One Hundred and Forty-eighth Commencement May 8, 2021 3. History of Shepherd University hen the county seat of Jefferson County, West Virginia, was moved from Shepherdstown to Charles Town in July 1871, Wthe people in the area decided to use the vacant courthouse for educational purposes. An article of incorporation for a school to be known as Shepherd College, designed to instruct students “in languages, arts, and sciences,” was drawn up by the Board of Trustees. Joseph McMurran, principal, and two assistant professors were hired to teach the 42 students who began classes in September 1871. On February 27, 1872, the state legislature passed an act which made the private institution a part of the state college system. In 1930, Shepherd became a four-year college dedicated to the training of teachers and was accredited to grant the Bachelor of Arts degree. A liberal arts program was approved in 1943, and in 1950 the Bachelor of Science degree was added. In 2004, Governor Bob Wise signed legislation allowing Shepherd College to change its name to Shepherd University. Shepherd serves 3,800 students and offers the following degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Arts in elementary education, Bachelor of Arts in secondary education, Bachelor of Arts in early education, Bachelor of Music Educa- tion, Bachelor of Music in Performance, Regents Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Social Work, Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Science, and Doctor of Nursing Practice. Alma Mater Alma Mater J. D. Muldoon & Harriet Johnson, 1900, alt., Annie Lisle by after A. C. Weeks & W. M. Smith, 1870 H. S. Thompson, 1857 b b4 œ j œ &b b 4 œ™ œ ™ œ œ œ œ œ œ™ œ œ œ ˙™ Œ œ™ œ ™ œ 1. Close beJ -side PoJ - to-mac’s wa ters, Of his-to - ric fame, Stands ourJ no - bleJ Chorus j bb b œ œ œ Œ œ œ œ œ & b œ œ œ œ ™ J œ ˙™ ™ J œ™ œ œ œ Al - ma Ma - ter, Glo - ri-ous her name. Lift the cho- rus, speed it on-ward bb b j ˙ Œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ & b œ™ œ œ œ ™ œ™ ™ œ œ œ œ ™ J œ ˙™ Loud her prai-ses ring. Hail toJ thee, beJ - lov-ed Shep- herd, Hail, all hail, we sing. 2. Nestled in the quiet hamlet, ’Neath the azure blue, Sends she forth her sons and daughters, Loyal, loving, true. 3.Fondly in our memory resting, Happy, gladsome days; Still to thee, dear Alma Mater, Offer we our praise. 4. 4.4. Dr. Robert Scott Beard Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs In Memorium r. Robert Scott Beard enjoyed a career in higher education that spanned more than 20 years, in both the field of music and Din administration. A full professor in Shepherd University’s School of Music, Dr. Beard served as coordinator of keyboard studies from 1998- 2011. He was named the interim dean of graduate studies in 2010, becoming dean in fall 2011, at which time the title associate vice president of academic affairs was added to the position responsibilities. This title was later changed to associate provost in summer 2016. He assumed the position of provost in fall 2017. His responsibilities have included oversight of all graduate programs, as well as oversight of institutional and program- matic accreditation. Responsibilities also included cyclical program reviews, development of new degree program proposals, and representing academic affairs on campus committees, including strategic planning, student success, commencement, and diversity and equity. A major accomplishment during this time was the successful implementation of Shepherd’s first doctoral program, the Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.), as well as Shepherd’s first certificate program at the graduate level in Appa- lachian studies. Recognized for his outstanding teaching abilities, Dr. Beard was named 2006 West Virginia Music Teacher of the Year and was runner-up for West Virginia Professor of the Year in 2009. His students have won prizes in state, regional, national, and international competitions, and have gone on to study music at conservatories and major university music schools. Concerts as a soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral soloist took him throughout the United States and seven countries. Recital appearances included Weill Recital Hall, the Tenri Cultural Institute (NYC), as well as numerous embassies and univer- sities. His concerts have been praised for their poetry, passion, and innovative programming. Dr. Beard was an active member of Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) and was a former national board member, having served as director of the Eastern Division of MTNA. He also served as the artistic director for the Washington Opera Society. He has published a number of book and musical material reviews, co-authored and edited six editions of ensemble music for Alfred publishing, and a textbook on keyboard proficiency with Oxford University Press. Dr. Beard’s extraordinary accom- plishments and dedication to the pursuit of excellence are indeed remarkable, and will be remembered by his students, friends, and colleagues—in perpetuity. 5. Graduate Commencement Program 2021 Remarks Richard A. Stevens, Jr., Ph.D. Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies and Assistant Provost for Faculty Affairs Welcome and Introduction of Graduate Commencement Speaker Mary J.C. Hendrix, Ph.D. President Class of 1974 Guest Speaker Bondy Shay Gibson, Ed.D. Doctor of Education Honorary Degree Recipient Graduate Commencement Speaker 2021 Bondy Shay Gibson, Ed.D. Graduate Commencement Speaker Doctor of Education Honorary Degree Recipient r. Bondy Shay Gibson is the superintendent of Jefferson County Public Schools and has had responsibility for ensuring the Deducation of more than 9,200 K-12 students within the county in this role since 2015. She holds an Ed.D. in educational administration from Nova Southeastern University, a Master of Special Education degree with an emotional behavioral specialization from the University of West Georgia, and a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology from Florida State University. Additionally, she has earned a superintendent certificate from Virginia Tech. Prior positions include deputy superintendent of Henrico Public Schools in Virginia, director of accountability and instructional services within the York County, Virginia, public school system, federal monitor for the Virginia Department of Education, and director of special services within the Greene County, Virginia, public school system. Over the years, Dr. Gibson has served on many boards and organizations including the United Way Board of Directors as the Jefferson NAACP member; Henrico NAACP as interim education chair; Autism Center for Excellence Board at Virginia Commonwealth University; Board of Directors of Leadership Historic Triangle, Virginia; and the Board of Directors of the Children’s Behavioral Health Initiative. She has made numerous presentations including Women’s Leadership Conference, West Virginia Association for School Administrators Conference, Virginia School Board Association, Virginia State PTA Conference, Virginia Council of Administrators of Special Education, and Governor’s Conference for Education. Graduate Faculty Award he Douglas C. Smith Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award goes to the graduate faculty member who has made significant T contributions to the graduate culture at Shepherd University, based on teaching evaluations, professional development, and service to the institution, profession, and community. Dr. Kelly Watson-Huffer, Associate Professor of Nursing 6. School of Graduate and Professional Studies Richard A. Stevens, Jr., Ph.D., Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies and Assistant Provost for Faculty Affairs Master’s Degree Candidates 2021 Master of Arts - College Student Development and Administration William C. Bell......................................................................................................................................Dover, Delaware Amar Granulo ................................................................................................................ Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina Matthew Howard Hoffman .............................................................................................................Stevensville, Maryland Da’Shawn Elijah Long .....................................................................................................................Winchester, Virginia Aliya Patricia Merhi ....................................................................................................................... Boonsboro, Maryland Naim Obera Muhammad .............................................................................................................. White Plains, Maryland Angel Leann Petty ..........................................................................................................................Stockbridge, Georgia Jessica Anne Rosano ...................................................................................................................... Belvidere, New Jersey *Alyssa Katherine Roush ............................................................................................................................. Parkersburg Madison Leigh Welder ......................................................................................................................... Augusta, Georgia *Jeffrey Donald Wine ...............................................................................................................................Falling Waters Master of Arts in Teaching *Anabelle
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