WEEKLY ISSUE - THURSDAY, JULY 18, 2019 WANT THE TFN COMMUNITY NOTICE DELIVERED STRAIGHT TO YOUR INBOX EVERY THURSDAY? THIS WEEK AT TFN: Email communications@tsawwassenfirstnation.com to join our electronic mailing list sx̌əʔaθəns słëecəss ëʷatəm seʔeʔəłnet syəəwəłnet sθəmənts słixʷs Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 FirstFiFirsrst FishFiFishsh LAW CeremonyCeCereremomonyny Fundraiser TFTTFNFN Rec Centre LoLLonghouseongnghohoususe 4-10pm 12112pm2pmpm Public Health Nurse Nurses Trailer 1-3pm Advisory Council Meeting July 30, 2019 Elders Centre 5-7pm Save the Dates Fundraiser – LAW – House Fire Saturday, July 20th TFN Recreation Centre TFN Elders Reminder Elders Gathering July 22-24, 2019 NEW THIS ISSUE x TFN Farm School Lunch & Workshop IMPORTANT DATES x Enrollment Committee x Quarterly Report Gym Membership: Club TO REMEMBER 16 x Summer Student: Seth Williams x Achieve Anything x Mobil Eye Clinic Foundation Deadline: TEDC Position……….….July 19 LAW Fundraiser…………..…..…………..July 20 x Nurse Practitioner Update x Infrastructure Advisor Advisory Council Mtg……..………..July 29 x All Nation Elder Lunch Photos TFN Farm School Cooking........July 31 x Natural Resource Update TFN Farm School Lunch….….......July 31 x DPD: Tips & News By-Election………………………………….….Aug 1 TSAWWASSEN FIRST NATION COMMUNITY NOTICE INSIDE THIS ISSUE July 18 to 25, 2019 NEWS & UPDATES OTHER SUBMISSIONS x Enrollment Committee Quarterly Report x 2nd Notice of By-Election x Summer Student: Seth Williams x Loretta Williams Update x Mobil Eye Clinic x Tsawwassen Mills Classic Car Show x Nurse Practitioner Update x 2019 War Canoe Schedule x x All Nation Elder Lunch Photos Notice: Construction x x Natural Resource Update 2019 Sto:lo Trauma & Healing Spiritual Retreat Registration x DPD: Tips & News x TFN Construction: Raven Lane x TFN Farm School Lunch & Workshop x RAVCON: Construction on Hawk Lane x Gym Membership: Club 16 x TFN Construction/Matcon: Musquitoes/Invasive x Achieve Anything Foundation Species field work x Infrastructure Advisor EDUCATION, TRAINING & JOBS FOR ELDERS x Call for Expressions of Interest: TEDC Board x TFN Elders Weekly events (UPDATED) x Elders Birthday x Infrastructure Advisor x Current Employment & Training Opportunities x Systems Administrator CALENDARS x Elders Events Calendar x Summer Youth Centre Calendar x Community Events WANT TO POST SOMETHING IN THE COMMUNITY NOTICE? NEW ADDRESS OR PHONE #? Email communications@tsawwassenfirstnation.com Remember to forward your updated contact or phone reception at 604-943-2112 information to Records Clerk Maryanne Adams. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAYS @ 12:00PM Late submissions cannot be accommodated. In Person or by Post: 1926 Tsawwassen Drive, (Submissions received after 12:00 pm on Wednesday will be published in the following week’s issue.) Tsawwassen, BC V4M 4G2 Phone: 604-948-5232 Toll-free: 1-888-943-2112 ext 232 COMPLIANCE/ENFORCEMENT ISSUE? By Fax: 604-943-9226 TUESDAY – FRIDAY, SATURDAY – TUESDAY, 10:00 am-8:00 pm: 8:00 am-6:00 pm: By Email: enrollinfo@tsawwassenfirstnation.com Call San Uppal Call Abu Ghafoori madams@tsawwassenfirstnation.com at 604-803-9527 at 604-785-4107 SECOND NOTICE OF BY- ELECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TSAWWASSEN