INDEX* With the exception of Allee el al. (1949) and Sverdrup et at. (1942 or 1946), indexed as such, junior authors are indexed to the page on which the senior author is cited although their names may appear only in the list of references to the chapter concerned; all authors in the annotated bibliographies are indexed directly. Certain variants and equivalents in specific and generic names are indicated without reference to their standing in nomenclature. Ship and expedition names are in small capitals. Attention is called to these subindexes: Intertidal ecology, p. 540; geographical summary of bottom communities, pp. 520-521; marine borers (systematic groups and substances attacked), pp. 1033-1034. Inasmuch as final assembly and collation of the index was done without assistance, errors of omis- sion and commission are those of the editor, for which he prays forgiveness. Abbott, D. P., 1197 Acipenser, 421 Abbs, Cooper, 988 gUldenstUdti, 905 Abe, N.r 1016, 1089, 1120, 1149 ruthenus, 394, 904 Abel, O., 10, 281, 942, 946, 960, 967, 980, 1016 stellatus, 905 Aberystwyth, algae, 1043 Acmaea, 1150 Abestopluma pennatula, 654 limatola, 551, 700, 1148 Abra (= Syndosmya) mitra, 551 alba community, 789 persona, 419 ovata, 846 scabra, 700 Abramis, 867, 868 Acnidosporidia, 418 brama, 795, 904, 905 Acoela, 420 Abundance (Abundanz), 474 Acrhella horrescens, 1096 of vertebrate remains, 968 Acrockordus granulatus, 1215 Abyssal (defined), 21 javanicus, 1215 animals (fig.), 662 Acropora, 437, 615, 618, 622, 627, 1096 clay, 645 acuminata, 619, 622; facing 621 community, 652-654 arbuscula, 624 fauna, distribution, 664 brueggemmani, 618, 627, 1090 fishes, distribution (fig.)» 667 cuneata, 615 species, age of, 668 conifera, 620 A byssocucumis ingolfi, 1193 corymbosa 431, 618, 620, 622, 627 Abyssopelagic zone, 643 association, 623 Acanella eburnea, 1105 zone, 620; facing, 621, 626 Ac&ntharia, 1069 digitifera, 618, 620 A cantharia, 450 zone, 618; facing 620 Acanthaster, 622 echinata, 622, 624 A canthobdella peledina, 423 exilis, 622 Acanthobdellida, 423 formosa, 624 Acanthocephala, 422, 1118 zone, 623, 624; facing 627 Acanthodoris pilosa, 350 hebes, 620, 627; facing 626 Acanthonus, 665, 667 humilis, 618, 620, 622, 623 distribution (fig.), 667 humilis-digitifera, 619 Acanthozoslera, 618 implicata, 624 gemmata, 928, 929 nasuta, 622 Acarina, 424 nobilis, 624 Acartia, 1168 palifera, 618, 619, 622, 623 Acartia bifilosa, 781, 792, 793 zone, 618 clausi, 833, 834, 856, 1166 rambleri, 624 longiretnis, 792, 1167 rayneri, 615, 624 tonsa, 716, 787 reticulata, 623, 624 Acclimatization, 143, 166-168 association, 623 in Caspian Sea, 904, 906-912 zone, facing 621 A centropus niveus, 779 reticulata-hyacinthus-cytherea, 619 Acer a bullata, 494, 495, 497 rosaria, 622 Acerina cermta, 987 rotumana, 618, 620 Acetabularia, 261, 262, 263 squamosa, 618, 627 Acid digestion in Holothurians, 280 striata, 622 * The index is a joint contribution of University of California, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Pacific Marine Station, College of the Pacific. 