CJK Compatibility Range: 3300–33FF

CJK Compatibility Range: 3300–33FF

CJK Compatibility Range: 3300–33FF This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard. See https://www.unicode.org/errata/ for an up-to-date list of errata. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/ for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/Unicode-14.0/ for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 14.0. See https://www.unicode.org/Public/14.0.0/charts/ for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 14.0. Disclaimer These charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0, online at https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode14.0.0/, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, #44, #45, and #50, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online. See https://www.unicode.org/ucd/ and https://www.unicode.org/reports/ A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation. Copying characters from the character code tables or list of character names is not recommended, because for production reasons the PDF files for the code charts cannot guarantee that the correct character codes will always be copied. Fonts The shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts. The particular fonts used in these charts were provided to the Unicode Consortium by a number of different font designers, who own the rights to the fonts. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/fonts.html for a list. Terms of Use You may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you may provide links to these charts. The fonts and font data used in production of these code charts may NOT be extracted, or used in any other way in any product or publication, without permission or license granted by the typeface owner(s). The Unicode Consortium is not liable for errors or omissions in this file or the standard itself. Information on characters added to the Unicode Standard since the publication of the most recent version of the Unicode Standard, as well as on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found on the Unicode web site. See https://www.unicode.org/pending/pending.html and https://www.unicode.org/alloc/Pipeline.html. Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 3300 CJK Compatibility 33FF 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 33A 33B 33C 33D 33E 33F 0 ㌀ ㌐ ㌠ ㌰ ㍀ ㍐ ㍠ ㍰ ㎀ ㎐ ㎠ ㎰ ㏀ ㏐ ㏠ ㏰ 3300 3310 3320 3330 3340 3350 3360 3370 3380 3390 33A0 33B0 33C0 33D0 33E0 33F0 1 ㌁ ㌑ ㌡ ㌱ ㍁ ㍑ ㍡ ㍱ ㎁ ㎑ ㎡ ㎱ ㏁ ㏑ ㏡ ㏱ 3301 3311 3321 3331 3341 3351 3361 3371 3381 3391 33A1 33B1 33C1 33D1 33E1 33F1 2 ㌂ ㌒ ㌢ ㌲ ㍂ ㍒ ㍢ ㍲ ㎂ ㎒ ㎢ ㎲ ㏂ ㏒ ㏢ ㏲ 3302 3312 3322 3332 3342 3352 3362 3372 3382 3392 33A2 33B2 33C2 33D2 33E2 33F2 3 ㌃ ㌓ ㌣ ㌳ ㍃ ㍓ ㍣ ㍳ ㎃ ㎓ ㎣ ㎳ ㏃ ㏓ ㏣ ㏳ 3303 3313 3323 3333 3343 3353 3363 3373 3383 3393 33A3 33B3 33C3 33D3 33E3 33F3 4 ㌄ ㌔ ㌤ ㌴ ㍄ ㍔ ㍤ ㍴ ㎄ ㎔ ㎤ ㎴ ㏄ ㏔ ㏤ ㏴ 3304 3314 3324 3334 3344 3354 3364 3374 3384 3394 33A4 33B4 33C4 33D4 33E4 33F4 5 ㌅ ㌕ ㌥ ㌵ ㍅ ㍕ ㍥ ㍵ ㎅ ㎕ ㎥ ㎵ ㏅ ㏕ ㏥ ㏵ 3305 3315 3325 3335 3345 3355 3365 3375 3385 3395 33A5 33B5 33C5 33D5 33E5 33F5 6 ㌆ ㌖ ㌦ ㌶ ㍆ ㍖ ㍦ ㍶ ㎆ ㎖ ㎦ ㎶ ㏆ ㏖ ㏦ ㏶ 3306 3316 3326 3336 3346 3356 3366 3376 3386 3396 33A6 33B6 33C6 33D6 33E6 33F6 7 ㌇ ㌗ ㌧ ㌷ ㍇ ㍗ ㍧ ㍷ ㎇ ㎗ ㎧ ㎷ ㏇ ㏗ ㏧ ㏷ 3307 3317 3327 3337 3347 3357 3367 3377 3387 3397 33A7 33B7 33C7 33D7 33E7 33F7 8 ㌈ ㌘ ㌨ ㌸ ㍈ ㍘ ㍨ ㍸ ㎈ ㎘ ㎨ ㎸ ㏈ ㏘ ㏨ ㏸ 3308 3318 3328 3338 3348 3358 3368 3378 3388 3398 33A8 33B8 33C8 33D8 33E8 33F8 9 ㌉ ㌙ ㌩ ㌹ ㍉ ㍙ ㍩ ㍹ ㎉ ㎙ ㎩ ㎹ ㏉ ㏙ ㏩ ㏹ 3309 3319 3329 3339 3349 3359 3369 3379 3389 3399 33A9 33B9 33C9 33D9 33E9 33F9 A ㌊ ㌚ ㌪ ㌺ ㍊ ㍚ ㍪ ㍺ ㎊ ㎚ ㎪ ㎺ ㏊ ㏚ ㏪ ㏺ 330A 331A 332A 333A 334A 335A 336A 337A 338A 339A 33AA 33BA 33CA 33DA 33EA 33FA B ㌋ ㌛ ㌫ ㌻ ㍋ ㍛ ㍫ ㍻ ㎋ ㎛ ㎫ ㎻ ㏋ ㏛ ㏫ ㏻ 330B 331B 332B 333B 334B 335B 336B 337B 338B 339B 33AB 33BB 33CB 33DB 33EB 33FB C ㌌ ㌜ ㌬ ㌼ ㍌ ㍜ ㍬ ㍼ ㎌ ㎜ ㎬ ㎼ ㏌ ㏜ ㏬ ㏼ 330C 331C 332C 333C 334C 335C 336C 337C 338C 339C 33AC 33BC 33CC 33DC 33EC 33FC D ㌍ ㌝ ㌭ ㌽ ㍍ ㍝ ㍭ ㍽ ㎍ ㎝ ㎭ ㎽ ㏍ ㏝ ㏭ ㏽ 330D 331D 332D 333D 334D 335D 336D 337D 338D 339D 33AD 33BD 33CD 33DD 33ED 33FD E ㌎ ㌞ ㌮ ㌾ ㍎ ㍞ ㍮ ㍾ ㎎ ㎞ ㎮ ㎾ ㏎ ㏞ ㏮ ㏾ 330E 331E 332E 333E 334E 335E 336E 337E 338E 339E 33AE 33BE 33CE 33DE 33EE 33FE F ㌏ ㌟ ㌯ ㌿ ㍏ ㍟ ㍯ ㍿ ㎏ ㎟ ㎯ ㎿ ㏏ ㏟ ㏯ ㏿ 330F 331F 332F 333F 334F 335F 336F 337F 338F 339F 33AF 33BF 33CF 33DF 33EF 33FF The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 3300 CJK Compatibility 3326 Squared Katakana words 3314 ㌔ SQUARE KIRO 3300 ㌀ SQUARE APAATO • kilo- • apartment ≈ <square> 30AD キ 30ED ロ SQUARE KIROGURAMU ≈ <square> 30A2 ア 30D1 パ 30FC ー 30C8 ト 3315 ㌕ 3301 ㌁ SQUARE ARUHUA • kilogram • alpha ≈ <square> 30AD キ 30ED ロ 30B0 グ <square> 30A2 ア 30EB ル 30D5 フ 30A1 ァ 30E9 ラ 30E0 ム ≈ SQUARE KIROMEETORU 3302 ㌂ SQUARE ANPEA 3316 ㌖ • ampere • kilometer <square> 30A2 ア 30F3 ン 30DA ペ 30A2 ア ≈ <square> 30AD キ 30ED ロ 30E1 メ ≈ ー ト ル 3303 ㌃ SQUARE AARU 30FC 30C8 30EB 3317 SQUARE KIROWATTO • are (unit of area) ㌗ kilowatt <square> 30A2 ア 30FC ー 30EB ル • ≈ <square> キ ロ ワ 3304 SQUARE ININGU ≈ 30AD 30ED 30EF ㌄ 30C3 ッ 30C8 ト inning • 3318 ㌘ SQUARE GURAMU <square> イ ニ ン グ ≈ 30A4 30CB 30F3 30B0 gram 3305 SQUARE INTI • ㌅ <square> 30B0 グ 30E9 ラ 30E0 ム inch ≈ • 3319 ㌙ SQUARE GURAMUTON <square> 30A4 イ 30F3 ン 30C1 チ ≈ • gram ton 3306 ㌆ SQUARE UON ≈ <square> 30B0 グ 30E9 ラ 30E0 ム • won (Korean currency) 30C8 ト 30F3 ン ≈ <square> 30A6 ウ 30A9 ォ 30F3 ン 331A SQUARE KURUZEIRO SQUARE ESUKUUDO ㌚ 3307 ㌇ • cruzeiro (Brazilian currency) escudo (Portuguese currency) • ≈ <square> 30AF ク 30EB ル 30BC ゼ ≈ <square> 30A8 エ 30B9 ス 30AF ク 30A4 イ 30ED ロ 30FC ー 30C9 ド 331B SQUARE KUROONE SQUARE EEKAA ㌛ 3308 ㌈ • krone acre • ≈ <square> 30AF ク 30ED ロ 30FC ー 30CD ネ ≈ <square> 30A8 エ 30FC ー 30AB カ 30FC ー 331C SQUARE KEESU SQUARE ONSU ㌜ 3309 ㌉ • case ounce • ≈ <square> 30B1 ケ 30FC ー 30B9 ス ≈ <square> 30AA オ 30F3 ン 30B9 ス 331D SQUARE KORUNA SQUARE OOMU ㌝ 330A ㌊ • koruna (Czech currency) ohm • ≈ <square> 30B3 コ 30EB ル 30CA ナ ≈ <square> 30AA オ 30FC ー 30E0 ム 331E SQUARE KOOPO SQUARE KAIRI ㌞ 330B ㌋ • co-op kai-ri: nautical mile • ≈ <square> 30B3 コ 30FC ー 30DD ポ ≈ <square> 30AB カ 30A4 イ 30EA リ 331F SQUARE SAIKURU SQUARE KARATTO ㌟ 330C ㌌ • cycle carat • ≈ <square> 30B5 サ 30A4 イ 30AF ク 30EB ル ≈ <square> 30AB カ 30E9 ラ 30C3 ッ 30C8 ト 3320 SQUARE SANTIIMU SQUARE KARORII ㌠ 330D ㌍ • centime calorie • ≈ <square> 30B5 サ 30F3 ン 30C1 チ ≈ <square> 30AB カ 30ED ロ 30EA リ 30FC ー 30FC ー 30E0 ム 330E ㌎ SQUARE GARON 3321 ㌡ SQUARE SIRINGU • gallon • shilling ガ ロ ン ≈ <square> 30AC 30ED 30F3 ≈ <square> 30B7 シ 30EA リ 30F3 ン 30B0 グ 330F ㌏ SQUARE GANMA 3322 ㌢ SQUARE SENTI • gamma • centi- ガ ン マ ≈ <square> 30AC 30F3 30DE ≈ <square> 30BB セ 30F3 ン 30C1 チ 3310 ㌐ SQUARE GIGA 3323 ㌣ SQUARE SENTO • giga- • cent ギ ガ ≈ <square> 30AE 30AC ≈ <square> 30BB セ 30F3 ン 30C8 ト 3311 ㌑ SQUARE GINII 3324 ㌤ SQUARE DAASU • guinea • dozen ギ ニ ー ≈ <square> 30AE 30CB 30FC ≈ <square> 30C0 ダ 30FC ー 