COLBY & BICH, ) 63,00 For Annum, YOL. x x x y i i i . Publtshofs and Proprietors, j HUSTON. SATl'IifUY, NOVEMliER 27, 1S7S. In Advance, N O . 9. Itouner C’onteuls. would hesitate to spring forward into the gap, .tenderly to recall her to the fold, Joined the pop­ | mid tlie late surgical operation'juj/i! to have been 1 they were thereby led in safety through the.most F ir st Jlcmorlal Oration,’'"by Emma Hardingo snatch tlio'standard her dying hand has dropped, ular hue and cry ngainst her, and by way of. i so successfully performed liy a "spirit medium." 'threatening dangers." Britten. ^ and speak tlio tender and loving “ Godspeed ’’ to rendering Ills testimony of denunciation the 'morn | One of tlie party doubtlugly remarked, "I sliould As I must shortly sine up my ease on the life Second i’AGE.—Roein—* * Love Cannot Dio,’’ by William prominent, lie denied tlio littlo- motherless child , like to nee tin- man whose ankle was set by a fe­ Bruntun; “ The Liberal ClirlBtlan and SplMtualism,” hernngel homo, which so many full hearts but the boon she came to crave, and sought to visit male spirit medium.” Col. P«Qie Immediately nnd Hmes of my dear and most wonderful sub­ by Samuel J . Young; “ Tho Natural and the Supernat­ speechless lips send-after her. Ids holy wrath on tlie unholy dead, by refusing ■: responded, "Gentlemen,,./ am Jlii- man, nnd.rail ject, I shall conelitdc tin- testimony 1 have .se­ u ral," by Itoburt Cooper; Banner Correspondence; Nearly all theSpirituallstsof tlie United States tlie Inst offices for its poor remains. j vouch for tlie entire truth of the statement.” lected, eliielly from .printed sources, by giving a . “ An Important Werk; “ lowa-Muetingof the State and Europe are familiar, with the nicdlumistic It wns whilst the trembling little .orphan ant on' i Col. I’ope is still n resident of • Boston, ami tiears few final cxeerpls.from tlie Biography cm....ruing Association of tfpitlluallats.” tlio doorstep of' tills follower of Christ, nml with i willing testimony to tlie truth of tills account. life-work of Mrs, Fannie Conant on earth. All tiie original plan observed in tlie now celebrated TUIUD two k. —“ Fanny,” by Mrs. Julia M. Carpenter; fast-falling tears wondered what next she should 1 must not omitT to notice, also, tlie wonderful *“ Wbat w Little Girl Sees In Egypt;” .’‘Something Tor. remember and Identify iier with thQ, Message De­ Message Department of tlie Danner ut Light i do, that tlio noble .....stranger-who had before . powers of prevision which the spirits exercised Bo;« to Remember;” “ The British Quarterly on Mod­ partment of tlio Danner of Light, nml are accus­ guided her to tlio physician’s door, reiippnired ern Necromancy;” “ Harrison's ‘SpiritTeople;’ ” i‘o- through Mrs. Cmiaiit’s organism. Not even tlm ” T-lio—Banner of Light hi-'iiig'luioigtil In-fore tomed to think of her as tlie mobile and wonder­ nml directed her to go nnd seeK out n. venerable .the mateiial and menial world tlinmgli tlie ef­ ciii— Away toisea;” J.l&tof Spiritualist Lectures. Methodist minister, who lie assured her would, volume of Biography which has been given to tlm fully gifted medium through whom tlie different forts of its energelie publishers, nnd eondueted — EOUKILLFaOK.—Leading Editorials on “ Great Progress ami did, perform tlie required services for- the world can begin to do Justice to the wide range of Splrliuallsm In England,” “ The Bible In the grades, chisses and varieties of spirits that by the ageney of the spiritiml, through the or­ dead. „ 1 of prevision exercised by Invisible eyes and spo­ ganism of Mrs. Conant, they inaugurated, during Schools,” “ ,Ylce President Wilson,” etc, thronged the Banner of Light Circles found their At fifteen the ynpng mystic left her father's F ifth Page. — “ Brief Paragraphs,” New Advertise­ ken through the lips of Fannie Coiianl. On tlie summer of 1 Mr,?. at Boom'Jj, National House, Inimitable exponent; but it is only through her house to'seek her own rugged path in life, as u a series id' eirele-. preliminary to tlmo- wliieli in m ents, etc. * , workwoman. She found - employment at her more than one occasion, she averted destruction Sixth P age. — “ Physical Manifestations-Under Strict IHoanAi’HYtlmt the world can become cognizant after years have hi-cmue so prominent a fnajure needle in Lowell, iindftlius continued until tiie from tlie crews and passengers'of. tlie steamers of tlmt journal.'