Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03364-1 - The International Distribution of News: The Associated Press, Press Association, and Reuters, 1848–1947 Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb Index More information Index Abbott & Winans, 17 United Press Acme Photos, 76 Ritz-Carlton agreement, and, 217 Addyston Pipe v. U.S. , 53 Associated Press of India, 175 , 178 Agences Alliées . See Allied Agencies AT&T, 40 , 220 Aitken, Max, 183 Atlantic & Pacifi c Telegraph Co., 20 Allen, Henry W., 154 Atlantic Telegraph Co., 38 Allied Agencies, 204 Attlee, Clement, 159 American Press Association, 20 , 42 Australian Associated Press, 178–180 , 182 American Telegraph Co., 17 Australian Press Association, 181–182 , 184 Anglo-Persian Oil Co., 143 AP. See Associated Press Baillie, Hugh, 222 , 224 AP v. KVOS , 75 Baines, Frederick E., 98 AP v. U.S. , 5 , 64 , 81 , 84–86 , 159 , 223 , Barker, A.E., 160 226 , 231 Bartlett, Edgar E., 72 Arnold, Thurman, 81 BBC Asquith, Henry H., 143 Empire Wireless, and, 184 Associated Press license fee, and, 157 Associated Press of Great Britain, and, 217 proposed purchase of Reuters, expansion of membership, and, 80 and, 160 , 161 expansion of staff and, 78 radio license, and, 155 formation, 46 Beach, Moses, 9 , 11 , 13 , 14 Reuters Beaverbrook. See Aitken, Max importance of, 47 Beecher-Tilton scandal, 34 franchises Bennett Jr., James Gordon, 37 liberalization of, 77 Bennett, James Gordon, 9–14 problem of, 76 Berge, Wendell, 81 rules related to, 49 Berne Convention, 209 value of, 50 , 71 Berry, William, 135 of Great Britain, and, 217 , 222 Bickel, Karl, 218 , 219 , 224 morning and evening newspapers, 74 Biddle, Francis, 81 , 84 news photos and, 76 Bird, Frank, 154 organization of, 7 Black Hills (Allison) Commission, 36 protest rights, and, 73 Black, Hugo, 85 radio, and, 74 Bleichröder, Gerson, 199 , 224 249 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03364-1 - The International Distribution of News: The Associated Press, Press Association, and Reuters, 1848–1947 Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb Index More information 250 Index Board of Trade v. Christie Grain & Cotes, Everard, 175 Stock Co. , 61 , 86 Craig, Daniel H., 18 , 19 , 25 , 60 , 201 Boer War, 116 , 167 , 171 Cranfi eld, C.L., 137 , 147 , 149 Booth, George F., 84 Bracken, Brendan, 161 Dalziel’s News Agency, 109 , 203 Brimelow, William, 123 Dana, Charles, 15 , 42 , 43 British and Irish Magnetic Day, Benjamin, 9 Telegraph Co., 91 Defence of the Realm Act (1916), 142 British Broadcasting Co., 152 , 154–158 , Delane, John, 104 227 , 229 Dempo, 212 embargo on foreign wireless sets, and, 155 Denison, Hugh, 181 newsgathering, and, 157 Deutsches Nachrichtenbüro, 221 British Offi cial Wireless, 184 Diehl, Charles, 39 , 58 British United Press. See United Press Disraeli, Benjamin, 95 Brooks, Erastus, 14 Du Pont, 68 Brougham, Henry, 93 Dunlap’s News Co., 52 , 203 Bruce, James, 94 Buchanan, A.J., 71 Eastern and Associated Telegraph Co., 164 , Butler Amendment (1879), 22 165 , 180 Buxton, Sidney, 119 , 120 , 121 Eastern News Agency, 175 , 176 Byron, John, 180 Electric and International Telegraph Co., 89 , 99 Caird, Andrew, 130 Electric Telegraph Co., 90 California Associated Press, 30 , 43 Empire Press Union, 185 Canadian Pacifi c Railway, 168 , 211 Enwright, F.W., 70 Canadian Press, 75 , 168 , 183 , 211 , 