$2.00 US EXPANDED EDITION ISSUE 12 (89) TISHREI 5774 THE GREAT SHOFAR OF MOSHIACH AN ART GALLERY IN 770 BEHIND THE PICTURE TRUE DEVOTION AN ACCOUNT OF THE REBBE’S DAILY VISITS TO HIS MOTHER - REBBETZIN CHANA With the REBBE שמחת תורה A GLANCE THROUGH THE YEARS OF THOSE PRECIOUS MOMENTSTISHREI 5774 | 1 EXPANDED EDITION ISSUE 12 (89) TISHREI 5774 CREDITS A WORD FROM THE EDITORS 3 בס“ד The articles in this publication are 4 ROSH HASHANA original content by the staff of Proceeding Beyond our Past A Chassidisher Derher. 5 SIMCHAS TORAH WITH THE REBBE Special thanks to Memories of Chassidim Rabbi Dovid Zaklikowsky Rabbi Michoel Seligson 15 KSAV YAD KODESH Rabbi Menachem Kirschenbaum Our Rebbe! Rabbi Eli Rubin Rabbi Yisroel Vogel 16 ELATED! Yom Kippur and Simchas Torah 5690 Design Levi Dubov 20 TRUE DEVOTION Printed by The Rebbe’s Daily Visits to Rebbetzin Chana The Print House 26 EVERY PENNY COUNTS All content is copyright by Igros Kodesh A Chassidisher Derher and/or authors as applicable. 27 FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION Living Lessons from our esteemed Sukkos Guests For questions and comments call (347) 541-4770. 31 IN MERIT OF THE REBBE email: [email protected] A Simchas Torah Story The Chassidisher Derher is a weekly 34 R’ SENDER ALEXANDER RAININ publication for Yeshiva Bochurim Dem Rebben’s a Mentch covering many topics of interest. 40 THE SHOFAR GADOL This expanded edition is published Moshiach Ugeulah periodically throughout the year. 42 WHEN A LOST NESHOMA FOUND ITS PLACE Published by the The Story of Miriam Bas Bilga Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim. 45 BEHIND THE PICTURE Art Gallery in 770 A WORD FROM THE EDITORS is with pleasure that we present this During one particular Cheshvan farbrengen, the expandedIt edition of A Chassidisher Derher in time Rebbe spoke in a voice filled with emotion, for Tishrei, 5774. recalling the Yom Tov of SImchas Torah: This festive month, packed with Yomim Tovim Up until the day of Zayin Cheshvan, we exuding spiritual energy to last us throughout the need not be reminded about Tishrei. A year. reminder is only needed in an instance when As Chassidim, this special month is relived each the object is not near you on the table. But in year as it was spent in the Rebbe’s presence. Tishrei our situation, the “leftovers” of Simchas is a month full of giluyim, and where would a Torah are still on the table! Chossid feel most appropriate to spend such a time, In front of his eyes, a Yid can still see the if not in the Rebbe’s presence where the true joy he had while dancing on Simchas Torah. giluyim are best perceptible? It is not a mere memory; it is an image that The Rebbe, from his part, encouraged and even evokes a deep sense of yearning. requested that Chassidim come and spend the “Where is that amazing feeling I had while Yomim Tovim together in his presence and often dancing and rejoicing on SImchas Torah?” compensated (at least partially) the costs of the trip. the Yid asks himself emotionally…2 In a letter written to the members of Vaad Kfar With this edition of the Chassidisher Derher, we Chabad shortly after a large group of Chassidim hope to assist our readership in reliving those were allowed to leave the Soviet Union in 5726, the special moments with the Rebbe, in addition to Rebbe writes: many more interesting stories, letters and sichos I request of you to take to the following from our Rabbeim and their Chassidim in task: connection with this special time of year. All those in Kfar Chabad who have Let us conclude with a heartfelt prayer that we emigrated during this past year from our old will speedily merit the Geulah Shleima, and we’ll country [USSR], if they are of twenty years or celebrate the Yomim Tovim of Tishrei together older and have not yet visited here, and have with the Rebbe, may it be Teikef umiyad not yet been at the [Frierdiker] Rebbe’s Ohel; Mammosh! Invite them, on my behalf, to visit here for the coming month of Tishrei, to be at the כתיבה וחתימה טובה לשנה טובה ומתוקה! Frierdiker] Rebbe’s Ohel, to daven, all of us] together in the [Frierdiker] Rebbe’s Shul, and to study Nigleh and Chassidus in his Beis Medrash…1 A Chassidisher Derher, Most incredible are the Sichos spoken in the Erev Rosh Hashonah, 5774 weeks following the Yomim Tovim, where the Rebbe reminisces about the joy and excitement experienced during the festive month, when so many Yidden are together rejoicing. __________ 1. Igros Kodesh vol. 24 p. 384. 