any question relating to that matter. (Section 451) Non-Pecuniary - A private or personal interest the council official has that does not amount to a pecuniary interest as defined in the Act (for example; a friendship, membership of an association, society or trade union or involvement or interest in an activity and may include an interest of a financial nature). If you have declared a non-pecuniary conflict of interest you have a broad range of options for managing the conflict. The option you choose will depend on an assessment of the circumstances of the matter, the nature of your interest and the significance of the issue being dealt with. You must deal with a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in at least one of these ways. • It may be appropriate that no action is taken where the potential for conflict is minimal. However, Council officials should consider providing an explanation of why they consider a conflict does not exist. • Limit involvement if practical (for example, participate in discussion but not in decision making or vice-versa). Care needs to be taken when exercising this option. • Remove the source of the conflict (for example, relinquishing or divesting the personal interest that creates the conflict or reallocating the conflicting duties to another officer). • Have no involvement by absenting yourself from and not taking part in any debate or voting on the issue as if the provisions in Section 451(2) of the Act apply (particularly if you have a significant non-pecuniary conflict of interest). 6 THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 7 PREVIOUS MONTHS MINUTES 8 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE SHIRE OF BREWARRINA HELD AT THE BREWARRINA SHIRE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 2020 Meeting commenced at 10:15 am 1: PRESENT: Councillors Phillip O’CONNOR William LOUGHNAN Angelo PIPPOS Thomas STANTON Mark BROWN Vivian SLACK - SMITH Donna JEFFRIES David WHEATLEY General Manager Jeff SOWIAK Executive Assistant Belinda LOUGHNAN 2: APOLOGIES • NIL 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY OR NON-PECUNIARY CONFLICT OF INTEREST: • NIL 4: CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: th Confirmation of the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Friday 28 August 2020. RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Brown seconded by Councillor Wheatley 128/20 that the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting 28th August 2020 covered by resolutions 107/20 to 127/20 action request be adopted. With the amendment to resolution 124/20 to include Mannix Brothers in the alternate list. The MOTION upon being PUT to the MEETING was declared CARRIED 4a: ELECTION OF MAYOR • Mayor O’Connor stood down as Chair, and the General Manager Jeff Sowiak assumed the position of Chair/ Returning officer while the Mayoral Election took place. 4a: ELECTION OF MAYOR The purpose of this report is to inform Council on the process for electing a Mayor. RECOMMENDATION: That: 1. If there is more than one Mayoral candidate, the Council resolves whether the election is to proceed by preferential ballot, by ordinary ballot or by open voting; 2. That a Mayor is elected in accordance with the legislated process; Page 1 ................................................. ................................................. GENERAL MANAGER MAYOR MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE SHIRE OF BREWARRINA HELD AT THE BREWARRINA SHIRE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 2020 3. That the General Manager in his capacity as Returning Officer notifies the result of the election to the Director-General of the Department of Local Government and to the Secretary of the Local Government and Shires Associations of New South Wales; and 4. All ballot papers are to be destroyed following the election. The Returning Officer declared that he had received two nominations for the office of Mayor of Brewarrina from: 1. Councillor Jeffries 2. Councillor O’Connor 129/20 RESOLVED on MOTION by Councillor Loughnan seconded by Councillor Pippos that Council resolve: 1. If there is more than one Mayoral candidate, the Council resolves to vote via Ordinary ballot. 2. That a Mayor is elected in accordance with the legislated process; 3. That the General Manager in his capacity as Returning Officer notifies the result of the election to the Director-General of the Department of Local Government and to the Secretary of the Local Government and Shires Associations of New South Wales; and 4. All ballot papers are to be destroyed following the election. The MOTION on being PUT to the meeting was declared CARRIED Following the vote, the General Manager declared Councillor O’Connor was elected as the Mayor until the next Mayoral Election on September 2021 and congratulated him on his election to the position. Page 2 ................................................. ................................................. GENERAL MANAGER MAYOR MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE SHIRE OF BREWARRINA HELD AT THE BREWARRINA SHIRE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 2020 4b: ELECTION OF DEPUTY MAYOR 1b. ELECTION OF DEPUTY MAYOR The purpose of this report is to inform Council on the process for electing a Deputy Mayor. RECOMMENDATION: That: 1. The Council determines whether it will elect a Deputy Mayor; and 2. If the Council determines to elect
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