1227 Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 1228 MAE INE ECOLOGY Acropora—(cont'd) Aix-en-Provence shales, 966 surculosa, 618, 620 Akashiwo mortality, 981 teres, 624 Akers, W. H., 1076 Acteon candens, 716 Aksiray, F., 865 Actiarctus doryphorus, 424 Alaria, 552 Actinia equina, 400, 437, 501 esculenta, 1048 Actinians, commensal, 399 Aland Sea, 753 life span, 501 Alaska, Gulf of, oxygen, 230 Actinicola percula, 622 mortality, 976 Actinocyclus, 901, 914 Albacore, 1209 ehrenbergi, 914 ALBATROSS, 112, 223, 224 Actinodendron, 623 ALBATROSS III, 199 Actinomyxidia, 419 Albatrosses, 1219, 1220, 1221 Actinotkoe pugna, 400 Alberni Inlet, 689 Acrothoracida, 426 Albert I, Prince of Monaco, 654 Adacna minima, 914 Albunea, 1154 plicata, 804, 806 Alburnus tarichi, 977 Adam, W., 1139 Alcidae, 1219 Adams, C. C., 1 Alciopa, 1121 Aiamsia, 399 cantrainii, 1121 palliata, 402 Alcippe lampas, 426 sociabilis, 402 Alcock, A. A., 394 Aden, Gulf, coral reefs, 1095 Alcyonacea, 1106 oxygen, 224 zooxanthellae in, 433 Adeney, W. E., 190 Alcyonaria, 1105 Adolph, E. F., 148, 1211 calcite in, 264 Adriatic mortality, 978 Alcyanidium polyormm, 787 oyster pests, 1130 Alcyonium, 433, 620 temp, and salinity, 1130 Alderia modesta, 781 Aedes argenleus, 1182 Alébion glaber, 425 dorsalis, 1179 Aleem, A. A., 550, 573, 724, 1047, 1051, 1059 mariae, 148, 1180 Aleev, Y. G., 866 sollicitans, 1179 Alepas, 426 taeniorhynchus, 1179 Aletes, 637 Aega ventrosa, 1151 Aleutian Islands, 333 Aegean Sea, 2 Ridge, 230 Aegidae, 426 Aleutian copepods, 1165 Aeolidiella, (Ealidina) alderi, 432 Alexander, James E., 983 Aeolis glauca, 432 Alexander, W. B., 677, 678, 701, 702, 703, 1219 Aeoliscus slrigatus, 622 Alexeterion parfaiti, 654 Aepophilus, 1178 Algae, 1041 bonairei, 1178 calcareous, 261-263 Aepus, 1178 in estuaries, 707, 1024 Aetolikon mortality, 986 osmotic pressure, 140 Affinity groups, 470 Algal borers, 279, 1030 Afognak mortality, 974 cushions, 846 Agar-digesting bacteria, 1039 mats, 280 Agassiz, A., 10, 257, 280, 650, 654, 1090, 1191 ridge, 615; facing 620 Agassiz, Louis, 5, 946, 980, 987 Algerian coast, fauna, 1017 Agassiz trawl, 75 Al-Hussaini, A. H., 1206 Ageciras, 728 Alikunhi, K. H., 1120 Aggregata eberlhi, 418 Alinat, J., 55 Aglaopheniai?) galatheae, 656 Alkalinity, Black Sea, 821 Agnatha, 1203 deep sea, 647 Ago Bay, Foraminifera, 1078 Alkmaria romijni, 780 mortality, 981 Allan, J. R. H., 67 Agulhas Bank, 946, 963 Allan, Joyce, 1135 Current, 327, 949, 951 Allan, P. F., 1052 Ahermatypic corals, 1089 Allan, R. S., 1113 Ahlmann, H. W., 88 Allantactis parasitica, 403 Ahlstom, E. H., 376, 1205 Allee, W. C., 5, 19, 20, 148, 177, 370, 463, 465, 537, 550, 611, Ahrens, L. H., 245 728, 1012, 1013, 1188 Ahrens, L. W., 355 Allee et al., 1, 36, 43, 146, 149, 160, 161, 166, 415, 471, 1012 Aikawa, H., 957, 958 Aiptasia, 436 Allee's principle, 47 Aiptasiomorpha Ittciae, 704 Allen, Esther C., 1040 Air, bacteria, 1039 Allen, E. J., 730 Aiyar, R. Gopala, 928, 986, 1120 Allen, F. E., 698,1027 Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 INDEX 1229 Allen, J. A., 497, 517, 1143 Amphiroa, 261, 624 Allen, J. Frances, 1143 aticeps, 1017 Allen, N. T., 54, 73 Amphiscolops langerhansii, 437 Allen, W. E., 9, 298, 447, 449, 535, 956, 