Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 20(4) 1022-1034 2021 DOI: 10.22092/ijfs.2021.124414 Research Article Population dynamics and fishery status of Trichiurus lepturus (Largehead hairtail) in the northern waters of the Oman Sea (Sistan and Baluchestan waters, Iran) Taghavi Motlagh S.A.1; Hashemi S.A.R.2; Mirzaei M.R.2* Received: June 2019 Accepted: April 2020 Abstract Population dynamics and fishery status of Trichiurus lepturus were estimated by landings data on the northern waters of the sea of Oman (Sistan and Baluchestan Province, Iran). A total of more than 3000 fish samples were weighted and measured during one-year study period (October 2016 to September 2017), the growth indices -1 -1 were obtained as follow: L∞=176 cm, K=0.5 (yr ), to=-0.2 year, M=0.67(yr ), F=3.52 (yr -1), Z=4.19 (yr -1), and E=0.85, respectively. Exploitation rate (U), 0.53, annual total stock at the beginning of the year (Bv), 32264 t, Annual average standing stock (B), 4827 t, Maximum Constant Yield (MCY),10260 t, maximum sustainable yield (MSY),15390 t, fishing mortality rate that maximizes equilibrium yield per recruit, Fmax: 0.8 and Exploitation ratio maximum sustainable yield, Emsy: 0.54 were calculated for this species. Results of this study showed exploitation ratio of the Largehead hairtail stock is overfishing and decreasing of exploitation rate proposed. Keywords: Largehead hairtail, Catch trend, Exploitation rate, Oman Sea Downloaded from jifro.ir at 6:45 +0330 on Thursday September 30th 2021 1-Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran. 2-Off-shore Fisheries Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute (IFSRI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Chabahar, Iran. *Corresponding author's Email: [email protected] 1023 Taghavi Motlagh et al., Population dynamics and fishery status of Trichiurus lepturus … Introduction 50-100 m in the Gulf of Oman. Adults’ Management of sustainable harvest in beltfish feed on pelagic fish throughout marine resources depends on the day and accumulate in shallow assessment of the exploitation status muddy waters in bays, estuaries and (Kokkalis et al., 2016). Knowledge coastal areas during the night-time regarding the status of a fishery (Froese and Pauly, 2019). Juveniles and resource derived from different sources: small adults form schools at 100 m control and evaluation the fishery depths during the daytime, and they (landing, catch, and effort data); form loose feeding aggregations at biological studies, resource users, and night near the surface (Kleiman et al., similar resources in other locations. 2003, Shojaei and Taghavi motlagh, Often the only data available to infer 2011). the status of a fishery in a particular Increased fishing pressures have led location are the landings in weight or to reducing body size and increased number of the targeted species (Kruse maturational rate. In some countries it et al., 2005). The data collection is the represents an exploitable fish, is ranked primary form of fisheries assessment in the sixth place of landing volume and management. Nevertheless, limited worldwide (Lijun He, 2014). The data may be a considerable concern in average annual catch of the largehead an area, particularly in most species- hairtail during 2008 to 2017 was around rich natural communities (Kruse et al., 6400 tones, rate catch of this species in 2005). Fishery status showed that 2017 was more than 17,000 tons (the around 30% of all fisheries were northern waters of the Oman Sea) and collapsed, 40% more were has grown significantly (Fig. 1) in overexploited, and the percentage of recent years (IFO, 2019). collapsed and overexploited fisheries This species has played Downloaded from jifro.ir at 6:45 +0330 on Thursday September 30th 2021 will increase over time (Worm et al., economically a great role in the Persian 2006). Data of FAO catch showed 32% Gulf and Oman Sea fisheries. Despite of global fisheries were developing, the economic importance of this 27% fully exploited, 25% species, little is known about the overexploited, and 16% collapsed or biology of this species in the northern closed (Anderson et al., 2012). waters of the Oman Sea, but some The largehead hairtail lives in studies has been carried out (Taghavi coastal waters in depth of 50-100 m of moltlgh, 2010; Raeisi et al, 2011; the warm-temperate and tropical marine Taghvimotlagh and Shojaei, 2017). The environments. In the daytime, juvenile study objectives are to provide infor- and small fish shoaling together at mation regarding biological reference around 100 m depth (Froese and Pauly, points and other population dynamics 2019). Mirzaei et al. (2019) stated that information required for management the highest abundance of largehead of this species in northern Oman Sea. hairtail observed in the depth between Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 20(4) 2021 1024 Figure 1: Catch amount of