A BBREVIATIONS USED IN NOTES ACFLO Janel Mueller and Leah S. Marcus (eds.), Elizabeth I: Autograph Compositions and Foreign Language Originals (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000). B L B r i t i s h L i b r a r y , L o n d o n . B o d B o d l e i a n L i b r a r y , O x f o r d . B r u c e J o h n B r u c e ( e d . ) , Letters of Queen Elizabeth and King James VI of Scotland (Camden Soc., xlvi, London, 1849). C O D O I N M . F . N a v a r e t e e t a l . ( e d s . ) , Colección de documentos inéditos para la historia de España (113 vols., Madrid: Academia de la Historia, 1842–95). C P C e c i l P a p e r s , H a t f i e l d H o u s e , H e r t f o r d s h i r e . CSPDom R. Lemon and Mary-Anne Everett Green (eds.), Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the reigns of Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth (295 vols., London: HMSO, 1856). C S P F o r J o s e p h S t e v e n s o n ( e d . ) , Calendar of state papers, foreign series, of the reign of Elizabeth (23 vols., London: HMSO, 1863–1950). CSPScot Joseph Bain et al. (eds.), Calendar of State Papers Relating to Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547–1603 (13 vols., Edinburgh: HMSO, 1898–1969). C S P S p a n G . A . B e r g e n r o t h e t a l . ( e d s . ) , Calendar of letters, despatches, and state papers, relating to the negotiations between England and Spain (13 vols., London: HMSO, 1862–1954). C S P V e n R a w d o n B r o w n e t a l . ( e d s . ) , Calendar of state papers and manu- scripts relating to English affairs existing in the archives and col- lections of Venice and in other libraries of northern Italy (38 vols., London: HMSO, 1864-1890). C W L e a h S . M a r c u s , J a n e l M u e l l e r , a n d M a r y B e t h R o s e ( e d s . ) , Elizabeth I: Collected Works (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000). CUL Cambridge University Library EUL Edinburgh University Library F e r r i è r e H e c t o r d e l a F e r r i è r e ( e d . ) , Lettres de Catherine de Médici (11 vols., Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1880). H a k l u y t R i c h a r d H a k l u y t , The Principal Navigations , voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation (London, [1589] 1599–1600). 196 Abbreviations Used in Notes H a r r i s o n G e o r g e B . H a r r i s o n ( e d . ) , The Letters of Queen Elizabeth I (New York: Funk and Wagnalls, [1935] 1968). L A S P F R . B . W e r n h a m ( e d . ) , List and analysis of state papers, foreign series: Elizabeth I (7 vols., London: HMSO, 1964). L & S P J . S . B r e w e r e t a l . ( e d s . ) , Letters and papers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of Henry VIII (22 vols., London: Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1862-1932). N A N a t i o n a l A r c h i v e s , L o n d o n . N A S N a t i o n a l A r c h i v e s o f S c o t l a n d , E d i n b u r g h . O D N B Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, 2004); online edition, 2006. S a l i s b u r y E . S a l i s b u r y ( e d . ) , Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Most Hon. the Marquis of Salisbury, Preserved at Hatfield House, Hertfordshire (24 vols., London: HMSO, 1883). S i m a n c a s M a r t i n A . S . H u m e ( e d . ) , Calendar of Letters and State Papers relating to English Affairs, preserved principally in the archives of Simancas (4 vols., London: HMSO, 1896). S P S t a t e P a p e r s To l s t o i Y. V. To l s t o i ( e d . ) , The First Forty Years of Intercourse between England and Russia, 1553–1593 (New York: Burt Franklin, 1875). X i v r e y B e r g e r d e X i v r e y ( e d . ) , Collection de documents inédits sur l’histoire de France: Recueil des lettres missives de Henri IV (9 vols., Paris: Impr. Royale, 1843–1876). N o t e s P r e f a c e 1 . Elizabeth to Queen Katherine Parr, 30 December 1545 (holograph), CW, p. 11. 2 . CW, pp.11–12. For the original French see ACFLO, pp. 10–11. 