CITY OF SPARTA PUBTIC SAFEW AGENDA August 3, 2015 CITY HALL 5:30 P.M. 1 Call Meeting to Order 2 Consent Agenda: Consisting of Minutes from the July 6, 2015 meeting, and police Department's monthly report for June and bills 3 Consideration of New or Renewal Bartender's Licenses Elizabeth Fields Mary Withers Shauna Pfeifer Stacy Blixt Dale Kukowski Richard Alcala Anthony Steinhoff 4 Consideration of Temporary "Class 8"/Class "8" license for Sparta Kiwanis for Foodstock 2015 (Sparta Community Holiday Lights) on August 29,2015 at Evans Bosshard park 5. Consideration of Second Hand Article and Second Hand Jewelry License for Patricia Barnes dba Wild Woman's at 210 S. Water Street 6. Consideration of Second Hand Article License for Rachel McPherson dba Urban Nest at 120 S. Water Street 7 Consideration of Second Hand Article and Second Hand Jewelry License for Bryon Crawford dba Crawford's New & Used at 604 E. Wisconsin Street 8, Consideration of "Class B" /Class "B" License for Rally Point Pub, tnc. dba Rally Point pub owned by Art Villasenor located at 213 S. Water Street 9, Consideration of Ordinance Change to reflect change in Class "A" licenses to include Cider 10. Consideration of Parking Vehicles in Alley 11. Discussion of Parking in City Right-of-Way 12, Discussion of Limiting Amount of Wood Outside for Storage 13. ltems for Future Considerat:on 14. Adjourn A possible quorum of the Common Council may be in attendance at this meeting but no action will be taken by the Council. Posted:7-31-15 CITY OF SPARTA PUBLIC SAFEW MINUTES July 6, 2015 PRESENT: Jim Church, Ed Lukasek, Keviri Brueggeman, Alli Karrels, Josh Lydon ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: Todd Fahning, Mark Sund, Dave Kuderer, Ted Radde, Emilee Nottestad, Chris Haas, Francisco Lugo, Leticia Lugo, Renae Caldwell Chairman Jim Church called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m A motion was made by Josh Lydon and seconded by Kevin Brueggeman to approve the consent a8enda consisting of the minutes of the June 1, 2015 meeting and the Police Department's monthly reports for May and bills. Motion carried 5-0. Upon proper payment of any fees, the following new or renewal bartender license application were approved on a motion by Josh Lydon and seconded by Kevin Brueggeman. Motion carried 5-0. Gerald Lofft Liberty Bell Alisa Dragseth Frances Mccoy Marie Johnson Penny Eddy Rebecca Paulson Peter Larson Jack Wright Sarah Pollock A motion was made by Alli Karrels and seconded by Kevin Brueggeman to deny the Operator (bartender) license for Francisco Lugo-Valencia because of recent convictions or pending charges. Motion carried 5-0. A motion was made by Ed Lukasek and seconded by Kevin Brueggeman to approve the Temporary "Class B"/Class "8" license for St. Patrick's Parish for Summerfest on August 9, 2015. Motion carried 5-0. A motion was made by Ed Lukasek and seconded by Josh Lydon to approve the Class /'A" Retail Beer License and Cigarette License for AMBA, lnc, dba Sparta Travel Center at 4105 Theater Road, Motion carried 5-0. A motion was made by Ed Lukasek and seconded by Josh Lydon to approve the "Class B"/Class "8" liquor license for Leticia Lugo dba El Vallarta at 223 N. Black River Street. Motion carried 5-0, We received an application and request from Burrito RealGrill Tienda Taqueria Corp. at 620 lndustrial Drive, Suite 8 owned by Roberto Garza Contreras and Veronica Valencia for a "Class B"/Class "B" liquor license. At the current time, they own a grocery store and want to convert part of it to a restaurant. The Clerk was not aware that they were not up to code and had everything in place for a restaurant. Todd Fahning made it aware to everyone that this is not a stand alone building and certain thinBs had to be done yet to be up to code to operate as a restaurant and, therefore, it was recommended that the application be denied. A motion was made by Ed Lukasek and seconded by Kevin Brueggeman to deny the application for "Class B"/Class "B" Liquor License for Burrito Real Grill Tienda Taqueria Corp. at 520 lndustrial Drive, Suite 8, owned by Roberto Garza Contreras and Veronica Valencia until the building is clarified as safe. Motion carried 5-0. Page 2 - Public Safety - July 6, 2015 A motion was made by Josh Lydon and seconded by Kevin Brueggeman to approve the Second Hand Jewelry License for Sparta Gold Exchange located at 418 W, Wisconsin Street. Motion carried 5-0, The Ordinance regarding Parking in crass, Chapter L0.065, was brought up for possible change in the wording as there were some complaints regarding some types of vehicles being parked in front yards on the grass. A motion was made by Ed Lukasek and seconded by Kevin Brueggeman to remove the words motor, motorized and non-motorized