FIRST NATION ELECTION ACT (2009) AND REGULATIONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TSAWWASSEN FIRST NATION EXECUTIVE COUNCIL HAS CALLED A BY-ELECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ELECTION ACT (2009) AND REGULATIONS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THREE (3) LEGISLATORS TO FILL VACANCIES IN THE TSAWWASSEN GOVERNMENT ON AUGUST 1, 2019 FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE TERM. NOTICE OF VOTING PLACE TSAWWASSEN FIRST NATION RECREATION CENTRE 1929 TSAWWASSEN DRIVE, TSAWWASSEN B.C. AUGUST 1, 2019 9:00 AM TO 8:00 PM ELECTORS MAY VOTE IN PERSON ON BY-ELECTION DAY AT THE VOTING PLACE OR BY MAIL IN BALLOT. THE FOLLOWING TFN MEMBERS ARE DECLARED CONFIRMED AS CANDIDATES FOR THE OFFICE OF LEGISLATOR. ADAMS, MARYANNE BAK, ANDREW CASSIDY, MELINDA HOWARD, SONYA LORENZ, NIKKI RAMSAY, CHRIS SPLOCKTON, TERRI FRED SCHIFFNER- ELECTION OFFICER PHONE: 604-943-0522 FAX: 604-943-0527 CELL PHONE: 604-786-2512 TOLL FREE: 1-800-813-2173 EMAIL: [email protected] 5245 AUGUSTA PLACE, DELTA, B.C. V4M 4E1 Loretta Williams Thank you everyone for your generosity! Although, it may seem that our amount is small, it is growing daily! UPDATE \ Please help us to support Loretta in rebuilding! Any donations of money, building supplies, gifts for fundraising is greatly appreciated. We thank you all for your generosity! Loretta Williams (known as “LAW” by her friends and family) of the Tsawwassen First Nation was recently displaced by a house fire at her residence in the early evening of Sunday, June 16, 2019. The fire rendered her house largely unlivable and she has since had to find other living arrangements. Upcoming Event Donations can be made to: [email protected] Community-led Fundraiser for LAW (Loretta Go Fund Me – Website under Loretta Williams-House Williams) Fire Donations so far Please join us to help LAW raise funds to rebuild Wehe arer h olookingme aft eforr t hgifte hdonationsouse fire !for Silent Auction at the following event: GoFundMe: $5,630 RBC Savings $6,662 Saturday, July 20, 2019 4-10 p.m. Friday, June 21st, TFN’s Indigenous Day at the sports field. Collected $605 in various cash donations. Loretta TFN Rec Centre instructed to add these funds to the go fund me page 1929 Tsawwassen Drive (included in the above total) BBQ by donation Thursday, June 27th - Fisheries Alliance meeting at TFN Rec Ctr. 50/50 $270 (winner donated their share back) Cash donations can be sent by plus $135 in additional cash/e-transfer donations for a e-transfer or to donate raffle or auction items: total collected $405 (in RBC account) [email protected] Tuesday, July 16, TFN All Nations Lunch at TFN Rec Go Fund Me website page under Centre raised $1,172.50. Loretta Williams—House Fire Tupperware Fundraiser $205.60 (in RBC) Open to the general public $200 Cash donation received on July 5th (in RBC) April tənwiw̓ətən May təmlileʔ 2019 Enrolment Committee Quarterly Report June təmqəqa ̓ Valerie Cross-Blackett - Chemkwaat Melinda Cassidy - Sxwamiye Bryce Williams – Yaahl liwaans tǝx ilǝm Terri Splockton Chrystalynn Gurniak - ləqʷiyə TFN Enrolment Population as of June 30, 2019 Any questions regarding TFN Enrolment Ages 70 - 79 Ages 80 - 89 call Maryanne Adams at 