217 Excess Profi t Duty, 143 Catledge, Turner, 84 Exchange Telegraph Co. (Extel), 112 , 121–156 , Central News, 47 , 119 , 125 , 156 , 159 , 230 159 , 189 , 190 , 226 , 230 Chadwick, Edwin, 93 , 95–97 , 119 formation, 112 Chafee, Zechariah, 82 , 83 , 196 Press Association Chamberlain, Neville, 160 Paxtel service, 138 , 139 Chancellor, Christopher, 162 pooling agreement with, 122 , 129 Chicago Board of Trade, 86 Churchill, Winston, 127 , 130 , 131 Fawcett, Henry, 113 , 121 Civil War (American), 19 , 25 , 33 , 46 Fenwick, George, 180 New York Associated Press, and, 25 Field III, Marshall, 83 , 84 Clayton Act (1914), 65 , 77 Field, Cyrus, 17, 37 Clements, S. Carey, 154 Findlay, Francis D., 91 , 100 Clerks of the Road, 1 First World War Committee on Public Retrenchment, 130 consequences for British newspapers, and, Cooper, Kent 125 , 126 appointment as general manger, 59 Ford, Henry, 70 Barriers Down , and, 196 Foreign Ministry, German, 202 exporting AP model, and, 209 Foreign Offi ce, British, 142 , 143 , 160 , 186 franchises Fourteen Points for Peace, 212 , 213 liberalization of, 77 Franco-Prussian War, 34 Howard, Roy Frankfurter, Felix, 85 , 87 , 231 relationship with, 219 Free Press of India, 177 International News Service v. AP and, 67 opinion of Reuters, and, 148 , 149 Gaylord, E.K., 73 Cornell, Ezra, 17 George, Henry, 21 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03364-1 - The International Distribution of News: The Associated Press, Press Association, and Reuters, 1848–1947 Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb Index More information Index 251 George, Lloyd, 127 Irwin, William H., 65 Gibson, Thomas M., 61 Isaacs, Godfrey, 155 Goodsell, James, 20 , 21 Iwanaga, Yukichi, 211–215 , 217 , 219 , 220 , Gordon, Charles G., 111 224 , 228 Gould, Jay, 37 , 38 , 42 Gould, R.H., 11 , 12 , 13 Jameson, Leander S., 143 Grasty, Charles H., 48 Jevons, William S., 98 Graves, C.G., 186 Johnson, John G., 56 , 58 Greeley, Horace, 9 , 10 , 13–16 , 25 , 61 Johnson, Samuel, 92 Green, Norvin, 24 , 43 Jones, Roderick Gregory, Thomas W., 65 , 218 Herbert de Reuter’s suicide, and, 141 Greville’s Telegram Company, 180 reorganization of Reuters, and, 142 Gwynne, H.A., 167 strategy for Reuters, and, 144 Haldeman, W.N., 28 Kansas and Missouri Associated Press, 30 Hale, David, 14 Kitchener, Herbert, 127 , 167 Haley, W.J., 161 , 223 Knapp, Charles W., 50 Hallock, Gerard, 14 Knox, Frank, 83 Halstead, Murat, 26 , 29 Kohlsaat, Herman, 54 Hand, Augustus, 62 , 63 , 230 Kokusai, 211 , 212 Hand, Learned, 84 , 85 , 159 , 230 Korrespondenzbureau, 201 Harbor News Association, 14 Harmsworth, Alfred, 117 , 126 , 144 Laffan News Bureau, 51 , 54 Harper, George, 101 Laffan, William, 51 Harrison, Benjamin, 29 Lafferty, Abraham W., 64 Havas, Agence, 187 , 198–222 , 224 Lawson, Victor, 44–69 , 201 , 202 Havas, Charles, 198 League of Nations, 209 , 210 , 213 , 216 , 224 Hearst, William R., 4 , 50 , 55 , 62 , 66 , 84 Lee, Kenneth, 160 Hill, Frederic, 98 Livesay, Fred, 168 , 183 Hill, Rowland, 94 , 95, 97 , 98 Lloyd’s of London, 189 , 203 House, Edward M., 213 London News Agency, 129 , 130 Howard, Roy, 66 , 78 , 205 , 216 , 217 , 218 , 219 , London Stock Exchange, 190 222 , 224 Lovell, John, 104 , 105 , 106 , 107 Cooper, Kent Lowrie, Richard, 73 relationship with, 219 Ritz-Carlton agreement, and, 217 MacDonald, John, 110 Howell, Clark, 60 Mack, E.F., 57 , 211 Hubbard, Gardiner G., 21 Mackay, John J., 37 Hudson, Frederic, 14 , 15 Mackinnon, Lachlan, 178 , 202 Hull, Cordell, 224 Magnetic Telegraph Co., 89 Mann-Elkins Act (1910), 22 International News Service, 62–64 , 66 , 222 Manners, John, 98 membership of, 80 Marble, Manton, 37 International News Service v. AP , 5 , 7 , 62–67 , Marconi Co., 153 , 154 , 155 77 , 84 , 116 , 225 , 230 Wireless Press, and, 154 broadcasting, and, 74 , 75 Marconi, Guglielmo, 153 international consequences of, Martin, Frederick R., 219 206–207 , 209 Mathews v. AP , 52 , 53 , 56 International Telegram Co., 42 McCormick, Robert, 84 , 216 , 217 , 223 International Telegraph Co., 90 , 199 McKelway, St. Claire, 59 Inter-Ocean v. AP , 5 , 54 , 55 , 60 , 68 , 75 , 84 McLean, Robert, 81 , 83 , 84 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-03364-1 - The International Distribution of News: The Associated Press, Press Association, and Reuters, 1848–1947 Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb Index More information 252 Index Medill, Joseph, 28 , 36 , 54 , 60 Morning Herald (Sydney), 179 , 180 Mergenthaler, Otto, 29 Star (Melbourne), 181 Mexican-American War, 11 , 13 Telegraph (Brisbane), 181 Ministry of Information, 160 , 161 , 183 , 191 British Isles Monkswell, Robert, 116 Advertiser (Dundee), 101 Morse, Samuel, 17 , 18 , 39 Chronicle (Huddersfi eld), 101 Munsey, Frank, 51 Chronicle (Manchester), 117 Murdoch, Keith, 181 , 182 , 186 concentration and, 6 Murphy, William F., 86 Courier (Liverpool), 101 , 117 Murray, W.L., 128 , 190 Daily Chronicle (London), 130 Daily Gazette (Birmingham), 101 Napier, Mark F., 143 Daily Mail (London), 130 , 150 , 156 , National Telephone Co., 121 , 152 175 , 215 Nederlandsch Telegraaf Agentschap, 168 northern edition, and, 117 , 118 New England Associated Press, 30 , 233 Daily Mirror (London), 151 New York & Western Union Telegraph Daily Post (Liverpool), 101 , 153 Co., 17 Daily Telegraph (London), 111 , 128 New York Associated Press Echo (Bournemouth), 138 cartel of news agencies, and, 201 Echo (Liverpool), 117 expansion of, 18 Echo (Southampton), 139 formation of, 14 Echo (Sunderland), 126 , 185 leased lines, and, 39 , 40 Evening Dispatch (Birmingham), 117 news service, 31 Evening Express (Cardiff), 137 cost of, 19 , 31 Evening Mail (Manchester), 116 operation of, 16 Evening News (Bolton), 123 rules of, 15 Evening News (Manchester), 116 , 117 United Press Association Evening News (Scarborough), 154 rivalry with, 42 Evening Standard (London), 146 Western Associated Press Examiner (Cork), 101 disagreements with, 32 Examiner (Manchester), 101 joint-executive committee, and, 37 Financial News (London), 150 Western Union Financial Times (London), 150 agreement with, 19 , 20 Gazette (South Shields), 105 collusion, and, 21 , 33 Globe (London), 126 regulation of, 22 , 23 Guardian (Manchester), 100 , 101 , supression of editorials, and, 21 103 , 110 , 111 , 113 , 127 , 135 , New York Membership Corporations Law 152 , 161 (1895), 5 , 56 , 57 Herald (Glasgow), 101 , 111 , 135 New York State Associated Press, 30 , 52 Independent (Sheffi eld), 101 New Zealand Press Agency, 179 , 180 Journal (Nottingham), 101 New Zealand Press Association, 179 , 180 Mercury (Leeds), 101 Newspaper Proprietors Association, 126 , 161 Mercury (Liverpool), 101 , 153 Newspaper Society.
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