30B9 ス 3312 ㌒ SQUARE KYURII 3325 ㌥ SQUARE DESI • curie • deci- キ ュ リ ー ≈ <square> 30AD 30E5 30EA 30FC ≈ <square> 30C7 デ 30B7 シ 3313 ㌓ SQUARE GIRUDAA 3326 ㌦ SQUARE DORU • guilder • dollar ギ ル ダ ー ≈ <square> 30AE 30EB 30C0 30FC ≈ <square> 30C9 ド 30EB ル The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 3327 CJK Compatibility 334C 3327 ㌧ SQUARE TON 3339 ㌹ SQUARE HERUTU • ton • hertz ≈ <square> 30C8 ト 30F3 ン ≈ <square> 30D8 ヘ 30EB ル 30C4 ツ 3328 ㌨ SQUARE NANO 333A ㌺ SQUARE PENSU • nano- • pence ≈ <square> 30CA ナ 30CE ノ ≈ <square> 30DA ペ 30F3 ン 30B9 ス 3329 ㌩ SQUARE NOTTO 333B ㌻ SQUARE PEEZI • knot, nautical mile • page ≈ <square> 30CE ノ 30C3 ッ 30C8 ト ≈ <square> 30DA ペ 30FC ー 30B8 ジ 332A ㌪ SQUARE HAITU 333C ㌼ SQUARE BEETA • heights • beta ≈ <square> 30CF ハ 30A4 イ 30C4 ツ ≈ <square> 30D9 ベ 30FC ー 30BF タ 332B ㌫ SQUARE PAASENTO 333D ㌽ SQUARE POINTO • percent • point ≈ <square> 30D1 パ 30FC ー 30BB セ ≈ <square> 30DD ポ 30A4 イ 30F3 ン 30C8 ト 30F3 ン 30C8 ト 333E ㌾ SQUARE BORUTO 332C ㌬ SQUARE PAATU • volt, bolt • a mistaken, unused representation originally ≈ <square> 30DC ボ 30EB ル 30C8 ト intended for the Thai baht currency sign 333F ㌿ SQUARE HON → 0E3F ฿ thai currency symbol baht • hon: volume ≈ <square> 30D1 パ 30FC ー 30C4 ツ <square> 30DB ホ 30F3 ン SQUARE BAARERU ≈ 332D ㌭ 3340 ㍀ SQUARE PONDO • barrel • pound ≈ <square> 30D0 バ 30FC ー 30EC レ 30EB ル <square> 30DD ポ 30F3 ン 30C9 ド SQUARE PIASUTORU ≈ 332E ㌮ 3341 ㍁ SQUARE HOORU • piaster • hall ≈ <square> 30D4 ピ 30A2 ア 30B9 ス <square> ホ ー ル ト ル ≈ 30DB 30FC 30EB 30C8 30EB 3342 SQUARE HOON SQUARE PIKURU ㍂ 332F ㌯ • horn • picul (unit of weight) ≈ <square> 30DB ホ 30FC ー 30F3 ン ≈ <square> 30D4 ピ 30AF ク 30EB ル 3343 SQUARE MAIKURO SQUARE PIKO ㍃ 3330 ㌰ • micro- • pico- ≈ <square> 30DE マ 30A4 イ 30AF ク 30ED ロ ≈ <square> 30D4 ピ 30B3 コ 3344 SQUARE MAIRU SQUARE BIRU ㍄ 3331 ㌱ • mile • building ≈ <square> 30DE マ 30A4 イ 30EB ル ≈ <square> 30D3 ビ 30EB ル 3345 SQUARE MAHHA SQUARE HUARADDO ㍅ 3332 ㌲ • mach • farad <square> 30DE マ 30C3 ッ 30CF ハ フ ァ ラ ≈ ≈ <square> 30D5 30A1 30E9 3346 ㍆ SQUARE MARUKU 30C3 ッ 30C9 ド • mark 3333 ㌳ SQUARE HUIITO <square> 30DE マ 30EB ル 30AF ク feet ≈ • 3347 ㍇ SQUARE MANSYON <square> 30D5 フ 30A3 ィ 30FC ー 30C8 ト ≈ • mansion (i.e.

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