December 4, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1091 IN RECOGNITION OF THE LIFE teachings of Isaiah the prophet: When the CONGRATULATING AARON W. AND LEGACY OF SCOTT DAVIDSON righteous man perishes, he is taken away SUTHERLAND from calamity and enters into peace. A loving HON. EMANUEL CLEAVER father, a dutiful public servant, and a beloved HON. JOE CUNNINGHAM OF MISSOURI community member, Scott has rightfully OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES earned the eternal peace that is awarded to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the righteous man. Friday, December 4, 2020 Friday, December 4, 2020 The thoughts of the Kansas City community Mr. CLEAVER. Madam Speaker, with feel- and the Fifth Congressional District are with Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Madam Speaker, I rise ings of sorrow, reverence, and immense grati- Robin and their three children, Scott’s ex- today to recognize the election of Aaron W. tude, I rise today to honor the memory of tended family, and the innumerable Kansas Sutherland to the Newport Board of Education Scott Davidson, who passed away last week City Fire Department employees who were for- in Newport, Kentucky. after his battle with the coronavirus. As a tunate enough to work with him. Our commu- Aaron is a proud son of Carrollton, Kentucky proud member of the Kansas City Fire Depart- nity is mourning the untimely death of a young where he set out at an early age to serve his ment, Scott spent over a third of his life serv- father, but we are also celebrating a life dedi- community. Aaron was active in student gov- ing and protecting the people of Kansas City, cated to serving and saving others. Madam ernment at every level of his academic career Missouri. Speaker, please join me in honoring Scott’s and he has always been devoted to helping Scott started his career with the Kansas City legacy and offering our deepest condolences others. In fact, I met Aaron while we were Fire Department in 2002 as a communication to his family. I also ask that you, other mem- both serving on the Student Bar Association of specialist with the Municipal Ambulance Serv- bers of the House of Representatives, and the the Salmon P. Chase College of Law. Aaron ices Trust, which provided emergency medical American people remember Scott and his fam- believed that service to his colleagues re- services to the Kansas City area. As a com- ily’s sacrifice as we continue to combat the quired action to advance their causes. His in- munication specialist, Scott served as the Coronavirus pandemic. quisitive and civic-minded attitude is infectious, calming voice on the other side of the phone and those who know him know that he has tasked with reassuring distressed families that f their best interest at heart. help was on the way. Scott’s calm demeanor Aaron is a proud attorney, and devotes him- and steady hand provided much needed hope PERSONAL EXPLANATION self to helping his clients. In addition to prac- in moments of darkness. Indeed, Scott helped ticing law, he is also a civil servant His time ease worried minds, but more importantly, he HON. GUY RESCHENTHALER dedicated to both the United States Depart- played a vital role in saving countless lives ment of Labor and the United States Social OF PENNSYLVANIA throughout the city we call home. In 2010, Security Administration demonstrates his pas- Scott became a paramedic for the Depart- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sion for serving others. ment, joining a team that served as the first Friday, December 4, 2020 Aaron also believes in public education. response to desperate cries for help. Each in- This year, Aaron set out to serve the children dividual who, in a moment of crisis, called on Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Madam Speaker, I and teachers of Newport, Kentucky. He was Scott for help will forever remember and ap- was absent from the House on December 3, elected on a platform of putting the students preciate his heroic, lifesaving efforts as he 2020. Had I been present, I would have voted first, and that is exactly what he will do as a sprang into action at a moment’s notice. For nay on Roll Call No. 230, nay on Roll Call No. member of that body. Aaron believes that ev- Scott, as with countless paramedics across 231, and yea on Roll Call No. 232. eryone deserves a high-quality education and the country, saving lives and offering hope he will work to make sure that all students was the inspiration that prompted him to raise f have the opportunity to succeed. his hand and volunteer to risk his life for his PERSONAL EXPLANATION The people of Newport are lucky to have community. In the days leading up to his un- Aaron serving on their Board of Education, timely death, he was still on the frontlines, dis- and I am lucky to call him my friend. patching first responders to help those stricken HON. VIRGINIA FOXX f by the same deadly virus that would eventu- OF NORTH CAROLINA ally claim his own life. RECOGNIZING SUPERVISOR JOHN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES More than anything, Scott was a man of GRAY faith who was a joy to all those who met him. Friday, December 4, 2020 Described by those who worked with him as Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Madam HON. TOM McCLINTOCK having a personality and heart that was larger Speaker, due to a test indicating a positive re- OF CALIFORNIA than life, Scott and his wife, Robin, treated the sult for a COVID–19 infection during the most IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES firefighters at Station 33 as if they were mem- recent district work period, I was unable to Friday, December 4, 2020 bers of their own family. Together they cele- travel to the Capitol to vote on December 3, brated the birth of every child in their fire sta- 2020. Had I been present, I would have voted Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Speaker, I rise tion family, provided baked goods and treats NAY on Roll Call No. 230; NAY on Roll Call to recognize John Gray for his devoted service to those working at the station during the holi- No. 231; and NAY on Roll Call No. 232. as a Tuolumne County Supervisor. days, and mourned with the families of other Supervisor Gray was first elected to serve first responders who gave their lives in the line the 4th District of Tuolumne County in 2008 f of duty. and has represented the people of this county Jackson County, Missouri has seen 175 PERSONAL EXPLANATION and his district with passion, commitment and neighbors, friends, and family members die integrity ever since. from this virus. Scott, Captain Robert Rocha, Supervisor Gray is well known for his many and EMT Billy Birmingham are the first three HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY accomplishments and contributions to the of Kansas City’s finest first responders who OF VIRGINIA community, including his leadership during an have succumbed to Coronavirus while helping IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES economic recession in 2008, acquiring grant save others. Scott dedicated over a third of his Friday, December 4, 2020 funds to construct two Community Resilience life to serving Kansas City and its people. My Centers as well as two new Detention Facili- fervent hope is that Scott’s death will serve as Mr. CONNOLLY. Madam Speaker, I unfortu- ties, and his consistent participation in fuels a reminder that we must stand together in the nately failed to register my vote on the motion reduction and fire protection work. John has face of the adversity that plagues us. Wearing to suspend the rules and pass, as amended, also been an instrumental leader for a special a protective mask, social distancing, and get- H.R. 1380, the Big Cat Public Safety Act. tax in support of Tuolumne County Ambulance ting tested not only protects you from getting While casting a proxy vote for my colleague, in Groveland and implementing requirements sick; it also ensures that first responders like I unintentionally overlooked casting my own of the Health Care and Public Safety realign- Scott can go home to their families at the end vote purely by oversight. As a cosponsor of ments. of the day without worrying whether they or the bill and having just cast a proxy vote for In his 12 years of service, John Gray will be their loved ones will get sick. In times of un- the bill clearly I would have voted YEA on Roll remembered by the partnerships he built, his foreseen tragedy, I am comforted by the Call No. 232. commitment to be a good steward of taxpayer VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:42 Dec 07, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04DE8.015 E04DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS E1092 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 4, 2020 dollars and his constant focus on improving more and more with pandemic-related emer- MARTHA GRACE FIELDS, CON- the lives of every resident of Tuolumne Coun- gency calls In Kansas City, more than 200 GRESSIONAL AWARD SILVER ty. members of the fire department have tested MEDALIST Supervisor John Gray has truly been an positive and seventy-three are currently in- asset to Tuolumne County in making it a more fected. Captain Rocha likely came into contact HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL prosperous place for small businesses and a with ten to fifteen COVID–19 each and every OF TEXAS more desirable community for residents and day while in uniform. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES visitors.
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