vehicles from the ordinance. Motion carried 3-1-1 with Jim Church voting no and Josh Lydon abstaining, Mark just wanted to mention that a regulation was changed in the Fireworks Law stating that the mayor, or any person designated by the mayor could issue the permits to use the illegal fireworks. Previously, the fire chief would issue the permits. The City does not currently have a permit form and will come up with one and have the Police Department issue the permits. Items mentioned for future consideration were From now on, the carnival will be set up on the hard surfaces at the park Ed mentioned that the Tech College appreciated the squad car from the Police Department A motion was made by Ed Lukasek and seconded by Kevin Brueggeman to adjourn at 6:10 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. Respectfully Submitted, Julie Hanson City Clerk 1.. r;'l '_1 ,l lp V,'t7 -t:;.1 '' o3 r+ ;\ ffiR--rrcreTs EBK- {r {\ -[i {4 s$ NL _T Lj \ E ) s{ I \ *a r{ FJA" ) LN DeDarhenr ot Justrce DJ.' 1oleo Srate o, Wisconsrn LICENSE AppLICATION (wrsra, 13471) for PAWNBROKEH/SECONDHAND JEWELRY DEALER/SECONDHAND ARTICLE DEALER/SECONDHAND ARTICLE DEALER MALUFLEA MAHKET CHECK ALL THAT fr,Original Application i--lRene*^t TYPE: Pawnbroker [] Srsecondnand Jewelry Dealer ff.secondhand Article Deater I Malt/Flea l/arket INSTRUCTIONS: INDIVIDUAL LICENSE (Comptete Secrions 1, 2, 3 and 6) - --PfRTNETTSHFEcENSETeilmptete-secttofis r, z, dI+ ano 6) CORPORATE LICENSE (Comptete Sections 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6) (sEcTroN 1) AppLtcANT TNFORMATTON t Name Fi r) Oale o rl -1 47o rL o, F 6 rly tele) k) t tu vn (sEcTroN 2) coNvrcTtoN RECORD Have you, or any other person listed on this application, been convicted of any of the following: A FELONY WITHIN THE LAST 10 YEARS?: f YES x'^" WITHIN THE LAST 5 YEARS OF: a misdemeanor? n yeS )<-NO a statutory violation punishabte by fodeiture? fr VeS ffifrf O a county or municipat ordinance viotation? VeS fi @ilO For each "YES" response provide the date of arrest, the nature of the oftense and conviction information a a a Bu N ZIP Code Tele <- e Owner's Name ")cr StreelAAdress Slale ZIP Code Talephone Number' Business lvlanaqer's Narre SlreelAddress Slale ZIP Code Telephone Number Buildrng Streer Address State ZIP Code Telephone Number (Over) (sEciloN 4) PARTNERSHIP INFORMATION Parhership Name: List Name. Address, Sex / Flace and Date of Birth (DOB) of All Parlners (allach additional sheels il necessary) Cily ztP Name (Last, First, [/l) Sex Face DOB Street Address State a a a a O of lncorporalion Corporalion Name Direclors Lisl Name, Address, Sex./ Bace and Date ol Birth (D OB) ot All Corporation Oflicers and atlach addilional sheets if necessary) urly State ztP Name (Last, First, Ml) Sex Flace DOB Street Address (sEcTroN 6) PENALTY NOTICE I understand that this license may be denied or revoked lor fraud, m isrepresentation or false statement contained in the application or for any violation of ss. 134.71, 943.34,948.62 or 948.63, Wis Statutes is true and correct to the'best of Under penalty of law, I swear that the information provided in this application my knowledge. I agree to he clerk within ten (10) days of any change in the information supplied in thls applicatjon 0 Signature of Appl rcan Oaiq Depadmenl olJustrce DJ.1 10/90 Stato otwisconsrn (WISIAI]3471, LICENSE APPLICATION -' ..i_ ....X1"r4".1-"..yi,:; for _:{,( .* (/J ,7 -tV.-t.t' PAWNBROKER/SECONDHAND JEWELRY DEALEH/SECONDHAND ARTICLE DEALER/SECONDHAND ARTICLE DEALER MALUFLEA MABKET CHECK ALL THA r TYPE: Pawnbroker Jewelry Dealer ! !secondhand $secononanO Articte Deater I l,4aillFtea Market INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL LICENSE (Comptete Sections 1, 2, 3 and 6) PARTNERSHIP LICENSE (Complete Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6) CORPORATE LICENSE (Comptete Sections 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6) a A I INF I a Applicanr (Last, Name r) Sex Dale of Srrl Slreel Address \ SS\ e \ F w r(Ylto \\\-!\q G--w<t {{ Crly Slate ztP Home e ol Binh { y& rare) \c.- \N\ 5$r-rSt, Dtq LVi t>r \A/l (sEcTtoN 2) CONVTCTTON RECORD Have you, or any other person listed on this application, been convicted of any of the following: A FELONY WITHIN THE LAST 1O YEAHS?: I I YES nn,No WITHIN THE LAST 5 YEARS OF: a misdemeanor? [ yES NO a statutory violation punishable by lorleiture? yES RNO a counly [ or municipal ordinance violation? [ VeS M NO For each "YES" response provide the date of arrest, the nature of the offense and conviction informatjon E 1NF a a Business Name Slale ZIP Code Telephone N cS\ \zD S.\Jci-\tr S* w\ 5QuSLii \o$\qtl sqqS Owner's Name Slreet Address SIale zlP code Ror].d Y6 (-.
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