2. Sichas Zayin Mar-Cheshvan, 5746; Hisvaaduyos 5746 vol. 1 p. 512. ר א ש ה ש נ ה Proceeding Beyond our Past With the approach of Rosh Hashona and the start of a over our past actions and behavior. Leading to a firm new year, our Cheshbon Hanefesh that we have been and determined decision that we will change and im- doing throughout Elul comes to an end. By this time one prove our ways. Following the central theme of Rosh has possibly reached many stark conclusions regarding Hashona, this is being Mekabel Ol Malchus Shomayim. his Avodah and actions in the preceding year. To put it Everything that we will do in the upcoming year will be mildly, things were just not the way they should have with Kabbolas ol, putting our own wants and desires on been. Very often we lost focus and direction letting the the side. ship drift off course. Physical aspirations became our Doing this, along with taking upon ourselves a primary concern, and our mission, for which we were Hachlota for the new year, the Rebbe assures us that we sent down into this world, namely building a Dirah will be guaranteed all the Brochos for the new year, espe- B’tachtonim, was at times ignored. cially those who are connected to the Rebbe. In such a state one dare not approach the king. It In a letter dated 16 Elul 5710 the Rebbe addresses the would be disgraceful for such a person to show his face cheshbon hanefesh of Elul and the Avodah of Rosh Ha- in a palace surrounded by loyal and trusted men. Would shona and then concludes: a rebellious-runaway slave have the nerve to enter the (It is strongly advisable to learn the whole letter inside throne room? the original. Igros Kodesh Vol. 3 page 543) One does not even have the Chutzpah to stretch out [Free translation] his hand and beseech the king’s mercy. We have to know that we had a great Rebbe and now Yet it comes Rosh Hashona and Hashem turns to his as well we have a great Rebbe – the Frierdiker Rebbe, who people and implores from them, “Tamlichuni Alei- requested and continues to request for Brochos on our chem”, I need you to crown me as your king once again. behalf, especially those connected to him. And although we feel unfit for such an important task, The Rebbe knew, and knows the weaknesses of the men Hashem provides us with the tools necessary to do this. and women amongst the Chassidim, yet despite this he He lifts us up from whatever state we may be in - com- davened and davens for them that they should have that pletely overlooking our past deeds - giving us the ability they need… And that Hashem should forgive all their to fulfill his wish. sins, taking into consideration the circumstances that Indeed, as we all know the famous Moshul of Elul by they find themselves in and the tests that the Yetzer Ho- the Alter Rebbe – the king is in the field. He is there rah presents them. making himself available for everybody even those sub- Subsequently we should all make a commitment that jects of his whose actions are not up to par, they are lost we will be better in the future, and the commitment itself in the field. will draw down all the Brochos… On our part, we need to have real remorse and regret In light of the above, it is quite evident what our ap- __________ proach to Rosh Hashona should be. Let’s insure that we This article is adapted from Sichas Shabbos Parshas Nitzovim 5711 use out every precious moment to its fullest. and Igros Kodesh Vol. 3 page 543. 4 | A CHASSIDISHER DERHER With the Throngs of Chassidim would rush through the doors of 770 on the eve of Simchas Torah. Unbridled joy fueled by the Rebbe’s every nuance elevated the multitudes to boundless heights. Indelible are the impressions upon the hearts and souls of those who beheld this Yom Tov in the Rebbe’s presence. Let us take a glimpse through the eyes of a number of Chassidim who merited to enjoy Simchas Torah with the Rebbe. The memories transcribed here have all been adapted from diaries and interviews with multiple Chassidim. Much thanks to Rabbi Yisroel N. Vogel for his assistance. TISHREI 5774 | 5 Simchas Torah I can tell you with utmost lowing year, so that his son would have INTRODUCTION - EUPHORIC JOY certainty that this is the Rebbe’s day. The the opportunity to be there as well. His I spent Simchas Torah by the Rebbe energy was in the air; it mesmerized all of heart just didn’t allow him to deprive his ten times between the years 5736-5748. those present, and penetrated into the son of living through such an uplifting Needless to say, after so many years I’m deepest recesses of their hearts.
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