970, 981, 1061, 1062 Amphisile heinrichi, 942 Alligator mississipiensis, 1213 Amphistegina, 276 Alloecoela, 420 Amphitrite robusta, 407 Allogromia laticollaris, 1076 rubra, 494 Alloposus mollis, 988 Amphiura, 472, 477, 487, 488, 495, 847 Aloyidis {¿Ma, 1149 aesluarii community, 512 Alpheids, freshwater, 1157 chiajei, 845, 1188 Alpkeopsis haugi, 1157 Amphiura communities, 485, 510; (fig.), 512, 513 monodi, 1157 filiformis, 488 Aiveolinella quoyi, 1077 -Amphiura chiajei community, 511 Alveopora, 619 fiorifera community, 512 Alyar, R. G., 449 rosea community, 512 Amansia glomerala, 1049 Anabaena, 792 Amaroucium, 418 tallica, 782, 786, 792 constellatum, 1199 Anacropora, 624 pellucidum, 1198, 1199 Anaerobic glycolysis, 281 Amazon tides, 681 Anaerobic respiration in molluscs, 267 Ambassis natalensis, 394 Anal papillae, 150 Amblyrkynckus cristatus, 1213, 1214 Anarrhichas, 979 Ambroz, A. P., 866, 867 Anaspiies, 696 Amemiya, I., 1029, 1129 Anastrophe, 941 Amia, 1206 Anatolia, fish fauna, 862 calm, 421 Anchialo Lagoon, 853 Amison, J. M., 956 Anchoa hepselus, 709 Ammocoete, 1204 mitchelli, 709 Ammodyles, 646, 846 Ancient deposits, 734 Ammophila armaria, 1057 Ancylus ftuviatilis, 769 baltica, 1057 Ancylus Lake, 769, 771 -Lathyrus maritimus, 1052 Anderson, C., 1139 Ammonia, Baltic, 320 Anderson, C. T., 250 Black Sea, 822 Anderson, D. Q., 194, 306, 1040 Gulf of Maine, 313, 314 Anderson, E. C., 243 and nitrogen, Pacific, 308 Anderson, W. W., 151 Ammotrypane galalheae, 657 Andersson, Charles W., 983 Amoebina, 418 Andersson, K. A., 1219 Ampelisca, 495,1153 André, M., 424, 1031, 1175 community, 516 Andrée, K., 681, 729, 960 Amphibians, 1211 Andreitcheva-Vankova, M., 818 Amphibiontic, zone, 546 Andrewartha, H. G., 33, 41, 42, 47, 1012 Amphtiesma, 595 Andrews, E. A., 150, 395, 1143 subtriangulatum, 597 Andrews, Harry L., 1041 veniricosum, 594, 597 Andriashev, A. P., 363, 1206 Amphidinium fusiforme, 982 Andros Island, 628 Ampkilepis norvegica-Pecten vitreus community, 518 Andrusov, N. I., (or Andrussow, Nicolaus), 802, 803, 804, Amphilina foliacea, 421 824, 969, 977 Amphilinidea, 421 Anelasma squalicola, 425 Amphiodia-Amphioplus communities, 513 Anemones, 1108 cratoderma-Turritella fenestrala community, 513 and fishes, 403 occidentale community, 513 Anemonia sargassensis, 368 sp.-Schizaster sp. community, 514 sulcata, 437 Amphiophiura bullala, 653, 654 Angas, G. F., 1139 convexa, 654 Angelescu, V., 35, 691, 692 Amphioplus macraspis community, 514 Angelier, E., 596, 1175 Amphioxus, 848, 849 Anglers, 643 Anglesey, intertidal, 1018, 1019 sands, 846 Angstrom, A., 110 Amphipod communities, 516 Anguilla, 144 Amphipoda, 426, 1153 vulgaris, 795 Skagerak, 1154 Angulus exiguus, 846 Isle of Man, 1155 Animals in Baltic (fig.), 773 Amphineura, 424 Animal production, (defined), 500 Amphiprion, 403, 427 Anisakis, 422 bicinctus, 622 Anisus (Planorbis) vortex, 779 and Stoichactis (fig.), 403 Ankel, W. E., 393, 1149 Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 1230 MAE INE ECOLOGY Annandale, N., 11,146,501, 693,1029, 1084,1090,1172, Apodida, 426 Annelida, 423 Apogonichthys,
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