604-948-5290 or 8 4 email at Ages 60 - 69 [email protected] Ages 0 - 9 Ages 50 - 59 40 73 36 Ages 40 - 49 47 116 Ages 10 - 19 81 N a n Ages 30 - 39 86 TFN has 247 females & 244 males! Ages 20 - 29 As of June 30, 2019 Did you know we currently have 201 of eșƺΛΛƺșșǓǿ'ǩȖșȠFƺȠǩȅǿǦƺǏƺ our TFN Members living on TFN lands? ȒȅȒȣǹƺȠǩȅǿȅǟࢵࢺࢲEǓǾLjǓȖș TFN would like to thank Louise Ahlm for her dedication for 8 years. While she is on Political leave for the next 3 years; Maryanne Adams will be the new Enrolment Registrar for TFN. NEW ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? Remember to forward your updated contact information to Maryanne Adams In person at 1921 Tsawwassen Drive Phone: 604-948-5290 Toll-free: 1-888-943-2112 ext. 290 Reminder to keep your contact By Email: [email protected] [email protected] information up to date KɂȵȘǮDzȵȸǙȵDzȿȅDzȸȿȵDzȞǿȿȅǙȞǮ͡ȈȸǮȤȝȤǾȤɂȵFǙȿȈȤȞࣚeȅDzͧǙȵDzȿȅDzȸȤɂȵǨDzȤǾȈȞȸȱȈȵǙȿȈȤȞǙȞǮǿɂȈǮǙȞǨDzǾȤȵȝǙȞͧȈȞȤɂȵ ǨȤȝȝɂȞȈȿͧࣚ KɂȵǨȅȈȘǮȵDzȞ͡ȈȘȘDzȞȸɂȵDzȤɂȵǿȵȤ͡ȿȅȱȅͧȸȈǨǙȘȘ࣓ͧDzǨȤȞȤȝȈǨǙȘȘͧǙȞǮǨɂȘȿɂȵǙȘȘͧǾȤȵǾɂȿɂȵDzǿDzȞDzȵǙȿȈȤȞȸࣚ TFN Elders Weekly Events July 18-24, 2019 Elders needing assistance/transport contact Mona or Cindy əʔaθəns słëecəss syəəwəłnet sθəmənts słixʷs Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 18 19 22 23 24 Drop-in Drop-in Elders Gathering Elders Gathering Elders Gathering 10-4pm 10-4pm Dinner Outing Spaghetti Factory Elder/Youth Picnic 4pm July 25-Kathy Genge July 31-Merle Williams Mobile Eye Clinic Nurse Practitioner August 2, 2019 Will not be in Tuesday July 23 To register please call Cathy brett at 604-948-5231 or drop in to the Health and Social Service trailer Tuesday August 6 2019 TFN Summer Student Placement Program Name: Seth Williams First year working for TFN. Seth originally applied for a job at the Youth Centre, but ended up trying out TFN’s summer student placement program, offered through the department of Culture and Education. “I received a job in Fisheries and I’m happy with it,” says Seth. “I applied to gain valuable work experience and I’ve learned how Natural Resources does patrols on land and on water and how they cook crab.” Seth says he’s also been able to “I don’t necessarily think this summer job affects my choices for the learn about the cultural part of the future. I look at it as a way to gain knowledge in general. I aspire to Natural Resources department and work with kids or in therapy in the future.” how it relates to fishing and conservation. Check out the Community Notice for upcoming student profiles. All Nation Elders Lunch Photos July 16, 2019 eșƺΛΛƺșșǓǿ'ǩȖșȠFƺȠǩȅǿǦȅșȠǓǏƺǿǹǹFƺȠǩȅǿǹǏǓȖș@ȣǿljǦȅǿ eȣǓșǏƺΡƺȠȠǦǓ[ǓljǓǿȠȖǓঀKȖǠƺǿǩΦǓǏLjΡe'FǹǏǓȖșȅȅȖǏǩǿƺȠȅȖ Eȅǿƺ[ȅLjǓȖȠșȅǿƺǿǏǾƺǿΡΚȅǹȣǿȠǓǓȖșॹȠǦǓǹȣǿljǦǦȅșȠǓǏǾǓǾLjǓȖșȅǟ ^ȕȣƺǾǩșǦFƺȠǩȅǿॹ?ƺȠΦǩǓॹEȣșȕȣǓƺǾƺǿǏȅȠǦǓȖșঀ [ȅLjǓȖȠșȅǿșƺǩǏe'Fঢ়șǹǏǓȖșǦƺǏLjǓǓǿǩǿΚǩȠǓǏȠȅǾƺǿΡǓΚǓǿȠșǩǿ ȅȠǦǓȖFƺȠǩȅǿșȅΚǓȖȠǦǓȒƺșȠǟǓΛΡǓƺȖșƺǿǏȠǦǓΡΛƺǿȠǓǏȠȅǦȅșȠƺǹȣǿljǦ ǩǿƺȒȒȖǓljǩƺȠǩȅǿǦǓȖǓঀKΚǓȖࢲࢱࢱȒǓȅȒǹǓȒƺȖȠǩljǩȒƺȠǓǏǩǿƺǟȣǹǹǦȅȣșǓ ǓΚǓǿȠȠǦƺȠǏȅȣLjǹǓǏƺșƺǟȣǿǏȖƺǩșǓȖǟȅȖ@ȅȖǓȠȠƺvǩǹǹǩƺǾșঢ়ǦȅȣșǓȖǓে ȒǹƺljǓǾǓǿȠȒȖȅǴǓljȠঀ ƺȖȖΡǹƺǿǏtǩȖǠǩǿǩƺ^ȒǹȅljǷȠȅǿȒȖȅΚǩǏǓǏƺΛǓǹljȅǾǓșȅǿǠॹ[ȣȠǦǏে ƺǾșșƺǩǏƺȒȖƺΡǓȖॹǦǩǓǟ?ǓǿƺǩȖǏșƺǩǏƺǟǓΛΛȅȖǏșॹƺǿǏȠǦǓe'F |ȅȣȠǦȖȣǾǾǓȖșƺǹșȅȒȖȅΚǩǏǓǏƺΛǓǹljȅǾǓঀ eȅșǓǓȠǦǓȒǦȅȠȅșǟȖȅǾȠǦǩșǓΚǓǿȠȅȖȅȠǦǓȖǓΚǓǿȠșॹΚǩșǩȠe'Fঢ়ș'ǹǩljǷȖ
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