US 20040071757A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0071757 A1 ROlf (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 15, 2004 (54) INHALATION ANTIVIRAL PATCH Publication Classification (76) Inventor: David Rolf, Eden Prairie, MN (US) (51) Int. CI.7. ... A61K 35/78; A61K 9/70 (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................ 424/443; 424/778 Correspondence Address: SCHWEGMAN, LUNDBERG, WOESSNER & KLUTH, PA. (57) ABSTRACT P.O. BOX 2938 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 (US) The present invention provides a method for preventing a respiratory infection in a mammal at risk thereof. The (21) Appl. No.: 10/458,078 method includes contacting a live respiratory pathogen at (22) Filed: Jun. 10, 2003 risk of entering the respiratory tract of the mammal with a therapeutically effective amount of an essential oil. The live Related U.S. Application Data respiratory pathogen is inactivated upon contact with the essential oil. The Source of the essential oil is a patch located (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/300,559, in the vicinity of the nasal passageway of the mammal. The filed on Nov. 20, 2002. present invention also provides a kit that includes the adhesive patch, a mask for placing over the nasal passage (60) Provisional application No. 60/333,109, filed on Nov. way, packaging material, and optionally instructions for 20, 2001. using the adhesive patch and mask. Patent Application Publication Apr. 15, 2004 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2004/0071757 A1 FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Apr. 15, 2004 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2004/0071757 A1 FIG. 3 FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Apr. 15, 2004 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2004/0071757 A1 Patent Application Publication Apr. 15, 2004 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2004/0071757 A1 1 0.50 NCHES --- O.75 NCHES FIG. 7 2.0 NCHES 1 a- a 5.0 NCHES FIG. 8 Patent Application Publication Apr. 15, 2004 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2004/0071757 A1 N 27-277, AYS 7 2 gTHAH 21 5 22 10 F1 16 FIG. 1 O US 2004/0071757 A1 Apr. 15, 2004 INHALATION ANTIVIRAL PATCH plish this. This may also include people who are afflicted with mental, psychological, or neurological disorders (e.g., BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Alzheimer's Disease). 0001) Essential oils, also known as “essences” or “vola 0006. Many essential oils are Superb skin care agents. tile oils,” are the highly odoriferous, liquid components They help to balance Sebum (the skin's natural oil Secretion), obtained from plant tissue. ESSential oils are usually cap and to tone the complexion by Supporting capillary function. tured by Steam distillation, a process whose origins can be Applied without massage, essential oils can heal skin prob traced back to ancient Mesopotamia. Unlike ordinary veg lems. Such as athlete's foot, cold Sores, ringworm and etable oils, Such as corn and olive, plant essences are highly Scabies. They can alleviate cold and flu Symptoms and are volatile and will evaporate if left in the open air. The word also efficacious for problems. Such as coughs, tonsillitis, Sore “essential” is derived from quintessence, which the Oxford throats, sinusitis and acute bronchitis. English Dictionary defines as “an extract of a Substance 0007 While each essential oil has its own unique prop containing its principle in its most concentrated form'. In erties, many also share Some common therapeutic actions. ancient philosophical or alchemical terms, quintessence was All plant essences are antiseptics to a greater or lesser related to ether or the fifth element and was thought to be the degree, good examples being eucalyptus, tea tree and thyme. Spiritual aspect of matter. It is also interesting to mention Some oils are endowed with antiviral properties as well; that essential oils are Sometimes called “ethereal oils', a garlic and tea tree being two of the most powerful. For Germanic term which aptly describes their otherworldly obvious reasons, garlic essence is not usually employed in nature; for if left in the open air they disappear without a aromatherapy massage (though it has been known) but trace, evaporating into the ether like a mist. instead, is taken as a medicine in the form of garlic capsules. 