largehead hairtail in the past two decades (1997-2017), Sistan- Baluchistan coastal waters in the northern waters of the Oman Sea. Materials and methods 28´E, 25˚ 14´N) and Konarak (60˚ The length frequency data was col- 28´E, 25˚ 60´N)) (Fig. 2). Total lengths lected monthly from four sampling of 3466 T. lepturus individuals (±1.0 stations (Beris (61˚ 10´E, 28˚ 82´N), mm) caught by bottom trawl and gill Ramin (60˚ 45´E, 25˚ 15´N), Pozm (60˚ net were measured during 2016-2017. Downloaded from jifro.ir at 6:45 +0330 on Thursday September 30th 2021 Figure 2: Location of landing sites of largehead hairtail in the northern waters of the Oman Sea. Growth studies Powell and Wetheral plot and the growth The collected length frequency was rate (K) was obtained by applying the grouped into 8 mm class intervals. The ELEFAN (Electronic Length Frequency length infinity (L∞) was estimated by Analysis) method (optimization model), 1025 Taghavi Motlagh et al., Population dynamics and fishery status of Trichiurus lepturus … RStudio software and TropFishR developed by Gayanilo et al. (2002). package (Mildenberger et al., 2017) and The parameter t0 of the growth equation ELEFAN I programe in FiSAT II (FAO- was estimated using the following ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools) equation (Pauly, 1980): Log (t0) = -0.3922- 0.2752log (L∞)-1.038log (K) In order to facilitate the comparison of estimated by length converted catch the results with those of other studies, curve of Pauly (1980): was (׳growth performance index (Ф ( ) estimated by the following equation (Pauly and Munro, 1984): Where, b=Z (Total mortality rate) with the sign changed. The instantaneous ( log (K) +2Log (L =׳Ф ∞ rate of natural mortality (M) was Mortality estimate estimated using the following multiple The total mortality coefficient was regression model (Pauly, 1980). Log (M) = -0.0066-0.279 log (L∞) +0.6543 log (K) + 0.4634 log (T) The mean annual environment estimated by: Y/F (Nurulamin et al., temperature (T) used in the estimation 2000). MCY was estimated by the was 26°C (Taghavi motlagh, 2010; equation: MCY=c×Yav (Annala, 1993). Taghavi motlagh and Shojaei, 2017). Where Yav is the average catch of the Fishing mortality rate (F) was species over an appropriate time period calculated as (Sparre and Venema, and c is natural mortality factor of the 1998), F = Z - M. species (0.6 is here). MSY was Downloaded from jifro.ir at 6:45 +0330 on Thursday September 30th 2021 The exploitation rate (U), was estimated estimated by the equation: by U=F (1-e-z)/z (Pauly, 1983). The MCY=2/3×MSY (Jenning et al., 2000). annual total stock at the beginning of The relative yield per recruit (Y'/R) the year (Bv) was estimated by Y/U and relative biomass per recruit (B'/R) where Y is the annual average catch of were conducted to obtain reference the species (Nurulamin et al., 2000). points and determined the exploitation status. The model of Pauly and Soriano Stock assessment (1986) was used to predict the relative Annual average standing stock (B) was yield per recruit (Y/R) as follows: Y'/R = EUM/k [1–(3U/1+m) + (3U2/1+2m) + (U3/1+3m)] here: m=(1 – E)/ (M/k)=k/Z, U=1– (Lc/ biomass per recruit (B'/R) was L∞), E=F/Z and B'/R=(Y'/R)/F estimated by B'/R=(Y'/R)/F (Gayanilo (Gayanilo et al., 2003). The relative et al., 2003). Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 20(4) 2021 1026 Relative yield and biomass per recruit were 80±10 cm, 22 and 142 cm, analyses were conducted using growth respectively (Table 1 and Fig. 3). The and mortality parameters and selectivity growth parameters of von Bertalanffy gives derived from probability of equation (males and females combined) -1 capture data. Statistical analyses were were as, L∞: 176 cm and K: 0.5 (year ) -1 performed with SPSS 21 and R Studio and t0: -0.2 (year ) (Fig. 4). The value (1.1.463) software packages. of growth performance index, Φ', estimated from the growth parameters Result was 4.18, which gave the Von Growth studies Bertalanffy growth equation for this Mean±S.D length values, minimum and species as: Lt=176 (1-exp (-0.5 maximum total length of this species (t+0.2))). Table 1: Average values (±S.D.) of size corresponding of largehead hairtail in the northern waters of the Oman Sea. Month Number of captured Mean TL±S. D (cm) Min – max (cm) January 240 87±9 71-118 February 162 78±8 62-108 March 565 85±11 37-142 April 252 86±9 46-124 May 198 76±15 22-121 June 95 77±8 60-93 July 626 79±12 45-118 August 330 81±10 58-115 September 358 75±7 58-114 October 240 75±8 48-104 November 200 77±8 62-128 December 200 81±8 59-105 Average - 10±80 22-142 Downloaded from jifro.ir at 6:45 +0330 on Thursday September 30th 2021 Figure 3: Length frequency distribution of largehead hairtail in the northern waters of the Oman Sea., Lc= length which the probability of fish capture is 50 %, Lmean= Mean of total length.
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