3 . Harrison , p.x. 4 . John Watkins, “Toward a New Diplomatic History of Medieval and Early Modern Europe,” in Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies , 38:1 (2008), p. 1. 5 . Charles H. Carter, The Western European Powers, 1500–1700 (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1971), p. 114. 1 Tedius and Paynefull: Letter Writing in English Royal Diplomacy 1 . Henry VIII to Cardinal Wolsey, c. 1520 (holograph), BL Additional MS 19398, fol. 44r. My thanks to Daniel Hobbins for his comments on this chapter. 2 . Erasmus, “De recta Latini Graecique sermonis pronunciatione” (1528), Collected Works of Erasmus, ed. J. K. Sowards (27 vols., Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985), VOL. xxvi, p. 391. 3 . John of Salisbury, “Metalogicon,” quoted in M. T. Clanchy, “Literate and Illiterate; Hearing and Seeing: England 1066–1307,” in Harvey J. Graff (ed.), Literacy and Social Development in the West: A Reader (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981), p. 29. 4 . M . T . C l a n c h y , From Memory to Written Record, 1066–1307 (Oxford: Blackwell [1979], 1999), p. 308. 5 . C. P. Wormald, “The Uses of Literacy in Anglo-Saxon England and Its Neighbours,” Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th series, vol. 27 (1977), pp. 95, 98–99. 6 . Wormald, “The Uses of Literacy in Anglo-Saxon England,” p. 97. 7 . P i e r r e C h a p l a i s , English Diplomatic Practice in the Middle Ages (London; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. 1–2. 8 . Clanchy, “Literate and Illiterate,” p. 18. 9 . Wormald, “The Uses of Literacy,” p. 105. 1 0 . N i c h o l a s O r m e , From Childhood to Chivalry, the Education of the English Kings and Aristocracy, 1066–1530 (London; New York: Methuen, 1984), p. 142. 198 Notes 1 1 . O r m e , From Childhood to Chivalry, p. 143. The saying is proverbial, and also used by John of Salisbury in his Policraticus. Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record, pp. 18–19, 272. 1 2 . C l a n c h y , From Memory to Written Record , p. 28. 13 . The earliest royal seal held in the British Museum is the signet impression of Offa, King of the Mercians, c. 790. William G. Birch, Catalogue of Seals in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum (6 vols., London: Longmans and Co., 1887), vol. 1, p. 1. 14 . Jean Friossart describes how the bishop of Lincoln presented let- ters to the French king Philip VI which were “written on parch- ment and fixed with a great seal that hung from them.” Quoted in G. P. Cuttino, English Diplomatic Administration, 1259–1339 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971), p. 129. 15 . Sometimes certain seals were applied simply because they were most ready to hand. Chaplais, “The Seals and Original Charters of Henry I,” The English Historical Review, 75:295 (1960), pp. 260–275. 1 6 . C l a n c h y , From Memory to Written Record, p. 312. For more on the complex evolution of royal seals see G. R. Elton, England 1200–1640; The Sources of History: Studies in the Use of Historical Evidence (London: Sources of History Ltd, 1969), p. 35; T. F. Tout, Chapters in the adminis- trative history of mediaeval England: The Wardrobe, the Chamber and the Small Seals (6 vols., Manchester: Longmans, 1920–33); H. C. Maxwell- Lyte, Historical Notes on the Use of the Great Seal of England (London: H. M. Stationary Office, 1926); Alfred Wyon, Great Seals of England (London: Chiswick Press, 1887); Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record, pp. 308–318. 1 7 . C h a p l a i s , English Diplomatic Practice, p. 100. C.f. Elton, England 1200–1640 , p. 44. 18 . Chaplais, “Private Letters of Edward I,” The English Historical Review, 77:302 (1962), pp. 79–80. 1 9 . C h a p l a i s , English Diplomatic Practice, p. 125. 2 0 . C h a p l a i s , English Diplomatic Practice, p. 18. 21 . Iain Fenlon and John Milsom, “‘Ruled Paper Imprinted’: Music Paper and Patents in Sixteenth-Century England,” Journal of the American Musicological Society, 37:1 (1984), p.
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