' R-34 Fails to Break A WORD TO YOU Giant Cross-Sea Flier at Anchor MEN OF WEALTH Record in Long Flight New York City »Is »greatly »under¬ built. TPHE transatlantic flight of the R-34 assistsin thehirth of What are you doing to relieve does not establish a new record thhi dangerous condition Î for long distance flight by airships of This Company Is making as the lighter-than-air type. The record KRYSTALAK many »building loans as »possible. was made in November. 1917, when HELP US. Every dollar you In¬ the German naval Zeppelin L-59 cov¬ vest In our GUARANTEED FIRST ered 4,500 miles in exactly four days. The giant dirigible later was shot MORTGAGES means that we down in the Otranto Channel, Italy, can make Just so many more with the loss of its entire crew. building loans. BUY NOW, Other notable flights by lighter- EVERY DOLLAR HELPS. than-air machines were: The flight of the British non-rigid The LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO. airship of the "North Sea" type, NS-11, THREE yean ago Drj which early this year made a circuit Milk Company sold of the North Sea for a total distance product in bulk to »bakers, of 1,285 miles without a stop. confectioners and ice cream ¦,$9-,QOOyQOQ The flight of the United States naval product. Now The Dry Milk dirigible C-5 from Montauk, L. L, to makers. is tmmrnis.»«fa.t, temían St. John's, Newfoundland. Planned Advertis¬ Company's problem to The record for a long distance non- Today, make the output keep paca stop flight by a heavier-than-air ma- ing has added housewives to with the demand. chine is held John Alcock by Captain the three former users. The We that some food R-34. He made the descent in ex¬ and Lieutenant Arthur W. Brown, who demand exceeds the hope on June 14 flew their Yickers biplane supply. product manufacturer in a actly two minutes, in order to su¬ from St. John's, Newfoundland, to the Housewives ask for similar to that of the coast of a distance of "Krys- position perintend landing arrange¬ Ireland, 1,932 talak". It comes in attrac¬ The Milk ments in place of Major Fuller. miles. Dry Company three* i- tive, airtight, sanitary pack¬ ago will read this. If> As he reached the ground in front that the contents years of ages protect his product is worthy, if the the tiny grandstand Major J. N. Maitland Predicts until are used. market warrants Barney, of Ambulance No. 7, rushed they entirely potential the We were consulted by The effort and expenditure, wei over to assist him. The British offi¬ 200-Ton Carriers when will work with him to cer was in a en¬ Dry Milk Company change sitting posture, was but an idea. the of his demand tangled in the ropes of the para¬ Krystalak complexion Working closely with the so ae to seil his output under chute. Closer Link Between V. S. manufacturer, we designed a trade name, lifting it »beyond "Are you hurt, sir?" exclaimed and Britain Declared the trademark and package. the attacks of ordinary^ Major Barney. One A try-out advertising cam¬ competition. When Major Pritchard replied Purpose of Flight in cities of moderate for inter¬ "no" Major Barney extricated him AVIATION DEPOT, GARDEN CITY, paign Appointments N. Y., July 6..General Edward M. size produced results that views may be arranged by, from the tangled parachute, and Maitland, representing the British New York letter or in any of over in the ambu¬ Air and justified entering telephone then rushed him Ministry, Captain G. H. Scott, with an our offices or in that of lance to naval where commander of the R-34, speaking at. a City appropriation tha, headquarters, luncheon to-day given in honor of the adequate to sell the surplus manufacturer. the British officer assumed command airship's crew at the Garden City of the landing arrangements. Hotel by American army and navy aviation officers, declared the principal Shows Size object of the flight was solidification "Blimp" of the already close bonds of friend- ServiceJhc Of Mammoth Visitor ship between the United .States and W&yts Great Britain and demonstration of In the meantime the United the commercial possibilities of lighter- States naval "blimp" C-4 arrived than-air craft. Advertising General Maitland Planned over field and circled around predicted that the within a few years dirigibles five the huge British airship. Then, for times as big as the R-34, with a lifting U6<rWest 32nd Street.StëwYork the first a real idea of the capacity of 200 tons, would not only time, cross the but would unite mammoth size of the R-34 was ob¬ Tribuno photo. Atlantic, 80 Boylslon St., cor. Tretnonl Leader-News Building R-34 just after she made port at Mineóla and was tied up for refuelling. countries