. At first -in Ids ignorance of the Test Conditions,” by A. E. Stanley; “ A Marvelous of' the wide and varied field of usefulness she age of. twenty, when siie became (lie wife of Mr. Manifestation;” Poem —“ Down to Sleep;” “ The siie made passages on, by warning tlmhi oL.enui laws of spirit eomtmiuiou (In common with (lie filled independent of her coiinecjlon with'the John II. Conant, a grandson.of l’rof. John Hub­ 'giea't'b'iiili''df'''Hie"SjVIVIt irnttst'iHiclicveis of that- Court of Reconciliation;” Miscellaneous Paragraphs; bard, fif Dartmouth College. For two years after ; ing storms. Tlieeiitireeourseof Hie great .Amer­ Advertisements. Danner of Light, and the immense range of splr-, ican war, even to the-years and months of Us do- dale) -.Mr. Berry conceived He- Men that the se­ Seventh Page..—” Mediums In Boston;” Book and oth­ her marriage tier, health, always fragile, failed ances Mill'd lie hold-strictly iirprivalc, only him­ itua] gifts besides tlml of trance-speaking with so rapidly that at length her case' was pronounced i ration, was prophesied through her lips la-fore er advertisements, which she was endowed. It is to he imped Mrs. self and Mrs. c. being at tie- (aide,-witli now E ighth Page.—“ Pearls;” “ The Uncrowned Sover­ hopeless. Going*by the advice of friends to eon-, | tlie treacherous calm of the nation's apparent and (In-ii a mutual friend introduced by way of eigns;” “ Prof.. William Denton at Paine Hall:” Conant’s Diography lias been in every-hand, suit one of tlie prominent test-mediums of tlie “ New Publications;” “ Molds made UySpIrlls,” by - peace was disturbed by a single ripple. experiment; hut.'timillv, at the suggr/lion of Mr. and lias found its plneo in tlie library of every true day, she made tlie acQuaintance of that, noble Cnlliy, a certain' nnmliia. of. vi-;it-ti.Y.1.->';k-i .ns.iL. 'William Denton, et:. spiritwlio afterwards became her life-long friend, Publicly 'aflil privately alike siie might leave Spiritualist. If it be not so, it ought to be. Dut ‘ buttery ' for the I'tmiidilng of maaireii'e supplies and through her ns his medium tlie fiicndjuid ,'been'deemed the. prophetess of tlie nineteenth to tlie medium - were regularly brought in. Tlm'si- even at tins risk of reiterating in your ears a healerof uncounted sufferers, who llockcd'totliis century had all her sybilliuc utterances been fully small circles of t[treenr tour persons prepared Hu- ®jfc iilostrum, familiar (ate, 1 feel tlio propriety of present­ source for relief, ay, and found it too, when all recorded. One of the most important events of way in lime for an Increase of numbc-is, which ing yon in this place with a brief transcript of aid from mortals failed. Tlie spirit here alluded 'continued 'till the room became too small, and to wns Dr. John Dix' Fisher—a mime tlmt, as the her brief career, however, and tin- one witli that history, together with such remarks from Mr. li. was directed'Ity the spirits Hi prepare an­ MEMORIAL:- ORATION, beneficent spirit healer and guide of Fannie Co­ j which the memory of tlio world at large most other fni' the better imrommndution of tlm iuuli- my own personal knowledge of my subject us nant, hiindri'd's 'iijioif' hiindredj! havirh'tul cause i nnivyrsnllv associates -imr. .was tier long and re. cnccs assembling. "He, therefore, in tlm spring Delivered in Honor of the late Mrs. J. H. will most concisely recall to our minds what wc to romeiiiber.with grateful blessings. i markable conneelion witli tlie D,inner of Light. of 1 h.i.s, titled a room at tlm (then) oll'm-- of tlm Conant, at Music Hall, Boston, on Sun­ have gained in tlie life, what wo have toacer-, Dr. Fisher, at this first interview, promised to Danner of Light, situated at Brattle street, cure the patient-In three weeks, hut demanded ; If I iiiiveihveit somewhat atleiigth on her many day Afternoon, Oct. IOth, by Emma tain extent lost in tlie. translation, of Fannie Boston. • . asdiis fee the boon of tier lifelong service dedi-' !'girts and the mediumistic career which preceded Mr. Berry was for a long while his own report­ Hardingo Britten. Conant. As 1 propose to quote several passages cated to humanity. Ho declared she was tlie ! her appearance before tlie world as the Danner er—writing down whatever came from the in­ of Mrs. Conant’s Diography, I must premise tlmt greatest medium of tlie age, and lie required, ' Medium, it is beciuise—tin- vast and' Import- visibles for reference or publication as the ease [Reported for the Banner of Light by .John W. Day.] wlmt Fannin Conant than promised nnd after­ the substance of it was furnished by Mrs. Co­ ; nut field of labor she tliere occupied, like a might lie. l'ri-vioiis to the establishment of Hm nant herself and spirits speaking through her wards faithfully performed, a steady devotion of C'irelo linnm at .*!1 Brattle street, Mrs. c-mant After several fl’ppropriate pieces of music hud nil, her remarkable powers to tiie world.
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