0002 Essential oils may be found in different parts of the Many essences, notably rosemary and juniper, are also plant: in the petals (rose), leaves (eucalyptus), roots of grass antirheumatic. When rubbed into the skin, they stimulate (Vetiver), bark (cinnamon), heartwood (Sandalwood), citrus blood and lymphatic circulation and increase oxygen to the rind (lemon), Seeds (caraway), rhizomes (Valerian), bulbs painful areas, which in turn aids the elimination of tissue (garlic), the aerial or top parts of the plant (marjoram) or wastes (uric and lactic acids, for example) which contribute resin (frankincense), and Sometimes in more than one part of to the pain of arthritic and rheumatic complaints. the plant. Lavender, for instance, yields oil from both the 0008 Essential oils typically include a mixture of one or flowers and the leaves, while the orange tree produces three more terpenes, esters, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, phenols, different Smelling essences with varying medicinal proper and/or oxides. These functional classes of compounds are ties; the heady bitter-sweet neroli (flowers), the similar responsible for the therapeutic properties of the essential oil. though less refined scent of petit-grain (leaves) and the Specifically, common terpenes include limonene (an antivi cheery orange (rind of the fruit). ral agent found in 90 percent of citrus oils), and pinene (an 0.003 Most essential oils consist of hundreds of compo antiseptic found in high concentrations in pine and turpen nents, Such as terpenes and their oxygenated derivatives, tine oils). Others, Such as chamaZulene and farneSol (found alcohols, aldehydes, and carboxylic esters. For this reason a in chamomile essence), possess remarkable anti-inflamma Single oil can help a wide variety of disorders. Lavender, for tory and bactericidal properties. instance, is endowed with antiseptic, antibacterial, antibi 0009. The most widespread group of esters found in plant otic, antidepressant, analgesic, decongestant, and Sedative essences include linallyl acetate (found in clary Sage and properties. Moreover, due to their Small molecular size, lavender), and geranyl acetate (found in Sweet marjoram). essential oils applied to the skin can readily enter into the Esters are fungicidal and Sedative, usually with a fruity odor. bloodstream. Aldehydes are found notably in lemon-Scented essences, 0004 Quite apart from their medicinal properties, it is Such as lemongrass and citronella. Aldehydes generally have believed that just Smelling an essential oil can uplift the a Sedative, though uplifting, quality. Spirits and make uS feel better. This is because the Sense of 0010 Certain ketones are known to be toxic, so this Smell is an interrelated aspect of the limbic System, which is chemical group is regarded with a degree of caution. How an area of the brain which is primarily concerned with ever, it is misleading to generalize about the toxicity of emotion and memory. Indeed, this influence of aroma on the individual chemical components without knowing the exact psyche has led Some aromatherapists to practice what is now ratio of the Substance in relation to other chemicals in the called "psycho-aromatherapy”, whereby oils are used Solely whole oil. Certain essences, however, do contain appreciable as mood enhancing Substances. By enabling a person to quantities of toxic ketones, So should be avoided by lay relax deeply, to let go of all their cares, even for just a while, people. Mugwort, tansy, wormwood and common Sage it is potentially powerful enough to activate the body's own contain the potentially risky thujone, while pennyroyal innate Self-healing ability. Not only does aromatherapy contains pulegone. Non-toxic ketones include jasmone, alleviate StreSS and improve mood, it is a Successful treat found in jasmine, and fenchone in Sweet fennel. Ketones ment for all manner of minor disorders for which doctors ease congestion and aid the flow of mucus, which is why cannot always find a gentle Solution, i.e., a Solution free of plants and essences containing relatively large quantities of the potentially harmful effects of drugs. these Substances are usually helpful for upper respiratory complaints. 0005. It is also believed that just smelling a particular Scent can trigger a perSon to remember a specific event or 0011. Some of the most common alcohols include linalol occurrence. Many people who wish to recall or remember (found in abundance in lavender), citronellol (rose, lemon, past events in their lives can utilize essential oils to accom eucalyptus and geranium) and geraniol (geranium and pal US 2004/0071757 A1 Apr. 15, 2004 marosa). These Substances tend to have good antiseptic and with one or more additional essential oils, and that Some of antiviral properties and an uplifting quality. Phenols are the combinations result in at least one of the essential oils bactericidal with a strong, Stimulating effect on the central having a Surprisingly Synergistic effect (i.e., at least Some of nervous System. ESSential oils containing relatively large the essential oils, in combination, will have a greater thera quantities of certain phenols are potentially irritant to skin peutic indeX than the combined therapeutic indexes of the and mucous membranes. Common caustic phenols include individual essential oils). eugenol (found in clove essence), thymol (thyme) and carvacrol (oregano). However, anethole (from fennel) and 0017. Essential oils are known to have activity, e.g., estragole (tarragon) are not at all caustic. Oxides are found against respiratory tract pathogens. See, e.g., Journal Anti in a wide range of essences, especially those of a campho microbial Chemotherapy (2001) 47, 565-573; Journal raceous nature, Such as rosemary, eucalyptus, tea tree and Allergy Clinical Immunology, May 1996, 1133-1138; U.S.
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