separated by the Pacific Aiass. Ohio tained by the huge crowds which Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Boston, Cleveland, came to the Americans Indorse View rushing landing ground was and a be¬ in kind of vehicle available. passed up special fump Navigating Cabin of American officers joined the British every gan pumping 6,000 gallons of gasolene Big Dirigible in a after into the eighty-one tanks fastened to painting glorious picture of the Immediately dropping Major the keel inside the dirigibles' future. Major General was to bring still nearer together the Pritchard the R-34 started h¿r en¬ plate envelope. Charles Menoher, director of American two great English speaking countries oi R-34 Simultaneously hydrogen gas from army aviation, said that the airships the world." BroughtReply gines again and circled the three the thousands of carboys concentrated of the not far distant future would .T. H. on the field was into the bal- be Major Scott, commander of the lields slowly. The splendid manner pumped big enough to transport a battalion of R-34, said: To Air-Sent Letter loonets within the envelope. This work men armed and in which she manoeuvred a was P. J. fully equipped, while "There is not much to say. We left brought superintended by Lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander Albert C. Read, England with the definite intention of of from Barnes of the United States Navy'. who achieved the spontaneous cry applause The were' rushed distinction of being coming to New York, and.well, we are Brigadier General E. M. Maitland the vast crowd. airship's officers the first pilot to cross the ocean in air, here. We had winds.against us practi¬ presented yesterday to Lawrence L over to headquarters at Roosevelt declared future commercial aviation all the with, of of the American where took a shower and cally way, the exception Driggs, president Fly¬ By 9:50 i the final arrangements Field, they lies in lighter-than-air which are a brief at the and at a letter of were hot coffee. then craft, period start again ing Club, greeting to the for the ship were completed. given They in every way more practical than heav- the end of the flight, ar.d otherwise American Club from the Royal Air landing changed into whatever clothing they ier-than-air machines in Some was on could borrow from the United States transporting had all sorts of difficulties. Force Club, London, which was in re¬ difficulty experienced heavy loads. Maitland, Scott and Read "If a ship like the R-34, which in the sponse to a letter sent with Com¬ the ground, due to the fact that one- officers who were assisting in the land¬ were all loudly cheered when called airship world is considered small, mander Read, of the NC-4, to the Brit¬ ing arrangements. upon to make brief addresses. could cross ish Club. third of the landing personnel had General E. M. the Atlantic against the The letter from the Amer¬ Brigadier Maitland, In his address General Maitland said: conditions we met, it speaks well for ican Flying Club to the British Royal been rushed to Montauk Point in D. S. 0.., chief of the airship service "I want to sincerest the air of Air Force Club was carried as as of the Air express my travel the future." far army trucks during the night. British Royal Force, who thanks for the very kind words spoken Lieutenant Commander Lansdowne, Ponta Delgada by the NC-3, when it was a passenger on the R-34, succeeded in behalf of was this time the R-34 was hover¬ Major Scott, other offi¬ guest of the British navy on the R-34, transferred to Commander Read's At in obtaining a pair of white trousers cers of the R-84 and myself. said he had acquired considerable data airplane. This is the first interchange over the western end of Roose¬ from a naval lieutenant, which were "I don't propose to tell much about of value on of greetings carried on air between ing two sizes too for him. lighter-than-air flying, by velt Field at an altitude of 1,000 big Nothing our trip. Major Scott is here to do which he wouldyincorporate in a report flying clubs in this country and E daunted, he donned them, together that, but I'd like to mention two ex¬ to the Navy Department. rope.. feet. Commander Scott was informed with a naval lieutenant's uniform periences. First, we went out to fly Vice-Admiral Albert Cleaves, who The official reception committee of wireless that all was jacket, and in these he went to tho the Atlantic and hardly ever saw the presided at the luncheon, opened his the American Flying Club which went by telephone special luncheon in honor of to to land.
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